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The Defence of the Realm

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by Christopher Andrew

and Profumo affair 494, 497, 499, 500;

  and allegations against Mitchell and Hollis 507, 509, 518, 519;

  on secrecy 754

  Macnamara, John ‘Jack’ 172

  Magan, William ‘Bill’ 320, 351, 398, 464–5, 475

  Magee, Patrick 704–5

  Maisky, Ivan 168, 176

  Major, Sir John 678, 771, 773, 774, 775, 778, 781, 782, 783, 785, 795

  Makarios III, Archbishop 463, 464, 465

  Makayev, Valeri (illegal agent HARRY) 423, 426

  Makgill, Sir George 122–3, 124, 149


  Security Service recruits from 331;

  Communist Party 447–8, 449, 450;

  Malayan Emergency (1948–60) 448–51, 454, 458, 459, 462, 474;

  Malayan Security Service 448–9;

  Malayan Criminal Investigation Department 449, 450

  Malone, James 756–7, 759

  Maly, Teodor 180–81, 183–4, 265–6, 267, 420, 854–5

  Manchester bombing (1996) 794–5

  MANHATTAN (Los Alamos atomic bomb project) 346, 366, 377, 384, 385, 550, 858

  Manningham-Buller, Dame Eliza:

  early Security Service career 554, 776, 786;

  and Northern Ireland 776, 786, 795;

  on Rimington 778, 781;

  on possibility of ‘reduced base’ for Security Service 786;

  on Lander 789;

  appointed DDG 792;

  and Shayler affair 792, 793;

  and Islamist terrorism 807, 810, 817, 818, 821, 822, 823, 824–6, 831, 833;

  succeeds Lander as DG 814, 815–16;

  background and character 815–16

  and ethical issues 825

  Manningham-Buller, Sir Reginald 487, 815

  Marriott, John H. 285, 318, 331, 332, 337, 363, 394, 504, 580 Marsh, Percy 61, 62, 63

  Martin, Arthur:

  claims against Hollis 282, 504–5, 510;

  investigation of Blunt 282, 437;

  recruitment and Security Service career 372, 428, 503–4;

  reports on Philby’s presumed treachery 428;

  and Profumo affair 496;

  conspiracy theories encouraged by Golitsyn defection 503, 504;

  character 504, 509, 519;

  collaboration with Wright 504, 507, 510;

  investigation of Mitchell 505–7, 508–9;

  suspension and transfer 509–10;

  leaves Security Service 510

  MASK, Operation 175–7, 178

  Mason, Roy 634, 649, 650, 651

  Massiter, Cathy 558–9, 675–6, 677–8, 757, 758, 766, 768

  Masterman, Sir John 219, 220, 238, 255–7, 283, 298–9, 300, 304, 305, 314–15, 316, 317–18, 855–6

  Masterton, Miss A. W. 63, 127

  Mata Hari (Margaretha Geertruida Zelle) 79–80, 221

  Maudling, Reginald 518, 547–8, 567, 588–9, 589–91, 595–6, 613, 654

  Maxwell, Sir Alexander 222, 540

  Maxwell Fyfe, Sir David 322, 323–4, 408

  Maxwell Fyfe Directive (1952) 323, 443, 615, 626, 670–71, 767, 852

  May, Alan Nunn 340–41, 343–4, 345–6, 380, 384

  Melville, William:

  background and character 5, 6;

  recruited by Secret Service Bureau 5–6;

  and Rachkovsky 6–7, 100–101;

  and German espionage and invasion threat 7–8, 10–11, 17, 26, 30, 31, 34, 35, 44–5, 46;

  and MO5(g) 25, 28, 30, 31, 35, 36;

  retirement and death 5 101

  Menzies, Sir Robert 370, 373

  Menzies, Sir Stewart 238, 255, 313, 342, 347, 362

  Metropolitan Police:

  Criminal Investigation Department (CID) 53, 97, 450, 462, 611;

  and Indian nationalism 90–91;

  strikes (1918 and 1919) 106, 107, 159;

  Anti-Terrorist Branch (SO13) 644, 692, 751, 785, 796, 802;

  Balcombe Street siege 644;

  Diplomatic Protection Group 685;

  Iranian embassy siege 685, 686;

  see also Special Branch

  MI1C 104, 105–6

  ‘MI5 ’s Official Secrets’ (television documentary) 757–8

  MI9 64, 251

  MI(B) 125

  Michael, Glyndwr 286, 287

  Mikardo, Ian 364, 758

  Miliband, David 827

  Militant Tendency (MT) 660–64, 667, 680, 681–2

  Miller, Hugh M. 118, 120, 130, 131

  Milmo, Sir Helenus ‘Buster’ 219, 250, 427, 432

  MINCEMEAT, Operation 286–7

  miners’ strikes:

