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The Dreamer, Her Angel and the Stars

Page 30

by Linda S. North

  "So, you want to give up on us?" Ariel stiffened and drew away from Kiernan. "Is that what you're telling me?"

  "Ariel?" Kiernan said with surprise.

  "You said you'd like for us to get to know each other better. I thought we were doing that, I thought we were making progress, I thought--" Ariel swallowed, her eyes tearing.

  Kiernan searched Ariel's face, almost afraid to hope. "Are you saying what I think you're saying? You truly want to give this-- us--a try?"

  "Yes, I do!"

  "After being bullied into this marriage and bullied by my threats?"

  "Bullied? You offered me a business proposition and I accepted," Ariel said with shining eyes.

  Kiernan almost couldn't believe what she was hearing. She gently stroked Ariel's soft cheek, feeling overcome with emotion. "I love you, Ariel. Oh, I love you so very much."

  ARIEL STARED AT Kiernan, trying to make sense of what she'd said. Had she heard correctly? Yes! She saw it in Kiernan's eyes. Kiernan loved her. In a voice made unsteady by emotion, she declared, "I love you, Kiernan." She pulled Kiernan close into a fierce hug and cried.

  Kiernan brought Ariel's head down on her shoulder. Tearfully she said, "Oh my beautiful angel." Ariel felt the soft kisses placed in her hair before Kiernan buried her face in it.

  Finally, the tears ceased for both, but they still held each other close.

  After a couple of minutes, they separated and searched one another's faces. They chuckled nervously upon seeing each other's red faces and puffy eyes.

  Ariel reached for Kiernan to pull her in for a kiss. She noticed a few watery droplets floating between them and reached out to touch one, causing it to shimmer and float away.

  "Tears," Kiernan said. "Those, I believe, are mine. Yours should be right behind me from crying on my shoulder."

  "I guess I better not blow my nose."

  Kiernan rumbled out a low laugh, a sound that always sent a delightful shiver down Ariel's spine. Her smile slowly disappeared, her lips parting, soft and inviting.

  They surged toward each other and traded devouring kisses. A warm hand slid under Ariel's shirt and under her bra. As she pulled Kiernan closer, the blanket dislodged and floated above them.

  Reluctantly Ariel pulled away from soft lips. Kiernan's hand slid away as Ariel made a lunge for the blanket. Her body shot upward pulling out more tether length from her chair. The end of Ariel's tether remained wrapped around Kiernan's waist and twisted Kiernan until she was under Ariel. Then the tether snapped back hard, ramming Ariel into Kiernan and forcing her against the floor.

  "Oof," Kiernan said as Ariel landed on top of her. She pushed Ariel up, and off, causing the tether to once again loosen, sending both spiraling upward. Ariel grabbed Kiernan and twisted their bodies upright so when the tether snapped back, they landed on the deck in a sitting position. Ariel hastily freed a hand to reach out, and snagged the edge of the seat to stabilize them. Once steadied, she was able to reach the corner of the blanket to bring it down and wrap it around their shoulders.

  "Are you okay?" Ariel asked.

  "Yes." Kiernan gave Ariel a leer. "Thanks for the ride, darling."

  "You should see what I can do when gravity comes into play."

  "I intend to." She stroked Ariel's face tenderly. "I love you."

  Ariel cradled the hand stroking her cheek and kissed the palm. "I'll never grow tired of hearing it."

  "Good. Because I intend to say it every day--for the rest of my life."

  They melded into another kiss, this one done slowly and sensuously in view of the lack of gravity.

  After a blissful kiss, they once again separated to search each other's eyes. Kiernan's sparkled with tears, but they did not fall.

  Kiernan said, "Angel, I want you to know--I have never said the words I love you to anyone. I've never loved another. You are my first, my only, and my last.

  Feeling her throat closing from the tears forming, Ariel said while still able, "You are my first, my only--and my last. I love you, Kiernan Deirdre O'Shay, with everything that I am. "

  Once again, they held each other tight, sharing tears of joy and passionate kisses.

  ARIEL SAID, "SHE could have either blue or green eyes."

  "I want her to have your blue eyes and your blonde hair," Kiernan insisted.

