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Jimmy's Game (Ruthless)

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by Karen Clow

  There were eight players including Jimmy at the game, all of whom were heavily involved in organised crime. With the exception of the one black man, Maurice Lamar, everyone there had grown up tough on the streets of London. Unlike them, Maurice had moved to Britain from the Caribbean in his late teens where he was quickly spotted by the then crime boss. Despite Jimmy doing business with Maurice he doesn’t care for him, due to the fact that he’s a sadistic bisexual with an unhealthy liking for young boys. In truth, he represents everything Jimmy hates.

  The player who sat next to Jimmy was his closet friend and business partner, corrupt solicitor and entrepreneur Mickey Mann, best friends since early schooldays, there are many similarities between them. It was Mickey’s father Den who introduced them into organised crime when they were seventeen. Their dissimilarities in looks are about the only thing to separate them, both approaching forty and single and despite a totally different upbringing in many ways they’re closer than brothers. Jimmy had seen more than his fair share of trouble and violence, especially when it came to fighting, which was usually brought about because of the short fuse he had regarding his temper. Never one to walk away from a fight regardless of the odds, but he knew Mickey was always there watching his back. Had they not have been able to coerce influential people into providing airtight alibis on certain occasions over the years, no doubt Jimmy would have done hard time.

  Mickey was the slightly taller of the two, dark hair, naturally slim; normally wore suits, hair and nails were always immaculate. Certainly looked the part as a professional, although he could handle himself should the need arise. Both he and Jimmy were married in their early twenties and both were divorced by the time they were thirty. Mickey has a fifteen year old daughter Charlotte from his marriage; she works in his legitimate law office during school holidays; mainly helping his secretary with run of the mill stuff like filing and making coffee. Mickey makes sure she never knows exactly what he does outside of his office and despite the fact that she is an intelligent girl, he also forbids her to date any boys whose families are connected to the criminal world. Charlie, as she prefers to be called lives with her mother and stepfather, but spends weekends and school holidays with Mickey. She’s privileged to attend one of the best schools in London, paid for by him. It’s no secret that she adores Jimmy, often joining him for dinner at one of their restaurants when her dad is out on business. Everyone knows Jimmy loves her like a daughter; nothing is too good for her, if she asked him for anything he would endeavour to get it for her. Fact is he loves Mickey’s family as though they were his own, after they’d taken him in many times during his troubled childhood.

  Mickey’s parents Den and Mary made Jimmy feel as though he belonged with their family. Den was not only a great father figure, but a great accountant. Well respected locally as a good family man and husband. They appeared to be the perfect family; apart from Den keeping books for the mob, they were. It was a total contrast to the life that Jimmy had, with an abusive alcoholic father and a downtrodden mother who was terrified of her husband. Finally, when Jimmy was fifteen his mother committed suicide, she left him a note telling him how sorry she was for not being able to protect him from his father, but she couldn’t stand another day living with this dreadful man who she hated, but was too afraid to leave. She begged him to ask Mickey’s parents if he could live with them until he was old enough to get a place of his own. The note ended with her telling him how much she loved him and how sorry she was that she’d let him down. The final line read, ‘always respect women Jimmy, don’t be like your father.’ There was two hundred and eighty pounds wrapped inside the note, it was all his mother had after eighteen years of marriage, she was thirty eight years old when she died.

  Everyone knows that the bond between Jimmy and Mickey is airtight, not just because of their childhoods; it goes much deeper than that. Even when Mickey went away to university to study law, Jimmy stayed with his family. It was Den, who then introduced him to the boss, who quickly saw his potential. By the time he was twenty one, Jimmy had his own crew working a protection racket and for his twenty first birthday his crew gave him his best present ever, they murdered his father. Rumour has it two heavies lured him to a train depot where they beat him to death, before laying him on the track. Jimmy kept the newspaper clipping, it read, ‘Local man James David Dixon killed by train, he was a widower who leaves a son James. There were no suspicious circumstances. The police believe he was drunk and fell onto the track knocking him unconscious.

