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The Defence of the Realm

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by Christopher Andrew

  Cockcroft, Sir John 389–90

  COE, Operation 717–20

  Cohen, Morris and Lona (‘Peter and Alice Kroger’) 376, 487–8, 520

  Comintern (Communist International):

  presidents 99;

  British Communists’ links with 128, 135, 141–2, 147–8, 161–2, 176, 178–9;

  founding 139;

  Second Congress (1920) 141–2;

  and subversion in Western armed forces 161–2, 165, 176;

  interception of messages 175–7, 178;

  Lenin School 176, 455, 456;

  SIS agents in 177;

  Popular Front 178–9;

  Nazi capture of material 189–90;

  and wartime Soviet espionage 281–2

  Committee of Imperial Defence 3, 9, 15, 17, 30, 31, 39, 81, 166, 194, 266

  Commonwealth Security Conferences 469, 516;

  (1948) 369;

  (1951) 444;

  (1953) 445;

  (1957) 445;

  (1963) 398–9

  Communist Party of Great Britain (CPGB):

  Inkpin as first general secretary 88, 152;

  undercover agents in 122, 123, 124, 132, 149, 152, 165, 179–83, 220–21, 401–2, 853;

  Soviet funding 135, 144, 148, 176, 400, 403;

  couriers to India 137, 179–80;

  formation 142;

  Soviet imposed discipline 142, 148, 160, 176, 273, 404;

  and labour unrest 147–8, 406–11, 592–3, 594–5, 598–9, 665–6;

  membership numbers 148, 160, 402, 404, 594;

  Politburo 148;

  Central Committee 149;

  and Zinoviev letter 149;

  electoral performance 160–61, 404;

  relations with Comintern 160–62, 178–9;

  and subversion in armed forces 161, 164–6;

  and industrial sabotage 166, 177–8;

  attacks on Royal Family 178–9;

  clashes with BUF 192;

  MI5 ’s wartime penetration of 273–7;

  and wartime Soviet espionage 277–9, 282;

  changes name to British Communist Party 278;

  identification of members 332–3, 400–403;

  and Purge Procedure 381, 382, 383, 400, 402;

  and Fuchs case 386, 853;

  bugging and phone tapping of HQ 402–3, 409, 410, 416, 451–2, 577, 592, 672–7;

  International Department 403, 466;

  British Road to Socialism manifesto (1951) 404;

  penetration of trade union movement 406–11, 534–5, 594–5, 598–9, 656–7, 666–7, 670, 672;

  and ballot rigging in trade union movement 409–11;

  hopes of influencing Wilson 418;

  and Africa 451–2, 453, 466–7;

  and seamen’s strike (1966) 527–9, 530–31;

  and supply of TUC documents to Soviets 577–8;

  attempts to penetrate Labour NEC 577–8;

  influence on Labour left wing 656, 657, 668–9;

  Trotskyists in 659–60;

  Security Service’s disproportionate use of resources in monitoring 667–9, 853;

  and peace movement 673, 675–6;

  and miners’ strike (1984–5) 676–7, 680

  Conservative Party:

  agents in Labour Party HQ 126;

  Research Department 126;

  and Zinoviev letter 150–51;

  1924 election 151;

  1951 election 392, 416;

  1979 election 555;

  1970 election 566, 587;

  Brighton conference bombing (1984) 704–5, 734, 735, 737, 772

  Continuity IRA 833, 834

  Cooke, William Hinchley 56, 57, 68–9, 78, 81, 143

  Cooper, Duff 238, 239, 281, 287–8, 289, 293, 321

  Courtauld Institute 339, 429, 430, 437, 439, 540

  Courtiour, Roger 639, 640, 641

  Cowgill, Felix 254–5, 268, 278, 281, 856

  Crabb, Lionel ‘Buster’ 326, 409

  Crawley, John 704, 795–6

  CREVICE, Operation 816–17, 819, 822, 823, 856

  Crocker, William 229, 236

  Crossman, Richard ‘Dick’ 476–7, 522, 531, 532, 538, 604

  Crowe, Sir Eyre 149, 151


  Bay of Pigs landing 477, 490;

  Missile Crisis 326–7, 494, 497, 499, 565, 721, 858;

  intelligence service 576

  Cubbon, Sir Brian 557, 561, 563

  Cumming, Malcolm 135, 136, 427, 508

  Cumming, Sir Mansfield:

  recruitment 3, 21, 22, 25–8;

  and Kell 3, 25–6, 27–8, 96, 97;

  First World War espionage investigations 17, 32, 104;

  background and character 25;

