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The Defence of the Realm

Page 146

by Christopher Andrew

  GCHQ (Government Communications Headquarters):

  collaboration with American A(F)SA 366, 372–3;

  VENONA project 366, 372, 378, 434;

  at Eastcote 428;

  Prime case 578–9, 712–13, 754, 756;

  counter-proliferation role 788

  Gee, Ethel ‘Bunty’ 485, 487

  General Strike (1926) 125–6

  George V, King 146, 179

  George VI, King 297, 310, 416, 856

  German Communist Party (KPD) 188, 189–90

  German embassy (London) 195–7, 199, 853

  Germany, Imperial:

  pre-war espionage and invasion threat 3, 7–21, 30–52, 861;

  navy 8, 55, 64, 162;

  Meldewesen system 30;

  wartime espionage and sabotage attempts 66–80, 861–2;

  wartime subversion 86–7, 90–92, 94, 99–100, 101–3, 106–7, 852;

  Treaty of Brest-Litovsk (1918) 104;

  Treaty of Versailles (1919) 186, 195, 198, 852

  Germany, Weimar 117, 186–8, 198, 852

  Germany, Nazi:

  anti-Semitism 7, 189–90;

  Hitler’s rise 188–9;

  violence and repression 188–9, 190;

  concentration camps 189, 352, 364;

  rearmament 195;

  and Rhineland 198;

  annexation of Austria 200;

  threat to Czechoslovakia 200, 202, 207–8;

  pre-war espionage 210–11, 212–13;

  invasion of Poland 213;

  invasion of France and Low Countries 222, 223;

  planned invasion of Britain 230–31, 235, 250, 257–9, 858;

  invasion of Soviet Union 273, 292

  Germany, post-war see East Germany; West Germany

  Ghana (formerly Gold Coast) 451–4, 468, 470–71, 859


  DSO 138, 220;

  Burgess goes wild in 422;

  attempted PIRA terrorist attack (1988) 739–45, 748

  Glad, Tör (double agent JEFF) 292

  Glading, Percy 137, 167, 179, 180–82, 183, 854

  Gladstone, Hugh 62, 63, 64, 84

  Glasgow 41, 139, 246, 254, 448, 653, 654;

  pub bombings (1979) 654;

  organized crime 790;

  terrorist attack on airport (2007) 836

  GOLD, Operation 490

  Goleniewski, Michal 484–5, 487, 488, 511

  Golitsyn, Anatoli:

  intelligence on Cambridge Five 378, 435, 438, 439;

  defection 435, 503, 504;

  paranoia and exaggeration 439, 503, 504, 516;

  Vassall case 492;

  and Hollis and Mitchell 503–4, 507, 511, 512–13, 516, 518, 519;

  limitations of his evidence 503, 504;

  temporary move to Britain 504, 505, 506;

  and Sino-Soviet split 512–14;

  and CAZAB investigations 514–15

  Gollan, John 402–3, 404, 410, 528, 592

  Good Friday Agreement (1998) 782, 798

  Gorbachev, Mikhail 680, 723, 725

  Gordievsky, Oleg:

  posting to London 348, 708–12;

  identification of ELLI 348–9;

  on Pontecorvo 390;

  and identification of Fifth Man 440–41, 707–6;

  identification of Bob Edwards as KGB agent 527, 710–11, 711–12;

  on Jack Jones 536, 589, 657, 710–11;

  on KGB contacts with anti-nuclear movement 674–5;

  on funding of NUM 679;

  on Libyan terrorism 701;

  on Soviet fear of nuclear attack 709, 722–3, 861, 860;

  and Thatcher 709, 720, 725, 727, 730;

  succeeds Titov 710–11;

  and Hollis investigations 712;

  and Bettaney 714–18, 721;

  and Guk’s expulsion from London 724–5;

  appointed London resident designate 724–6;

  exposure and defection 726–7, 730;

  on Mikardo 758

  Gordon Walker, Patrick 345, 412–13, 415, 416, 480, 526

  Gorsky, Anatoli 184, 269, 272, 280

  Gouzenko, Igor 282, 339–2, 343–49, 380, 431–2, 434

  Government Code and Cypher School (GC&CS):

  SIS control of 120;

  decrypts of Soviet ciphers 143–4, 146, 147, 154–5, 175–7, 178, 261;

  and ARCOS affair 156;

  surveillance of employees 158;

  decrypts of German ciphers 248, 253, 254, 300, 305, 855;

  relocation to Bletchley Park 248;

