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Rogue (Convergence Series Book 1)

Page 21

by S. A. Stephenson

  Kit got to her feet as Evie ran over to her and hugged her. 'It's so good to see you,' she said.

  'And you,' Kit replied.

  'The surgery,' Evie said as she looked at Kit. 'Did it work? You don't look sick,' she said.

  'It worked,' Kit confirmed.

  'You were able to cure the virus?' Evie asked Evans.

  'It wasn't the virus,' he told them. 'We have a full debrief for you, but the virus that is attacking the colonies isn't what infected Kit, meaning she's safe.'

  'Then what was it? The junk DNA you mentioned?' Evie asked and Kit shifted nervously for a moment.

  'The attack in the Stacks,' she said finally. 'It knocked my body more than I realized.'

  Evie was confused but she didn't have a chance to ask questions. 'The important thing is,' Kit said. 'That I'm okay and they fixed me up.'

  'Yes,' Evans said. 'And we're giving you a few hours leave to recuperate before we ask for your help,' he said. 'Galen's declaration of Civil War is imminent for us and we need to act swiftly.'

  'Then we shouldn't wait,' Kit said.

  'Yes, you should,' Evans told her. 'And that's an order. You've already nearly died once in the last forty-eight hours, don't be in such a hurry to go back into harm’s way.'

  'Yes,' Alfred agreed. 'Plus Evie is so excited to see you she wishes we weren't here so you can both have romantic relations,' he said.

  'Oh my god,' Evie said and quickly turned away from them blushing.

  'Alfred, why don't I take you to the technicians,' Evans offered. 'See if we can't get you a chip that programs you how to talk to women,' he said as he turned the robot round to start heading out the door.

  'But I know how to talk to women,' Alfred protested. 'I did so just then.'

  'I mean talking to women in a way that won't get you killed,' Evans said to him. 'Sorry ladies,' he said looking over his shoulder. 'Have a...good night.'

  Evie waited until she heard the door close but still felt like she wanted the ground to open up and swallow her whole. 'Well that wasn't at all embarrassing,' she said.

  'I thought it was funny,' Kit said. 'Plus it cut to the chase,' she added and brought Evie close to her. When their lips met, it felt different, like they were in a world where they could finally be just who they were. Evie felt the strength in Kit again, and it was like nothing had happened to her. And despite the questions she had, the things that needed to be discussed, Evie let Kit guide her over to the bed where they completely lost themselves in each other.

  As the sun began to rise Kit curled up against Evie. 'I wish we could always be this way,' she said as she watched the sun bounce off a glass building.

  'One day it can be,' Evie said as she kissed the top of her forehead. 'I just find it strange that we don't have to hide here.'

  'It is one of the advantages of the Institute,' Kit said and a message noise pinged in the room's console. 'One of the disadvantages is they can contact you whenever they need you,' she said and opened up the keypad and the message center. 'It's Evans, take the day off, we'll bring you back on board tomorrow, make sure you rest,' she read.

  'I didn't know we got time off at the start of war,' Evie said.

  'I'm not the one in charge here,' Kit said. 'And I'm not going to be one to turn down a day off.'

  'So what do you want to do?' Evie asked. Kit smiled and pulled the cover back over them.

  It was lunchtime when they emerged for food. When they walked down the main corridor Kit took Evie's hand and Evie looked down surprised. No one stopped or looked at them, no one seemed to care.

  'I think it's time we go on a date,' Kit said. 'Since the waterfall we've not had proper 'us' time.'

  'I don't think I've ever been on a date before,' Evie said.

  'Really?' Kit asked.

  'Dating in the Shard is something that's controlled and very specific,' she said. 'If you want a mate, you're assigned one. There's not much romance involved.'

  Kit pulled a face. 'Well then tonight we're going on a date,' she said.

  They spent the rest of the day exploring the Institute and Evie felt herself relax into their new environment with ease. They wandered around the recreational activities on offer, everything from a swimming pool, to a gym, Kit then showed her the educational center and Evie stopped outside on of the doors when she saw a small group of people with similar powers to her training and controlling their abilities.

