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The Defence of the Realm

Page 149

by Christopher Andrew

foundation 606, 618;

  upsurge in recruitment 619;

  arms procurement 622–3, 649, 684, 697–9, 703–4, 737–8, 749;

  bombing on mainland 624–5, 655;

  1975 ceasefire 625–6, 644;

  Security Service’s secret back-channel 625, 644–5, 646, 783;

  resumes mainland bombing 644, 645;

  Balcombe Street siege 644;

  terrorist attacks on the continent 649–50, 651–2, 684, 696, 748;

  1978 bombing campaign in Britain 650–51;

  Army Council 650, 699, 700;

  informers 650–51;

  killing of Earl Mountbatten and Warrenpoint bombings 652;

  hunger strikers 692–4, 696, 697, 699;

  Overseas Department 694, 700;

  Sullom Voe bombing 694–5;

  launches new bombing campaign in London (1981–2) 697;

  England Department 697, 699, 704;

  Harrods bombing 699–700;

  Brighton Conservative Party conference bombing 704–5, 734, 735, 737, 772;

  attempted attack on Gibraltar garrison 739–45, 748;

  renewed mainland campaign (1990) 750–51;

  attack on Downing Street 771–2, 782, 855;

  bombing campaign against City of London 782–5, 793, 855;

  1994 ceasefire 786, 788, 794, 797;

  London Docklands and Manchester city centre bombings 794–5, 797;

  attempt to disrupt Greater London power supply 795–7, 855;

  decommissioning of arms 798

  Pujol Garcia, Juan (double agent GARBO):

  background and character 253–4, 256;

  recruited by SIS 254;

  transferred to MI5 254;

  inventive supplier of disinformation 284–5, 294, 855;

  partnership with Harris 284;

  German payments to 292;

  deception of his wife 294–6;

  and D-Day landings deceptions 297–8, 299, 305, 308–9;

  awarded Iron Cross and MBE 309, 310, 312;

  and V-weapons 310–12;

  reported arrest 311–12, 314

  Purge Procedure 381–3, 393, 395, 400, 402, 858

  Putlitz, Wolfgang zu:

  background and character 195–6;

  friendship with Klop Ustinov 196, 200;

  intelligence provided by 196–7, 197–8, 201, 203, 204, 206, 207, 208;

  sexuality 196;

  and Ribbentrop 198, 199–200;

  transferred to SIS 200;

  and Munich crisis 203, 204, 206–7;

  and Hague SIS station 213, 241–2, 244;

  seeks asylum 213, 241–2;

  betrayed by van Koutrik 244–5, 247

  Qaddafi, Muammar 793;

  see also Libya

  Rachkovsky, Pyotr 6–7, 101

  Radcliffe inquiry (1962) 394–5, 492, 493

  Ramadan, Muhammad 689, 690

  Ramelson, Bert:

  and seamen’s strike (1966) 527–30;

  contacts in trade union movement 535, 592–3, 595, 599, 657, 659, 664–5;

  supplies TUC documents to Soviets 577–8;

  background and character 592;

  onthe Angry Brigade 611;

  succeeded by Costello as CPGB industrial organizer 665–6;

  and miners’ strike (1984–5) 680

  Ramsay, Archibald 225, 226

  Rauf, Rashid 829, 832

  Reagan, Ronald 682, 709, 722, 861

  Real IRA 833, 834

  recruitment and staffing:

  numbers of recruits 52, 84, 85, 117, 122, 134, 220, 320, 549, 702, 793–4, 836, 854;

  recruitment from universities 59–60, 170–71, 329–2, 548–9, 550, 554, 854;

  women staff 59–63, 122, 127, 133, 220–21, 325, 320, 549–51, 554, 774;

  attributes sought in officers 61, 328–29, 331, 551, 553;

  staff cuts 117, 122, 325, 781, 786–7, 789–90, 791;

  security and vetting 127, 394–5;

  recruitment interviews 133, 320, 549, 554;

  wartime expansion 219–20, 236, 238;

  recruitment from colonies 331;

  recruitment of Jews 363–4;

  testing for recruits 549;

  reliance on personal recommendation for recruitment 553–4;

  Civil Service Selection Board (CSSB) 553–4;

  Croham reforms (1978) 554;

  Duff era reforms (mid-1980 s) 559–60;

  recruitment advertising 562, 791–2, 847;

  see also morale, staff; salaries; staff surveys; training; Appendix 2

  RED KNIGHT, Operation 400

  Reed, Ronnie 287, 293, 430

  Rees, Merlyn:

  relations with Hanley 552;

  and appointment of Smith as DG 553;

