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Escaping Me

Page 8

by Cat Mason

  The thought makes me giggle. Hunter will be the only man who IF he lives to senior citizen status will demand the senior discount on blow jobs and booze. I toss my stuff back into my bag and slip my tag over my head so that no one doubts where I belong backstage. Stepping out onto the pavement I’m expecting to find Henry waiting for us as usual. I am stopped dead in my tracks as I watch Landon stalking toward us looking completely vicious.

  Chapter Nine

  Acoustic Love Song Gauntlets

  “I need to speak to you in private for a minute.” Landon says grabbing my arm.

  Cam gives him the death glare jerking my arm free from him. “If that’s code for ‘Come in the bathroom and Nerk my Throbber’ you need to get Tad to help you out with that. We’re busy tonight.” She bites out shoving past him, dragging me along with her. I stumble in my heels but luckily I manage to keep from falling over.

  “Nerk his Throbber?” I ask glancing over my shoulder just in time to see him punch the side of the bus. I almost feel bad for him but I’m not ready to talk to about it.

  “Well, what do you want me to say Daisy? There’s no way you’re goin’ to shine his pole since you don’t know where the hell it’s been.” She says with a laugh.

  “He wanted to talk. I’m just not ready to go there. I’m still too angry.” I say as she wraps her arm around my shoulder.

  “Yep and guess what bein’ angry and not heartbroken says something doesn’t it? He’s not gettin’ to you before the show. We’re rockin’ up stage left. Aiden told me Tad and Landon are always MIA during the shows. So that means it’s just us and Henry of course but he’s cool as hell.”

  I nod, “He is. Alright.” I say shaking my head side to side as I roll my shoulders taking in her words, “Let’s do this.”

  Walking down the hall we just follow the sound of Henry’s booming voice as he stands outside a closed door. “Sorry ladies, I’m not allowed to let just anyone in.” He says crossing those huge tree trunk arms over his chest. His face turns as he sees Cam and I approaching and grins. “Ah, there are my girls. I was about to come collect ya but it’s been a battle keeping the hounds at bay.” He says gesturing at the three blondes pawing him, begging to get in the door.

  Henry shuffles us behind him, opening the door and quickly closing it behind him as the tramps whine about unfair treatment. “Bitches.” Cam says kicking the door with her heel. “No loose pussy allowed.”

  “Pussy still out there?” Hunter asks peeking his head up like a Meerkat. He is sprawled out on the couch in just a pair of leather pants and his boots. “Damn I hope they hang around until after. Last night was just a taste. The bald man here has been starvin’.” He says staring at his crotch.

  “Didn’t you get enough from those sluts last night?” I mutter in disgust.

  “Oh you mean the butter face twins?”

  Cam and I look at each other in confusion. Hunter must notice because he laughs then hops to his feet. Walking over he wraps his arms around our waists and smiles down at me. “A butter face? When a bitch’s bod is so out of this world epic that you want to fuck it so hard you don’t care if you die once you come…but-her-face…is NASTY!” He laughs then shrugs. “Yeah. So I fucked them both in the handicapped bathroom at the club with the lights off.”

  “You’re disgusting.” Cam snaps as she elbows him in the ribs. Ignoring Hunter’s laughter, we walk over to Aiden and Gray.

  “Of course I am! You ladies fuckin’ love me. That’s why they all want me.”

  “No one in this room wants you asshole.” I snap, making Hunter clutch his chest.

  “Daisy that hurts. I need affection. I need my ego stroked.”

  “Is that what you’re callin’ it today?” Aiden says thumping his sticks against his thighs.

  I watch Cam’s face as she watches Aiden’s hands move. The way Aiden moves up and down, the sticks pounding against his inner-thigh muscles as he finds the right rhythm. She is watching him like she could eat him alive. I have no doubt after our gossip session this morning that she totally will any minute. Aiden’s eyes leave the paper Gray is scribbling on meeting her hungry stare. Not hesitating he tosses his sticks to the table, grabs her hand pulling her toward the bathroom.

  “I’m done man.” He tosses over his shoulder.

  Gray laughs as Aiden shoves her in and kicks the door closed behind them. Hunter plugs in his headphones sprawling out across the couch. “Hate him right now.” He spouts off then murmurs something about not sharing his toys.

