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Fallen Angels MC: The Full Series Boxset

Page 42

by Erin Trejo

  “You got a basement?” As if that was even a question, the man nods with a huge grin. He yanks the asshole back before I turn to follow.

  “Tank, check on my girl!” Screaming over my shoulder, I see him nod before moving toward the building. I trail along behind the asshole that held his greasy hand around my woman’s throat. He has to be the father. He’s the oldest of the group and he wears the president patch. Too bad, I’m about to strip him of that. The basement is dingy and smells of death. This isn’t the first motherfucker to lose his life down here. I know he won’t be the last, but he will be mine. The guy ties him to the chair in the center of the concrete room. I don’t miss the stained floor beneath him either.

  “So we finally meet, yeah?” I pull my knife out as I circle the son of a bitch that traded my woman for guns. What kind of piece of shit is he? He sits still as I reach for his patch, then all hell rises in him.

  “Don’t you fuckin’ touch that!” Snarling at him I grab the patch ripping it from his cut.

  “Presidents are leaders. They hold high standards for the club. They teach them to be honorable to their families. I don’t remember trading their own kids out for guns was a part of those teachin’s.” I slide the blade across the exposed part of his neck as he cringes. It’s just a scratch.

  “That what this is? She ain’t even mine brother. Her mommy was a no good whore. Who the fuck knows who her daddy is!” The way he says brother just grates on my nerves. I throw my leg over his straddling him as I look into his eyes.

  “You gave her away, and then tried to take her back. I know all the dirty little things you did to her.” As I get into his face the door flies open. My eyes travel over to Tank, but he looks off. Sick even.

  “You need wrap this up brother. Somethin’s not right with Jersey.” The words sting like a blade being drug through my chest. If they did anything to her I will lose my mind.

  “You hurt her.” Turning my attention back to the asshole beneath me, I stab the knife into his throat. I watch the blood squirt as he gags and chokes. That’s right, enjoy that motherfucker. As much as I wanted to draw this out she’s more important than that. She means more to me than watching him suffer.

  Stepping back from him, his eyes meet mine as the life slowly fades from them.

  “I’ll see you in hell.” Looking over at the man that brought him in here, I nod.

  “Wait till he’s dead.”

  Chapter 50

  I follow Tank through the doors as I wipe my face on the rag he tossed me. I can’t go in there covered in blood.

  “What’s wrong with her?” Asking Tank doesn’t do any good. He just keeps walking not saying a word. He pushes the door open to one of the rooms off the side hallway and there she lays on the bed. She looks like hell, but she’s awake.

  “Jersey.” Her name falls from my lips as she turns her head to look at me. My insides explode when I see those blue eyes. She’s amazingly beautiful even after all that has happened to her.

  “I’ll kill you!” Her face contorts into something hateful as I look around the room. The guys want to laugh, but I can see they are holding back. What the hell is with her?

  “What the fuck did I do?” Walking closer she screams again piercing my ears. Jesus Christ, what is with her?

  “She’s almost ready to push. I’ve never done this.” The small lady that sits at the end of the bed looks up terrified. It takes me a minute before I realize what she’s saying. Holy shit!

  “I don’t want to have my baby in this dingy shit hole! No offense.” Her little face turns to face the woman as she nods. Damn this girl is hot as hell screaming at people.

  “You, I will fucking cut your dick off!” Pointing at me, I see the lady stand.

  “One of you needs to get in there. We would call for an ambulance but we have bodies everywhere.” Shrugging she starts toward the door when I grab her. Oh hell no, she ain’t leaving me to that shit.

  “Where you goin’? I don’t know how to do that!” Pointing at Jersey, I can hear the lady laugh.

  “Me either!” She starts to move, but I pull her back again. No, a woman needs to be down there not me. I make them, I don’t birth them.

  “Get your fucking hands off her Ryker!” Dropping my hand quickly the guys all laugh. I don’t think this shit is all that funny though. I look around before I walk over cautiously to sit on the end of the bed.

