Book Read Free

Escaping Me

Page 19

by Cat Mason

  Shoving him away I hold my nose. “Proposal denied. Oh my God! You reek of that damn stuff!”

  “Oh fine then be my sexy Mommy. You can adopt me. I’ll live on breast feasting and bacon.” He suggests dropping to his knees hugging my waist tightly with both arms. “Please oh please you could so be a MILF.”

  “For one genius it’s breast feeding, for two hell no.” Stepping over Aiden’s outstretched legs, I sit on the couch next to Gray. Who is deep in thought writing in his lyric book.

  “To each their own.” Hunter shrugs, flopping into his usual chair. “Now someone needs to tell Henry that we have to stop again soon for more bacon. Really Daisy that wasn’t very thoughtful of you to buy just enough for me and no one else. What will Gray think if you play favorites like that?”

  “You’re no one’s favorite.” Aiden chuckles.

  “I’m Chase’s favorite. She knows it too.” Hunter snaps back pointing at me, “I may even fly her up to Minnesota for the show. I’d love to give her another spin.” He groans closing his eyes leaning his head back against the chair.

  “AH HA!” I shout jumping to my feet. “You just admitted it! Hunter Chesterfield the well renowned one tap per pussy man is admitting he wants another taste of one!” I jump up and down making all three guys look up at me. “Too bad she wasn’t very into you. I mean you bored her to sleep while riding your face.” I tease, climbing over their legs to grab a bottle of water from the fridge.

  “Yeah the bitch was bored to screams. I fucked her unconscious. She loved every second. So when I get her beneath me, above or dangling from the ceiling again I’ll tape it so all of you can see every single amazing second. Then you can truly be a jealous bitch.” He says with a laugh.

  I choke spitting water down my shirt. Three pairs of eyes meeting mine only two of which understand the reason why. I fly down the aisle, into the bedroom throwing the shirt to the floor as I dig in my bag for another. What the hell is wrong with me? I can’t even take Hunter’s taunting now? I know good and well Hunter doesn’t know anything about it. Pulling on a dry t-shirt, I take a breath then walk back up the aisle.

  “You okay?” Gray asks when I sit back down next to him.

  “Yeah, fine. Just went down wrong I guess.”

  “Yo Big Man! I’m hungry let’s stop soon maybe we can find some pussy at the diner too.” Hunter shouts.

  “You need a good piece of pussy like a hole in the head.” Henry snaps back.

  Three hours later we sit in yet another diner looking over menus while Hunter hits on every waitress in the place. He pulls our waitress onto his lap while she takes our orders. Attaching his mouth to her neck completely distracting her. Great who knows what we will end up having to eat now. Gray wraps his arm around me in the booth while Aiden just ignores the entire world over his phone. “So I’ll go put your order in then meet you in back?” She asks Hunter.

  “That’s right…” He leans up to see her name tag. “Um, Christy. I’ll see ya in a minute.” He purrs as she walks away giggling.

  “You realize you’re goin’ to get random pussy at a truck stop?” I ask arching a brow. “That’s not groupie sleaze Cunter. That’s like throwin’ a Twinkie down a hallway.” I whisper when she looks over. “She walks like a gun slinger at high noon.”

  “Fuck you spooner.” He snaps with a grin then saunters his cocky ass back toward the bathrooms with Christy following behind.

  “Can you believe him? That’s just disgusting.” I shudder against Gray’s arm.

  “Daisy? What the fuck do you mean ‘Twinkie down a hallway’? Is that code?” Henry asks curiously.

  I laugh, shaking my head. “No. Assuming since she was so eager, I’ll bet this isn’t her first bathroom tap. So I am fair in assuming she may have a Grand Canyon sized vag. If so then Hunter’s dick would be divin’ in like a Twinkie being thrown down a hallway.” I shrug. “I was being generous I mean I could say a cocktail sausage… but you get the point.” The guys all laugh as I roll my eyes. “Such a man-whore. We’ll have to bleach him before we let him on the bus.”

  “Hunter had to take on a lot of shit as a kid. So now he takes on nothing. No responsibilities except when I go off the rails. Which the last time you handled it for him didn’t you?” Aiden says smiling sadly. “Cam didn’t say goodbye. She bolted not long after the show was over while I was busy with some fans. I hate this shit Daisy.”

