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That Unbreakable Love 2

Page 8

by Tynessa

  By now, Shaniqua had had enough. She wasn’t about to continue to stand there and listen to them carry on about irrelevant shit that didn’t have anything to do with what they had come over for. Enough was a damn enough, and Shaniqua cleared her throat to let them know that.

  Looking down at her, Ronny pulled his wife closer because he sensed her attitude. He knew how she was and he didn’t need her ass over there acting up for absolutely no reason. Robyn must’ve sensed it too, because she moved aside and welcomed them into her home.

  Once everyone was inside and seated, Robyn excused herself to go put on something more presentable. They had caught her in the middle of working out and she still had the video on the TV screen to show for it.

  “Um, y’all seem to already know one another. Is that they mama?” Shaniqua asked. She knew she hadn’t seen her before a day in her life.

  “I guess they her boys,” Ronny stated with a hunch of the shoulder. “This the address for them.”

  “Well, you should’ve asked that while you were discussing my kids.” When she said that, Ronny looked at her like she was crazy.

  “All I said was I had five. I wasn’t—”

  “Sorry y’all had to wait, I was in here working out.” Robyn was now dressed in sweats with a t-shirt. Sitting down, she looked over on the couch that Ronny and Shaniqua was sitting on and said, “So what can I do for you Ronny? Wait… How did you even know where I live?” When she and Vic broke up in high school, she moved to another state to live with her aunt. She’d been back for five years and had yet to run into Ronny and the gang. So to see him show up at her doorstep today was shocking.

  “I have my ways of finding shit out. You know how I do it,” was all Ronny could get out before Shaniqua spoke up. She was getting sick of them and ready to talk business.

  “So, um, the reason for this unexpected visit is we’re aware that,” Shaniqua paused then looked over at Shaniyah and Destiny. “What’s their name?”

  Shaniyah rolled her eyes upwards as she looked away so that her parents wouldn’t see her. She was so embarrassed that they had come over there and thank God that Kush wasn’t there.

  “Man and Kush,” Destiny spoke up.

  “Yes. Those are my boys.” Robyn shook her head because she knew Kush could be a hand full and Man was a follower. She’d stressed so many times that Man didn’t need to follow in his older brother’s footsteps. Though he’d manage to maintain good grades in school and went everyday as far as she was concerned, she couldn’t help but wonder what he was up to when hanging with Kush and his foolishness.

  Now, Robyn knew there was no getting through to Kush because he was hardheaded just like his father, but she refused to have two kids living the street life. She would pack up and move Man away before she let the streets and Kush ruin her baby’s life.

  “What have they gotten into? I know it has to be something for the whole family to come over here.” Holding her breath, Robyn prepared herself for what they were about to tell her.

  “You need to keep them away from my girls! Plain and simple,” Ronny spoke up and said in a serious tone. Being that Robyn knew how he was back in the days, she knew he meant business. But he was her boys’ age once so he knew she couldn’t do what he was requesting.

  “What you mean keep them away from your girls?”

  “It means what I said! They been running around here sniffing after my daughters; and I’m coming over here to tell you personally before the shit goes any further than it already has, to keep the mothafuckas away from my girls.” The anger in Ronny’s voice could be heard loud and clear. He had wrinkles in his forehead and that only meant one thing; he was about ready to explode and nut the fuck up.

  “Ronny, are you threatening my kids?” Yeah, Robyn was going to have a talk with her boys because she knew what Ronny was capable of, but he wasn’t about to come into her home and threaten them. That shit wasn’t about to happen, and as a mother, she had to protect and defend her kids.

  “Take it how you wanna take it, Robyn! I don’t play when it comes to my kids and those lil bastards done took it too far. Now, I’m giving you a chance to talk to them and let them know to stay away from Destiny and Niyah.”

  “Giving me a chance to talk to them?” she repeated before clearing her throat. “Okay, first of all, all the name calling isn’t called for. I didn’t raise a mothafucka or a bastard. You don’t see me sitting here disrespecting your kids.” Robyn had a good point but Shaniqua didn’t think so.

  “Oh, and that’s not gonna happen!” Shaniqua finally spoke up and stated.