  “What the fuck am I supposed to do? What do I catch it with?” Looking around I see the guys look at each other before they head for the door.

  “Thanks guys! Real fuckin’ help you assholes are!” I can hear them chuckle as they leave the room. Fuckers.

  “You don’t catch it, Ryker! This isn’t football!” Jersey screams before she starts to cry. I sit there like a fucking bitch. Yeah, that’s what I look like right now.

  “What do I do here, darlin’?” Looking to her for answers that I never get she screams again. I make the mistake of pulling the blanket back to look.

  “Sweet fuckin’ Christ! That shit’s half out!” Now I’m screaming like she was.

  “Don’t call my baby shit! You, fucker!” Her screams get louder as I roll the blanket back. Fucking hell, I can’t believe they are making me do this shit. I don’t know what the fuck I’m doing here. I reach toward the little spot of hair before yanking my hand back.

  “This is… I don’t know what the fuck this is!” Screaming louder, I reach back down just as the little head comes out. I don’t know if I want to scream with her or throw up. Second thought, I want to fucking throw up. If I knew this is what it looked like to have a kid, I would have worn three condoms at one time. This is just too much.

  “Ryker!” Jersey cries again as the rest of the tiny body comes free. My heart slams into my chest when the little thing cries. Jersey’s head is thrown back against the pillow as she tries to catch her breath. I reach over and grab the closest blanket and wrap the tiny body in it.

  “Ryker. The baby?” Her head is barely up as she looks down at me.

  “She’s a girl. Jersey we have a daughter.” I hear the door open before Tank walks in with a grin.

  “It’s a girl brother. I have a daughter.” Beaming at him he walks over and looks down at the tiny girl in my arms. The one that stole my heart in the matter of seconds.

  “She’s beautiful. We need to move though. Jersey needs to be at a hospital.” Looking back up at her, she looks so worn out. It hurts me to see her that way.

  “Ok. Yeah, have Joey bring the van over.” Standing I pull out a knife to cut the cord, before passing the baby to Jersey. I roll them both in the blanket she’s lying on before lifting her in my arms.

  “I’m gettin’ you out of here.” Placing a kiss on Jersey’s head she laughs.

  “That’s not the first time you’ve told me that.”

  Chapter 51

  “Stop fuckin’ playin’ Bella. I’m not changin’ it.” If this girl touches my shirt one more time I might snap her fingers.

  “It’s a wedding Ryker! Not a goddamn barbeque!” Tugging at my shirt again I almost lose it.

  “My weddin’ yeah? So leave it.” Bella steps back making her angry face at me before I laugh.

  “Fine, but you look like a homeless fry cook.” I watch her stomp away as I chuckle to myself. That girl is a mess.

  It’s been four days since Jersey had our little girl. Surprisingly enough Bella was able to keep the basement set up until we came home yesterday. She thought we should wait until Jersey was rested up a little more, but I can’t wait anymore. I need to do this now. Walking to the top of the stairs I see Jersey with baby Ansley in her arms. The sight stops my heart. She’s magnificent. I can’t help but stare at her. She’s the most beautiful person I have ever known inside and out.

  “Let me hold her.” Walking over I reach up and take my daughter out of her mother’s arms and hold her against me.

  “She smells so damn good. I never knew babies smelled like that.” Kissing my little
girl’s head, I inhale her scent. God, I love this baby.

  “Stop sniffing her, it’s weird.” Jersey wraps her arms around my waist as I lead her toward the basement steps.

  “You sure you’re up for this?” She nods against me as I wrap my arm around her shoulders. I don’t want to rush her into anything, but God do I need this. I need that connection to her. I know legally we are already married but this is different. This is to bond our hearts.

  I lead Jersey down the stairs until I hear the music start. Bella has everything and I mean everything, planned out. She didn’t miss a thing with this one. Jersey doesn’t have a clue what’s going on either. I told her that some of the guys wanted to meet Ansley.