  'They're mutants?' Evie asked.

  'Here we have space to learn how to use what we've been given in a way that will be beneficial to both us and the army,' Kit said.

  Evie was quiet as she watched them. 'Growing up there was no cause for celebration for who we were and it was seen as dangerous, this is almost like a Utopia.'

  'Times have changed since we were younger,' Kit said. 'And the world outside of Volt learnt to deal with us a lot better than Volt ever could.'

  'But weren't they created in a lab?' Evie asked. 'Like most mutants.'

  'Mutants can reproduce just like humans,' Kit said. 'These kids are natural born, free of being part of Volt's system.'

  Evie looked at her in amazement. 'We have to keep it that way,' she said. 'We can't let them be taken by Galen.'

  'We won't,' Kit said. 'But you need to see that positive results can be gained from using your powers, you don't need to fear them.'

  Evie looked sheepish. 'I'm trying,' she said.

  Kit gave her a sideways hug. 'I know,' she said.

  They returned to the room. Evie was in a contemplative silence and Kit found the communication device she had been trying to use.

  'I couldn't get past the login page,' Evie told her.

  Kit opened the page and typed in some details and a menu was displayed. 'Looks like the reactivated my old account,' she said.

  'Can we use it to contact Jack?' Evie asked as they sat on the edge of the bed.

  'If he's made it to the Alto sector he should be in the directory,' Kit said and made the screen turn into a computer page on the large window. Evie watched as she scrolled through a range of names before she stopped on names starting with Jack.

  'There,' Evie pointed when she saw Jack's name. 'He's made it to Alto,' she said.

  'And he's online,' Kit handed her the tablet. 'You can call him.'

  Evie hesitated for a moment as she took it from Kit. She had wanted to speak to Jack for so long but now she felt frustratingly apprehensive.

  'I'll give you some privacy,' Kit said. 'I'll come and pick you up for dinner,' she said and kissed her on the cheek.

  When she had gone Evie dialed Jack's number and felt a flutter in her stomach as she waited for the call to connect. A video flickered onto the screen and Evie saw a smaller room. She smiled the moment she saw Jack come into view.

  'You look terrible,' she said.

  'Thanks,' Jack replied. 'It's what you get when you cross the Nevermore, bunch of angry bastards live out that way. Gotta say, wasn't expecting to see your face today.'

  'Same here,' she said. 'Can't believe you were able to cross the Nevermore,' she said.

  'It got a little hairy for a while but we made it here, and it took some convincing but we're working with the FSA,' Jack said. 'Looks like you are as well,' he said.

  'No,' Evie said. 'Not working, just staying. Kit used to work here and they needed to help us,' she said and filled him in on what happened after they left the Stacks.

  'Evelyn,' Jack said. 'You know how dangerous your powers are,' he said. 'Why would you risk both of you like that?'

  'We had to do something. Otherwise, they would have killed us,' Evie said. 'It's no different to how you would attack someone,' she said.

  'I use weapons,' Jack said. 'I know how to control a gun.'

  'And I know how to control my powers,' Evie argued. 'I don't need you telling me they're dangerous when they're one of the biggest advantages that I could have in this war.'

  'What do you mean 'in this war'?' Jack asked. 'You're not joining the army.' />
  'I've pledged my allegiance to Kit,' Evie reminded him. 'You know that, so yes, I'm joining the army, because I'm not a child who needs to be hidden away from the world anymore.'

  Jack was quiet for a moment and couldn't look at her. 'I just want to keep you safe,' he said.

  'I don't think you can,' Evie said. 'And you need to accept that I'm able to take care of myself,' she told them. 'Besides, it's not like I'm on my own, Kit's here, a whole army of people are here and we have the others we're trying to contact. Hawk isn't going to get to me as easy as she thinks she can.'

  Jack looked at her and she saw a small smile break through. 'You're all grown up,' he said.

  'I grew up a while a go,' Evie told him. 'You just couldn't see it.'

  'Maybe you're right,' he said.

  Evie decided it might be best to change the subject. 'What are you doing in Alto?' She asked. 'We've not been told anything about what's going on since we've been here.'