  “Oh, and that’s exactly what’s gonna happen if he continues to disrespect mines. Y’all came over here with that bullshit about my boys, but how you know that your girls weren’t the ones enticing them. Hell, you were Kush and Man’s age once, Ronny, and I can recall plenty of women throwing themselves at you.”

  “But we ain’t talking about me!” said Ronny.

  “Yes, this isn’t about my husband and his past.” Shaniqua felt disrespected. How dare this woman throw up Ronny’s past in her face? “This is about Kush and Man.”

  “Well I’m making it about him! Just like those women were throwing themselves at your husband back then, your girls might’ve been doing the same thing to my boys. And I can certainly recall Ronny running in plenty of them back then. So, until you have facts that my boys were ‘sniffing’ around them, don’t step to me.” Robyn read that ass. She wasn’t about to let Ronny and his wife come over and try to intimidate her in her own home. Who in the fuck did they think they were?

  Ronny motioned like he was about to get up but Shaniqua placed her hand on his knee, preventing him from doing so. They didn’t come over there for the drama. This was supposed to have been a civilized conversation between adults, but things were going left real quick.

  “Look, we didn’t come over here for drama. We have a problem way bigger than Ronny calling your boys’ names and definitely bigger than the shit my husband did in his past.”

  Robyn shook her head because Shaniqua was missing her whole point.

  “And what is the bigger problem, wifey?” Grabbing the pack of Newport’s off the table, Robyn shook one out and placed it to her lips. Grabbing the lighter, she was just about to spark it up when Shaniqua spoke up.

  “One of your boys got Destiny pregnant,” she clarified as she pointed at Destiny. Destiny wished she could have just dropped dead because just as the words left Shaniqua’s mouth, Man walked in.

  “Aye, Ma. Kush just got locked up!” he said.

  Chapter 11

  As soon as the words left Man’s mouth, Shaniyah let out a scream, but the mug that her parents quickly gave her caused her to cover her mouth and wouldn’t allow her to cry her heart out the way she wanted. Hearing that her Kush was locked up, broke her heart into a billion pieces.

  Robyn heard the scream but didn’t know who it had come from. She knew it was one of the young girls but just didn’t know which one. She was still trying to process that fact that one of her knucklehead sons, who she assumed to be Kush, had gone out and knocked someone up.

  “What?” Robyn finally asked. Man was so shocked that he was unable to move or speak after seeing who was inside his home. A part of him wanted to run back out the door, but he knew this day was coming eventually so why not get it over with.

  “What in the hell did he get arrested for, Marcus? He done went out and got some damn girl pregnant and now he’s locked up? I’m not dealing with this shit from Kush. Nope, I’m not doing it; I refuse to,” Robyn shook her head back and forth and said.

  “Niyah, shut the hell up! I know damn well you ain’t crying over that nigga,” Ronny roared at his daughter. With him saying that, it quickly grabbed Robyn’s attention. Looking over at Man, she then turned to look at Destiny who sat quietly with her head down. Remembering Shaniqua clearly stating that Destiny was pregnant and seeing that Shaniyah was the one crying over Kush, Robyn knew that Man was the father.<
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  “A fucking baby, Man!? Really? Your mothafuckin’ ass think you that grown that you go out and get some little ass girl pregnant?” Robyn was more hurt than anything. She expected that out of Kush but Man, she thought he had more sense than that. When Man didn’t respond, she stepped to his face. “So you don’t hear me talking to you? You just out having sex like you grown, huh?”

  Stepping back, Man said, “Man Ma, it ain’t even like that.”

  “What the hell was it like then? Oh, you gon’ kick the same bullshit ass lie as Destiny? Talking about y’all didn’t know she could get pregnant. Lil ass shouldn’t have been fucking my daughter any damn way!” Ronny said to Man before turning to look at Destiny. “And Destiny, you damn sho’ shouldn’t have had yo’ legs open to the mothafucka! I don’t know what yo’ ass was thinking.”

  “Exactly! Do y’all know how hard it is to raise a gotdamn baby?” Robyn asked. She liked the fact that Ronny wasn’t blaming her son for the whole thing.

  “How old are you?” asked Shaniqua. Robyn looked at her then answered for Man, letting her know that he was only fifteen. “Well, Destiny is only thirteen so you should’ve been the bigger person and given her all the reasons as to why y’all shouldn’t have had sex. Plus, I seriously doubt she was the one that brought the subject up first, anyways.”