  “Don’t worry Aiden. As messed up as she is over you she’ll be back.” Gray says kissing my hair.

  Hunter flies up the hallway screaming making us all jump. His face looks completely hysterical as he bolts around the table to the door. “Hunter what the hell is wrong with you? Did her twat have teeth?” Henry teases.

  “No her fuckin’ twat did not have teeth! Her fuckin’ dick did! Get me the hell outta here. My poor cock will never recover from getting a hard on then finding out that her junk was bigger than mine.” We all start laughing making Hunter explode. “You are all assholes! Bring my food to the damn bus.” He huffs stomping out the door.

  Christy walks over placing all the plates in front of us with a huge grin. “Next time he offers all that shit he whispered in my ear he should know not to freak out over a dildo. It ruins the moment.” She says with a giggle.

  Henry grabs his wallet yanking out a hundred dollar bill. “Honey, you wrap his shit up for me and take this. You’ve just made my fuckin’ year. No one has handled him like that before but he damn well needed it. Thank you.” He says with a wink making her blush.

  “My pleasure. I love Shaft but I always thought that Aiden was better looking. There is just something about a drummer.” She says as her tongue nearly falls onto the table.

  “Aw, Aiden give her a hug and a little kiss.” I say sweetly. “I can take a picture and everything.”

  Aiden stands as she walks over into his arms. I snap a photo just as he kisses her cheek but honestly from my angle it may or may not have been her cheek. Christy giggles then walks back to the kitchen. “Whatcha doin’?” Gray asks watching me type out a message.

  “Lighting a fire under Cam’s ass.” I mutter with a grin. I watch Aiden get lost in his phone again but his smile spreads across his face the moment I hit send on my text. I have officially thrown the photo gauntlet to set off Cam’s inner jealous bitch along with these words:

  Looks like your guy is moving on just fine babe. No worries. <3 Daisy

  Chapter Twenty Three:

  Do Not Anger the Shaft

  (Two Weeks Later)

  “Wake up Wildflower we’re here.” I hear Gray whisper against my neck as he trails soft kisses. “Ready to get off the bus and into a hotel room?”

  Sitting up in bed the smile spreads across my face. After two weeks of nothing but the bus and diners I’m beyond ready. “Are you kidding? I’m so ready!” I leap from the bed digging through my clothes. After being on this bus for two weeks with nothing but men has made me nearly crazy so this chick is ready for some girl time. Cam, Chase and I have been either talking or texting every day. Cam pretends not to worry about Aiden but strains to hear every word he says when we are on the phone. Chase has even been texting Hunter the past few days. I begged them both to come up for the show but Cam refused immediately. Chase on the other hand decided to go for it so I can’t wait to go pick her up and surprise Hunter. Keeping my excitement to a minimum has been hard but it will be so worth the look on his face.

  Gray’s arms wrap around my waist. “What time do you have to be at the airport?” He asks as I grab a blue maxi dress from the pile. Pulling away from Gray I shrug it on over my head.

  “About two hours, I think. Henry’s taking me while you guys practice. After we have lunch and hang out we’ll meet you guys before you go on stage.”

  Grabbing my hands he pulls my body flush against his. Nearly every inch of our bodies touching each other in some way. After being nearly inseparable for weeks now we are going to be apart for nearly the entire day. Gray dove into prot
ective mode after the videos and files were found. He is worried that after firing Landon and Tad they would try to threaten me or something. No contact though. Complete radio silence from the enemy camp. I was almost disappointed that after everything Landon didn’t even think he owed me an explanation at least but those thoughts are quickly dismissed every time I look at Grayson since I know that it would change nothing. There is nothing Landon can say to make me leave Gray to come back to him.

  The last three shows it has been just Henry and I stage left. Hunter hasn’t even brought a groupie backstage, although that part isn’t a down side at all. After his run in at the diner with Christy, Hunter has been a little gun shy. We have all been giving him shit about his dramatic dick dodge as Henry so lovingly refers to it. Henry was so pleased that he even chatted to Christy for some time before we left. All four guys have become increasingly protective of me. It’s like having four body guards. Four sexy, inked, very bossy body guards but hey I’m not complaining. Too much. I just really need some girl time.