  First World War subversion investigations 96, 99;

  and proposed merger of MI5 and SIS 116;

  death 120

  Cunningham, Sir Charles 328, 406, 435, 507, 522–3, 539

  Curran, Sir Charles 397

  Curry, John ‘Jack’:

  and BUf 190–91;

  in Indian police 190, 206;

  diplomatic connections 196;

  and Ustinov 196, 200–201;

  and Auslands Organisation 197;

  and Stevens 200–201;

  and Munich agreement 203, 205, 206;

  and wartime aliens investigations 222, 223;

  on organizational improvements 227, 228, 237;

  made deputy director 237;

  and Venlo affair 244;

  refuses to recruit Burgess 272;

  and wartime Soviet espionage 278;

  memorandum on Soviet counter-espionage (1946) 349

  Curwen, Sir Christopher 724, 726

  Curzon, George, 108, 144–5, 155

  Cussen, Edward 219, 275–7, 296, 344

  Cyprus 459, 462–6, 474, 735

  Czechoslovakia 200, 201, 202, 203, 207–8, 379, 728–30;

  see also Prague Spring; StB

  D Branch/Division 84, 93–4, 134, 236, 237, 325, 518;

  DI 429, 495, 509;

  DI/ Inv 432, 509–10, 515, 580;

  D2 484;

  D3 539;

  D4 415, 501;

  see also Appendix 3

  D-Day landings (1944) 212, 280–81, 296–7, 300, 304–10, 855;

  see also FORTITUDE, Operation

  D-Notice affair (1967) 531–2

  Dale, Walter 152, 153, 158

  Dale Long, Herbert 6, 17, 25, 26, 31

  Dalton, H. E. 201, 246

  Dansey, Sir Claude 58, 100, 105

  Dar es Salaam, bombing of US embassy (1998) 803–4, 856

  Darling, Charles, 1st Baron 40, 45

  Day, John 512, 516–17, 518

  de la Billiére, Sir Peter 610, 612–13, 685, 687

  de Quehen, B. M. ‘Bob’ 444, 456, 458

  de Wesselow, Peter 378, 431, 432

  dead letter-boxes (DLB) 426, 571, 578, 712, 715

  Dearlove, Sir Richard 810, 811

  ‘Death on the Rock’ (television programme) 743, 744–5

  Dedman, John 367, 368

  Defence, Ministry of (MoD) 336, 388, 475, 536, 570, 610, 613, 673, 676, 732, 752

  Defence of the Realm Act (DORA; 1914) 53–4, 58, 80, 94, 119, 142

  del Pozzo, Miguel Piernavieja 259–61

  Delhi Intelligence Bureau (DIB) 137, 138, 236, 442–6, 481

  Denning, Alfred, Baron 499, 500

  Denniston, Alastair 156, 175, 353

  Deutsch, Arnold:

  academic career 169–70, 171, 184;

  appearance and character 169, 171;

  photograph in MI5 files 169;

  recruitment of Cambridge Five 169–73, 180–81;

  security lapses 169, 184, 854;

  Jewish origins 170, 184;

  and Olga Gray 180;

  and Woolwich Arsenal spy-ring 181;

  recalled to Moscow 184, 420, 854–5;

  Krivitsky’s information on 265;

  Jenifer Fischer Williams 538, 540

rell, John 557, 671–3, 715–16, 717, 718, 720–21, 726, 785

  Dicker, Mary 127, 132, 133, 218

  Directorate of Intelligence 109, 116, 117–18, 119–20, 140

  Dobb, Maurice 167–8, 844

  Donoughue, Bernard 630–31, 633, 635, 636, 638, 646

  Double-Cross System:

  development of 65, 69–70, 73, 211–12, 248–53, 283, 854, 860;

  importance in Second World War 69, 70, 248, 317–18, 855–6;

  German intelligence use of 247;

  role of SIS 253–4;

  and Twenty Committee 255–7, 860;

  planned relocation of agents to North Wales 257–9;

  main aims 283;

  Masterman’s history of 317–18, 855;

  classified top secret 860–51

  Douglas-Home, Sir Alec 478, 496, 497, 501, 507, 566, 567, 573, 622

  Drake, Reginald ‘Duck’ 41–2, 65, 68, 82, 98

  Draper, Christopher 209–10, 211–12, 853

  Drew, Edward ‘Tricky’ 3, 808

  DSE (Spanish security service) 741, 742, 744

  DST (French security service) 574–5, 772, 802

  Dublin 605, 699;

  British embassy 620, 623;