  Secretary of State for Northern Ireland 624, 625–6, 644–5, 646;

  and alleged plot against Wilson 640;

  and Thorpe affair 641;

  Home Secretary 647–8, 665;

  concern with subversive penetration of Labour Party 659–60, 660–61, 663, 664

  Regan, John 36, 47–8

  Regent’s Park bombing (1982) 697

  Registry (H2 section):

  MO5(g) origins 48–9, 58;

  data management 49, 52, 58, 122, 228–9, 231, 551, 781;

  classification of suspects 58–9, 143;

  size 58, 85, 122, 134, 220, 237;

  women staff 59–63, 336–7;

  staff turnover 84, 337;

  working practices 84, 228–9;

  Examiners 333;

  computerization of record-keeping 551, 781;

  premises 551

  Reid, Betty 403, 418

  Reid, John 831, 832, 833

  Rhodesia 444, 456, 469, 636, 652;

  see also Zambia; Southern Rhodesia

  RHYME, Operation 819–20, 861

  Rice-Davies, Mandy 498

  Right Club 124, 221, 224–7

  Riley, Patricia (later Hentschel) 44, 45–6

  Rimann, Walter 51, 76

  Rimington, Dame Stella:

  recruitment and Security Service career 331, 333, 337, 446–7, 550–51, 560–61, 604, 667–8, 746, 772;

  on Wright 515, 518;

  and Massiter case 559;

  and alleged plot against Wilson 642;

  publication of memoirs 642;

  on miners’ strike 677–8;

  and Van Haarlem case 728;

  on aftermath of Brighton bombing 734;

  as first woman branch Director and DG 746, 774;

  on PIRA’s continental campaigns 748;

  on suspension of eavesdropping operations 759;

  on Spycatcher affair 762, 763;

  appointment as DG (1992) 773–5;

  public visibility 774–5, 776, 777–8;

  and transfer of lead role in Irish Republican counterterrorism to Security Service 773 775;

  openness programme 776–7, 778–9;

  amateur dramatics 777;

  Dimbleby Lecture 777, 801;

  onend of Cold War ‘peace dividend’ 781;

  and Chinook helicopter crash (1994) 785–6;

  incremental approach to acquisition of new work 786–7;

  retirement (1996) 788, 789–90, 803;

  on Lander as successor 789;

  and Islamist terrorism 801, 803, 856

  Ritter, Nikolaus 212, 248, 249, 258

  ROAST POTATO, Operation 539

  Robertson, J. C. 429, 432

  Robertson, Norman 325, 345

  Robertson, Thomas Argyll ‘Tar’ 133, 249, 253, 258, 283, 285, 289, 293, 295, 304, 308

  Robinson, Derek ‘Red Robbo’ 672

  Robson, Robert ‘Robby’ 142, 274–6, 277

  Rommel, Erwin 240, 310

  Roosevelt, Franklin Delano 224, 225, 226, 365, 366, 367, 520

  Rosenberg, Julius and Ethel 377–8, 387

  Roskill, Sir Ashton 219, 228, 237

  Rothermere, Harold Harmsworth, 1st Viscount 151, 193

  Rothschild, Victo
r, 3rd Baron:

  recruitment by Liddell 190, 219;

  background and character 219, 234–5, 239;

  and Blunt 219, 269, 270;

  and microfilming of Registry card 231;

  emotion on leaving Security Service 238;

  wartime successes 239;

  Jewishness 363;

  double-agent allegations 375, 706;

  and Philby case 435;

  and Thatcher 670;

  encourages Wright’s publication of Spycatcher 760–61

  Rotterdam 66, 67, 69, 72, 73, 86, 248, 699

  Royal Air Force (RAF):

  prewar 195;

  size 195, 230;

  tracking of Soviet atomic tests 383;

  signals units’ information passed to KGB 537;

  Dawson’s Field airbase, Jordan 607–8;

  Northwood Command Centre 704;

  Akrotiri airbase, Cyprus 735;

  Chinook helicopter crash (1994) 785–6;

  bombing of Afghanistan 811

  Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) 344, 345, 348, 400, 509, 514

  Royal Navy 8, 38, 44–5, 47, 52, 64, 70, 176;

  Invergordon Mutiny 162–4, 249

  Royal Ulster Constabulary (RUC):

  lead role in anti-terrorism in Northern Ireland 600, 603–4, 645, 684;

  Special Branch 600, 604, 618;

  bomb attacks on HQ 624;

  Security Section 655;

  AI assis tance to 738–9;

  alleged shoot-to-kill policy 739, 743, 744;

  casualties 785, 786;

  succeeded by Police Service of Northern Ireland 834

  Ruddock, Joan 675, 758

  Rushdie, Salman 801–2, 803, 856

  Russia (Tsarist) 6–7, 8, 23, 52, 66, 100–101, 143, 162

  Russia (post-Soviet) 813–14;