  "Chances are she'll have hair a lighter shade than yours--more of a true red."

  "Grandmother's hair was red. Oh God, I can see it now--we'll be raising a brood of red-headed hellions."

  Ariel stared at her with eyes gone wide in surprise. "Brood? You want more than one?"

  "That's one thing I missed while growing up, having siblings to play with."

  "They can be fun--at times. I'll have our first child, and you'll have our second. Any more are negotiable."

  Kiernan reared back and said, "No way am I doing the pregnancy thing."

  "Why not?"

  "It's not me."

  "I don't know whether it's me either. But I think I would like more than one child." Ariel gave a devilish grin and slyly said, "I'll have the second one and you'll have the first."

  "You'll have the first and I'll have the sec-- Wait a minute, what am I saying? You tricked me."

  "I'll hold you to that."

  Snuggling up close to Ariel, Kiernan smiled when feeling a kiss placed on top of her head. For the last few hours, they passed the time discussing their future together, including offspring, and plans and possibilities for their first light-speed starship.

  There was no chatter on the radio to indicate another ship was anywhere in the vicinity, and both agreed not to check the remaining time on the battery power.

  Kiernan lifted her face up to Ariel and kissed her gently on the lips. "Mmm. You have the sweetest lips I've ever kissed."

  Ariel asked teasingly, "Sweet as in candy sweet?"

  "No, as in you sweet."

  They kissed again, and this time the kiss was more passionate with mouths open and hungry tastes of sweetness as their tongues parried, sliding against each other, igniting the senses.

  Kiernan buried her hands into the golden mane to grind her lips more firmly against Ariel's, making the kisses bruising in their intensity. She felt Ariel's kisses as intensely as they sought to drink in the very essence of the other. She ended the kiss and said breathlessly, "Oh, my angel, I'm so glad you have come into my life. I--"

  "Celeste. This is Sydney, do you copy?"

  Chapter Thirty-Five

  SYDNEY'S BRIEFING ROOM thronged with Celeste crew who had all been safely retrieved before Kiernan and Ariel arrived aboard. The faces of the crewmembers were somber as Ariel watched Kiernan inform them of Captain Pearson's death, without going into too much detail as to motive. Kiernan had already used Sydney's communications center to call in a report to Planetary Security, informing them of the incident. Of course, when they reached Mars in two days they both would have to appear before an investigative board to relay their stories.

  Kiernan also contacted Jack and informed him of what occurred and ordered him to commence an investigation of Dwayne Campbell. Jack had relayed some interesting news concerning the framing of Joanna for espionage. The FBI had apprehended Sharon Cohen, and she'd admitted her part in Theodore's scheme.

  Somehow the media had gotten hold of the story about the scuttling of the Celeste and its subsequent explosion. Ariel contacted a very upset Joanna, assuring her they were safe and well. She also informed her mother about Theodore and Sharon Cohen's role in framing her. When she ended her conversation with her mother, Ariel found Kiernan finishing up with Captain Sloan. Ariel joined them, putting an arm around Kiernan's shoulders.

  Captain Sloan said, "Let me show you to your quarters. I'm assigning you the cabin I reserve for guests. It's not very spacious, but does have a private head and will afford you privacy." This last part was said by the good captain with a smile and twinkling of eyes.

  "That's much appreciated," Kiernan said sincerely.

Thank you, Captain Sloan," Ariel said. She was delighted she would be alone with Kiernan. There were some things she needed to do that one couldn't do in front of an audience, unless you were an exhibitionist. This reminded her of the showers.

  When they'd first come onboard, they were provided with something warm to eat and taken to the head where they could freshen up, shower, and don a clean pair of gray crew coveralls. She was appalled to find out the showers, a set of six stalls with curtains across them, were communal. She had envisioned taking a leisurely shower with Kiernan and getting to know her body better. But their guide informed them second shift was starting in thirty minutes, and soon a flood of crewmen would be hurrying to get ready and go to breakfast before their shift began.