  'Galen is shutting down communications,' he told her. 'They've found the pirate networks and are targeting them. Rebel groups are starting to protest and clashing with non-mutants. The team here are putting together an airstrike to target Volt. If we can target them from the air, we can start obliterating the camps.'

  'You could kill hundreds of prisoners,' Evie said.

  'But we'll destroy the camps that are killing them,' Jack said. 'We have teams who are trying to smuggle prisoners out but we have to end the killing factories, Galen won't be expecting it and we have to utilize the opportunity.'

  Evie didn't know what to say to him. She hated the thought of innocent lives being taken in the name of progress but knew that not everyone could be saved in war. 'Will you stay safe?' She asked him.

  'Will you?' He asked and she knew his answer.

  'I should go,' Evie said. 'Kit and I are going on a date tonight,' she said. Jack gave her another one of his looks and she rolled her eyes. 'And there's nothing you can do that will make me say no. She makes me happy Jack and I don't care if it makes you...squirmy.'

  'Well one wrong move and she'll have me to answer to,' Jack said.

  'I'm sure she's scared,' Evie said. She paused for a moment. 'Do you know what happened to the Stacks? It was pretty hectic when we left, but they have an army to defend it-'

  'Evie,' Jack said and she saw his expression change. 'Hawk's army obliterated the Stacks,' he said. 'Nearly everyone was killed.'

  Evie sat back in shock. 'No,' she said. 'You're wrong, you have to be. Kit has to have a home to go back to.'

  'She's not going to have a home to go back to,' Jack told her. 'Or an army.'

  'What about Rook and Lil?' Evie asked.

  'Nothing confirmed,' Jack said. 'But given the extent of the damage...'

  'No,' Evie whispered.

  'Canaan's devastated and wants to be back with Kit, so we'll try and meet up with you once we've carried out the airstrike,' he said.

  Evie tried to think clearly but her head kept swimming with grief. 'When did our lives become about death and killing people?' She asked.

  'When we entered Volt,' Jack said. 'I wish I was with you kiddo, but stay close to Kit, she'll keep you safe and happy from the sounds of it.'

  Evie was grateful he hadn't heard Alfred's earlier comment. 'Will you contact before you fly out?' She asked.

  'I'll try,' he said. 'I gotta go,' he told her. 'And you gotta get ready for your date.'

  He patted his chest twice and reached out to touch the screen and Evie mimicked before hanging up the call.

  Chapter Twenty

  EVIE TRIED ON DRESSES that were in the closet. She tugged at them, frowned and would try another, none fitting the way she wanted to. She thought of Kit and her heart shook at the thought of the Stacks. She couldn't tell her bad news, not so soon after she had just gotten out of surgery. She wondered how much Evans had known, and if it's why he was being so accommodating for them. She had dressed in a plain black dress that cut a little lower at the cleavage than she normally wore. She was trying to tug it into a suitable position when there was a knock on the door.

  'You have a visitor,' the computer machine told her and Evie felt a flutter of nerves rise in her stomach.

  She walked to the door and when she opened it she saw Kit on the other side. She was wearing a knee length red dress, her hair fell in deep brown curls, she was wearing makeup and even heels. 'I never thought I'd see you in a dress,' Evie noted, trying to hide a chuckle.

  'I can say the same about you,' Kit said and handed her the white rose she had with her.

  'It's all they had in the wardrobe that looked remotely presentable,' Evie said.

  'Well I think it looks stunning,' she said. 'Are you ready?' She asked and Evie took her arm.

  Kit took her to a room that had been decorated to represent a fancy French restaurant. Evie looked at the decor, pictures of the Eiffel Tower adorned the walls in mirages and was surrounded by a Parisian cityscape.

  'It's incredible,' she said.

  'For a nation that's denied the existence of other countries it's certainly something,' Kit agreed. A robot waiter came over to them and showed them to their table.

  'Please tell me he's not going to be like Alfred,' Evie whispered.

  'They're programmed differently,' Kit said.

  'Good,' Evie said. 'I don't think I can take much more humiliation from a robot.'

