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Fallen Angels MC: The Full Series Boxset

Page 43

by Erin Trejo

  “Yeah. She doesn’t know what to do. She doesn’t think that you guys should run it all the time, but she doesn’t trust the other girls much. Bella isn’t old enough, and we all have the kids. She wanted to talk to Creed before she decided anything.” Tightening my grip on her, I whisper into her hair.

  “Don’t you even plan on workin’.” Cher’s head snaps up to look at me, and I can’t help but smile at the look on her face. She knows she likes it when I boss her around.

  “Why the hell not? I told Jada I would help with what I can.” I can see the little attitude rearing its head in those dark eyes of hers. She won’t win this round though.

  “I plan on makin’ more babies. Besides, I don’t like the idea of one of those chaser’s watchin’ Griff. You’re his mother. He needs you around.” The way her eyes light up sets my soul at ease. She amazes me even if it’s just by the look in her eyes.

  “I never said I wanted more kids. Look what having Griff did. I have fucking stretch marks and I’m fatter.” Rolling her so she lies under me, I smile at her.

  “Those held my son. They protected him for months while he grew. There aint one fuckin’ fat spot on you. I love all this.” Running my hand over her stomach she looks away. I don’t like that she feels the way she does. Gripping her chin, I pull her face back to look at me.

  “Don’t do that darlin’. You’re the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. Now come on, let’s make a daughter.” Leaning down, I crush my lips to hers as she giggles softly.

  Chapter 3


  Slamming the gavel down, I look around at my family. Throughout all the hell and bullshit we have handled, I’m damn proud to say that this family has kept it together. Life floats by like a breeze. You never know what you might miss but with this family, who cares.

  “We got word on that store over on highway 6. I’m happy to say that this club is now the proud fuckin’ owners of Angel’s liquor store!” The guys all explode into cheers. We have been looking into some legitimate ways to make money for a while now. Tank and I knew about the store, but we just wanted to make sure it was all still a go before we announced it. I never realized just how much I want for my family. Not just the guys either, all of them. The old lady’s that have our backs, our children. They deserve more than the illegal aspect of what we do.

  “Shut the fuck up! With that bein’ said, we also got word on the old Davis garage. We got that shit too brothers!” Yeah, I have set a few plans into motion for this club.

  “We need to work out who is goin’ where. We got a little bit before that shit happens, so discuss it amongst yourselves. We will vote on shit later on. Right now we need to talk about the fuckin’ Dusts’. With so much shit goin’ on we’ve kind of turned our backs to them. Not anymore. We have to think about our plan of action in case they retaliate.” The guys nod their heads as I look around. As much as I’d like to say that we finished them off, I can’t. We have moved on with our business ventures, but set them off to the side. That needs to change though.

  “We got word they are still a runnin’ club. Apparently, we didn’t kill enough of the son of a bitches.” The guys laugh as I smile.

  “No word on shit comin’ this way, but just to be sure we need to be ready. I’m not puttin’ shit out there today though. We have some celebratin’ to do!” Slamming the gavel down, I dismiss the guys. I see the look in Ryker’s eyes though. He isn’t done with this talk. When all the guys finally file out, I sit down next to him, slapping a hand on his shoulder.

  “Nothin’ to worry over. We will get them handled.” He nods his head, but I still see his eyes. He isn’t fooling me one fucking bit.

  “I know, Creed. I just don’t like this shit. It doesn’t sit right with me. I want every one of those motherfuckers gone.” I can see the way he has his hands clenched. The way the muscles in his jaw are clenched, is a pretty good giveaway too.

  “I know you do. We all do. Right now isn’t the time. We got new babies around here like a goddamn nursery. We got the business’ we need to get up and rollin’. Makin’ a better future for this club, and these kids, need to come before another war brother.” Ryker drops his head before running his hand through his hair. He knows I’m right, but this son of a bitch has a temper straight from the devil.

  “I know brother. Let’s do this. You better have my ass in the goddamn garage though. You put me around that liquor and my day is over.” Chuckling, we both stand and head out into the main room. I can’t stop the smile as I watch all the women and kids in here. It makes my once dead heart fill with pride.