  Churchill’s interest in 287, 856;

  and Palestine intercept station 353;

  see also GCHQ; ISOS; ULTRA

  Government War Book 194, 404, 406, 859

  Grant, Ted 660, 661, 682

  Graves, Karl 40–41, 42–4, 50, 70

  Gray, Olga 179–82, 183, 220–21, 401, 854

  Green, Oliver 277, 281

  Greene, Sir Hugh 396

  Greenhill, Sir Denis, 565, 571, 572

  Gregory, Ivor (Soviet agent ACE) 579, 582–3, 585

  Grey, Sir Edward 37, 86, 89

  Grieve, John 796, 855

  Grist, Evelyn 274, 334–5

  Grivas, George 462–5

  Gromyko, Andrei 553, 566, 567, 573

  Grosse, Heinrich 39–40, 42

  GRU (Soviet military intelligence):

  pre-war anti-Western imperialist operations 161;

  wartime espionage 280, 374, 378–9;

  Canadian spy-ring 339–41, 344–49;

  messages decrypted by VENONA 378;

  growth of London residency in 1960s 491, 565–7;

  mass expulsion of London personnel (Operation FOOT) 565, 567, 571–3, 574–5, 732, 859;

  Operation RYAN 709, 722–3, 861;

  expulsion of agents following Gordievsky defection 727, 730, 736;

  policy on visas for 732–3

  Guantánamo Bay 825

  Guk, Arkadi 710, 714–17, 718, 719, 723–5, 732

  H Branch 84, 779–80;

  H2 section see Registry;

  see also Appendix 3

  Haddad, Wadi 60, 601, 605, 607

  Hague, The 80, 651;

  SIS mission 200–201, 212–13, 241–2, 244–5, 246

  Hahn, John 67, 68

  Hain, Peter 641–2, 942

  Haines, Joe 629, 631, 633, 634

  Haldane, Maldwyn Makgill 59, 60, 63

  Haldane, Richard Burdon, 1st Viscount 14–15, 19–20, 39, 54, 59

  Halifax, E. F. L. Wood, 1st Earl of 199, 202, 204, 205, 206, 207–8, 223, 264, 345

  Hall, Frank 87–8, 89, 90, 93

  Hall, Sir Reginald ‘Blinker’ 63–4, 75, 87, 88, 90, 106–7, 115, 150

  Hankey, Sir Maurice 69, 136, 147, 162, 163, 242, 244

  Hanley, Sir Michael:

  identification of Fifth Man 440;

  questioned as possible grade spy 512;

  head of C Branch 536;

  appointment as DG 548;

  management style 548, 552;

  character 552;

  relations with ministers 552, 553, 559, 596;

  and Smith as successor 553, 555;

  and Lambton affair 575;

  and Communists’ attempts to penetrate Labour Party 577–8;

  and committee on Subversion in Public Life 596–7;

  industrial subversion and unrest investigations 597–8;

  and Northern Ireland 626, 645–6, 647;

  and Wilson’s business friends 629, 630;

  and Wilson’s Security Service file 632;

  and alleged plot against Wilson 632, 633–4, 634–5, 639–41, 765;

  and Thorpe affair 641;

  and Arab terrorism 647–8;

  establishment of FX Branch 647;

  and subversive penetration of Labour Party 660–61

  Hanratty, Gerard 795–6

  Hardinge, Charles 19, 116

  Harker, Oswald A. ‘Jasper’:

  background and character 127–8, 130, 855;
  head of B Branch 127–8, 255;

  on Dick White 135;

  Soviet espionage investigations 152, 154, 156–8, 263–6;

  Communist subversion investigations 177;

  and sacking of Jane Archer 220, 235;

  succeeds Kell 220, 228, 237;

  on internment of aliens 230;

  decline in confidence in his leadership 235–6;

  replaced by Petrie and made deputy director general 236, 855;

  and recruitment 540

  Harlley, J. W. K. 470, 471

  Harman, Harriet 559, 766–7

  Harmer, Christopher 249, 298–9

  Harris, Tomás ‘Tommy’ 284–5, 294–6, 297, 305, 308, 310, 312, 855

  Harrods bombing (1983) 699–700

  Hart, Herbert 250, 255, 375, 538

  Hart, Jenifer (née Fischer Williams) 375, 538–9, 540

  Hart, Judith 634, 640

  HAT, Operation 823

  Havers, Sir Michael 723–4, 757, 762–3, 765

  Haxell, Frank 409, 410, 411

  Hayman, Andy 830, 832

  Hayter, Sir William 383–4, 858

  Healey, Denis 407, 659

  Heath, Sir Edward:

  and investigation of Hollis 518, 519;

  becomes prime minister 547, 566;

  dislike of Furnival Jones 547, 587;

  appointment of Hanley as DG 548, 552;

  and Lambton affair 575–6;

  interest in industrial subversion intelligence 587–8, 595–6, 854;