  'We're not here to humiliate ma'am,' the robot told her. 'Simply provide you with a memorable evening.'

  'Thank you,' Evie said, gently blushing as it handed her a menu.

  The robot left them alone and Evie glanced over the food options on offer and realized she didn't know half of what was on the menu. She looked curiously at the words as she tried to work out what she was supposed to order, and didn't want to embarrass herself in front of Kit.

  'Maybe there's a reason why American's rejected the French,' Kit said. 'Can you understand any of this?' She asked in a whisper behind her menu.

  'I'm going to take an educated guess and order,' Evie said.

  They both picked something at random and laughed at their inexperience. 'I say we make this part of our future,' Kit said.

  'Sit awkwardly in restaurants not knowing what we're going to be served?' Evie asked.

  'Travel the world and eat the weirdest food we can,' Kit said.

  Evie felt a pang in her stomach telling her that she should tell Kit about her call with Jack. 'You don't want to go back to the Stacks?' She asked.

  Kit looked down at her placemat. 'I know what's happened,' she said. 'Evans gave me the news when I woke up.'

  Evie took her hand across the table. 'I'm sorry,' she said. 'Jack told me and I didn't know how to break it to you.'

  She shook her head dismissively. 'It's not your job,' she said. 'To be honest, it was just a matter of time before we were taken out by the government. There are only a few mutant colonies in the Empire and the Stacks was the largest. It'd make sense for Galen to attack there first.'

  'But it's your home, Rook, Lil, everyone is there,' Evie said.

  'And I believe they're still alive,' Kit said. 'Evans hasn't been able to confirm if they've been killed so, for now, there's still hope.'

  'You're taking this better than I thought you would,' Evie told her.

  'I have some good support,' Kit said and smiled at her as their waiter placed dinner plates in front of them. They breathed a sigh of relief when they saw it was something edible.

  They dined on fine food to soft music. They shared conversations of their youth, their hopes for the futures and anything that fell in between.

  'I never expected something like this could happen,' Evie said. 'I watched a video you recorded here where you were talking about the scientists,' she said, avoiding mentioning her family so not to upset her.

  'I didn't realize they still had those on file,' Kit was hesitant and looked down at her plate. 'I meant what I said though, I don't blame the scientists for what they did, I don't blame yo
u either, you had no choice in what you did,' she looked up, and Evie saw a tear in the corner of her eyes. 'I also still believe my father's alive.'

  'I want to find justice for the people who were harmed by Volt,' Evie said. 'Try and help somehow and there has to be a way that we can get information about your dad.'

  'We'll find a way,' Kit said and then paused for a moment and drew out a small cloth bag from her purse. 'Till then I have something for you,' she said and pushed the bag over to her.

  'What's this?' Evie asked as she picked it up.

  'Open it,' Kit said.

  Evie pulled open the rope that tugged it together and tipped out a small silver Claddagh ring. 'What's this?' She asked quietly.

  'A promise ring I asked Alfred to make, its design is from the old world, it means loyalty, love and friendship' Kit said and lifted Evie's hand. 'Because I want to ask you to marry me when this is all over,' she said.

  'You want to or are going to?' Evie asked, surprised by the conversation.

  'Going to,' Kit said as she took her hand in hers. 'You've been in my life for only a short time but I know I don't want to live the rest of my days without you in them,' she said and Evie felt like she was on the verge of tears and kissed her. Evie let Kit slip the ring onto her finger and for that short moment, they had the world in front of them and for the first time, it felt like theirs.

  'I've not said 'I love you' to anyone since I lost Lux, I didn't know if that feeling would be possible again,' Evie told her. 'But you've shown me that it is and that this world can be a good place.'

  'Finding hope for the future is a way to believe that we can win this war,' Kit said. 'Hope changes how you see the world.'

  'And I hope for peace, and a world where we can all be free,' Evie said as Kit hugged her, the tight embrace providing comfort and love in a time when they both needed it the most.

  The following morning, the happiness of the previous night dwindled with the rise of the morning sun. Evans had summoned them to a situation room and they were forced to relinquish themselves back to normalcy.


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