  By the time Mickey returned from university Jimmy was already turning over big money. They bought their first club Dixie’s at age twenty six, around the same time Mickey became a partner in a law firm. By the time they were thirty they were high up in organised crime, in fact like them everyone at the poker game was a self made man, despite having had a little help from older family members, they had all made it on their own and very successfully. Ironically none of them really answered to Nick, but in one way or another they all needed him, he was the man with all the contacts and it was definitely healthier to work with him than against him.

  Yes, life in organised crime was sweet and very profitable, however, no one, especially Jimmy had foreseen that something would happen that night which would change everything. That particular poker game would bring about the fall of an empire and result in a brutal murder.


  Aside from the eight poker players that night, there was Maria, the young girl Jimmy was now looking at lying on his sofa. Known to the crew as Nick’s trophy virgin, he never spoke about how they had met or where she came from, only that she had been raised by the nuns at St Augustus. Regularly on poker nights Nick would humiliate and tease her about being a good Catholic girl, the previous night being no exception. It was obvious to everyone that she was terrified of him, rarely speaking; she simply did what he told her to. If someone had an empty glass he would snap his fingers at her and she would fill it, hour after hour she would sit motionless, just waiting for her next order. Stunningly beautiful, looked to be about nineteen, long dark hair to her waist with smouldering green eyes and a figure to die for. She had lived with Nick for the past three years, rarely seen during the first twelve months, but for the last two years she had attended the poker night. Often seen sporting black eyes and bruises to her face and body. Jimmy would sometimes say to her, ‘what you done to your face, how’d you get that black eye?’ Nick would always answer for her, usually blaming a fall or a cupboard door, but there were the odd times when he would try and look macho by saying something like, ‘that’s what happens when you don’t do as you’re told, isn’t it Maria.’ Black Maurice would be the only one who would laugh; the others would simply look at Nick and think ‘arsehole.’ If any of the men tried to make conversation with her, she would immediately look to Nick and he would speak for her.

  Sitting in his lounge looking at her bruised and battered body, Jimmy remembered clearly the reasons why he had made the bet on her. As the poker game went on into the early hours of the morning, Nick had been drinking heavily and everyone knew he was getting a kick out of embarrassing her. Jimmy could still picture the look of fear on her face as Nick mauled her when she filled his glass, openly pushing his hand up her top and fondling her breasts. It was obvious to the other players that he enjoyed watching her squirm. Yet despite begging him to stop, she never raised her voice against him, even when he’d continued to humiliate her and said, ‘when the games over and we’re alone you’re going to suck my cock before I fuck you and you’d better be good!’ She just stood there and quietly pleaded with him to stop, her beautiful eyes welling with tears. It was when he slapped her and ordered her to stop crying, Jimmy had wanted to punch him. Everyone just sat and watched as he humiliated her; it would be more than anybody dare do to try to stop him, they all knew what he was capable of. Maurice seemed to enjoy the show, everyone else just tried to ignore it, everyone except Jimmy. Watching her became too much for him, so he tried to
help her by trying to talk Nick into getting on with the game after seeing in her the same dread he had seen in his mother. He hated men like Nick who treated women like dogs. Several times in the past Nick had questioned why he was always the one to say something over Maria, almost goading him into admitting that he fancied her, but Jimmy was no fool, he knew exactly how to handle him. Just like that night when Nick had made reference again to Jimmy fancying her, he’d replied, “Although she’s very beautiful Nick I thought we were here to play poker and I’d never let a woman distract me from the game. You know me; I’d hate to lose money because of a woman.” He remembered the look of relief and gratitude on Maria’s face when Nick replied, “I would never let a woman come between me and winning, if I was fucking her on the table I could still beat you.” Jimmy had anticipated his reply which was why he’d said, “Precisely Nick, but as we all know you’re the better player, it would be unfair to distract me; surely with your reputation you wouldn’t want people to think you had to win by using a woman.” “You’re right Jimmy I am the better player, so let’s play the fucking game!” No one paid any attention to what had been said, simply because on many occasions they’d heard the same type of conversation. Very often Nick would send her out of the room after such incidents, but last night he didn’t, he just ordered her to go away.