  Gray’s eyes drift up my legs, taking in every inch of my body as he goes then finally meeting my face. A wicked smile spreads across that sexy as sin face as he crooks a finger at me. My brain doesn’t question the silent command for a second. My heels click along the tile, as if by their own free will until I am stopped right in front of him. His eyes level with my chest. I watch as his tongue darts out, wetting his lips. His teeth run along that bottom lip, worrying his piercing. I think I might faint at the tension building between my thighs right now.

  “You look fuckin’ incredible. Come here.”

  I go willingly into his arms as if I belong there. Pulling me into his lap, he drapes my legs across his thighs. “Landon tried to talk to me earlier.” I blurt, feeling his body tighten beneath me. Why did I even mention Landon?

  “What did that bastard say to you?” He growls. I can’t stop myself from pressing my lips to his gently. Not just to calm him but because I need it just as badly as he does. I need to feel the connection that we have.

  “Nothing Gray. I walked away from him to come find you.” I whisper breathlessly. Nuzzling my neck, he inhales my scent as if he needs it to breathe. Gray’s tongue darts out to taste the skin behind my ear, sending a shiver up my spine, my body instinctively arches into his. I tilt my head giving him better access, my body completely in tune as he plays me like he would his guitar.

  “I don’t want that asshole anywhere near you alone Daisy.” He growls against my skin.

  I turn my face, meeting his eyes. “Gray you can’t be serious?” I ask incredulously. The look on his face tells me I asked the wrong question. I stroke his face with my thumbs, feeling the coarse stubble against my fingertips. “I have to talk this out with him even if I don’t take him back Grayson. I can’t just leave it unfinished.”

  Something unfamiliar flashes in his eyes, but he quickly masks it. “Not alone Daisy. I don’t’ trust him and I don’t want you hurt again. I saw you last night. I kissed your tears he didn’t. He lost his shot. I told you I’m fightin’ for mine.”

  “Gray…” I whisper but he presses his finger to my lips.

  “Not now, baby. I’ll wait, I’ve got time. I just want you to get it. You. Are. Mine. Daisy.” He growls as he leans in, our lips almost touching. “Whether you know it yet or not, you were already mine. I took that last night. I won’t give it back to Landon or any-fuckin’-body else.” Then he crashes his mouth to mine.

  Gray’s fingers slide up my thighs squeezing my ass hard as he turns me so that I’m straddling his lap. Cupping his face in my hands, I ravage his mouth. My tongue fighting with his to take control of the kiss. I slide my hands into his hair, my fingers tugging the black strands. He moans loudly into my mouth, only driving me further. My mind is so torn between what I should be doing. With Gray, I am someone completely different from who I am with Landon. I should say…who I was with Landon. I forget the world and everything in it in these moments with Grayson. Damn the plan. Damn the entire world! When Gray is touching me, I could forget my own name. Gray is my escape. I feel like this me I have made myself into is shoved away in these moments, letting me be someone else. I can be free with him, escaping all the harsh reality I force myself to stick to. There are no lists here, there is just us.

  Breaking the kiss Gray rests his forehead against mine, “Have to stop this. Don’t want to baby, believe me. Can’t fuck you in a chair with anyone ‘bout to bust through that door any minute.” He says breathlessly.

  I nod. “I know. I need to talk to Landon after the show anyway. Before anything else happens, I need to sort this shit out.”

  “You wanna talk shit out with Landon later that’s your choice.” He says kissing my cheek. “Carve out time for me after? We got a few things to deal with too.”

  I nod as Aiden flings the door open. Walking out of the bathroom he has a huge smile plastered on his face. Cam is tucked under his arm, her smile matching his. Pulling his headphones off, Hunter looks up and rolls his eyes. “Well you don’t have to be so smug about it you son of a bitch.”

  Aiden flips him off, “She’s your mom too fucker.”

  “Yep and she’s a bitch. She should’ve stopped with just me. I don’t know why she kept goin’ when she got perfection the first time.”

  “Because she wanted a son asshole.”

  Hunter’s eyes drift to us, making me freeze. Gray’s hands are on my thighs, my fingers twisting his hair absentmindedly. “Well, looks like Landon shares his toys with his brother.” He says with a wink at me. Jumping off Gray, I stumble back in my heels, nearly falling on my ass. Calmly Gray stands, grabs my waist, pulling me into his side.