  “Put that goddamn cigarette out!” Screaming at one of the new prospects, he jumps slightly. Now, that is fucking funny. I made a new rule of no smoking when the kids are in here.

  “Jesus Christ Creed! He almost shit himself.” Tossing my arm around Jada’s shoulders, I lean in and place a kiss on her head.

  “Stupid prospect’s dumb as hell darlin’. No smokin’ when the kids are here. How hard is that one?” Shaking my head, I glance around watching everything. Tank in the corner with little Griff, Bella wandering around with my daughter in her arms. I don’t know that I could be any prouder of everyone.

  “What are you thinking about?” Glancing down at my beautiful woman, I smile.

  “Everything. How perfect this is all turnin’ out to be. This club has taken hit after hit, and it’s about damn time we have a little peace in here. Look around sweetheart. Everyone’s happy and smilin’. I never thought this day would come.” Jada pushes up on her toes kissing me quickly.

  “They have some great leaders. You guys make it easier for everyone here, Creed. I’m proud of you.” Hearing her say that to me means more than she knows. That’s all I’ve ever wanted. I wanted her and Jason to be proud of me.

  “He’s proud of you too, Creed. I know he is.” Nodding my head, I think she’s right.

  Chapter 4


  “Son of a motherfuckin’ bitch. Why the fuck are you creepin’ around like that?” Snapping as Bella giggles, I shake my head. I swear that girl wants to give me a fucking heart attack.

  “I wasn’t creepin’! I can’t help it if you don’t watch what you’re doing.” With her hands planted on her hips, she beams at me. I love that happy go lucky girl that stands in front of me.

  “What are you doin’?” Walking past her, I head toward the kitchen to make Ansley a bottle. I can’t believe that I’m on my way to make a goddamn bottle and not grab me one. I’ve decided that drinking all the time wasn’t in the best interests of my little family. Occasionally will be fine though.

  “I was bored. Dad sent Joey on a run, and I have nothing to do. Give me her.” Bella walks over motioning for me to hand her Ansley. After she snatches her from me, I heat up the water to make a bottle.

  “Where’d that little shit go?” Rolling her eyes, I chuckle. She hates when I call him that.

  “I don’t know. Up north somewhere. Hey, I wanted to ask you for a favor.” Her tone doesn’t sit well with me. I know that tone. It’s going to get one, or both of us, in trouble.

  “I don’t like the sound of that shit.” Mixing the formula up in the bottle I look over at Bella.

  “I didn’t ask yet Ryker!” Shaking my head, I blow out a breath before passing her Ansley’s bottle. I watch as my little girl eagerly sucks away without a care in the world. I want that for her always. I don’t ever want her to worry about anything.

  “Fine. Ask me whatever the hell it is.” Leaning against the counter, I cross my arms over my chest and watch her.

  “I wanted to see if I could use your apartment for the weekend. I need a break. I need to talk to Joey.” Raising my eyebrows, she has my attention now.

  “So, you plan on tellin’ him?” Bella nods her head slowly. I know this is hard for her. How do you tell someone that you have cancer, and there is nothing they can do about it? I know how I felt when she told me, so I can only imagine what Joey will think.

  “I’m proud of you darlin’. I think a lot of that stress will fade once you tell someone else. I wish you’d talk to your dad, but I guess the little shit will do.” Bella giggles softly as she stares at my little girl in her arms. I wanted so much more out of life for Bella. She deserves so much more.

  “Will you do something for me Ryker?” Her eyes come to meet mine and I know she’s having a serious moment. I will give her anything she asks for.

  “You know I will if I can. I’ll do whatever you want sweetheart.” Hearing her little sniffles as she looks back at Ansley, my chest tightens. I hate seeing Bella cry. I hate that there is nothing I can do to make her better.

  “Make sure these babies know I loved them. Make sure that no matter what happens, they know how much you guys love them. Growing up without dad was hard. I never knew if he loved me, or hated me. I heard so many stories from my mom and none of them were good. I liked to think that he was out there looking for me though. Just promise me that these babies won’t have to feel that pain like I did.” Taking the last few steps toward her, I pull her and Ansley against me.