  (1972) 591–4;

  (1974) 598–9;

  (1984–5) 676–81

  Mitchell, Graham:

  investigated as alleged double agent 327, 494, 503, 504, 505–9, 510, 512, 515, 516, 518, 519, 520–21, 634, 706, 859;

  and VENONA project 378, 433–4;

  and vetting procedures 382–3, 399;

  and atom spies 384;

  and identification of crypto-Communists in Labour Party 412–15, 858;

  on Wilson 416;

  operations against Polish UB 484;

  and Portland spy-ring 486;

  and Henry Brooke 492;

  and Golitsyn 504;

  retirement 507, 509

  Mitrokhin, Vasili 434, 574, 579, 580, 581–3, 586

  MO25, 6

  MO35, 6

  MO 56–8, 11–12


  development of 29–31, 52;

  resourcing of 29, 31, 35, 36, 41, 64;

  Registry 48–9, 58;

  integration into War Office 54;

  expansion of 55–6, 58, 77–8;

  divided into three branches 56–8, 84;

  renamed as MI572, 84

  MO 964

  Modin, Yuri 424, 428, 429, 430, 432

  Modrzhinskaya, Elena 272–3, 280

  Moe, Helge John Niel (double agent MUTT) 253, 292

  Mohamed, Binyam al-Habashi 825, 826–7

  Mohammed, Khalid Sheikh 806, 809, 819, 820

  Mohammed, Ramzi 823

  Molody, Konon Trofimovich

  see Lonsdale, Gordon

  Montagu, Ewen 254–5, 286, 287

  Montague L. Meyer Ltd 416, 417, 418

  Montgomery, Bernard 297, 309

  morale, staff 218, 228–9, 236, 338, 551, 555, 556–7, 558, 559, 781–2, 791, 808, 819, 852

  Morgan, Kenneth O. 534, 641

  Morgan-Smith, Catherine (later Weldsmith, then Shackle) 132–3, 237, 331

  Morrison, Herbert 289, 381, 424–5

  Morton, Sir Desmond 124–5, 128–9, 149, 151–2, 154, 236, 239, 279

  Mosley, Sir Oswald 191–4, 226

  Mountbatten, Louis, 1st Earl Mountbatten of Burma 286, 287, 319, 442;

  killing of 652

  ‘Mr Mills’ Circus’ (planned relocation of double agents) 257–9

  Müller, Karl 67–9, 70, 85

  Mullik, B. N. 443–4, 444–6

  Munich crisis (1938) 202–7, 541, 853

  Munich Olympic Games (1972) 612, 613, 614

  Murdoch, Rupert 575–6

  Murray, Sir George 19, 20


  in Britain 91, 800, 805, 817, 821, 833–4;

  and jihad 799;

  see also Islamism

  Mussolini, Benito 105, 124, 175, 191, 192, 193, 208

  Nachrichten-Abteilung (German naval intelligence) 6, 12, 12, 18, 21, 36–52, 64–5, 66, 187

  Nachrichtendienst (German military intelligence) 186, 187

  ‘Nadgers’ (Bettaney case investigators) 715–17, 720–21

  Nairobi, bombing of US embassy (1998) 803, 809, 856

  Nasser, Gamal Abdel 454, 473–4

  National Front 738

  National Liberation Front (Aden; NLF) 474, 475, 476

  National Minority Movement 142, 149, 160, 164

  Nationalist Party (South African) 444

  NATO 542, 586, 709;

  ABLE ARCHER exercise 722, 723

bsp; NatWest tower bombing (1993) 783–4, 793, 855

  Montagu, Ivor 286, 379

  Naval Intelligence Department 4–5, 17, 163

  negative vetting 383, 389, 390, 681

  Nehru, Jawaharlal 442, 443, 445, 446


  First World War 66, 71, 72, 73, 87;

  Second World War 205, 212–13, 222, 223, 230, 241, 247;

  reaction to FOOT 575;

  arrest of Patrick Magee 704;

  PIRA terrorist attacks in 748;

  see also Amsterdam; Hague, The

  Neuberger, Lord 826

  New Delhi 351, 445;

  SLOs 442, 444, 446–7, 469, 481, 774;

  Soviet embassy 446;

  see also Delhi Intelligence Bureau

  New York 43, 73, 74, 75, 105–6, 389, 423, 426, 693, 697, 806;

  see also September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks

  New Zealand Security Service (NZSS) 514, 516, 774

  Newman, Sir Kenneth 645, 696

  Newton, Andrew 635, 641

  Nicolai, Walter 52, 77, 186

  Nikitenko, Leonid 715, 724, 725

  Njonjo, Charles 468, 472

  NKGB (Soviet intelligence agency) 174, 342, 348, 374, 420

  Nkrumah, Kwame 451–4, 468, 470–71

  NKVD (Soviet intelligence agency) 174, 183–4, 854, 265–6, 374

  No-Conscription Fellowship 94, 102–3

  NORAID (Northern Aid Committee) 697, 698

  Northern Ireland:

  Troubles 600, 602–6, 618–26, 644–7, 649–55, 683–5, 692–700, 703–5, 737–45, 748–51, 771–3, 782–6, 794–7, 861–2, 855–6;

  peace process 625, 646, 782–3, 795, 797–8, 834, 856;

  alleged Security Service dirty tricks in 641;

  Security Service given lead intelligence role 833–4;

  see also IRA; Irish Joint Section; Loyalist paramilitaries; Provisional IRA;

  Royal Ulster Constabulary Northern Ireland Office (NIO) 621, 625, 645, 700, 704, 786, 852

  Norton-Taylor, Richard 827

  Norwood, Melita ‘Letty’ (née Sirnis) 182–3, 579–82

  Nyasaland (later Malawi) 458, 468, 469

  Nye, Sir Archibald 287, 442–3

  Nyerere, Julius 469, 688

  Ó Conaill, Dáithi (David O’Connell) 622, 625

  Odinga, Oginga 466–7, 468, 472–3

  Office of Strategic Services (US; OSS) 366, 374, 520

  Official Committee on Terrorism 614, 615, 654, 695, 794;

  Key Points Sub-Committee 620, 654

  Official IRA 606, 619, 620, 622

  Official Secrets Act (1889) 31, 39

  Official Secrets Act (1911) 39, 49, 271, 757

  Official Unionist Party (Northern Ireland) 623

  OGPU (Soviet intelligence agency) 161–2, 170, 171, 174, 265, 267, 456, 860

  O’Hanlon, Siobhan 740, 741, 742

  Okhrana (Russian intelligence and security service) 6–7, 100–101

  Oldham, Ernest 174, 854

  one-time pad (encryption system) 156, 366, 376, 378, 486, 487, 491, 712, 728

  Oshchenko, Viktor Alekseyevich 583, 584, 732

  Ottaway, John 128, 152–3, 156–7, 158

  OVERT, Operation 830, 831, 832, 835

  OVERTHROW, Operation 284

  Owen, David 640, 755

  Owen, Will 413, 541–3, 640

  Oxford University 59–60, 139, 170, 219, 232, 233, 255, 329–2, 440, 538, 540, 541

  P Branch 559–60, 779;

  see also Appendix 3

  Pakenham, Hercules 80, 105

  Pakistan 369, 442, 444, 445, 800, 802, 817, 823, 825, 827, 828, 839


  DSO 138;

  British mandate 350, 358, 359, 362;

  Zionist extremists in 350–51, 353–4;

  Jewish refugees admitted 352, 358, 359;

  Sarafand intercept station 353;

  partition 358, 360;

  and Aden Emergency 476;

  see also Black September; Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine

  Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) 608, 648, 691, 736

  PanAm 103 bombing (Lockerbie; 1988) 746–8

  Paris, terrorist attacks in 691, 692, 800

  Parker, Hubert, Baron Parker of Waddington 487, 491

  Parrott, George 44–5, 46, 52

  PARTY PIECE, Operation 400–401

  PATHWAY, Operation 836

  Patterson, Geoffrey 372, 373, 374, 377, 386, 387, 390, 426

  Payne Best, Sigismund 242, 244

  Penrose, Barrie 639, 640, 641

  Petrie, Sir David:

  head of Delhi Intelligence Bureau 137, 331;

  on outbreak of war 219;

  and promotion of women 220;

  onspy mania 224;

  on Registry efficiency measures 229;

  on British Fascists 231;

  appointed DG 236–8, 855;

  background and character 236, 237, 559;

  management style 236, 237, 238;

  report on organizational breakdown 236–7, 779;

  relations with Churchill 238–40, 288–9, 292, 308, 856;

  on Jack Hooper 247;

  execution of double agents 258–9;

  and wartime Soviet espionage 276, 282, 517;

  and D-Day landings deceptions 308, 309, 310;

  retirement as DG 319, 351;

  and Gouzenko defection 343, 345;

  on Zionist threat 351;

  and Special Relationship 365;

  reputation as DG 559;

  on lessons of history 859

  Petrov, Vladimir and Evdokia 430, 517, 520

  Philby, Kim:

  views on Liddell 131, 341;

  at Cambridge 167–8, 172, 420, 438, 854;

  early career 168, 341;

  marriages 168, 433, 503;

  recruitment 169, 170–71, 171–2, 420;

  background and character 171, 856;

  head of SIS Section IX 241, 341–2, 344, 856;

  on circulation of ISOS and ISK decrypts 255;

