Whiskey Words & a Shovel I

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Whiskey Words & a Shovel I Page 3

by r. h. Sin

  but you’re always alone

  whenever real shit occurs

  all those lovers

  but you don’t even know true love

  all those bodies

  but nobody’s there when you need

  them the most

  all of this is all of nothing

  November 22nd.

  she’s full of pain

  but filled with fight

  before any proposals.

  the idea of getting married

  scares me

  but not in the way you’d think

  my fear stems from realizing

  that I am truly alone

  and that I’ll have no family

  in attendance

  my fear is in being reminded

  that I have nothing more to offer

  than myself

  and throughout time

  that has never been enough for anyone

  including my family

  sometimes mirrors lie.

  I don’t really recognize

  the person I’ve become

  a year can change a lot

  it has seriously changed me


  no more losing sleep

  over someone

  who can’t even find time

  to consider me

  going to sleep

  because you no longer

  deserve my thoughts

  the afterthought.

  and so it happened

  I set fire to every memory

  we’d made then smiled

  watching us go up in flames

  his last resort.

  I think there’s something sad

  about the fact that he only reaches

  out to you

  so late in the evening

  in his own way admitting

  that he could care less about you

  with each passing hour during daylight

  horny and bored

  he chooses to pursue you

  in the evening, under the moon

  under a blood moon.

  stuck in the gaze

  of the blood moon

  its red eye shines

  its light on me

  and I am ashamed

  for I have given in

  to your pleas

  and empty promises

  I’ve given up on myself

  by giving you another chance

  to hurt me

  I’m trying for you.

  I want to dance with you

  but my knees have been bruised

  and weakened

  by all the moments in my life

  I spent kneeling for a prayer

  that consisted of my desire

  for someone like you

  I’ll fight to hold your heart

  even though my spine

  has been weighed down

  by a life of despair

  and disappointment

  how brave is it

  to love completely

  as if you’ve never been hurt

  and though I’ve been

  an emotional wreck

  I’ll try for you

  because you’re worth it


  I tried

  you left

  stay gone

  from start to finish again.

  just when I’ve reached my end

  you return

  expecting us

  to begin again

  the burial site.

  and so I suppress

  these feelings with whiskey

  I bury you with my words

  then cover what we were

  with dirt

  using a shovel in my journal.

  sometimes nightmares are people

  staying away means staying awake

  being alone brings me closer to peace

  surrounded by bars.

  you’ve become like prison

  I’m planning ways to escape you

  midnight, often.

  the morning rarely comes

  stuck in a constant loop of darkness

  the moon my only friend

  I’ve gotten used to the silence

  that surrounds me each night

  closing my eyes, trying to forget

  I remember everything I don’t want to

  I’ve been hurt more than I’d like

  trying to remain strong

  my knees weak

  from the weight of it all

  my nights are war zones

  at midnight, I go to war

  when angels fall.

  angels fall to earth

  forgetting about their wings

  holding on to things

  they should fly away from

  pride in brown.

  my brown skin

  will not be a burden

  my brown skin

  will not be my enemy

  I love me

  regardless of their hate

  no entry.

  I burned our bridge

  then built a wall with no door

  many maybes.

  maybe your arms

  were too short

  to reach me

  maybe your heart

  was too weak

  for mine

  I struggle to comprehend

  your inability to love me

  as much as I loved you

  cracked glass.

  you don’t see how beautiful you are

  because you’re relying on a broken mirror

  she kept dancing.

  the ground beneath her shaking

  the foundation she stood upon

  began to crumble

  unbothered by the destruction

  she danced like flames

  at a bonfire

  icy roads in Pennsylvania.

  roads paved in ice

  we slide calmly

  through the snow

  our backdrop

  an empty white

  the forest reaching inward

  branches stretched toward us

  as if to hold our hand

  guiding us to our destination

  even in the most dangerous

  of conditions

  we are safe

  hopeful romantic.

  I assure you

  that when this life ends

  and the dust settles

  I will find you

  in the next

  no room.

  do not let temporary people

  and the sadness they bring

  make homes out of you

  necessary evils.

  I believe you were

  simply necessary

  I had to get hurt

  by you

  in order to find

  my strength

  after ruins.

  I reached my breaking point

  every part of me fell apart

  sitting here in ruins

  I’ll rebuild without you

  these words I.