  Mickey knew that Jimmy really liked her and despite the fact that she rarely spoke, he knew by the way she looked at Jimmy when she thought no one could see her, she felt the same way about him. Often on their way home after the game they would talk about her. There was one such occasion a few months earlier, when Jimmy hit the dashboard so hard with his fist that he cracked it, making it quite clear to Mickey that he hated the way Nick treated her, but knowing there was nothing they could do; Mickey would tell him to just let it go. It was just the way things were, she was Nick’s property and there was nothing they could do to change that, making an issue of it would just be asking for trouble. Mickey knew that although Jimmy always agreed with him, one night Nick would go too far and that would be the night Jimmy would show his true colours. Little had he known when he picked Jimmy up for the game that Friday, it would be that night Jimmy would go too far and everything would change.

  The pot was around twenty grand as the time approached three that morning, the atmosphere was intense. Most of them had just about broken even, although Nick had won several big hands and Jimmy had lost the previous two to him. As the game continued the ante rose, which saw several players folding until finally it was just Jimmy and Nick left in the game. After ordering Maria to pour him a drink, Nick gathered his thoughts. With over thirty grand now on the table Nick tried to rattle Jimmy by saying, “Your call Jimmy and I’m sure I don’t have to remind you that you’ve lost the previous two games to me.” “No you don’t Nick,” replied Jimmy arrogantly. “I’m just stating a fact Jimmy; it could cost you several grand to stay in, only to lose to me again.” “I know that.” A deathly silence had fallen over the table when Jimmy stated in a clear firm voice “I’m in.” Nick laughed and said “I think you’re bluffing.” “Ok Nick, name the stakes anything you like; just name your fancy.” Nick had sat back in his chair, took a slug of scotch and calmly replied, “Ok, but I still think you’re bluffing, so I’ll raise you two hundred big ones against your club Dixie’s.” Mickey had shaken his head and urged Jimmy to fold, knowing how much they loved that club, especially Jimmy because it had been their first.

  You could almost cut through the atmosphere with a knife; tension was at an all time high. The smell of stale tobacco and alcohol hung in the air like a thick cloud as Jimmy looked Nick in the eye and said, “Two hundred grand isn’t enough; the clubs worth three times that.” Cockily Nick replied, “Name your pleasure Jimmy, after all you’re going to lose so why should I worry.” Everyone watched silently as Jimmy wrapped his hand around his chin and hesitated for the briefest of moments before replying, “Ok Nick I’ll take the bet, against Maria.” Immediately jumping to his feet in an outburst of anger; Nick shouted “Fuck you Jimmy, who the fuck do you think you are!” Before he’d had time to say anything else Jimmy started laughing and replied, “Calm down Nick, I was just testing you; perhaps you’re not so sure about winning?” Nick was ready to explode as he said, “Fuck you; I’ll see you for what’s on the table and her!” Flipping over his cards, they all watched in horror as Nick produced a straight flush; two of hearts through to the six of hearts. “Jesus Christ,” said Mickey looking at his friend, “what the hell have you done Jimmy?” Nick smirked and said, “Looks like I’ll be changing the club name from Dixie’s to Nicky’s.” Slowly Jimmy looked up before laying his hand on the table and calmly stating, “Not this time Nick.” The tension was electric, everyone sat holding their breath, you could have heard a pin drop as Jimmy slowly turned his hand over and produced a royal flush; ten of spades through to the ace. Mickey had thrown his arm around his shoulder and shouted, “Fuck me Jimmy you sure know how to scare me!” Nick looked evil and implied that he must have cheated, instantly he ordered Shaun to search him. The other players stuck up for Jimmy arguing that he was no cheat.