  Walking up the aisle, I hear Hunter complaining about our attempt at dinner last night. “I told that sleazy bitch that was not fuckin’ bacon.” He growls angrily.

  “Canadian bacon is ham asshole.” Aiden chuckles.

  “Those fuckers are false advertisers. I make a motion that Shaft does not travel across the border to Canada because I will not tolerate a bacon imposter.” He shouts standing to his feet.

  “They have regular bacon in Canada too dumbass.” Henry argues shaking his head. “Sometimes you are too dumb for your own good.”

  “Yeah like the day at…” I start with a giggle as Hunter glares at me.

  “That thing that is never to be spoken of? Don’t go there Daisy. Today is not the day. I’m goin’ through bacon withdrawal. Remindin’ me of my pussy drought may be the thing that puts me over the edge.”

  “There’s a box hidden behind the apples in the fridge.” I barely get the words out before he dives into the fridge retrieving my stash of microwave bacon.

  “Gray have I told you I love the hell outta your wife?” He says ripping the box open.

  “Usually about a hundred times a day Cunter but I love her more.” Gray teases pulling me to him. I smile as he breathes me in.

  “We gotta get going.” Aiden says checking his phone. “Twenty seven minutes until we need to meet the crew to set up.”

  “Anal Annie’s back in the saddle. Fuck I miss Cam man.” Hunter says yanking his plate full of bacon from the microwave. “Let’s go I can eat ‘n’ ride.” He mumbles through a mouthful of bacon as he flings open the door.

  I watch Aiden’s face soften sadly. “I wish she was coming Daisy. She said no huh?”

  I nod. “I’m sorry Aiden. Give her some time.” He just nods as we all follow Hunter to the SUV.

  Thanks to Aiden’s strict timing on everything we make it to the airport on time. The guys are setting up then running a quick practice of some new songs they have been working on so Chase and I are going to have all afternoon to hang out at the hotel.

  “Is everything ready to go to the hotel?” I ask Henry while we walk to the terminal gates to wait for everyone to exit the plane.

  “Yep, it’s all in the back of the ‘Burban. Suites are across the hall from each other so it will be a pie job getting everything settled. This hotel even has a laundry service.” He says almost excitedly.

  Two huge suites worked out perfect. Henry, Aiden and Hunter in one leaving Gray and me to share with Chase. Although I look for Chase to spend a lot of time with Hunter but he doesn’t exactly know that yet does he? My phone messenger pings as we wait for the doors to open:

  Hope u n Chase have fun Sweets.

  Cam. I smile as I read then type my reply.

  Could’ve flown up with her u know. Maybe I should have Aiden get all Dom and make u come.

  I wonder what she would say if he had told her to come.

  Aiden makin’ me come is a bad idea.

  Being around all these guys is killing my brain cells because my mind automatically forces my reply:

  That’s never a bad idea babe. Come up if u want. Call we’ll pick u up, be here all week.

  Her reply is short:

  Sorry. <3

  I send her hearts but I want to send her a kick in the ass. I need to see if there is an app for that. Just as I put my phone away I see Chase sashay through the metal detector. “Would you look at the hunk of man candy escortin’ you around?” She teases. This five foot nothing woman has made a seven foot tall man blush. “Hi Henry you takin’ care of that gorgeous asshole I’m so fond of?”

  “I try Chase.” He chuckles then takes her bags. “Did you have a nice flight?”

  “After lots of booze it was very nice.” She teases as I hug her.

  “We have all afternoon to settle in at the hotel before meeting the guys for the show tonight.” I explain as we walk out to the parking lot.

  Once we have everything settled in the rooms we declare it bikini time. Leaning back I stretch out against the lounger by the indoor pool in the hotel. Chase is sprawled out next to me while Henry stands in the corner in his usual stance. “So he’s gun shy huh?” Chase giggles while I retell the story of Hunter’s near anal probing.

  Henry tries his best not to but even he laughs with us when I inform her how Hunter hasn’t even attempted to pick up another woman since. I hear about how Chase has checked in on Camaron. How she’s a complete wreck even though she tries to lie her way around it. “She really is full of shit.” Chase says. “I mean she says she’s fine but then when she came by the shop the other day Luke asked her out and she burst into tears. Didn’t say a word, she just ran out of there. I mean we have to fix this between them Daisy. She hasn’t even tried to get a job, she doesn’t care about anything. I even tried pushing that Aiden is moving on.”

