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Rogue (Convergence Series Book 1)

Page 22

by S. A. Stephenson

  Evans and a group of men were stood in front of a large monitor looking concerned. 'Thank you for coming,' Evans said. 'We thought you would want to see this,' he said.

  'What are we watching?' Kit asked.

  'The Alto team are going to attack Volt's largest camps,' Evans said. 'Your brother is going to be amongst the strike,' he told Evie.

  'I know,' she said.

  'If this strike is successful it will put us at a distinct advantage against Galen,' Evans said.

  'It will also kill hundreds of prisoners,' Evie said.

  Evans looked uncomfortable. 'Not every decision in war is easy,' Evans said. 'They will be remembered as heroes who served their country.'

  Kit could tell Evie was uneasy about the decision but she fell quiet and watched the screen as drone footage flickered on the screen.

  Kit spoke quietly as she took Evie's hand. 'Whatever happens, we'll face it,' she said.

  'I know,' Evie said. 'I just don't want us to have to go through it again, and I can't lose Jack.'

  Kit squeezed her hand and turned to the screen. A plane dashboard came into view and the radio crackled.

  'Commander Evans?' Jack asked.

  'Sergeant Fox,' Evans replied. 'We're reading you loud and clear,' he said.

  'Is my sister in the room?' Jack asked.

  'I'm here,' Evie said.

  Jack was quiet in acknowledgement. 'We're ten miles away from reaching the border of Volt,' he told them. 'We have at least ten jets in the air and more are ready on the ground to follow us if they're needed.'

  'Are you leading the strike?' Evans asked. 'What happened to Commander Coran?'

  'He's on the ground,' Jack replied.

  'We're surveying the air around you,' Evans told them. 'It looks clear of any attack, so you should have a clear shot at your target.'

  'I don't think I can watch this,' Evie said quietly.

  'Do you want to leave?' Kit asked.

  Evie wrestled with what she should do, she had hated the idea of war for as long as she could remember. She had hated the thought of Jack being in danger even more. She didn't know how she could watch him kill people. Or watch him get killed.

  'We're entering some thick cloud,' Jack told them. 'Vision is restricted.'

  The screen went a dark gray and the radio muffled. The screen that was monitoring the airspace around them started beeping alerting the technician and everyone else in the room.

  'What's that?' Evans asked.

  'Satellite interference?' The technician replied.

  Kit walked over to the front of the room. 'That's not a satellite,' she said and looked up at the screen. Evie's stomach knotted when she saw confusion wash over her. 'It can't be,' she said quietly.

  'Can't be what?' Evans asked.

  'Jack, are you closer to gaining better visibility of your target?' She asked.

  'That's a negative,' Jack said. 'This cloud is refusing to clear,' he said and they saw the plane shake.

  'What do you think it is?' Evans asked.

  'Something that none of us prepared for,' Kit replied.

  The cloud began to clear from the screen and in place of clear sky, they saw something that made the room fall quiet. A large unmarked aircraft hovered over Volt. It was circular and didn't belong to either Volt or the rebels, and the fleet looked like they stretched for miles. Evie walked over to the screen and looked up at the aircraft. She had seen images of when they had first attacked for years, she never imagined seeing it through live video feed.

  Reality hit the room. 'Get out of there Jack,' she said, her voice remaining calm. 'They've come back.'

  Chapter Twenty-One

  THE ROOM WENT INTO chaos as the men scrambled to respond to the attack. Evans remained with Kit and Evie as they looked at the screen unable to comprehend what they were seeing.

  'My grandfather told me of when the Others first arrived all those years ago,' Evans said. 'I could never imagine what it was like and never imagined that I would face it in my lifetime.'

  'I thought it was all a lie,' Kit said.

  'Sometimes the truth can be stranger than the lies,' Evans said.

  Kit tried to think quickly. 'Why would they come back?' She asked.

  'To finish what they started?' Evans asked.

  'They almost wiped out the planet the last time they were here,' Kit said. 'We need to be armed and get people to bunkers.'

