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Jimmy's Game (Ruthless)

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by Karen Clow


  The ‘Ruthless’ Series

  Book One


  Karen Clow


  This novel is a work of fiction. Names and characters are the product of the author’s imagination and any resemblance to actual persons living or dead is entirely coincidental.

  This work is registered with the UK Copyright Service Registration number: 281544

  Jimmy’s Game

  Copyright © 2012 by Karen Clow

  All Rights Reserved

  Published By:

  Karen Clow

  Adult Reading Material

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  All my life I’ve been passionate about writing, even as a child. Little did I know then I would have to wait until I was fifty to fulfil my dream and actually publish my novels.

  My family have always been of paramount importance to me, so it seemed natural to put my life as a would-be writer on hold, until my children were settled and happy. There never seemed to be enough hours in the day, especially when my girls were growing up. I’ve always worked jobs that fitted in with my family, as I’m a great believer in what you put into family life is what you’ll get back. In my case it’s worked and I have a wonderful relationship with my girls and my beautiful grandchildren. I’ve loved every job I’ve had, but none more so than being a mum, which is why for thirteen years I became a foster mum for teenagers. My house was always full of kids and I loved every minute of it! Time was the only thing I could never control and between fostering, raising thousands of pounds locally for worthy causes and rescuing guinea pigs, I never seemed to have any left for me!

  It was after having nursed both my wonderful, loving, parents through cancer until their deaths, I decided it was time to treat myself to some ‘me time’ and try my hand as a proper writer and not just as a hobbyist. Although the theory was good, putting it into practice was another matter. Often I would write during the night hours so as not to upset my family’s routine, old habits die hard.

  It was only after asking several people to read my books, I felt confident enough to try and secure an agent, but I quickly realised I probably stood more chance of becoming the next Prime Minister than actually getting signed up! So after months of trying I said to myself, ‘hang on a minute! Agents are not God, just one person who gets to choose one book from thousands and who’s to say they’re right?’ Everyone loved my books and constantly said I should publish. So with the help of my lovely ‘little’ Ian (A young man who we all consider family) we looked at e-books.

  I don’t know if my books will be successful, but for me it has never been about fame or fortune. I’ve never had either and you don’t miss what you’ve never had. It’s the thrill of finally being able to give people the chance to read them.

  I have written several novels in different genres which I’m told is quite unusual. Truth is all of my writing comes from the heart and from some of life’s experiences. One question I’m always asked is where my story lines come from. My answer is simple, like most of my friends I attended the school of hard knocks, but I feel truly blessed to have a large extended family and to have met so many people from so many walks of life, some good, some bad and some decidedly dodgy, but never dull. Without any doubt they have helped to inspire some of my characters, but for the story lines, my colourful imagination has come into play.


  To my many friends who encouraged me not to give up, my heartfelt thanks to them. They know who they are. My lovely friends on Facebook who have read, commented and shared my book snippets, you inspire me!

  I also want to thank some very special people who without their help and belief in me, my lifelong dream would never have come true.

  My wonderful family, Pete, Michelle, Melissa, and Ruth for their love, patience and understanding.

  Ian Paton, my very own earth angel, wonderful friend, critic and inspiration. I would be lost without his support. Sue Fairman, who for over thirty years has been my confidant, loyal, reliable, honest friend, a lady I hold very close to my heart.

  Helen, who is not only my sister-in-law, but my dear friend. Her addiction to my books encouraged me to write more in the series. Jan Norse, my lifelong friend, whose knowledge and friendship started me on this amazing journey; she also has a special place in my heart.

  Shelly Grant, my nutty friend who has put up with my constant moaning whilst preparing my books for publishing and whose encouragement and laughter has meant so much. Pam, my dear friend who came to my rescue in the eleventh hour and did a fantastic job.

  Last but not least my dog, Fat Freddy, my loyal, faithful boy who kept me company through all those long lonely night hours when I was writing.


  Mum and Dad with love xx

  Roger Hopper with love xx


  This book is dedicated with love to Ronnie and Kate, who in the early stages sat through listening to me reading this book every Wednesday. Special thanks to Kate for reading the dirty bits, when I was too embarrassed!


  For all the women who cry in silence and live in fear of violent, jealous, controlling men.




























































  Like a caged animal Jimmy Dixon paced up and down his lounge floor, glancing at his watch every few minutes, patience wasn’t his strong point and what little he had was beginning to run out. From the window of his luxury apartment he looked out over the river Thames before scanning the streets below. His hope was to see Shaun Flanagan’s car; but it was Saturday and as always the streets outside were a hive of activity. For a few minutes he watched the people go about their business, instantly picking out the day trippers at a glance. Whilst looking along the endless stream of traffic for Shaun’s car, the reality of what he’d done the previous night at the poker game began to sink in. Nick Orphanides wasn’t someone to mess with, Jimmy knew that from past experience, but it was too late to take back what had happened, what was done was done. His t
houghts were simple, he hoped Nick would accept that he’d lost the bet and keep to his end of the deal, had the bet been for money, things would be different, but the prize had been the girl and Jimmy knew better than anyone that Nick would be reluctant to give her up, especially to him. The arrangement had been Nick’s bodyguard, Shaun Flanagan, would deliver her to Jimmy’s apartment later that morning. Nervously he tried not to think negatively as he watched and waited, but he had already decided that if she wasn’t there by eleven he would go and get her, regardless of the consequences.

