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Escaping Me

Page 18

by Cat Mason

  Leaning up I wipe my face on a towel while I try to gather my thoughts on this. How could he do this to me? This is an even bigger betrayal than anything he has done. That’s saying something isn’t it? I want to beat the hell out of them both. What if my ass went viral? Oh my God all the thoughts in my head are making me nauseous all over again. Cam flying into the bathroom and shutting off the light stops all of my thoughts. “Landon’s back.” She whispers.

  My fists ball up at my sides. I want nothing more than to beat the shit out of him then call the police for what is on the laptop but I can’t. If I do it ruins the guys’ shot at firing Tad. No Landon and I will have our moment, just not now. Instead I hide behind the door watching through the crack with Cam as Landon walks into the bedroom making my heart stop. He is pale and disheveled in dirty jeans and an old sweatshirt, looking nothing like the man I was engaged to just over a week ago.

  I watch helplessly as he grabs a black duffel bag then walks back out of the room. I don’t think either of us breathes the entire time. We listen to him curse in frustration while he rummages through the other rooms. After waiting for what feels like hours, petrified that he will catch us and ruin everything until we hear the door to the suite slam. I sag against the wall blowing out a breath. “Okay. Let’s get the hell out of here before he comes back. We need to get you to the concert before it starts.” Cam says shocking me into action.

  Carefully, Cam and I make our way out of the bathroom toward the door making sure that nothing is out of place. “What was he looking for?” She asks me glancing around the room.

  “I don’t know. I’ve never seen him as unhinged as he’s been in the last week or so.” The differences between the structured, well thought out man I had agreed to marry that night a few months ago compared to the train wreck Landon is turning into blows my mind. “It’s like I never knew him at all Cam. It really pisses me off to think I was so fuckin’ clueless.”

  “Well it is what it is Sweets. I’ll tell you this much though, they’re done here once Aiden and the guys get a hold of this shit.” She says waving the flash drives before shoving them into her bra.

  Opening the door Cam glances down the hall, “We’re clear let’s get the hell out of here before he comes back.”

  Just as we walk around the corner a hand clamps around my mouth. My eyes jerk to Cam as we are shoved into the elevator. I start to fight but then am quickly turned meeting Henry’s worried face. “Landon is down the hall banging on your door. I didn’t want him to see you.” He explains then hits the parking garage level button. “Did you get everything they need?”

  “And then some…” I mutter leaning against the wall. The last thing I want is for the guys to see any of those videos, especially Grayson. He will go thermo-nuclear on Tad then kill him along with Landon.

  Once we are driving to meet the guys, I look at Camaron. “Listen some things on that flash drive don’t need to be seen by the guys.” I whisper.

  Henry’s eyes meet mine in the rearview mirror watching me suspiciously. Cam pats my shaking hands. “Listen we’ll explain the folder to Aiden so that he doesn’t dive into it. That way he knows what happened but doesn’t watch it. I know I wouldn’t want that shit floatin’ around about me. I also know how Aiden feels about goin’ viral. He’ll understand Daisy but we can’t delete it. That’s fuckin’ proof of how shady those bastards really are.”

  I nod then glance at Henry whose jaw is ticking angrily. “Y’all plannin’ to share about that shit?” He asks.

  “Yeah Big Man, just not right now alright? I’ll need to talk to Gray about it all first.”

  “Could it be why he was banging the damn door down to your suite?” He asks making me shrug.

  “I don’t know Landon anymore Henry. I don’t know if I ever really did.” I mutter sadly.

  By the time we walk into the staging area I’m ready to dump the heavy of all this shit and have fun. Without a word I walk over curling into Gray’s lap. His arms instantly surround me while I run my fingers along the shield, tracing the outline. My palm then flattens against it feeling his heart beat thump against my hand, soothing me immediately. “You okay?” He asks sweetly, his fingers tracing circles on my back.

  “I’m fine now.” I whisper meeting his eyes. The steel gray of his eyes as panty melting as always, drawing me in making me need to feel his lips on mine, his body against mine and everything in between.