  Special Criminal Court 704

  Duddy, Brendan 625, 646, 783

  Duff, Sir Antony ‘Tony’:

  appointment as DG (1985) 557, 559, 681;

  background and character 557, 559;

  reforms of Security Service 336, 557, 559–60, 561, 564, 779;

  relations with Thatcher 559;

  and appointment of successor 562, 563;

  and alleged plot against Wilson 642;

  on dirty-tricks allegations 642;

  reduces emphasis on countersubversion 681, 682;

  review of counterterrorism operations 702;

  on Jack Jones’s links with KGB 711;

  and Gordievsky case 726;

  and international terrorism 736;

  review of vetting procedures 751–2;

  on oversight and accountability of Security Service 755;

  promotes case for Security Service Act 758–9, 766;

  and Spycatcher affair 762

  Duff, Hugh 38, 40, 42

  E Branch/Division 77–8, 79, 84, 220, 236, 325, 481–2;

  EI 611;

  EIC 245, 246;

  see also Appendix 3

  East Germany (German Democratic Republic) 385, 419, 490, 630, 730;

  Stasi 470

  Easter Rising (1916) 87, 88, 618, 861

  Economic Key Points (EKPs) 620, 654–5, 695

  Eden, Sir Anthony 175, 199, 309–10, 321, 325–6, 327, 355, 408–9, 431

  Edmonds, Sir James 7–8, 10–21, 23, 25

  Edwards, Robert ‘Bob’ 527, 538, 711, 711–12

  Egyptian Islamic Jihad (EIJ) 799, 802, 804, 805

  Eisenhower, Dwight D. 286, 287, 297, 309, 319, 373

  elections, general:

  (1924) 148, 149, 150, 151;

  (1929) 158–9, 160;

  (1935) 193;

  (1945) 319, 404, 411, 847;

  (1950) 391, 404, 412;

  (1951) 391, 392, 404, 407, 412, 416;

  (1959) 484;

  (1964) 480, 520;

  (1966) 527;

  1970 547, 566, 587;

  (February1974) 578, 599, 623–4, 625, 627;

  (October 1974) 633;

  1979 667, 669, 670;

  (1987) 681;

  (1992) 775;

  (1997) 791, 797

  Elias, Jacob (Yaacov Levstein) 355–6

  Elizabeth II, Queen 406, 555, 694, 706, 767

  ELLI (Soviet agents) 282, 348–9, 503;

  see also Long, Leo Elliott, Nicholas 427, 435–6

  ELMEN (Bettaney case investigations) 715–17, 720–21

  Elwell, Charles 486–7, 488, 492, 576, 668–9

  EMBASE, Operation 727

  Enigma (German cipher) 248, 253, 374, 855–6, 859

  Ernst, Karl 38, 49, 81

  Etappe Dienst (German naval intelligence network) 187–8, 210–11

  European Convention on Human Rights 756, 759, 765

  European Court of Human Rights 756, 759–60, 765, 766–7

  Evans, Jonathan 779–80, 806, 817, 821, 823, 829–30, 831, 837, 838, 858

  Evatt, H. V. ‘Bert’ 367, 368

  Ewart, Sir John Spencer 10–11, 19, 20, 24, 29–30

  Ewer, William Norman 145, 152–4, 156, 157–9

  F Branch/Division 84, 236, 268, 281, 325, 551, 558, 561, 600, 622–3, 647, 648–9, 681, 683, 745;

  F1 408, 611, 664;

  FIA 332, 527–8, 529, 530, 660, 664, 673;

  FIB 604;

  FIC 332, 668;

  F2 561, 656;

  F2A 274, 278;

  F2C 277, 332, 561;

  F3 611, 615, 684;

  F4 402, 408, 498;

  F5 619, 622, 684, 700, 740–41;

  F8 700;

  see also Appendix 3

  Falber, Reuben 386, 418

  Falklands conflict (1982) 697, 755, 757

  ‘false flag’ technique 167, 583

  Farrell, Maire´ad 739, 740, 741–3, 744–5


  Italy 105, 124, 191, 193, 197;

  internment of British Fascists 192, 194, 227, 230–31, 235;

  Spain 259, 260;

  and labour unrest 595;

  see also British Union of Fascists

  Faux, Julian 607, 613, 619, 751

  FBI (US Federal Bureau of Investigation):

  pre-war 210;

  and VENONA project 366, 372–3, 377;

  and atom spies 386–7, 389, 390;

  involvement in investigations into alleged Soviet penetration of security services 509, 514;

  Irish Republican investigations 697, 749–50;

  categorization of double agents’ motives 713

  Ferguson, Victor 94, 96, 99

  ‘fifth column’ fears:

  wartime 223–4, 225, 227, 228, 229–30, 859–50;

  Cold War 400, 405

  Findlay, Mansfeldt de Carbonnel 86, 89

  ‘Finney, Jim’ (IIB agent) 123, 149, 152

  First United States Army Group (FUSAG) 284, 299, 305, 309

  First World War:

  outbreak 50, 53–4;

  spy mania 53–5, 81, 223;