  “Oh my God.” Jersey covers her mouth as I walk her around the corner. All the guys stand there smiling as they watch us.

  “You did this?” Jersey looks up at me before I shake my head.

  “Nope. It was my idea, but Bella did it all.” Walking her to the head of the aisle, Bella rushes over to get Ansley. I can’t stop smiling at her, too. She did me the greatest honor when she did this for us.

  It’s hard to see the new life we created in the arms of such an old soul that threatens to leave us at any given moment. Turning to Jersey, her eyes are full of tears. I reach up and wipe them away before I look her in the eyes.

  “You have held onto somethin’ inside of me since the day I saw you in that place. I knew right then, there was no way in hell that I could walk away from you. It’s been thrown in my face over and over again. Every time I’m not near you, I’m lost. You hold my soul inside of you. I can’t breathe without you, Jersey. I know that we met under some strange circumstances, but I still can’t let go. I tried to stay away from you, but you pulled me back in every time. You carried my baby inside of you and that’s somethin’ I never thought I’d have. Somethin’ was taken from me long ago but you renewed me. You brought me back to life. I know we’re married already, but I want to know if you’d marry me again.” I drop to my knee with her hands in mine. Tears stream down her face as she pulls me back up.

  “You asked me once to hold onto somethin’ for you.” Jersey reaches into her pocket and pulls out my name patch. The one that I have long since forgot about and holds it out to me.

  “Answer me first.” Her giggles flow through me as she looks into my eyes.

  “I would marry you a thousand times, Ryker. You and our daughter mean everything to me.” I grip her hand before sliding the ring out of my pocket and onto her finger.

  “Hold onto that a little longer, yeah?” Closing her hand around my name patch I lean in and kiss her before turning to Bella.

  Taking Ansley from her arms I lift her little face to mine kissing her cheek.

  “That promise to love and take care of your mother goes for you too, darlin’. Your mother may hold half my heart but you hold the other half.”

  The End.


  Chapter 1


  The wind blows around me as I lay in the grass. It’s cool, and it calms my heated skin. Life has taken its toll on me. My body, my heart. It’s all on its downfall from this world.

  You know when you get that feeling inside of you and you just know something is coming? That’s what I feel, but I also feel a sense of peace. Not just any peace either. It’s a peace that surrounds me and engulfs me in warmth. It’s a peace that stills my wandering mind and eases the pain in my heart. It’s the final peace. I can hear all the kids laughing and playing closer to the clubhouse. Turning my head, I smile as watch them play.

  I know that when I’m gone they will go on, but I wish they knew that I’ll always be watching them. They are my heart. I love these kids and it makes me a little sad that I never got the chance to have one of my own.

  “You want one of those?” Joey drops down behind me before pulling me into his arms. This is the other thing I don’t want to give up. It’s not by choice, but it’s still hard.

  “What are you doing?” I need to change the subject. I don’t want to talk about that right now.

  “Lookin’ for you. I missed you.” Joey pulls me closer to him as I giggle. He was just with me twenty minutes ago.

  “I think you have lost your mind. Is the food about ready? I’m starving.” Joey sits up before pulling me up with him. Looking in his eyes, I want to get lost. I have never cared about anyone the way I do him. Joey has been a solid foundation in my life since I came back home.

  “I love you, Bella.” Joey leans in and brushes his lips over mine making my body shiver.

  “I love you too. Now feed me.” Giggling, I pull back as he laughs. I can’t get enough of that laugh.

  “Fine. Let’s go feed you.” Pushing himself up, he pulls me with him. He never lets go of my hand while we walk over to the big grill.

  “Dad, you better not burn mine!” My dad, Tank, stands there with a smile on his face. These are the moments that I want to take with me. The ones I want burned into my memory.

  “Come on, Bella. I don’t burn shit when I cook. That’s Creed.” Pointing the tongs that he holds in his hands at Creed, I laugh. These two are crazy.