  Krivitsky’s information on 266, 267;

  on Cowgill 281;

  heavy drinking 284, 433, 503;

  retailing of personal scandals 284;

  and Gouzenko and Volkov cases 341–7, 349, 431–2, 434;

  views on Hollis 344;

  transferred to Istanbul 347, 856;

  welcomes Zionist terror campaign 362;

  and VENONA decrypts 374, 376–7, 378, 420, 429;

  SIS liaison officer in Washington 376–7, 422–4;

  and atom spies 387, 390;

  mishandling by Soviets 420, 422, 426, 434;

  identification of Maclean as HOMER 423–4;

  learns of Burgess and Maclean’s defection 426, 433;

  recalled from Washington and retired from SIS 426–7;

  presumed treachery 427–8, 429–31, 509, 517;

  cleared through lack of evidence 431, 484, 491;

  new evidence against 431–5;

  in Beirut 433, 435;

  confession 435–6, 503;

  defection 436, 438, 503, 754;

  recommendation of Martin as MI5 recruit 504;

  Bettaney’s sympathies with 716, 718, 720

  Phillips, Morgan 411, 412, 522, 847

  Phillips, William A. 127, 128–9, 143

  Pilling, Sir Joe 782, 855

  Pincher, Chapman:

  on Fuchs case 386;

  and search for crypto-Communists in Labour Party 412, 414, 415, 531;

  D-Notice affair 531–2;

  Wilson’s suspicions of 633–4, 638;

  allegations against Hollis 712, 754, 761;

  collaboration with Wright 712, 761;

  Their Trade is Treachery 754, 761, 764

  Poland 119, 139, 213, 298, 354, 587;

  Polish agents in Britain 484–5


  Kell’s contacts with chief constables 29–30, 31, 35, 48, 50–51, 191, 239, 861, 858;

  training of
colonial and Commonwealth police 462, 468;

  pay dispute (1977) 665;

  Security Service’s collaboration with organized crime investigations 780, 787, 788, 790, 793;

  collaboration in antiterrorism operations 785, 817, 820, 824, 830, 858, 860;

  corruption 790;

  see also Metropolitan Police; Royal Ulster Constabulary

  Pollitt, Harry 142, 148, 160, 176, 179, 180, 278, 404

  Pontecorvo, Bruno 375, 389–90, 391

  Ponting, Clive 757

  Popov, Dusˇan ‘Dusˇko’ (double agent TRICYCLE) 253, 297, 301, 304–5

  Popov, Viktor 723, 724

  Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) 601–2, 605, 606, 607–9, 613, 617, 618, 648, 747

  Port Control section (E Branch) 77–8, 79, 84, 220

  Portland spy-ring 485–8, 492, 493, 537

  positive vetting (PV) 387–8, 391–7, 493

  Post Office 37, 63, 134–5, 334, 455;

  Investigation Department 549

  Powell, Philip 763, 765

  Prague 208, 371, 426

  Prague Spring (1968) 480, 536, 541, 566, 583, 588

  Precautionary 143


  Adelphi Court 56, 85;

  Babcock House, Gower Street 551, 555–6, 677, 710, 717, 719, 780;

  Blenheim Palace 217, 231–5, 317;

  Cork Street 85;

  Curzon Street House 551;

  Great Marlborough Street 328, 551;

  Greener House, Adelphi 85;

  Grosvenor Street 549;

  Leconfield House, Curzon Street 324–5, 334, 483, 551, 611;

  Oliver House, Cromwell Road 117, 134;

  Queen’s Gate 117;

  St James’s Street 231, 235, 311, 316;

  St Martin’s Le Grand 334;

  Thames House, Millbank 134, 217, 778–9, 822;

  Union House 334;

  Victoria Street 3, 6, 35, 861;

  Watergate House, Adelphi 42, 50, 56, 85;

  Waterloo House, Charles Street 85, 113, 117;

  Wormwood Scrubs 217–18, 219, 231;

  see also the maps

  Prendergast, Sir John 458, 476

  Prime, Geoffrey 578–9, 712–13, 716, 754, 756

  PROBA, Operation 567

  Profumo, John 494, 495, 496, 497–8, 499, 500, 522

  Profumo affair 323, 494–500, 576

  protective security:

  and First World War counterespionage and sabotage 76–7, 79, 80;

  and Port Control 77, 78;

  and internment 80–81;

  of MI5 HQ 85, 127;

  definition 126;

  first interdepartmental committee 126–7;

  inadequacies in Whitehall 174–5, 393, 854;

  American pressure to strengthen 392–3;

  reviewed following Portland spy-ring and Blake and Vassall cases 492, 493;

  Helsby Committee review 537;

  and counter-terrorism 600, 606–7, 612–14, 654–5, 695;

  Economic Key Points (EKPs) 620, 654–5, 695

  Provisional IRA (PIRA):


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