  “I was worried when Tad had Landon leave in a cab for an errand.” He whispers against my skin as he kisses down my jaw. I can’t let him know how close things were. Gray needs to focus on the show right now then we can talk about the files and nearly being caught but right now it needs to be all about Shaft.

  “He came back for something but didn’t see us. Everything is fine Gray now go sing me something. We can talk about this later.” I reply hoping he will drop the subject. Cam is sitting curled in Aiden’s arms where he whispers something to her making her eyes close and her breathing accelerate. Then just as quickly he stands then leaves the room.

  “See you Wildflower, stage left.” He kisses me then I watch him follow Hunter toward the stage.

  Aiden struggles some with his solos since his hands are still partially bandaged but the audience doesn’t notice. His face contorts in agony with nearly every hit to his kit. Hunter is in full on Cunter mode even pulling a chick up on stage burying his face in her chest during Gray’s intro. Looking over, Hunter waggles his tongue at me while thrusting his hips wildly. Gray’s eyes widen just in time to see me slide my middle finger up, blowing a kiss to Cunter with it.

  Hunter Chesterfield may be a perverted obnoxious bastard. You also may be able to count his age by the lipstick rings around his dick on any given day but he is a good guy underneath his inflated ego. I’m sure of that. Just from what little bit he told me about their childhood I can piece together enough to know that it’s just how he handles the shit hand he was dealt.

  I watch as the three of them rock the shit out of Vegas. Tomorrow we start making the trip up to northern Minnesota, just outside the Canadian border. A couple little stops in-between but nothing hotel worthy so it’s goodbye hotel and back to the big bitch. Back on the bus in cramped quarters but this time when we leave, we do it without Cam. This was her original end point so I seriously doubt she will change her mind on that. As much as I will miss her I know it will make it that much sweeter when they are back together. The next time Aiden sees Cam she will be ready to stake her claim on his heart, even if it already belongs to her.

  “Alright you fuckin’ amazin’ ass people of Sin City! One more thing from us tonight! Are you ready to soak your panties for this motherfucker right here?” Hunter screams into the mic as he points to Gray. “Too bad because the fucker went through some ball ‘n’ chain drive thru the other night. Clamped a wife to his balls then got two burgers to go.” Roaring with laughter they flip each other off making the crowd start screaming. “Well he’s gonna sing some shit for you anyway.” Hunter says as Gray walks up to the mic.

  “Alright Vegas, how about some Tonic for you tonight?” He shouts into the mic starting the intro to ‘If You Could Only See.’

  Gray’s eyes meet mine as he pours out every word. He calls out all the lies, all the deceit as he defends everything about the love he feels. Making it clear how determined he is to fight just to hear those three words from my lips. Gray’s voice commanding the song as one big fuck off to Landon, Tad or anyone else who doubts the way he feels for me. How it isn’t going to be easy or always pretty but I love him.

  The moment he finishes I do something I never thought possible. As he swings the guitar around to his back I jump from my stool running onto the stage and leap into his arms. Wrapping my legs around his waist I kiss him hard. The crowd going crazy as my tongue dives into his mouth. Gray’s hands wrap around me, holding me firmly against him. Our chests pressed tightly together as everyone claps and screams.

  “Alright break it up before w
e get the hose!” I hear Hunter scream into the mic.

  Pulling back I meet the sexiest smile while Gray runs his thumb along my bottom lip. “I love the fuck out of watchin’ you bloom Wildflower.” Then with my legs still wrapped around him he walks off the stage passing everyone without a word heading back down to the staging area.

  Chapter Twenty Two:

  Twat Caverns, Twinkies and Groupie Sleaze

  The next morning I walk up the bus steps with a bag of groceries that Cam, Chase and I bought to find Hunter bouncing past Henry and Aiden to take the bag from me. “Is there bacon? Is there? Huh?” Diving into the bag he starts piling stuff onto the counter. “Bacon! Bacon!” He exclaims clutching the boxes of microwave bacon to his chest. I am realizing all too quickly what I’m in for since Cam is officially gone now. I’m alone on the bus with all the guys again.