  Industrial Relations Act (1971) 589;

  and work-to-rule 589–90, 854;

  and miners’ strikes 591, 593–4, 598–9;

  1974 election 599;

  and counter-terrorism 612, 614;

  and Northern Ireland 618–19;

  and identification of Blunt as Fourth Man 706;

  criticism of Security Service after Spycatcher 765–6

  Heathrow airport 538, 608, 609, 613, 614, 617, 726, 746–7, 785, 828, 829, 831, 832

  Helm, Siegfried 32–3, 34, 35, 39, 44

  Helms, Richard 513, 518, 574

  Helsby, Sir Laurence 523, 532–3, 537

  Hemblys-Scales, Robert 368, 369, 370

  Henderson, Arthur 66, 147

  Henderson, Sir Nevile 195, 207

  Hennessy, Peter 755, 854

  Hentschel, Karl 44, 45–6

  Herbert, Christopher 335, 469

  Hewitt, Patricia 559, 766–7

  hijacking 601, 606, 607–9, 615–16, 647–8, 688;

  see also September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks Hill, Bernard 422, 487, 490

  Himsworth, Norman 237, 273–5, 276, 320, 401, 406

  Hinsley, Sir Harry 209, 859

  Hitler, Adolf:

  talks with Eden 175;

  rise to power 188, 853;

  territorial ambitions 189, 198, 853;

  and BUF 191, 192, 193;

  appointment of Ribbentrop 198;

  remilitarization of Rhineland 198;

  and espionage in Britain 199–200, 209;

  and Czechoslovakia 201, 202;

  Munich agreement 202, 205;

  views on Chamberlain 205–6, 853;

  invasion of France and Low Countries 222;

  invasion of Soviet Union 273;

  plan to assassinate 293–4;

  and D-Day landings deceptions 296–7, 305, 308–9, 310;

  fanaticism 860;

  Mein Kampf 7, 189, 198, 853

  Hizballah 800, 801

  Hoare, Sir Samuel 104–5, 206

  Hollis, Sir Roger:

  background and character 135, 136, 320, 325, 483;

  recruited by MI5 (1938) 135, 136;

  wartime intelligence work 278, 280, 281–2, 289, 517;

  Soviet double-agent allegations 282, 327–28, 348, 503, 504–5, 510–11, 512, 515, 516–19, 520–21, 634, 706, 712, 754, 760–61, 763, 859;

  suspicions of Blunt 282, 517, 856;

  appointed DDG 325;

  appointed DG 326–7, 483;

  and Cuban Missile Crisis 326–7, 859;

  management style 326, 547;

  retirement as DG 328, 510, 511, 518;

  and Gouzenko case 342, 344–5, 347;

  role in founding of ASIO 367, 368–70, 763;

  and vetting procedures 380, 383, 394, 395–6;

  and atom spies 384, 389;

  and protective security 392;

  and Communists 406, 409–10, 412;

  and Wright 434–5;

  and Philby 436;

  imperial tours 445–6, 462;

  posts Magan to Cyprus 464;

  and surveillance of colonial delegations 466, 467–8;

  and operations in Commonwealth countries 468, 469, 471, 478;

  policy on Special Political Action 478;

  Macmillan 483, 494, 500;

  and Blake 489;

  and Vassall 493;

  and Profumo affair 496, 498;

  and Boothby and Kray scandal 501, 502;

  and investigation of Mitchell 505–6, 507, 508–9;

  suspension of Martin 510;

  death 518;

  and Wilson 523, 524, 526–7

  Holt-Wilson, Audrey, Lady (née Stirling) 133, 227–8

  Holt-Wilson, Sir Eric:

  and pre-First World War German espionage 33, 52;

  background and character 42;

  nickname 42;

  recruited 42;

  and Defence of the Realm Act 53–4;

  First World War security measures 77, 81;

  on Metropolitan Police’s role 82;

  heads A, D, E and F Branches 84;

  Christmas/New Year card design 103;

  case for post-war existence of MI5 117–18;

  Thomson 117–18;

  and General Strike 125;

  memorandum on reorganization 130;

  knighthood 133;

  marriages and family 133;

  and Meerut Conspiracy 137–8;

  on imperial aspirations of Security Service 138, 458;

  international tours 138;

  industrial sabotage investigations 166;

  report on First World War 187;

  and internment 194;

  resignation 227–8;

  on Harker’s succession 228

  Home Office 7, 48, 53, 98, 101, 166, 191, 192, 193, 547–8, 552–3, 620, 752

  Home Office Warrant (HOW) system 37, 49–50, 52, 122, 147, 239, 320–21, 523

  homosexuality 86, 89, 172, 174, 196, 269, 396–7, 429, 500, 533–4, 564, 633, 635–6, 641, 706