  SVR (foreign intelligence service) 161, 707, 81

  Russian Revolution (1917) 95, 98, 99, 100–101, 102, 103–4, 139–40, 435, 853

  RYAN, Operation 709, 722–3, 861

  S Branch 549;

  see also Appendix 3

  Saddam Hussein 648, 686

  salaries 5, 26, 35, 43, 47, 76, 126, 132, 329, 331–2, 560, 819

  Salter, William 40, 42

  Sander, Albert 73, 74, 75

  Sandhurst (Royal Military Academy) 11, 23, 135, 249, 786

  Sands, Bobby 693–4, 697

  Sandys, Duncan 467, 468, 472, 474, 478

  Sarwar, Assad Ali 829, 830, 831. 832, 833

  SAS (Special Air Service) 610, 613, 647, 685, 686–7

  Savage, Seán 739, 740, 742–3, 744–5

  Savin, Aleksandr 568, 570–71

  Savin, Vladislav 568, 569

  Scanlon, Hugh 534–5

  Scargill, Arthur 593, 598, 599, 664–5, 676–80

  Scarlett, Sir John 809, 810, 811, 828

  Scarman, Leslie, Baron 664–5

  Schneider, Willy 196, 242

  Schroeder, Frederick Adolphus (‘Gould’) 47–8, 50, 52, 81

  Schultz, Max 38–9, 40, 42, 50

  Schweppenburg, Baron Geyr von (‘Herr von S’) 201, 202, 204–5

  Scotland, Alexander 251, 252

  Scott, Norman 534, 635–6, 639, 641

  SDLP (Northern Ireland Social Democratic and Labour Party) 623

  SEALION, Operation (Nazis’ planned invasion of Britain) 230–31, 235, 250, 257–9

  seamen’s strike (1966) 527–31, 588, 598, 853–4

  Second World War:

  outbreak 205, 213, 219, 241, 855;

  German invasion of France and Low Countries 205, 222, 223, 230, 241;

  ‘fifth column’ fears 223–4, 225, 227, 228, 229–30, 859–50;

  Germans’ planned invasion of Britain 230–31, 235, 250, 257–9;

  air-raids 231, 241;

  North African campaign 240, 284, 285;

  German invasion of Soviet Union 273;

  battle of Kursk 280;

  Middle East campaigns 283–4;

  D-Day landings 212, 280–81, 296–7, 300, 304–10;

  V-weapons 310–16;

  VE Day 316–17

  Secret Intelligence Service (SIS; MI6):

  origins 3, 28;

  separation from MI528, 129, 135;

  proposed mergers with MI5 116, 118, 120–22, 787–8;

  Communist subversion investigations in Britain 128–9, 135, 176;

  reorganization (1931) 129, 135;

  Section V 135, 174, 176, 177, 254;

  surveillance of employees by Dale and others 158;

  and embassy security 174;

  agents in Comintern 177;

  Section D 185;

  secrecy surrounding 186, 753–4, 763;

  and Weimar Republic espionage 187;

  and Munich crisis 203;

  and Double-Cross System 253–4;

  wartime collaboration with MI5 253, 254–6;

  Section IX 341–2, 856;

  and VENONA project 372;

  and hunt for Cambridge Five 427, 428, 430, 432;

  activities in India 442–3;

  precluded from clandestine operations in Commonwealth countries 443;

  SLOs phased out in favour of sole representation by SIS 481–2;

  FLUENCY joint working party 510–12, 515–18, 521, 634;

  and Gordievsky case 708–9, 710;

  and Gordievsky defection 726;

  counterproliferation role 788;

  ‘audit’ of relations with (2001) 808;

  counterterrorist ‘disruption operations’ 824;

  see also Irish Joint Section

  Secret Service Bureau 3, 20–27, 28, 861;

  see also MO5(g)

  Secret Service Committee:

  establishment of 108–9;

  members of 108, 136;

  first report 109, 115–16;

  recommends Thomson 109;

  and proposed merger of security services 115–16, 120–21;

  and Thomson’s dismissal 119–20;

  transfers SSI to MI5 129–30;

  and overseeing intelligence services 136;

  and counter-subversion 141;

  and leadership of MI5 237

  Secret Vote 116, 134, 195, 763, 793

  Section IX (SIS) 341–2, 856

  Section D (SIS) 185

  Section V (SIS) 135, 174, 176, 177, 254

  Security Commission 500, 536–7, 557, 713–14, 718, 723–4, 755–6, 758

  Security Executive (Home Defence (Security) Executive) 227, 229–30, 235, 236, 238, 311, 314, 320