  'Agreed,' Evans said. 'We have underground complexes available and can begin to move our citizens. We'll send word to others to do the same.'

  Evie heard the conversation happen in the background as she looked at the crafts. She felt drawn to them, like there was a pull she couldn't explain.

  'We need to go to the landing site,' she said.

  Evans and Kit looked at her. 'You want to go there?' Kit asked.

  'We just automatically assume that they're here to invade us, has anyone tried to make contact with them before?' Evie asked. 'Maybe that's why they're here.'

  'They're here because they want something and will destroy what they can to get it, they're not here to have a cozy chat,' Evans said.

  'I don't agree,' Evie said. 'There's a reason they came here last time, and there's a reason they're here now.'

  Evans looked frustrated at her. 'We need to make sure our people are safe before we start trying to sing 'kum ba yah' with them,' he said.

  'I agree,' Kit said. 'People will have seen it and will be panicking. Many will have grown up with stories of the first invasion and that fear will have been passed down through generations. Our priority should be them.'

  'I need to assemble my men and get them out to the streets,' Evans said. 'I suggest you stay put until we've secured the situation.'

  Evans left them in the situation room and Evie looked back at the screen. 'Jack?' She asked. 'Are you still there?'

  'Loud and clear kiddo,' he replied. 'Still in the air, this is incredible,' he told her.

  'You need to return to ground,' Kit ordered.

  'We can strike them,' Jack said.

  'Your missiles won't work,' Kit said. 'Return to ground.'

  'You want to come and see this Evie?' Jack asked.

  'Did you hear Evans?' She asked. 'He won't let us leave the base anytime soon.'

  'Doesn't mean you have to listen to him,' Jack said.

  'You're going to defy the order of a General?' Kit asked.

  'I don't work for him,' Evie said. 'Neither do you. Therefore we're not breaking any rules,' she said.

  'True,' Kit said and Evie saw a change in her expression. 'There's a landing zone not far from here,' she told Jack. 'If you can get here without anyone seeing you then we'll try and meet you.'

  'I'll get there as quick as I can,' he said.

  'See you soon,' Evie said.

  Kit was quiet for a moment after the screen went blank. 'You're really going to go aren't you?' She asked.

  'For years I grew up hearing about the first invasion, how it changed our country from a free land to one of control. I know you believe that it was the government who were responsible for mutants but I've studied the DNA that was left behind. Our story started with them, was created because of them. Studies show that it pre-dates the beginning of human evolution but I want to know why they came here, why everything changed because of them, and if they have any of the answers,' Evie said.

  'You're not going to get a sit-down conversation with them,' Kit told her.

  Evie smiled. 'That's never stopped a scientist before,' she said. 'And Silver Rock is part of the Nevermore territory, so if we can claim a place there first, then we could get ahead of Galen.'

  Kit thought for a moment at Evie's suggestion. 'Undermine her in a public event?' She asked.

  'Well we're already enemy of the state, what more could she do?' Evie asked.

  Kit looked at Evie and how she was willing to risk everything, how she was unafraid of what everyone perceived as a new threat. Kit hadn't seen this with her before and found s
he had to trust her decision.

  'Okay,' she agreed. 'Looks like we're going to Silver Rock.'

  When they left the situation room, the hallways were full of staff and residents trying to head to the bunkers.

  'Jack's never going to be able to land,' Kit said as they tried to push their way through the crowd.

  'He'll find a way,' Evie told her. 'We've just got to be able to meet him.'

  The people were overwhelming, surrounding them with fear and panic as the threat of another invasion etched into the conscious of residents everywhere. Evie reached back for Kit's hand and felt grateful to have someone to hold onto in the midst of the panic. They were able to push themselves out the front doors where they felt rain gently washing over them and Evie looked at the buildings that surrounded them.

  'Where would he land?' She asked Kit.

  'There's an airfield not too far from here, he'll be able to locate it on his GPS,' Kit told her. 'Getting there will be impossible, they'll already be securing the city, making it impossible to get past their check points.'