  I think I’m just trying

  to write away my pain

  as you turn the pages

  in this book

  you’re reading away yours

  these words II.

  you’re reading this

  with hopes of finding something

  that’ll give you a peace of mind

  you’re reading these words

  in hopes of settling the dust storm

  that has been living in your soul

  I hope you find your clarity

  in my words

  I wrote all of this for you


  I’ve seen women fight

  I’ve seen women break

  I’ve watched women fall

  I’ve witnessed women

  pick themselves up

  I’ve observed women

  be everything and still get treated

  like they’re nothing

  and even through all of that

  I’ve seen women get through it

  I know it hurts

  but you’re strong my lady

  you’re going to be fine


  he loves you

  but hurts you

  he misses you

  but never shows up

  I get it.

  you’re not happy with him

  and I know this because

  you’re reading this now

  while questioning his commitment

  my own value.

  I began to see the true value

  of my own heart

  this is when walking away

  became a bit easier

  loving you meant

  that I didn’t love myself

  control yourself.

  men are often using the words

  "I miss you"

  in an effort to manipulate

  a woman’s emotions

  remember this always

  open your eyes.

  when you read the words

  "I miss you"

  pay more attention

  to the actions that follow

  instead of allowing your heart

  to feel things

  for the person who at one time

  broke it

  know and understand.

  the words

  "I miss you"

  will always sit

  upon the lips

  of the man

  who tried

  to break you

  but failed


  the most loyal hearts

  are broken by betrayal

  a solid regret I.

  never make a woman

  regret investing her trust in you

  a solid regret II.

  today wasn’t easy

  tomorrow will be even harder

  I’ve accepted my fate

  my punishment for allowing you

  to reenter my life

  without good reason

  your hidden motives

  and bad intentions

  revealed to me once more

  after you took what you wanted

  leaving me to feel empty

  and filled with the regret

  of believing in you again

  share this with him.

  listen, she loves you

  she adores you

  be more considerate

  of her feelings

  be more understanding

  of the things she expresses

  because if you were to lose her

  you’ll have lost everything

  perfect match.

  more than anything

  my heart longs for

  a lover who will always

  appreciate my worth

  and match my effort

  a real man.

  has a man ever asked you

  if you’ve eaten today . . .

  has he ever given you a compliment

  without expecting anything in return . . .

  has he ever congratulated you on your achievements

  and pushed you to aspire to do more

  has he ever claimed you as his queen

  not with words but with his actions

  has he given all of himself to you

  to the point where

  he could never share anything with another woman

  has he ever done or said anything sweet to you

  not because you asked but because he knows

  that you are to be treated like the queen you are

  have you ever had a man be consistent in the positive treatment

  that you’ve been longing for

  does he make you smile even without having to do a thing

  have you ever had a man who is afraid of losing you

  because you are that valuable to him

  this is a real man

  have you been with a real man . . .


  buried alive

  under my own


  heart rate.

  the pulse of my heart

  has been screaming

  for you

  a standard.

  treat her like you’re afraid

  of losing her to someone else

  search party.

  I am trying to find myself

  under the rubble

  of my own heart

  the mind, her eyes.

  talk about her mind

  compliment her eyes more

  she’s too rare

  for average compliments

  1:04 a.m.

  everything is poetry

  when your heart is in flames

  11:11 p.m.

  she wants a man

  who doesn’t want

  anyone else but her

  dried up.

  we were roses

  slowly dying

  fighting to bloom

  summer ’11.

  searching for something

  to numb the pain

  I’m tired of pretending

  it doesn’t hurt

  the death of an indie.

  I was wrong about you

  hiding a mountain of lies


  but the truth always rises

  to the surface

  true colors.

  it’s funny how much a person’s

  true colors shine

  after they’ve gotten

  what they wanted from you


  watching you in the museum

  is like witnessing art

  observing art


  the heartache made me

  so fucking unforgiving

  note this.

  in you

  lives a love

  that most people

  won’t be able to comprehend

  hate the process.

  it takes too long

  to realize

  that they’re no longer

  good for you



  stop wasting

  your time

  on him

  a tweet.

  you’re way too valuable to be in a

  relationship with someone who has

  proven incapable of understanding

  your worth

  living in denial.

  do not live in false hope

  you can’t find love

  in places filled with hate

  just stay.

  I’m just a fucked-up lover

  searching for someone who

  will understand my scars

  and never leave my side

  thirty-six notes.

  it hurts

  and I just want

  to stop thinking

  about you

  fifty-six notes.

  it feels hopeless

  and yet you’re still

  hoping for something

  that’ll never happen

/>   reading regret.

  you’re the chapter in my life

  I should’ve skipped


  I hope those lies

  burn your lips

  pain to remember.

  we’ve become a set

  of memories

  I’d like to forget


  our relationship

  a room filled with broken mirrors

  I barely recognize myself anymore

  deadly habit.

  my most dangerous habit

  is overthinking

  pillars of salt.

  you were salt

  hiding in a bag

  labeled sugar

  all in the end.

  this was never meant

  to work


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