  It was just past ten thirty when the intercom buzzed. Although he had anticipated this moment all night, now it was here he could feel his stomach churning and his palms sweating. In his mind he tried to convince himself that he’d only made the bet to free her from Nick and that she could simply leave if she wanted to, but in truth he knew he wanted her, every Friday night at the poker game he had thought about having her. When she leaned over him to fill his glass, he had wanted to reach out and touch her as the smell of her perfume aroused him. Since the first time he laid eyes on her he wanted her. On rare occasions his dark side would surface, when he lay in bed after the game thinking of her, if he had her, would he want to keep her prisoner as Nick did, knowing only him, never allowing anyone to get close to her? Then he’d remember his mother and the prisoner she became through fear and violence. There were times alone in the darkness when he thought he heard his mother’s voice say, ‘Don’t be like your dad Jimmy, be better than that.’

  Answering the intercom he immediately noticed the Irishman sounded less calm than usual as he said; “Quick Jimmy let me in!” Hearing panic in his voice Jimmy pressed the entry button and waited at the door for the lift to arrive. Moments later he was looking across the hall at them, but he had not expected the sight which now confronted him. Of course he knew there would be consequences over the previous night, but not like this. Shaun stood in front of him cradling the girl in his arms; she was barely conscious and covered in blood. “Oh my God!” exclaimed Jimmy, “What the fuck happened?” “Nick that’s what happened,” replied Shaun as he carried her into the apartment and gently laid her on the sofa. “Did anyone see you?” asked Jimmy. “No, I was careful.” “Should I phone an ambulance or a doctor?” “Nah best not, just get me a bowl of warm water and a towel.”

  Returning a few minutes later, he passed Shaun the items he’d requested. Standing over her, he watched as the big bruiser gently bathed her cuts and swollen face. Briefly glancing at Jimmy he said, “Got any ice?” Jimmy nodded. “Bring me some in a cloth,” he instructed. Returning quickly with the ice, Jimmy continued to watch as Shaun tended her. In all the years he’d known Shaun Flanagan, he never realised he had such a compassionate side, well known for being a hard man, always ready to beat someone to a pulp if Nick ordered him to.

  “There, now leave her to sleep Jimmy and pour me a drink,” said Shaun. The two men sat down. Jimmy looked at him and said, “Why did that bastard do this Shaun?” “That’s simple, you’ve got her and he wants her back, if I hadn’t turned up when I did he would have killed her for sure.” “I’ll fucking kill him; he’s not getting away with it! This wasn’t the deal!” “Just leave it Jimmy, there’s been enough blood spilt for one day, just let things calm down and take my advice, keep out of his way he’s dangerous.” With a mix of curiosity and mistrust, Jimmy said, “Why are you helping me Shaun? We all know your loyalty is to Nick.” “Aye you’re right, but not this time, you see I love the wee lass.” Noticing Jimmy looked shocked by his remark, Shaun quickly added, “Don’t look at me like that; I love her like a father.” “Really,” he replied with a tone of disbelief. “Aye really, it’s like this Jimmy, every Sunday for the past two years she has attended church with me and the family. It was the only time she was allowed out; even then I had to ensure that she spoke to no one. It was hard convincing Nick to let her come with us; I had to call in a couple of favours.” “I never knew that.” “Aye, she was such a young wee scrap of a girl back then. I knew what was going on but there was nothing I could do, believe me if I didn’t have my family to think of it would have been different, but Nick’s an evil bastard, I couldn’t take the chance. We both know what he’s capable of.” “He’s a fucking psycho!” “Aye you’re right, that’s why I’ve looked out for her. I asked her once if she wanted me to drive her to the train station, I offered her money, said I’d tell him she’d run away, but she refused. I’ve asked her several times over the years, but she always said no.” “Why?” “Because she knew he’d find her and kill the pair of us.” “She was probably right, will you be ok now?” “Aye for sure, with any luck he‘ll have calmed down by the time I get back and believe me he will listen to reason once I make him see sense. You know as well as I do, the last thing he’ll want is a war, especially with you.” Despite what he’d just said Shaun knew there would be repercussions over what had happened, he’d worked for Nick long enough to be certain this wouldn’t be an end to the matter. Looking at Jimmy he could see the burning hatred in his eyes, he had that certain look about him which told Shaun he wouldn’t back down, not even from Nick. Jimmy had grown up tough on the streets of London, into organised crime at seventeen, now nearer forty than thirty and a real hard man, his whole demeanour shouted; ‘don’t mess with me or you’ll be sorry.’ Around five foot eleven, with short cropped fair hair, well built with a muscular physique. A faded scar above his left eyebrow, which was not as a result of fighting, but a souvenir of a merciless beating he had taken from his abusive father when he was just seven. Tattoos across his arms and chest all but hid other reminders of his violent past.