  “You never have to worry about that sweetheart.” The door opens, but I don’t release my grip on Bella. She needs this right now and fuck, so do I.

  “Everything ok?” Jersey’s voice sends shivers over my body. I love that she can do that to me.

  Tilting my head, she must notice the tear that escaped. I don’t fucking cry, at least I didn’t until Jersey came around. She brings out new emotions within me. Jersey’s hand comes to rest on my back before Bella pulls back.

  “I’m going to burp her, and then we are having girl time.” Kissing Ansley’s head, she smiles before leaving the kitchen. Jersey moves to stand in front of me with her arms wrapped around my waist.

  “I love you Ryker.” Nuzzling my face into her hair, I never want to let go.

  “I love you darlin’.” We stand in silence for a few minutes, which I’m thankful for. I needed this little bit of time that we have.

  “You want to talk about it?” I blow out a breath knowing there is nothing I can say. I promised Bella I wouldn’t say a damn word, and if it’s the last thing I do, I won’t.

  “No. Just life.”

  Chapter 5


  “Alright. Snake called. Said that we are ready to roll with the liquor store. You motherfuckers can’t be over there drinkin’ all the product either.” I feel so damn proud in this moment. My beautiful old lady stands by my side as we watch the guys gear up to start working on the store. Angel’s Liquor is going to do this club proud, I can feel it.

  “Are you a little excited?” Jada looks up at me with those big blue eyes. I could get lost in those eyes.

  “I’m beyond that darlin’. This is the first legit business we are takin’ on. I want more for this club than what we have now.” Leaning down, I kiss her gently before smiling. She is the best thing that has ever happened to me.

  “I know it is. I’m proud of you guys.” Smiling back at me, I want to fuck her on this counter.

  “That right there means the world to me sweetheart.” I can’t stop looking at her. She’s magnificent. A hand slapping me on the shoulder pulls me away from her.

  “What the fuck brother?” Tank grins like a lunatic at me. That motherfucker has been crazier than usual. It’s not a bad thing though, just strange.

  “I want in on the damn garage Creed.” His smile turns serious as he stares at me. I know he wants in that garage, and that’s exactly where I wanted him anyway.

  “Who the hell did you think I’d put in there? The prospect?” Tank chuckles before he looks over at the new prospect, Bo. He’s a hell of a fighter, but when it comes to fixing things, he’s dumb as hell.

  “Shit. You want to ride your bike, or look at the pieces of that shit?” Tank grabs a beer off the counter before taking a long pull from it. He has me smiling now as I think about that.

  “You know you’re in the fuckin’ garage. Hell, I might put that little shit in there too.” Tank nearly chokes on his beer before he looks back at me.

  “Like fuck you will! I’ll take Torch and Piper’s old ass before I take Bo. That boy is dumber than anything I’ve ever seen.” Jada giggles next to me before she speaks.

  “I’m working the liquor store for a few hours a day. I thought Cher might want to work with me.” Tank shakes his head before taking another drink. What the hell is he saying no for?

  “I don’t want her workin’. I want her with Griff. No reason for her to work while I’m around.” Jada stiffens in my grip as I glance down at her.

  “What the hell is wrong now?” I ask her. Jada lets out a huff before she pokes Tank in the chest.

  “You, are way to caveman. If she wants to come hang out with me she can Tank. You’re not the boss.” Jada slips out of my reach before walking past Tank. My eyes dart to his and hold there. Amusement dances across his face.

  “Look what you did.” Nodding toward Jada, I don’t smile.

  “I didn’t do shit. My woman ain’t workin’ Creed. My son needs his momma.” I watch him take another drink before he looks at me.

  “Shit, brother. I’ve tried talkin’ Jada into stayin’ home too. That shit didn’t work out well.” Tank chuckles before he slaps his hand on my shoulder.