  Western Front 55, 73, 91, 96, 98–9, 104, 105, 106, 108, 861;

  opposition to 66, 94–5, 99, 101–4, 106;

  battle of Jutland 72;

  naval operations 72, 463;

  sabotage operations 75, 77, 78–9, 852;

  Eastern Front 77, 98;

  conscription 94–5;

  Caporetto 104;

  Amiens 106;

  Armistice 106;

  demobilization 140;

  Holt-Wilson on 187

  Fischer Williams, Jenifer (later Hart) 375, 538–9, 540

  Fisher, Sir Warren 119, 120, 136–7, 203, 218–19, 227

  FLAVIUS, Operation 739–45

  Fletcher, Yvonne 701, 702

  Floud, Bernard 538–41

  FLUENCY (joint Security Service–SIS working party) 510–12, 515–18, 521, 634

  Foot, Sir Hugh 464, 465

  Foot, Michael 166, 418, 464, 578, 638, 663

  FOOT, Operation (1971 expulsion of Soviet intelligence personnel) 565–7, 571–3, 574–5, 576, 579, 586, 732, 859

  Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) 481, 552–3, 566, 701, 724

  Foreign Office 25, 35, 119, 174–5, 207, 208–9, 244, 246, 263–5, 268, 279, 393–4, 407, 410, 421, 425, 495, 496–7, 533, 854

  FORTITUDE, Operation 296–8, 299–300, 310, 855

  Foulkes, Frank 410, 411, 529, 530

  FOXHUNTER, Operation 463


  Triple Entente 8;

  Franco-Prussian War (1870–71) 11, 12;

  pre-First World War German intelligence in 52, 66;

  liaison with British intelligence 71, 137, 185;

  First World War 80, 98–9, 101;
/>   post-First World War threat 117;

  French Communist Party (PCF) 161;

  Nazi occupation 205, 222, 223, 230, 298;

  Allied invasion 284, 296–7, 304–10;

  decolonization 442;

  Suez crisis 445, 473;

  reaction to FOOT 574–5;

  terrorist attacks in 691, 692;

  PIRA bases in 699, 772;

  Islamist terrorism 802;

  see also DST

  Franco, Francisco 260, 267

  Frazer, John 409, 410

  Freeman, John 410, 446, 529, 530

  Frolik, Josef 535, 541–3, 707

  Fryers, Robert ‘Rab’ 777, 784–5, 855

  Fuchs, Klaus:

  investigation, interrogation and confession 334, 371, 385–6, 858, 853;

  conviction and imprisonment 345, 377, 386–7;

  and Gouzenko defection 346;

  identified through VENONA decrypts 375, 376, 377, 384–5;

  case causes crisis in Special Relationship 386–7, 390;

  run by female GRU controller 550, 580;

  links with Melita Norwood 580

  Fulton Report (1968) 338

  Furnival Jones, Sir Martin (‘FJ’):

  recruited to MI5 219;

  on Masterman 317–18;

  appointed DG (1965) 328;

  background and character 328, 332;

  introduction of new career structure 332;

  management style 338, 547;

  and Philby case 432, 435;

  stationing of SLOs in Africa 469, 471;

  and phasing out of SLOs 481;

  and Portland spy-ring 485, 486;

  and Blake case 489;

  and investigations of Mitchell and Hollis 506–7, 515, 516, 517–18, 520;

  and FLUENCY working party 511–12, 515;

  and Golitsyn and Angleton’s conspiracy theories 513, 515, 516;

  and Wigg 524–5;

  industrial subversion investigations 528, 529, 588, 590–91, 594–6;

  and D-Notice affair 531;

  advises Marcia Williams’s removal 533;

  and Callaghan 534–6;

  and Thorpe affair 534;

  review of protective security 537, 607;

  and Blake escape and defection 538;

  and Floud and Owen cases 539, 542;

  Heath’s dislike of 547, 587;

  retirement (1972) 547;

  appointment of successor 547–8;

  and FOOT 567, 574;

  and Arab terrorism 601–2;

  and Northern Ireland 602–3, 604, 607, 618

  FX Branch 560, 647, 683, 700, 702, 734, 745–6

  G Branch 84, 93, 94, 745–6, 772, 805, 818;

  G1 95–6, 97;

  G4 145;

  see also Appendix 3

  Gaitskell, Hugh 412, 416, 418–19, 526, 847–8, 853

  Gallacher, Willie 148, 166, 278, 381, 404

  Gandhi, Indira 446, 736–7

  Gannon, Donal 795–7

  Garby-Czerniawski, Roman (double agent BRUTUS) 298–9, 300, 309, 312, 316

  Gardiner, Gerald, Baron 410, 525

  Gardner, Meredith 366, 376, 423, 431, 433–4


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