  “He isn’t though.” I whisper making her choke on her drink.

  “What?” Chase shrieks. “I saw that picture with my own eyes.”

  “I know what it looked like Chase. It was staged to light a fire under her possessive nature it just didn’t work yet. I’m goin’ to have to try harder is all.” I huff

  “Ladies.” Henry calls over. “It’s about time to get ready. I would hate for Aiden to go postal over his schedule being thrown off.”

  “Vacation’s over honey. Time to go keep the groupies off our men.” I tease nudging her. Chase has the most amazing lily tattoo. The reddish orange lilies span the back of her shoulder, down her back then end curing around her hip on her belly. It had to have taken forever to get done.

  “Tiger Lily huh?” I say pointing at her hip. She just blushes and nods as we walk to the elevator.


  Two hours later Henry opens the door to the staging area as Aiden yells, “Ten minutes late Daisy!”

  “Sorry Aiden but I found something in the ‘Burban I needed to bring to Hunter.” Henry calls as Chase and I walk through the door.

  Hunter’s face turns up with a grin as he sees Chase. He stands to his feet, walking over without a word then slams his mouth to hers. Chase pulls back, her hands stroking his cheeks. “I hear you have been in a drought baby.” She whispers against his lips.

  “Aiden?” Hunter asks not taking his eyes from Chase.

  “Twenty six minutes.” Aiden mutters rolling his eyes.

  Hunter lifts her into his arms without a word. Then walks back into the little changing room making Chase giggle, slamming the door behind them with his foot. Gray is sitting on a bar stool drinking a beer, watching my every move. His eyes darken as the rake over my body. The short black dress that I have on has a zipper running from top to bottom that matches my silver open toed heels. Holding up his finger he spins it gesturing for my usual floor show spin. And as usual I get that delicious growl of approval. “Get that ass over here.” Gray’s voice making me melt as always.

  Slowly I walk across the room to him, swinging my hips with every step stopping just ou
t of his reach. “Did you miss me today?” He asks holding his hand out to me. I nod, brushing my finger tips along his hand, before entwining my fingers with his. Gray pulls me between his thighs where he sits on the stool then presses his lips to mine. His tongue teasing my lips as I slowly open for him. My hands slide up his bare arms to get into his hair as his tongue slowly makes love to my mouth. Gray’s hands run down my sides cupping my behind pulling me against him so that he can deepen the kiss.

  I can hear shouting from the other side of the door. Henry is arguing with someone. “You can’t just fuckin’ walk in here making orders. They fired you! Who do you think you are?” The door flies open making me pull back from Grayson to meet a fuming Henry who is glaring at Tad and Landon as they walk into the room as if they owned it.

  Tad sits on the stool next to Gray with a huge smile. “How’s it goin’ newlyweds?” He asks cockily.

  I can feel Grayson’s grip tighten around me as he pulls my back flush against his chest. “You were terminated with good reason this time Tad. You need to get the fuck out before we involve the police.” Gray bites out venomously.

  Landon walks over to Tad’s side with his head bowed. “Landon and I are here to visit our dear friend Daisy. She has quite the interesting past with Landon here. It’s rather entertaining.”

  “We know all about the videos you have Tad.” I stammer uncomfortably.

  “Well, then you’ll have no problem putting us back to work then. I’d hate for those to get in the wrong hands. Someone could see so much of you Mrs. Cole.” The hate for me dripping off of his every word.

  Gray shoves me behind him, getting right up in Tad’s face. “You do it motherfucker, I’ll make you wish you were dead.” He snaps, turning to Landon. “You. Man, you were her fiancé, she fuckin’ loved you. Then you let this shit go on? You deserve to rot in hell with this bastard for letting him tape you having sex with Daisy.”

  A roar echoes through the room then it all seems to be running in slow motion. Hunter barrels through the room knocking Tad to the ground, his fist connecting with Tad’s jaw with a loud snap. Tad goes limp nearly instantly but Hunter keeps hitting him again and again. The thumping and crashing of Hunter’s fist against Tad’s face mixing with shouting and screaming from Hunter. “Henry!” Aiden shouts. “He’ll kill him. Make him stop!”


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