  “What am I sharing with Gray?” Landon says from the door, making us all jump.

  “Nothing. We’ve got a show to do.” Aiden says interrupting, so we all head toward the stage doors.

  Gray leans in to whisper in my ear. “Song’s for you babe. See you, stage left.” Then Cam and I walk to Henry so he can take us up.

  It’s different watching them tonight. Watching Gray’s fingers move across the strings is magical. It’s unbelievably sexual, the way they caress every chord. I noticed before but now that I know what they feel like on my flesh, touching me, playing me like he does his instrument it makes me blush. “That good huh?” Cam laughs, nudging me with her elbow all I can do is nod.

  “I had a feeling.” Leaning in closer, she continues, “Aiden… Oh every time I watch his leg slam down on the pedal, his hips jumping with the beat, I get all heated. I’m tearin’ his clothes off as soon as he gets over here.” I turn, looking at her in shock.


  “What?” She shrugs. “The man is sex with sticks. He can thump his beat on me anytime. He knows it too. He’s ruined me. No one will ever measure up.”

  “Have you told him?” I ask, knowing Aiden hasn’t said they are in a relationship any more than she has. They haven’t defined it but they are fucking crazy about each other.

  Her eyes widen and she blushes. “No. I won’t do that. He’s the drummer for Shaft. There’s no way in hell he wants to settle down right now. When I leave he will be right back to fuckin’ groupie pussy with Hunter. I’m fine with that, I guess. It’s the lifestyle you sign on to when you take on a guy like them. I’ll take whatever he’ll give me while it lasts. It’s all about having fun you know? So right now it works for me. I’m not about rockin’ the boat.”

  As I turn my attention back to the stage I nod. We watch Shaft rock the shit out of the rest of their performance. Hunter, Gray and Aiden come together as one, completely blowing everyone away. People are screaming for Shaft. The guys are absorbing every ounce, giving it all back as they play. Landon and Tad have made no move to join us in the wing. As usual, Henry stands feet away against the wall observing everything. His black shades covering his face so that he is expressionless. His gaze drifting between the stage, the crowd, and Cam and me taking it all in like a robot.

  Just like before, after Aiden flings his sticks to the crowd he walks off stage with Hunter. This time though they walk toward us. Cam leaps off of her stool, right into Aiden’s arms. “Whoa babe. Let’s at least make it to the bus.” He purrs as she sucks a patch of skin on his neck. “Fuck Cam!” He moans. “Staging room it is. Henry, we’re out man. Meet ya on the bus in an hour or so, this is gonna take a while.” He growls, as Cam wraps her legs around his waist. Turning he walks down the ramp toward the hall with Cam wrapped around him like a pretzel.

  Hunter hops up on the stool Cam left. I turn my head back to the stage as Gray pulls a stool for himself over to the mic. “So Kansas City, I like to think that I can carry a tune so don’t boo me off alright?” He says with a chuckle.

  As his fingers strum his guitar, those shimmering steel eyes meet mine. Gray’s eyes are burning making me squirm as he watches me. He starts singing, mesmerizing the audience from the start. It’s a song about being with someone that you know is with someone else. A one night stand that gripped you by the balls so hard you can’t let go of how it made you feel. Gray sings about knowing it was wrong, but it’s not over. Wanting to know how he compares to him.

  I sit completely frozen. Gray watches me as each word pours from his lips. Sex and sin. It’s what he is. It’s what he brings in everything he does. Is Landon listening? I wonder if he puts two and two together… The guilt creeps in. I realize that I am no better than Landon even if he went there first. I am not innocent in this, not anymore. I want Gray. I can’t deny it. It doesn’t feel wrong. When we are together it feels amazing and right now nothing about Landon feels right. I remember Cam mentioning before the show that it says something if my heart is broken. Well it isn’t. Does that mean that Landon isn’t it for me? If I can be angry but not heartbroken…am I not as in love with Landon as I thought?

  Hunter leans over pulling me from the thoughts inside my head as he whispers, “Thing For You by Hinder. Great shit. He has the ladies creamin’. I’m gonna see if he wants to hit the bar after. Time to cash in on all that pussy.”