  When she said that, both Ronny and Robyn looked at her like she was crazy. Ronny knew not to say shit, but Robyn wasn’t feeling her snobbish ass attitude from the start, and didn’t like how she was putting the blame on Man. Hell, Destiny’s hot ass should’ve just said no from the start.

  “Okay, first of all honey, you are not about to place the blame on my son when she is just as much to blame as he is. If he was the one to bring the shit up, she could’ve easily said no, but she didn’t. And when have you ever known a man to be the bigger person and point out reasons to not have sex? I don’t know what planet you’re living on, but you need to come back to reality baby, cause ain’t no man about to turn down free pussy. Just ask yo’ husband, he should know.”

  When she said that, Shaniqua hopped up so damn fast, only to be grabbed by Ronny. Now, from hearing Robyn speak those words, anyone would think that she and Ronny had something going on, but that wasn’t the case and Shaniqua didn’t know that. It was just that she knew how he was from being in the same circle as him back in the days.

  “Man, chill the fuck out! We didn’t come over here for all that. Y’all making this shit about y’all when it’s not; my mothafuckin’ daughter is pregnant by this nigga and y’all up here acting like fucking kids, trying to fight and shit. Really Shan?” Ronny was heated. Had he known shit would hit the fan like this then he would’ve just come by himself. He knew what Shaniqua’s attitude was about; she couldn’t handle the fact that he already knew Robyn and wanted to act out. Then Robyn wasn’t making it any better throwing the bullshit in her face.

  “Really Shan my ass! This bitch keeps disrespecting me, and you talking about really Shan? You know what, you and that ho both, can take this whole conversation and shove it up y’all ass. Come on Niyah and Destiny, let’s go.” With that, Shaniqua jerked away from Ronny, grabbed her purse and stormed out the door with her kids right behind her.

  To say Ronny was pissed would’ve been an understatement. He was so fucking embarrassed with his wife’s behavior that he could’ve laid hands on her. Shaking his head, he looked at Robyn.

  “Look man, all that shit you was saying wasn’t called for. To keep bringing up my past was disrespectful, childish as fuck and didn’t have shit to do with anything. I came over here to let you know that your son got my baby girl pregnant and to keep him and his brother away from my daughters. And, all yo’ ass could do was keep throwing up the shit I used to do. Y’all childish as fuck man!” Ronny bellowed then headed to the front door. He stopped in front of Man and looked him up and down. Robyn prayed that Ronny wouldn’t hit her son. “Stay the fuck away from my daughter!” With that, he walked out the door.

  When Ronny got outside, Shaniqua was pacing around the parking lot on the phone. Ronny knew it wasn’t anyone but her sidekick, Brooke. Star wasn’t on their level of pettiness like them. Star was more of the laid back type while Shaniqua and Brooke stayed in beast mode.

  “Here his ass goes now. I swear to God; I was about to fuck that bitch up. I should go back in there and kick her ass,” Shaniqua fussed into the phone.

  “You ain’t gone do shit but get yo’ ass in this truck so we can go.” Hitting the locks, Ronny got inside as well as the girls. Shaniqua was upset but got inside, anyways. “You know that shit was messed up how you were acting in there. You too old for that shit Shaniqua.”

  “Hold on Brooke… Nah, I’ma call you right back!” Hanging up the phone before she could respond, Shaniqua turned to face her husband. “Now you let me tell you this. You got one more time to defend another bitch when she disrespects me. That bitch kept coming at me wrong and you were just sitting there looking stupid. You should’ve checked her ass the first time she came at me wrong.”

  “And when was that Shan, after you came at her wrong or when you caught an attitude with her for no reason?” Ronny wasn’t the one to look over all the wrong that his wife did. When Shaniqua was in the wrong, he would let her know that and she would do the same had he been in the wrong. Shaniqua had an attitude the moment she first walked up to that woman’s door and he introduced them.

  “I didn’t even get an attitude with her until she started talking about disrespecting my kids. Hell, you should’ve gotten an attitude with her too, but naw, yo’ ass was too busy keekeeing with her and shit.”