  “Take charge brother. Be a man. Tell her she ain’t workin’. Hell, I just told Cher she wasn’t workin’ and she was givin’ me another baby.” Shaking my head, I lose it. I wonder how well that went over. Cher has a mind of her own, always has. I never understood how these two stay together. They are some of the most hard headed people that I know.

  “You didn’t win that shit Tank. I know that girl.” Walking toward the door, he follows.

  “What the fuck you mean; I didn’t win?” I can hear the annoyance in his voice, but I know how she is.

  “What the fuck I mean is, you didn’t win. She ain’t one to roll over for no man. Hell, brother. That girl has had a mind of her own for as long as I can remember. Ain’t shit changin’ that.” Reaching for my helmet, Tank laughs.

  “You don’t know the skills I got. I told her what she’s doin’ and she agreed.” Shaking my head, I pull my helmet on.

  “You remember that’s the same girl that gave you shit not so long ago about gettin’ on a motorcycle, yeah? The same girl that didn’t like the idea of sleepin’ in the woods.” Adjusting the strap on my helmet, he glares at me.

  “She’s also the same girl that I fucked senseless the day we got back to this clubhouse. The same girl that I fucked until she carried my son in her. Yeah, I got that girl.” Tank slides his helmet on before climbing on his bike. He’s going to have his hands full with Cher.

  Chapter 6


  The smell of stale grease hits my nose as soon as I walk into the old abandoned shop. This place was left the way it is, a long time ago. The old man that owned it passed away, and no one else has messed with it since. In fact, the bank nearly laughed when we went in there and said we wanted it. They said no one has put an offer on it in over ten years. I must say, that I’m damn glad we did. I walk around the garage and look at the rusted out tools, and old motors that still litter the room. This is like a second home to me. I love being in the garage. Knowing that I’m fixing something and being useful for a fucking change, just hits me in all the right spots.

  “Jesus Christ, brother. This place is a shit hole.” Torch walks over kicking some old pieces causing them to clink across the garage floor.

  “This ain’t a shit hole. This is beauty. Raw, untouched beauty.” Torch chuckles before pulling out a cigarette, and passing one to me. We both stand there glancing around as we light them up.

  “You know, it wouldn’t take much to put some shelves and shit up there. Get some new tools in here and we’re good. This is like fuckin’ heaven brother.” Turning to look at Torch, he blows out a puff of smoke.

  “Heaven or hell? Either way, it’s all the same to me.” Shrugging, h
e walks toward the little office as I follow. Torch sits at the desk flipping through some dusty papers.

  “Look at this shit.” The way he jolts into the upright position has my attention.

  “What’s that?” Reaching over, I grab the picture out of his hand. My heart nearly falls out of my chest as my eyes come to rest on our old president.

  “I’ll be goddamned. He did business with old man Winter.” What a hell of a way to come into this place. I had no idea that Sharp ever dealt with old man Winter. As far as I knew, he always used the club shop. Guess that was all a load of shit like everything else that came from him.

  “Seems he had quite the side business.” Dropping the photo onto the table, I take the paper that he holds out to me. Scanning it quickly, I shake my head. This is some crazy shit.

  “See what else you find. I want Creed to see this shit.” Dropping the paper back onto the table, Torch nods and fumbles through more. I take that moment to walk around the small office, just looking at things. Nothing else jumps out at me as I try to plan this shit out in my mind. I have a visual of what I want this shop to look like. I want this to work out for the club. Stepping back out into the main garage, I take a puff of my cigarette and look around the empty space.

  Creed brought the idea of opening up a garage to my attention. At first, I wasn’t sure if it was a good idea but the more we dug into it, the better it sounded. We own it flat out. We paid for it, and now it’s ours. The way things looked and mapped out we will be the only shop within a twenty-mile radius, and the only one within an hour that specializes in Harley’s. That’s a big fucking plus on our end. We can pull in some of the other chapters, and the other clubs that we don’t have issues with too.

  “You like the layout brother?” Torch comes to stand next to me as I look around again.

  “Yeah. We can make this work. I’ve worked with less. What do you think?” Glancing over at him I see the smile on his face. He is all in on this shit too.


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