  Sure enough, the warning was no sooner out of the guide's mouth when the door opened and three of the crew came in wearing robes and carrying towels and toiletry items. Ariel and Kiernan exchanged disappointed glances. Kiernan whispered that were this a Stellardyne ship and not a Lunaway one, all crewmembers would have their own cabins with a head. Then they promptly took separate shower stalls while they were still available.

  They followed Captain Sloan to their assigned quarters. Once the door closed, Kiernan surveyed the cabin and said, "Damn, this is small--not much bigger than my closet at Crestview."

  Ariel said dryly, "If your closet is the same size as mine, we could sleep all of Celeste's crew in it." She gazed up and saw a three-foot square porthole over the bed. "At least we have a great view."

  "Sleeping under the stars." Kiernan bent to press against the double bed mattress. "Not bad. It can be as hard as a slab of moon granite, and I'll still be able to sleep like a baby."

  Ariel slipped her arms around Kiernan's waist from behind and pulled her against her body, saying in a seductive purr in her ear, "I know something else we can do under the stars besides sleep."

  Chapter Thirty-Six

  KIERNAN SHIVERED AS the words, and resonance, of Ariel's voice tickled her ear. Then a warm nose nuzzled her hair, before soft lips descended to the side of her neck and sent tingles racing down her spine. A smooth cheek and nose nuzzled under her chin, forcing her head back against a firm right shoulder draped with soft, golden hair. This exposed her throat to a warm, wet open mouth. She moaned. Teeth lightly grazed her pulsing vein, soon to be replaced by Ariel suckling her skin and painting it with rapid tongue strokes as if lapping her lifeblood to drink.

  She tried to turn into the embrace, wanting to hold Ariel against her, and thirsting to drink her fill from that passionate mouth. But the arms tightened around her waist and pulled her tighter against the warmth and softness. A voice vibrated against her neck. "Don't move. Not until I'm ready for you to move. Don't speak. Just feel."

  Kiernan groaned. Her nipples hardened and she felt a strong pulsing in her groin. She quivered with anticipation. Ariel was in command.

  Warm hands receded from her stomach and slowly traced up her ribcage, over her breasts, brushing against peaked and tender nipples hidden beneath gray cloth, until they were at the Velcro fastening at the front of her coveralls. She felt a tugging between her breasts and heard the scratchy sound of Velcro separating to free her bare breasts and stomach, stopping at the white panties covering the juncture between her legs. Her areola pebbled from the sudden contact to air.

  Then Ariel's warm hands cupped her breasts, lifting them slightly as if weighing them. A prolonged hiss sounded close to her left ear, and Ariel's thumbs circled around the stiffened peaks, making the areola pebble even more.

  Kiernan couldn't help but whimper. It was as if her nipples were direct conduits to her vaginal walls and the muscles there contracted in the most delicious and glorious way.

  Ariel's hands moved to lovingly massage her breasts. She pressed a kiss on Kiernan's left temple. The sound of ragged breathing caressed her ear, and a voice rough with emotion, holding an ache, said, "I want to sear you--and the moments to come--into my memory forever. From this moment on, when I touch you like this, I'll be making love to you."

  "Oh, Ariel," Kiernan cried.

  "Shhh, quiet," Ariel ordered. She moved her hands languidly from the breasts and up to Kiernan's shoulders, peeling the coveralls off them and part way down her arms. When Ariel's hands moved back to her breasts, this time the fingers tightened around the nipples. Ariel's mouth was suddenly on Kiernan's left shoulder, teeth biting down hard, and fingers squeezing her nipples. Kiernan gasped in pain, as well as pleasure, with a strong echo resounding down to impact her core.

  The bite gentled, replaced by the soothing stroke of tongue while a thumb gently stroked each nipple. Then lips traced up the slope of Kiernan's shoulder to her neck and ear. Ariel's hand came under Kiernan's chin, arching her head farther back against the shoulder, and turning it slightly so her mouth could descend upon Kiernan's mouth, hot and demanding.

  Kiernan opened to her, greedily sucking that demanding tongue. Ariel's hand descended over her breast, along her side, and down to the top of her panties, where it quickly slid between skin and the fabric, scratching through the course hair to her core, which was wet with the evidence of her want.

