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The year is 2098. Thirty-eight year old Kiernan O'Shay's dream is to build spaceships capable of light-speed. This dream is within her grasp if she can gain full control of the freighter spacecraft company her late grandmother built. She only has to adhere to the antiquated stipulation in her grandmother's will that she marry and produce an heir by her fortieth birthday.Twenty-five year old Ariel Thorsen is content with her life. She has a job as a physics professor at a local college, a loving family, and a beautiful girlfriend. She is unaware Kiernan O'Shay has chosen her to fill the role of wife, and mother of Kiernan's heir.Kiernan offers Ariel and her family monetary wealth if Ariel will agree to marry her. Ariel refuses until a tragic event forces her to accept Kiernan's offer. What starts out as a business arrangement turns into more for Kiernan. However, Ariel resents Kiernan, believing she was behind the matter that forced her into this marriage. Can Kiernan win Ariel's love?