  'You're an Army General,' Evie told her, matter of factly. 'Are you going to tell me that we're going to let a bunch of security guards stand in our way?'

  'You're right,' she said. 'Let’s move quickly, keep to the shadows as much as possible, so we're out of sight. The field is a few blocks away, we might get lucky and avoid some of the evacuation.'

  They began to head away from the Institute, they kept close to the edges of the building with the hoods of their jackets drawn up. Evie looked over to the crowds of people who were coming through the streets. She could see armed guards lining the street, peering down at the residents like they were rats escaping the sewers. Fort Isa may have been one of the last free cities in the Empire, but all Evie could think about was how prisoners were sorted in Volt. How people were ushered in from all around the country, their fate then decided in front of Volt's elite. She wondered how many people she had seen throughout the years, how many had been sent to Volt's prison camps when they were deemed not healthy enough to contribute to the new regime. How many had been tortured for information, how many had their DNA manipulated to see what other human potential could be unlocked. She had witnessed more than most, experienced more than most and now as she watched the people of this free city being ushered away, Evie couldn't help but think they were being sent to their deaths.

  By the time they rounded their fifth block, the two of them were soaked from the rain and freezing cold.

  'We're early,' Kit said. 'Even in a military jet, it will take Jack time to get here.'

  Evie shivered as she looked out to the dark field, lights on the runway dimmed by the sheets of rain.

  'The people who are going underground, they'll be able to return to their homes when it's safe won't they?' Evie asked.

  'They should be,' Kit said.

  'What if they can't?' Evie asked. 'What if this is Volt's last attempt to round up the free people of the Empire who they've not been able to touch till now. Even if this is an invasion, it'll be safer at Volt rather than out in a city that's unsecured.'

  'Are you saying this is a controlled invasion?' Kit asked.

  'I'm saying there's a high chance that Volt ordered this attack,' Evie said.

  'How can we prove that?' Kit asked.

  Evie shook her head. 'I don't know,' she said.

  In the distance, they saw black helicopters settle into land, swayed by the wind that was increasing. Kit and Evie hid by the wall of the nearby building. Evie zoomed her focus in on the helicopters and Kit saw her take a sharp intake of breath. 'There's our proof,' she said. 'Hawk's helicopters, she's here to see who she can round up.'

  'In the midst of this chaos, that's her focus?' Kit asked.

  'It's a prime opportunity to gain final rule over a part of the country that's been known for its rebellion,' Evie said.

  'We can't let them get to those people,' Kit said.

  'If she sees us we'll be the first one arrested or shot on site,' Evie said. 'And we can't let Jack arrive to this, if he's caught, he'll be killed.'

  Kit watched as the helicopters took off again, a small unit of Armistice Guards were on the ground, armed with full grade rifles.

  'We can't just sit here,' Kit said. Before Evie could stop her, she crouched and walked down the side of the building. She stopped within a few feet of them as Evie caught up with her.

  'We can't attack them,' Evie said. 'There's too many of them.'

  'You need to learn that we have something they don't,' she said. Kit looked back at the guards and with a flick of her head, Evie watched as they were sent flying backwards. The guards quickly started looking for them and Evie could feel her blood begin to rush through her.

  'Use it,' Kit said. 'If you feel something that can help us, then don't hold back.'

  Kit saw Evie's eyes darken as her power grew and shouts of the men grew louder. Evie turned to them, and the power in her eyes sent the guards flying backwards and Evie tried to catch her breath as she felt her powers jump under the base of her skin. They heard a jet approaching in the distance, and the guards turned and began to fire their rifles at it.