  Kiernan whimpered deeply, feeling Ariel's own whimper enter her mouth, where she caught it and returned it. Hot fingers circled her clit and teased. Pressing against those fingers, she hoped to push them deep inside her.

  Ariel tore her mouth away and whispered, "Yes, so wet--all for me." There was a gentle push, and the tips of Ariel's fingers found the source of the wetness. Kiernan drew a harsh intake of breath. The fingers slowly retreated, and Kiernan cried out at the loss. Ariel tightened her hold under Kiernan's chin, forcing her head back even more against her shoulder and upper arm.

  Ariel swiveled Kiernan's head to delve into her eyes with eyes seeming to burn a blazing blue, the color of the heart of the flame that burned hottest. "Do you want me Kiernan? Do you want my fingers buried deep within you?" The breath from her words fanned hotly over Kiernan's mouth.

  Kiernan swallowed. "God, yes, you know I do."

  "Do you want me to taste you? To drink you?"

  Kiernan wet her dry lips with the tip of her tongue. "Yes."

  Kiernan was pinned by Ariel's eyes, and then Ariel drew back slightly and her hand came up, wet with the proof of Kiernan's want. Ariel closed her eyes and inhaled deeply. "Mmm." She opened her eyes, and her mouth parted slightly as the tip of her tongue touched her top lip. She caressed her wet fingers across Kiernan's lips. Kiernan felt and smelled her own essence, heady and intoxicating. Ariel hungrily descended to mesh her mouth against Kiernan's and taste what she'd painted there.

  Kiernan wanted to lift her arms to hold Ariel, but the coveralls were pushed halfway down her arms and prevented her from doing it. She responded only with her mouth. Suddenly Ariel's ardent mouth left hers, and the hand on her throat moved away. Kiernan was spun around in the firm arms and brought up hard against the front of Ariel's body. Her bare breasts rubbed against the fabric of Ariel's coveralls, and she felt soft breasts right above her own.

  Their kisses were bruising, and they drank deep from each other's mouths as if to slake a long thirst. Ariel pushed the coveralls down farther, past Kiernan's arms, and they slid into a puddle at Kiernan's feet. She hurriedly kicked off her shoes and stepped out of the coveralls, leaving on only her panties.

  Ariel's eyes seemed to scorch as they caressed her breasts and moved down her torso and legs.

  Ariel pulled Kiernan once more into a fervent embrace. Kiernan wrapped her arms around Ariel, crushing herself against the welcoming warmth. Ariel removed the arms that embraced her and held them against Kiernan's side as she kissed Kiernan, ravaging her mouth, and leaving her light headed.

  Ariel slowly separated from the kiss, and said, in a growl, "I want to taste you, to draw from you all you have to give and drink my fill." She angled Kiernan toward the bed, still holding her arms to her sides, until the back of her legs were against the edge of the bed, and forced her to sit. Ariel l
et go of her arms and pressed against her until Kiernan lay flat against the mattress, her legs hanging over the side of the bed.

  Ariel moved between her legs and knelt. She pushed her legs farther apart with her shoulders and stroked Kiernan's inner thighs up to the tops of her panties. In a smooth motion, she pulled them down and off. Kiernan tried to rise up on her elbows to witness what was about to happen, but Ariel said, "Don't move. You know what I'm going to do--take you, and take from you."

  Kiernan mewled in intense anticipation, and hoped Ariel wouldn't prolong this sweet torture. She shivered as those hands stroked above her vagina, lightly brushing against her clit. She drew in a sharp breath, then cried out in frustration as the hands retreated back to her thighs. Suddenly the silky cool sweep of hair was on her legs, and sultry breath wafted across her entrance. Her legs trembled, and she bit her lip to keep from begging Ariel to take her. There was the soft press of lips against her mound, a gentle kiss ending far too soon. No longer was she able to hold back her plea. "Don't tease, please, angel."

  A sharp nip on her inner thigh brought forth a gasp, but a tender kiss on the hurt spot begged forgiveness. She heard a strangled sound and felt Ariel rubbing her face back and forth in the wetness. Kiernan surged against Ariel, her restraint shattered. She reached down with both hands to grab a handful of hair, forcing Ariel hard against her throbbing ache.


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