  “Fuck that! I cooked last round. Bella, was my shit burnt?” They both turn to look at me as I laugh. I can’t help it.

  “You both cook just fine. I’m freaking starving though, so come on!” Stealing a piece of corn off the grill they both laugh at me.

  I look around while I nibble on my food. Everyone is smiling and having a good time. These clubs have taken some hits lately and when things are calm, you have to take advantage of it, like we are now.

  The wars are far from over for this club, but at least it’s calmer for the moment.

  “Are you stealing corn?” Cher throws her arm around my waist. Wrapping my arm around her shoulder, I pull her into my side.

  “You know how slow dad is. I can’t help it.” Cher giggles before nodding.

  “Yeah, that I do. How are you? You look skinny.” I know I’ve been losing weight. Again, it’s not by choice but I knew it was getting noticeable.

  “Well, if dad would cook faster I could eat!” Cher lays her head on my shoulder. We have had our differences, but she is a great person. I know how much she cares about my dad, and I know that when I’m not around anymore she will take care of him.

  “Where’s my brother?” Looking around, I don’t see Griff anywhere.

  “Taking a nap. That boy has been so grouchy! Your dad wants another one, but I don’t think so.” Cher giggles when I let go of her. I turn toward her smiling.

  “Come on! Griff is adorable! He needs a playmate!” Trying to protest that one she laughs.

  “He has you. He loves you to death.” Cher smiles as she walks away.

  I stand there and think about that one. She has no idea just how close that is.

  Chapter 2


  “Damn Cher.” Gripping her hips, she rides me like she’s in a fucking rodeo. I can’t get enough of this woman.

  “Shut up!” I know she hates when I talk to her when we fuck but damn, how could I not? I grip her hips tighter as her body slides over mine. If my dick gets any harder, she’s going to snap it the fuck off. Growling, I raise my hips to buck into her. I want to be so deep inside of her that I get lost.

  “Tank!” Yeah, there’s my name leaving those sexy plump lips. I love hearing it every time too. Slamming her sweet body down onto mine, I feel her so close. She’s going to shower me in her sweetness.

  “Do it, Cher! Fuckin’ do it.” Grunting as I push into her further, I feel her let go. I cum behind her with my heart hammering in my chest. Every time I fuck this girl, I swear I want to die. We both lay there breathless before I lift her off of me. Pulling her into my side, I inhale her scent. The smell of strawberries and vanilla soothes me. Life has been one roller coaster ride after another around here. We’ve had our ups and downs, but at the end of the day, we are still family. We make our way through this life the best w
ay we know how. I can’t say the same about other clubs.

  “You think there’s somethin’ goin’ on with Bella?” Running my hand up and down Cher’s back, I have to ask. She seems so different lately. Not that I don’t like this new, carefree Bella, but she’s losing weight and barely eats.

  “I think she’s just growing up.” Letting out a sigh, maybe she’s right. Bella isn’t a little girl anymore. She’s turning into a beautiful strong woman. I admire that about her. She didn’t let her past rule her future. When Bella sees something she wants, she goes for it. And that includes that little prick of hers, Joey.

  “I don’t know if I like that shit. She’s my baby, yeah? Now she’s all grown up, and shit.” Cher giggles against my chest. I never thought that I’d lose Bella the way I did, but now that I have her, I want to keep her forever. I don’t want her to grow up and become a woman. I want her to stay that little girl I lost so much time with.

  “She will always be your baby, Tank. She just needs to find her way in life. She has a good head and she’s a strong girl. You shouldn’t worry about her much.” That’s easier said than done. She’s all I worried about for so many years. It’s hard to move past the lost time that I can’t get back.

  “You talk to Jada about the liquor store?” Opening up a new store on top of opening a shop is going to be rough. We make ends meet now, but that will boost our money flow up. It’ll be nice to have money to fall back on if needed. I just don’t know that we thought through all the stress of running two new businesses.


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