  Security Intelligence Far East (SIFE) 448, 450

  Security Intelligence Middle East (SIME) 138, 342, 350–51, 353, 362–3, 462, 463, 464

  Security Service Act (1989) 564, 766–8, 788, 854

  September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks 607, 790, 806, 809–11, 820, 856

  Serebryansky, Yakov ‘Yasha’ 161–2, 267

  Sergueiev, Nathalie ‘Lily’ (double agent TREASURE) 299–300, 301, 304, 305, 312

  Shackle, Catherine see Morgan-Smith, Catherine

  Shaw, Sir John 355, 363, 447, 453, 456, 458

  Shayler, David 792–3

  Shedden, Sir Frederick 325, 367, 368, 369

  Sheldon, Bernard 543, 575, 632, 717, 718, 760, 762

  Sherer, Mary 300, 304

  SHILLELAGH, Operation 790

  Shinwell, Emmanuel ‘Manny’ 360–61

  Shipp, Cecil 556, 574, 608–9, 674, 702, 715, 716, 762

  ‘shoot-to-kill policy’ 739, 743, 744

  Sicherheitdienst (SS security service; SD) 242, 244

  Sidney Street, siege of (1911) 95

  Sikh extremism 736–7

  Sillitoe, Sir Percy:

  appointed DG 238, 319–20, 321, 324, 328, 847;

  background and character 319, 320, 323, 324, 444, 448;

  relations with Attlee 321–2, 682, 847;

  retires as DG 323;

  and Zionist extremism 350, 362–3;

  tours of Empire and Commonwealth 367, 444, 447, 448–9, 456;

  and VENONA project 367, 372, 373;

  and atom spies 385, 387, 390;

  and vetting procedures 387–8, 388–9;

  and investigations into CPGB 401;

  and Communist influence in labour unrest 408;

  and pro-Soviet Labour MPs 412;

  and Burgess and Maclean’s defection 427;

  on Kenyatta and Mau Mau 454, 456;

  reputation 547, 548

  Simkins, Anthony:

  official history of Second World War security and intelligence 209, 859;

  on Dick White 324;

  on attributes of Security Service officers 328–29;

  background and character 328;

  and Philby case 432;

  questioned by Roy Jenkins over HOWs 532;

  and industrial subversion intelligence 589–90;

  and Northern Ireland 602, 603–4;

  and letter bombs 613;

  on overseas postings 852

  Simon, Sir John 55, 175, 176, 192, 194, 195, 202

  Sinclair, Sir Hugh ‘Quex’:

  and Secret Service Committee 116, 120, 121, 128, 136–7;

  background and character 120, 136–7;

  private life 120, 136;

  proposes merger of security services 120–21;

  and Communist subversion investigations in Britain 128;

  relations with Whitehall officials 136–7, 154;

  and Zinoviev letter 150, 151;

  and Ewer network 153;

  ARCOS raid 154;

  and Munich crisis 203;

  and The Hague mission 242, 244

  Sinclair, Sir John ‘Sinbad’ 326, 430

  Singapore 138, 220, 469

  Single Intelligence Vote 793

  Sinn Fein 90, 145–6, 618, 623, 626, 645, 692–3, 697, 798, 834

  Sissmore, Kathleen ‘Jane’ see Archer, Kathleen ‘Jane’

  SITUATED, Operation 795

  Skardon, William ‘Jim’ 275–6, 334, 371, 385–7, 427, 428–9

  Smith, Clive Stafford 825

  Smith, Sir Howard 552–3, 553–5; 561, 670, 671, 683, 687–8

  Smith, Michael John 583–6, 586, 730, 732

  Snelling, Sir Arthur 471, 552, 553

  SNOW (Second World War double agent) 212, 248–9, 250, 256, 258–9, 853–4

  Socialist Workers Party 660, 666

  SOE (Special Operations Executive) 251, 278, 287, 655

  SOLO I, Operation 284

  Soskice, Sir Frank 523, 524, 525, 526–7, 533

  South Africa 5, 8, 29, 93, 444, 456;

  intelligence service (BOSS) 536, 632, 635, 636–7, 639, 641

  South Quay bombing (1996) 794, 797

  Southern Rhodesia 468

  Soviet embassy (London) 185, 280, 333–4, 374, 483, 496, 566, 572, 605

  Soviet Trade Delegation (London) 144–6, 154–6, 157, 280, 483–4, 566, 567, 569, 629, 727, 733

  Soviet Union:

  Treaty of Brest-Litovsk (1918) 104;

  Anglo-Soviet Trade Agreement (1921) 144–6;

  Labour government recognizes Soviet regime 146–7;


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