  Once Gray finishes, he thanks the crowd before introducing No Approval. Grabbing his stool he exits the stage, heading straight for me. “Let’s hit the bar Gray. Not much time before we’re stuck on the bus with unavailable pussy again.” Hunter says clapping him on the back.

  Gray shakes his head. “I’m not in tonight man. Gonna go work on some music. Maybe grab some food.”

  “Fuckin’ hell! You guys all suck!” He shouts. Walking over, he pats Henry’s shoulder. “Yo big man you wanna be my wing man?”

  Henry just laughs, “I’ll go with ya fucker but only so someone don’t beat your ass bloody.”

  Gray wraps an arm around me as Hunter and Henry walk with us down the ramp. Walking down the hallway, we pass the staging room door. Hunter laughs as we hear the muffled moans and groans coming through the door. Running up he jiggles the knob. “Housekeeping... You want me fluff your pillow?” Hunter shouts through the door in a horrible female voice.

  “Um, nah. We’re good in here. Thank you.” Aiden pants and I hear Cam groan.

  Hunter bites his fist so that Aiden doesn’t hear him laughing. Henry pounds on the door, joining in on the shenanigans. “Housekeeping… You want me suck your dick like yesterday?”

  “What the fu-“Aiden flings the door open. His face is blood red, his pants nearly down his legs. “You assholes can fuck right off.” He yells then slams the door. I can hear Cam roaring in a fit of giggles. “Cam I’ll spank that ass if you laugh at them again. Shit isn’t funny. On your knees now. That’s it gimmie that mouth babe.” Aiden’s muffled voice carries through the door. My eyes jerk to Gray who shakes his head as we head out the door toward the bus.

  “Lucky Bastard.” Hunter groans leaning against the side of the bus. “Big man, let’s go find us some bitches.”

  “That’s why no one wants to fuck you twice Cunter. You don’t call ladies bitches.” Henry says, winking at me.

  “Don’t need a bitch to fuck me twice.” He huffs. “The last thing I want is a boomerang pussy. All the time comin’ back for more of this.” Thrusting his hips, Hunter rubs his cock through his jeans. “Gimmie a hot little slut that I can get what I want, then toss her like a fuckin’ Frisbee. Fuckin’ beautiful.”

  “You throw away condoms you bastard, not women.” I snap.

  “To each their own Daisy. You get tired of Cole cock you come ride the Hunter train. I’ll show you whatcha been missin’.” He says walking to
ward the SUV with Henry.

  Gray takes my hand leading me to the steps. “I’ll take a shower. Meet me in the bedroom when you’re done with Landon. Then we can talk.” He kisses my cheek when I nod then opens the door. Landon sits alone on the couch with his head in his hands waiting for me.

  Chapter Ten

  Lust, Lies and Denial

  “Daisy?” Landon says as Gray walks past him headed toward the bathroom.

  Standing slowly as if gauging my reaction, Landon starts toward me. “Don’t Landon.” I whisper making him stop cold.

  Stepping into the kitchen, I open the fridge and pull out a beer. His eyes watch every movement as I twist the cap, tossing it to the bar. I take a long pull from the bottle, he doesn’t speak a word. I walk over to the chair, so that he won’t be able to sit next to me. I even go so far as to cross my legs away from him so that he knows without a doubt that I am closed off to him.

  “Daisy, you have to let me explain.” Landon pleads kneeling in front of me.

  A laugh erupts from my chest surprising us both. “Landon, I’m right here. It’s not going to be a pleasant conversation so get to it. I plan to drink until I pass out.” I snap venomously.

  “I wish you wouldn’t drink.” He mutters.

  I throw the bottle across the room, spilling the liquid all over the kitchen floor. Shoving him back, I stand to pace the living area only to stop at the fridge for vodka this time. “You wish huh? Well…” I laugh again as I pour a glass. “I sure wish that my fiancé loved me enough not to get groped by his boss! I wish the plan for my life was not totally fucked up!” I shout then down the entire contents of my glass. Turning to Landon, I pour another. I lift my glass to him as a tear slips down my face. “What I wish the most Landon was that I never trusted you because I’ve never been so angry in my life and that’s your fault but I have to accept my blame in it too. There really is nothing you can say to me that will make this right.” I down the glass then toss it into the sink.


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