  “That’s the problem right there. You hate the fact that I was laughing and talking to another woman. Well let me break it down to you baby, I did have a life before I met you and have one outside of this marriage.”

  When Ronny said that, Shaniqua leaned back on the door and looked at him confusedly. “Outside of this marriage? Like, what the fuck does that supposed to mean, Ronny?”

  Ignoring Shaniqua’s question, Ronny looked in the rearview mirror at a crying Shaniyah. “Niyah, if you don’t shut the hell up with all that damn crying, I’ma pull over and beat yo’ ass. You lucky his ass got locked up before I could get my hands on him.”

  “But what did he do?” Shaniyah asked. She was so sick of them always talking about Kush. Man was just in his face and he wasn’t trying to beat his ass. It’s like they were giving Destiny a pat on the back for being pregnant. When they thought it was her, they were about ready to put their foot up her ass.

  Stopping in the middle of the street, Ronny turned to look back at her. His wife was already getting on his nerves with her mouth and he would be damned if he would let his daughter talk to him any kind of way.

  “I’m getting real sick of your mouth about this fucking boy. Every time I say something about his ass, you got something to say back. I’m telling you right now, next time that shit happens, I’m beating yo’ ass and his. Now test me if you want to lil girl,” Ronny snapped. Who was he scaring, though? Certainly not Shaniyah!

  “I’m not defending him, but you upset with him and always talking about what you’re gonna do to him, but you were just right there with Man and didn’t have anything to say to him.”

  “I did say something to him but yo’ ass was too busy crying over that mothafucka to hear shit I had to say.”

  “Wow, you only said that him and Destiny shouldn’t have been having sex but with Kush, you can’t wait to lay hands on him. You would think you would be ready to knock Man out for getting Destiny pregnant but noooo, he just got a slap on the wrist just like Destiny. When y’all thought it was me, you and mama both was ready to beat me up, but haven’t said two words to Destiny about her being pregnant and I’m older than she is.

  Even when I skipped school that day, I was the one that got a butt whooping. It’s like y’all look over all the stuff that Ray’Shun and Destiny do but the moment Shaniyah Desiree McDay do something, o
h, it’s the end of the world.” She threw her hands in the air, dramatically. “Just like Ray’Shun cursing me out all the time, mama says something, sometimes, but you don’t, Daddy. Oh, but let me say something to Ni-Ni, you ready to whoop me. I don’t even know why y’all got me staying in that house anyways, it seems don’t nobody like me there. I’ll be better off moving with one of my grandmas or somebody.”

  Ronny, Shaniqua and Destiny were looking at Shaniyah with their mouth opened. They couldn’t believe the shit she’d just spoken and neither one of them knew she felt that way. It was a shocker because everyone else thought she was Ronny’s favorite. Hell, it even hurt his damn feelings that his baby girl felt that way about him. Turning around, Ronny pressed the gas and sped home.

  He was hurt beyond words and didn’t know how to address that shit his now fifteen-year-old daughter had said to him. It was like Shaniyah had turned into a grown woman with the words she’d spoken to him. Shit, she was talking about she didn’t know why she was there; hell, he was feeling the same way. Those kids were out of hand and slowly losing all respect for him and his wife. Yeah, he was gonna have to call for a family meeting or something; let their asses know who’s still running shit in that mothafuckin’ house. But right now, he was dropping them off because he needed some alone time.

  When they got home, everyone got out of Ronny’s truck and slammed the door. He sat there until they were in the house safe and sound, then pulled out the driveway heading to his office. It was crazy how his world was turning upside down. It was crazy because it seemed just yesterday, they were the perfect family but nowadays, this shit was becoming stressful and at times, a little too much to handle. Ronny was beginning to think he didn’t sign up for this shit.

  Chapter 12

  Trinity sat staring at Ray’Shun as she sat across from him at IHOP. She was trying to see how too bring up a conversation to lead up to where he was the night before and what he was doing. Ray’Shun had expressed numerous times that she was too jealous and her jealousy was going to be their downfall. She’d calmed down a bit, but after receiving those picture from Monae’s phone, she wanted to just delete them and let the hating ass hoes hate. She didn’t want to believe that Ray’Shun was still cheating on her, but the video of him coming from the back room with Eve behind him told her otherwise.


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