  Finishing his drink Shaun stood up and said, “Just remember to keep out of his way, I’ll see myself out.” The two men shook hands as Jimmy said, “Thanks for this Shaun.” “No thanks needed, just take care of her.”

  For the next four hours Jimmy sat watching over her, feeling the anger raging through his body as he watched her and thought about the vicious beating she’d taken because of him. His mind questioned why he’d thought for one minute his actions from the previous night would end well. Why had he imagined for an instant that Nick would be ok about it, how could he have been so stupid? Clenching his fist he pounded the arm of the sofa, only controlling his temper because the noise made her stir, although she didn’t wake. Again his mind questioned his logic, because like everyone else involved in organised crime he knew that within your own crew there was a line which you didn’t cross and he had been stupid enough to do just that.

  Sweeping her hair back from her face, he felt the stickiness of her blood on his fingers. Gently he wiped her hair with a towel, only stopping momentarily when she opened her eyes, but before he could say anything to her she began sinking back into unconsciousness. Sitting there quietly he looked at the young woman who was lying bleeding on his sofa, her beautiful face unrecognisable; every inch covered in cuts and bruises. Still in a state of disbelief and anger, he went over in his head what had happened just a few hours earlier, the series of events which had led to her being almost beaten to death. Taking his thoughts back to the previous night when he and his best friend Mickey Mann had arrived at Nick’s penthouse for the weekly poker game. The other players were already there, Jimmy pictured the faces of the men; especially Nick’s, who as always was smirking, ever confident that he was going to be a big winner that night. Jimmy could feel his adrenalin pumping as he thought about Nick and what he’d done to her.

  That Friday night hadn’t started any differently to any other poker night, same faces same chit chats. Like most of the players Jimmy was there because it was expected. Everyone at the game knew Nick saw himself as the boss, who revelled in the fact that at the ripe old age of forty two he had done so well. Always boasting, he loved to show off. Nick knew he was a handsome man, with well kept black wavy hair and dark brown soulless eyes, standing over six feet tall with a great body from working out daily. Carrying an air of arrogance about him and looking more l
ike a Hollywood leading man than a crime boss, nobody loved Nick as much as he loved himself. A confident, arrogant, self made man, who bragged about liking kinky sex and recreational drugs, although he rarely indulged in anything stronger than coke because he liked to be in control. It was no secret he had a hard on for young girls, a real control freak and sadist. Referred to as Nick the Greek, real name Nikodemus Orphanides, a descendant from Greek Cypriots, his family had moved to London from Cyprus when he was seven. They shared a house with his uncle, who, like his father was heavily involved in organised crime. Nick quickly learnt that being tougher than the next kid would guarantee him respect. At just thirty two he became the head of his family, when his uncle died from cancer and less than a year later his father was killed in a pub brawl with a rival firm. His mother and two sisters returned to Cyprus, never again to return to Britain. One thing every criminal in London knew was never to cross him; he’s a hard ruthless bastard who would have no trouble putting you down, although rarely getting his own hands dirty; that would be left to Shaun Flanagan, the big Irishman who had kept his word and brought the girl to Jimmy’s apartment earlier that morning. Shaun never says much and no one really knows what brought about the union between him and Nick, apart from money and the fact they’re both hard men, they have little in common. Before becoming Nick’s bodyguard, Shaun worked the doors in his clubs for a few years, yet despite the closeness he shares with the other crew members Shaun carries an air of mystery about him, he’s the type of man you could know for twenty years and still never really know. A giant of a man, standing no less than six feet five inches tall, with fiery red hair now flecked with grey and held back in a ponytail. Despite being in his early fifties and slightly overweight, he still poses an awesome figure and despite his undisputed reputation as a hard man, he’s a devout Catholic who goes to church regularly, always carries rosary beads and looks after his family of seven children and six grandchildren, all of whom he adores. Probably the only man who knows most, if not all, of Nicks dirty little secrets. Always with him, but despite his loyalty Shaun keeps his own council. Unlike his boss he is content with his lot and well aware that Nick is dangerous because he’s power hungry. Nick’s into everything, prostitution, drugs, gambling, if there’s money to be made he’s into it. Allowing nothing to stand in his way, he doesn’t care about who he has to hurt or kill to stay on top. Having little compassion or respect for anyone or anything, in Nick’s world everything has a price.


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