  After leaving a very unhappy Gray in bed early this morning, I had breakfast with Cam and Chase at yet another diner. From there we went get stuff to stock the bus before Chase dropped me off at the bus where the guys were all waiting. Camaron refuses to get within five hundred feet of the big bitch or Aiden so she grabbed a cab back to her parent’s house when we left the store.

  “Yes bacon.” I say patting his back. “Who’s a good boy?” I coo to him making Henry laugh.

  “He sounds like that damn dog on the treat commercial.” Aiden says not taking his eyes from the computer screen. “How was Cam this morning?”

  “She’s the same Aiden. Can’t mention you without crying, but all she wanted to do was ask about you.” I reply as I put the groceries away that Hunter isn’t about to make out with.

  “Cam talked to me last night about something, Daisy.” He adds. I can feel him staring at me but I don’t turn to face him. I can’t discuss this with him before Gray knows but I don’t want to discuss it at all.

  “Aiden, I don’t want to talk about it. Not now, not ever alright? It’s between Landon and me not you.” I say angrily, biting back the tears. “Just one more thing to add to the betrayal but it’ll be over soon enough.”

  “What?” Gray says walking up the aisle from our bedroom. I turn meeting his gaze. “What else adds to the betrayal Daisy?” Gray asks again.

  “We don’t need to have this conversation right now Grayson.” I bite slamming the cabinet door then yank the bacon from Hunter to put it away. Gray stalks over grabs my hips tossing me over his shoulder. The boxes fly into the floor making Hunter scramble to pick them up.

  Gray turns walks down the aisle passing the bunks then into our room kicking the door closed behind us. “Grayson put me down!” I squeal. Just as I start to struggle he flops me onto the bed on my ass.

  “Answer the damn question. What happened that you decided not to tell me about?” He snaps starting to lose his patience.


  “Bullshit. Yesterday, you walk in without a single word then climb into my lap. After the show you lay in my arms but didn’t sleep at all last night. I know better baby. I felt you running your fingers on my fuckin’ ink all night. I can’t be that damned shield if you don’t tell me what I’m up against Wildflower. I’ll ask this one more time. What happened last night Daisy?”

  “He recorded us.” I croak barely above a whisper but I hear his breath rush from his chest so I know that he heard me.

  “Who did? When?”

  Looking up I see Gray’s fists balled at his sides, his mouth a hard line. His eyes are dark and stormy to a point I’ve never seen. Looking at his feet I answer. “Cam found videos on Tad’s laptop of Landon and me. The whole time that I was with Landon they were recording us together.” I watch Gray’s feet turn then he silently leaves the room.

  I curl into a ball on the bed letting the tears pour down my face freely. It isn’t the fact of what Landon did or let Tad do that has me crying right now. No, it’s the fact that Gray walked out after I told him what he wanted to know. I would have kept it from him if I could. Not to be dishonest but to keep it from hurting him. From hurting what we are building together. I lie on the bed for a long time looking through my tears at my wedding ring before the door opens. I don’t turn my head toward him when the bed dips I just turn to muffle my sobs into the pillow.

  “Landon isn’t answering his phone.” Gray’s voice is vibrating with rage. “I want to kill them both Daisy. Make them fuckin’ pay. That shit on there…” He starts.

  He curls behind me nuzzling my hair as I cry into the pillow. “Did you guys watch them?”

  “I went through the files. No one else baby. You’re my wife. You can’t keep this shit from me. It’s my job to protect you, support you, to love you.” He whispers into my ear. “Honesty and communication remember? No secrets. I’ll deal with those bastards for this. The termination letter from last week is back in effect. Aiden has all the proof we need now thanks to you ladies to terminate immediately. Tad was charging twice the fee than before then pocketing half on top of his agreed fees. We got all of it from his laptop; bank statements, invoices, everything. That part is over but this with you is personal. I’ll tend to it in Minnesota if they show the fuck up.”

  Turning, I meet Gray’s gorgeous face. Cupping his face in my hands I run my fingers tips along the scratchy stubble along his chin. Turning his face, he slowly runs his lips along my wrist. “Nothing about how much I love you makes sense Grayson. How fast I fell for you or how you completely take me over with every touch. How much I need to be with you shatters everything else in the world to hell. I don’t want anything else but this moment right now with you.”