  After frisking him Shaun confirmed that he had won fair and square. Knowing he was beaten but needing to save face with his crew, Nick angrily said, “I’ll have her delivered to your place in the morning, but it’s not over I want her back!” Jimmy looked menacing as he’d replied, “It’s over, you have no respect for her, if you had why did you gamble her? I’ll take her now Nick!” Having no intentions of letting him take her that night, Nick needed to convince him that his reasons for keeping her were sincere. Trying to act calmly in an effort to convince him he’d said, “She’ll need to sort some things out, I’ll get Shaun to bring her to you in the morning.” Knowing that the situation could have quickly spiralled out of control Mickey intervened and advised Jimmy to agree. “I’ll expect her by eleven, don’t make me come over and get her!” snapped Jimmy. After their heated exchange of words, Nick ordered Shaun to get everyone out.

  Believing that everyone had left and he now alone with Maria, Nick grabbed her by the hair and dragged her into another room. From outside the apartment Jimmy could hear her screaming and begging him to stop, but his attempt to re-enter the apartment was blocked by Shaun. From the doorway Jimmy shouted, “Fucking leave her alone, she’s no longer your property!” “Fuck you!” shouted Nick from inside, “she’s mine ‘til the morning that was the deal!” At that moment Shaun bundled Jimmy out into the lobby in the hope of defusing a potentially dangerous situation. Had it not have been for his assurance that he would honour what Nick had said and bring her to him later that morning, Jimmy would never have left. Shaun only managed to calm him down by telling him it was just Nick’s way because he didn’t like to lose, but he would make sure that he kept his word.

  Jimmy could feel his adrenalin pumping as he thought about Nick; it was only when Maria stirred he came back to the present, reassuringly touching her face he said, “Sshh babe, everything’s ok.” Instantly she settled back into a deep sleep. Jimmy continued to sit with her as he tried to imagine exactly what Nick had done to her when he left. The one thought going through his head was, ‘Why did I leave her there? Why didn’t I insist on taking her last night?’

  Outside in his car, Shaun was also thinking about her as he drove away from Jimmy’s apartment. If anything he felt worse, because he knew something would happen once everyone had left after the poker game despite his reassurances to Jimmy. Thinking back to the previous night he could remember feeling reluctant to leave after the others had gone, even though Nick had told him to. In an effort to stay he’d said to Nick, “I’m not in any hurry boss, thought you might want me to hang about just in case Jimmy comes back. You know what he’s like, there could be trouble?” Nick was having none of it, he knew as well as Shaun that the likelihood of that happening was remote, especially as Mickey had taken Jimmy home; he knew that he would talk him round to leaving things till the morning. He also knew
that despite Shaun’s loyalty to him, he would defend Maria. In the hope of lulling Shaun into a false sense of security he’d calmly replied, “In that case I’ll pour us a drink, but I don’t think Jimmy will be back, he agreed to the deal.” Passing Shaun a scotch he’d added, “I’ll make sure she’s ready to go by half ten, there’ll be things she’ll need to pack.” Shaun hadn’t believed one word of what he’d said, he could remember replying, “Aye there will and like you said a deal is a deal. I wouldn’t want to see anything happen to her, she’s just a kid.” The look on Shaun’s face told Nick that he feared leaving her with him. Keeping his anger hidden he’d tried to act rationally as he’d replied; “I won’t hurt her Shaun, it wouldn’t be good for business. I was just angry with myself for letting that bastard win, anyway I’ll work something out with Jimmy she won’t be gone long. Now finish your drink Shaun and get off home, I’ll see you in the morning.” Although still unhappy about leaving, Shaun did as Nick ordered and put his glass down on the coffee table before heading towards the door. Had he have known how bad it would be for her he would have refused to leave. Unbeknown to him Maria had overheard the conversation from the bedroom. Hearing Shaun leave she felt panic, sitting on the bed she shook violently as she waited for Nick to enter.


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