  'It's Jack,' Evie said and started to run towards the field before Kit could stop her. The guards by now were back on their feet and aimed their guns at Kit and Evie. Kit sensed the bullets about to hit them and were able to deflect them. Evie was getting closer to the jet but an uprising of wind stopped it from landing. Kit looked back to one of the helicopters where she saw Hawk jump down from the exit. Her eyes were locked in on Jack and Kit could feel the energy emit from her as she made the wind sweep up and under the plane. Kit tried to stop her, block her energy so that Jack could land but she was unable to get through the field that Hawk had around her. The area of energy increased and the guard’s bullets were able to break through Kit's shield. Jack was so close to Evie when the first bullets hit her. Kit watched as she fell to the ground and the world slowed down. She was back in the Shard the night she escaped, she saw Evie hit the floor and look up to the plane.

  Evie could see her brother as she fell, as she felt the bullet coarse through her. Jack looked down at her, his eyes wide. She tried to call out for him, found herself longing for when they were younger and he was suddenly able to make everything better. That was Jack's ability, he was able to make her feel like the world was going to be okay no matter how bad things felt. He always had that quality. Now though, as she looked up at him she felt that part of her world fall away, change within an instant. The jet pulled away from her, and Jack flew away.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  KIT WAS PINNED DOWN by the guards, she tried to fight them but they were too strong for her. As they wrestled her to the ground, she felt herself become lightheaded. She looked up and saw Hawk kneel over her.

  Hawk spoke softly, 'I've waited for this for so long. For you to return to us.'

  Kit wanted to fight back. She felt anger and fear rise in her but the guards were holding her so tightly she couldn't break free.

  'What have you done to me?' She asked.

  'We're going to make you human again, make it so you have none of these little powers of yours. That way you're less of a threat to us,' she said. 'And your little...friend, well she won't be much use where she's going,' Hawk said.

  Kit tried desperately to see Evie through the rain, but she could only see the outline of a body being loaded onto a stretcher. She tried to do something, anything to stop them but she felt a dull thud against the back of her head and blacked out.

  Kit fell into a dark dream, a long corridor stretched out before her and her eyes were unable to find anything to hold onto in the shadows. She looked around her, the Starlight had never been like this before. Then she saw him again. The man who she had seen before Shep had died. He sat against a wall, his legs brought up to his knees. He wore a long white gown that was dirty, his hair was long, gray and thinning, wrinkles burrowed in his skin. It was his eyes that drew her in, the bl
ue spark that she would know anywhere.

  'Dad?' She asked, her voice barely audible.

  He shook his head and looked away from her. 'N-n-no,' he said.

  She walked over to him, her body felt heavy, like she could barely move. She reached out for him and he shrunk away from him. 'It's really you,' she said.

  'No,' he said again. 'Not really. This place, this place changes y-y-you,' he said.

  'The Starlight?' Kit asked. 'How did you end up here?'

  'You have to leave,' he told her. Fear suddenly entering his eyes. He then grabbed her arms. 'You have t-t-to go,' he said again and she saw him look behind her.

  She turned and saw a dark figure approaching them. 'What is it?' Kit asked.

  'Go!' Edward said again and Kit's eyes flew open. She was in the corner of a gray cell, she looked down and saw she was wearing a white gown. She got to her feet, she saw scratches on her legs and arms as she walked over to the door. In the reflection of the glass, she saw her reflection. Her hair was cut close to her scalp, and as she saw herself as a teenage soldier, she began to panic. She banged on the door and began to shout. No one came. Through the small window, she saw a long corridor that was desolate. She was alone, locked in a cell.


  When Evie woke, she was exhausted and alone. Pain erupted in her side and she cried out in agony. No one came to help her and she collapsed to the corner of the room. She felt like crying but fought back with the last bit of strength she had. She felt every muscle in her body working against her, emotion built up inside her that could find no release. When her door opened, she didn't notice until she heard the footsteps. She looked over and saw President Galen walk over to her. She wanted to say something, a witty remark, something that showed even now she was still defiant, but she could barely move.

  'This is a sorry sight,' Galen said. Evie looked away from her. 'Get to your feet. You're an Empire soldier, you're stronger than this.'

  'I can't,' Evie whispered.

  'Can't, or won't?' Galen asked.

  'Won't,' Evie said. 'I'm not an Empire soldier.'


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