  “Love doesn’t make sense Daisy. It isn’t supposed to be defined or put into a box. Wildflower, you consume me. You don’t put labels on something as simple and pure as what we have here, baby. You just breathe it in for all it’s worth.” Leaning down he presses his lips to mine. “Fast, slow, it just is what it is. I love you Daisy that’s all that matters.”

  Gray rolls to his back pulling me on top of his chest. I kiss along his jaw, the stubble rough against my lips as I move down his throat nipping softly. Leaning up he tugs his shirt over his head giving me access to his ink that I love so much. Gray’s hands unbutton my shirt as my fingers run along his chest, circling the vow he made to me in ink. His gaze locking on my fingers as they travel down his abdomen tracing the letters of his nickname. “Sex and Sin.” I murmur making him smile.

  Gray’s growls low in his throat then pins me beneath him. “I’ve taken all of the teasing I can stand. Now it’s my turn baby.”

  Gray pulls my pants down my legs throwing them behind him. Leaning down he sucks my nipple through the lace of my bra, my hands immediately diving into his hair. Sliding his hands down my back he cups my ass pulling me against him. I’m lost in the feeling of his hands and mouth running along my skin. The way his jeans are rubbing against me is so overwhelming all I can do is moan his name.

  “See how simple it is baby? No need complicating something that feels this right.”

  Sliding my panties down my legs Gray eases a finger into me. “Damn you feel like heaven baby. Ready for me already.” I feel him slide out then replacing it with two. Curving them inside me as his thumb circles my clit I cry out, my hips bucking off of the bed. His other hand brushes up my side running over my daisy to palm my breast. Gray rolls my nipple between his fingers as he circles my clit faster. Putting more pressure with his thumb sends me over the edge. My orgasm races through me as my walls tighten around his fingers. My legs still trembling when I feel his fingers leave me. I hear his zipper then he is pushing into me hard and fast.

  “Fuck Daisy I need this. Need you so fuckin’ bad baby.” He groans breathlessly, wrapping my legs around him. Gray’s hips are slamming against the backs of my thighs taking everything I have to give him. I fight against the need to close my eyes at the fullness. The feel of the piercings sliding against me is too much. Everything is so intense that I can already feel myself building again. “That’s right baby keep your eyes he
re.” Gray whispers against my lips.

  Cradling my neck with his hand he kisses me deeply pumping his hips against me wildly. His tongue slowly caresses mine. Arching my back, I roll my hips meeting his thrusts. I’m desperate for more. Completely frantic, unable to get close enough. Where he ends and where I begin is now nothing but a blurred line. I can totally understand what Aiden means by how connected his heart is with Cam’s. I get how deep it runs, how broken I know I would be losing this. I am drowning in the intensity of his eyes while we move harder and faster together. I cry my release into his mouth; my fingernails scraping down his back as my climax roars through me. Grabbing my hand Gray places it over his heart when he stills inside me. “Do you feel that? My heart beats your fuckin’ name Wildflower. Every beat says Daisy.” His eyes are smoldering, so intense, so serious when they meet mine again. Without another word he slams his mouth to mine. His orgasm making his entire body shudder as he fills me.

  Pulling me against him he rolls us so that I’m lying across his chest. Gray’s fingers running through my hair. “Don’t keep me in the dark Daisy, ever. I can’t take secrets. I’ve had way more in my life than I’ll ever need.” I nod against him, lying there content in just letting what we have be what it is without a label or a box.

  After we clean up Gray and I walk back up to the living area where nothing looks to have changed much. Henry is driving the bus, Aiden once again glued between the phone and laptop. Glancing over at the table I see Hunter sitting with his back to us, the bacon boxes all over the floor. Bending down I start grabbing them. “Damn it. I thought you would put them up before they…” I shake an empty box. “Holy shit! Did you eat all of these?” I ask in disbelief.

  Hunter looks up at me with a huge smile. “You should’ve married me babe. I’ll worship at your feet. Bacon! Oh the bacon!” Jumping up from the table he wraps his arms around me kissing my cheeks. “I love the hell outta your wife Gray.” He says grinning down at me.


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