  Hooper, William John ‘Jack’ 246–7, 249, 257, 268

  Hoover, J. Edgar:

  and prewar espionage investigations 210;

  and Kent–Wolkoff case 225;

  and British– American counterintelligence collaboration 131;

  suspicions of CIA 374, 428;

  and VENONA project 374, 377, 428;

  and Fuchs case 386, 387, 390;

  and defection of Burgess and Maclean 427–8, 431;

  and Philby case 431, 436, 509;

  and Blake case 489, 491;

  and Profumo affair 500;

  reaction to FOOT 574

  Horrocks, Reginald 228–9, 275

  Horwood, Sir William 119, 120, 121

  Houghton, Harry 484–5, 487–8

  Howard, Sir Michael 249, 283–4, 783

  Howe, Sir Geoffrey 709, 723, 725, 730, 740, 743, 766

  Howells, Dr Kim 827

  Human Rights Convention 756, 759, 765

  Hungarian Uprising (1956) 404, 409, 418, 445

  Hunt, Sir John 519, 552, 553, 631, 633–4, 658, 670–71

  Hurd, Douglas 681, 766

  HUSKY, Operation 287

  Hussain, Tanvir 830, 831

  Hyde, Douglas 164–5, 411

  Hyde Park bombing (1982) 697, 699

  ICON (counter-terrorism exercise) 615–16

  Independent Labour Party (ILP) 66, 98, 99, 102, 103, 580


h-West Frontier 4, 108;

  German subversion in 86, 90–92;

  First World War 91;

  Ghadr (‘Revolt’) Party 92–3;

  CPGB couriers to 137, 179–80;

  Delhi Intelligence Bureau (DIB) 137, 138, 236, 442–6, 481;

  liaison with British intelligence 137–8, 442, 443–4, 444–6;

  Meerut Conspiracy trial 137–8;

  Comintern links with Indian Communists 190;

  recruitment of officers from 331;

  independence 442, 443, 447;

  influence of Communists at Indian high commission 443;

  Communist Party 445;

  Indo-Soviet relations 445, 446, 447;

  assassination of Indira Gandhi 736–7

  Industrial Intelligence Bureau (IIB) 122–3, 124, 149

  Inkpin, Albert 99, 152

  INLA (Irish National Liberation Army) 651, 698

  Intelligence and Security Committee (ISC) 755, 778, 787, 788, 817, 823, 825, 828


  of postal correspondence 36–7, 52, 63–5, 71, 86–7, 334, 549, 554, 758, 767;

  of cables 63, 71;

  of telephone calls 134–5, 147, 320–21, 334, 526–7, 542, 756–7, 758, 767

  Interception of Communications Act (1985) 756–7, 758, 767, 768


  of aliens during First World War 80–81, 97, 221–2;

  of Communists 97, 100;

  of Fascists 192, 194, 227, 230–31, 235;

  Government War Book regulations 194, 404;

  of aliens during Second World War 222, 223, 224, 227, 229, 230–31;

  Advisory Committee on Internment 230, 235;

  proposed internment of Communists in event of war with Soviet Union 404–6, 417;

  in Northern Ireland 619

  interrogation techniques 251–2, 539

  Invergordon Mutiny (1931) 162–4, 249

  invisible ink 67, 70–71, 74

  Ippolitov, Ivan Ivanovich 571–2, 577

  IRA (Irish Republican Army) 122–3, 600, 602–4, 605–6, 618–20, 654;

  see also Continuity IRA; Official IRA; Provisional IRA; Real IRA

  Iran 460, 685, 800–802, 803, 856

  Iranian embassy siege (1980) 685–8

  Iraq 284, 536, 648, 686, 691


  Fenians 5, 600, 852;

  German funding of Republicans 86–7;

  Easter Rising (1916) 87, 88, 618, 861;

  development of nationalism 90, 618, 861;

  Soviet aid to Sinn Fein ‘germ cells’ 145–6;

  status as dominion 369;

  emigration 602;

  constitution 605;

  Communist Party 606;

  navy’s interception of arms supplies to PIRA 623, 704;

  see also Northern Ireland

  Irgun Zvai Leumi 350, 351–5, 358–60, 362

  Irish Joint Section (IJS) 621, 624, 645, 646, 649, 652, 683, 684–5, 692, 693–4, 696, 697, 700, 852

  Irish National Liberation Army (INLA) 651, 698

  ISK (Second World War decrypts) 253, 254–5

  Islamism 7, 91, 800–801, 828


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