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Prohibited: an erotic novel

Page 3

by Patrese, Donnee

  When our lips parted, I could still feel them alive with electricity.

  I had to gain my composure. I thought I heard someone coming and I shot a gaze down the hallway. It was so dark I couldn’t see anybody.

  “Michael, baby, here?”

  He continued to trace his fingers up and down my bare thighs.

  “I just could not stay away.” He confessed.

  At that moment his fingers decided to go a little higher than my thigh. I felt his fingertips graze the lace on my panties and venture inside of them. His fingers touched me gently then softly caressed my clit. I could not help it I let out a low moan.

  “Cara mia,” he said bringing his face a little closer

  to mine.

  “I want you.”

  I lifted my head to look at him. I shouldn’t have done that. His eyes brimmed with tenderness and passion. I immediately became reacquainted with his virile appeal.

  “Stop looking at me like that. You are going to get us into so much trouble.” I teased.

  He leaned in closer. With some pressure, he pushed me up against the wall. I could feel the coldness from the brick against my back.

  “What do you mean? How am I looking at you?” He said his voice calm, his gaze steady.

  “Like you want to eat me alive.”

  He leaned in closer. I could feel his erection pressing up against my thigh.

  “Well, I wouldn’t look at you that way my darling, if you didn’t look so damn delectable.” He taunted.

  He resumed pleasuring me with is fingers driving me mad.

  His hand trailed farther and farther into my panties. With my breath caught in my throat, I let out a huge audible gasp. He lifted my right leg and wrapped it around his waist. He leaned down and our lips reconnected for the second time.

  This man was charming, seductive and…rather aggressive.

  Damn! That really turned me on!

  His hand did not stop its exploration as he lifted my dress and moved my panties to the side. He removed his lips from mine and trailed light kisses down my neck. His fingers found my wetness and he gently pushed two of them inside of me.

  “Oh Michael,” I moaned.

  He continued to lick and suck on my neck.

  I heard a noise coming from the other end of the hall and I was snapped into reality. I grabbed his hand and removed it from my panties. I pushed him off me and he stumbled backward barely keeping himself from falling. I looked down the hall and saw no one.

  “Michael, as much as I want this, your son’s wedding reception is not the place.” I exclaimed fixing my dress and trying to stop my heart from racing.

  He smiled. Emerald green eyes burned a hole right through me and I felt weak in my knees.

  “But his wedding rehearsal dinner was?”


  He offered a soft chuckle. Then he slowly licked my juices off his fingers.

  I was so fucking turned on I was finding it hard to breathe.

  I turned away from him and glanced down the hall.

  “I thought I heard someone coming.” I said.

  “Why are you so nervous?” He asked leaning against the brick wall with his arms folded across his chest.

  He looked so irresistible. I fought the urge to let him take in the men’s bathroom and fuck me insane.

  “They are all preoccupied. No one will see us. Do you think I want my wife to see me with my lover?”

  I flinched when he called me his lover. I felt punched in the gut when he mentioned his wife.

  I really thought I was such a badass that it wouldn’t bother me. Yet he had a wife and I guess I was a little bit soft on that subject.

  I licked my dry lips.

  “Michael, don’t call me your lover.” I ordered with an air of authority in my voice. “It was only one time.”

  He laughed richly amused at my attempt to stand my ground.

  “Oh my darling, don’t you think we will have more time to get to know each other?” He challenged taking a step towards me.

  I took a step backwards hitting nothing but brick. He put one arm on either side of my head palms flat on the wall.

  “Only a lover would know everything I know about you.”

  “You don’t know a thing about me.” I boldly stated meeting his gaze.

  He stared at me eyes narrowing as if he were daring me to defy him.

  I held my ground. I refused to back down to another man.

  “I know every inch of your body because I explored it, I conquered it, and you know what, bellissima mia,” he said moving a finger to my lips.

  “I intend to do it again.”

  And with that, he moved away from me and casually walked down the dim hallway to join his wife and the rest of the wedding party.

  I bet you do want to explore my body again, I thought with a smile on my face. My body was still tingling from his touch. I wanted more of him. I had to admit, he left me a little shaken up.

  After my little encounter with him, I thought it wise to high tail it out of this reception. I knew if he tried that again we would definitely get caught.

  With my thoughts still swirling around in my head, I walked into the dimly lit ballroom. Still a little weak in the knees I smacked right into Mikey.

  “Hey Maxi, we were looking all over for you.”

  “I was using the little girl’s room.” I lied.

  He looked at me rather suspiciously like he knew something. I started to feel sick to my stomach.

  “Maxi, are you okay?”

  He reached out and grabbed me around the waist.

  “Oh sweetie, you don’t look good.”

  At that moment, the new bride Stacey walked over.

  “What’s going on here?”

  Mikey immediately let me go. I stumbled backwards, but held I my ground. He looked like a kid caught in the cookie jar.

  “Umm, nothing honey. Maxi isn’t feeling well.”

  “Yes, must have been something I ate.” I added.

  She looked rights through me.

  “Well, my grandmother would like to speak to you.”

  Mikey looked at me.

  “Will you be okay?”

  Stacey grabbed him by the arm.

  “She’ll be fine. Let’s go”

  She dragged poor Mikey across the room and hurriedly away from me. In just that instant I realized I couldn’t stand that uptight bitch!

  I walked around for a minute looking for Julia. I found her at the bar leaning dramatically over the counter and flirting with the bartender.

  I hope he knows she doesn’t suck dick!

  I made my way over to her and tapped her on the shoulder. She spun around and gave me a dirty look.

  “What?” She said tensely in hushed tones. “Can’t you see I’m busy?"

  She tilted her head in the direction of the bartender.

  He was actually very attractive. He was blonde with muscles for days. I see why Julia was so preoccupied. I wonder why I hadn’t scoped him out first.

  That was not important right now. I needed to get out of here.

  “Julia, I need to go. I’m not feeling so well.”

  Her eyes shifted from anger to concern.

  “What’s wrong?” She said grabbing my arm and pulling me away from her current prospect.

  “I’m just not feeling well.”

  She looked around the room.

  “It was all that champagne. I knew I should have told you to slow down.” She lectured in her motherly voice.

  “Julia, come on.” I whined.

  “Okay, I can take you home but I have to find my dad first.”

  I took a seat at the bar and waited for Julia for at least 20 minutes. I resisted the urge to flirt with the bartender.

  I was completely irritated by the time she came back. We grabbed our coats and headed for the door.

  “I am taking you home but I can’t stay with you. I have to meet dad over at Mikey’s mom’s house. Family is goin
g over there for a few drinks after the reception.”

  She paused and stared at me.

  “Are you sure you don’t want to come with me?”

  “No, I really need my bed.”

  I just really needed to get out of this place. The last thing I needed was a drink at Michael’s house. Obviously, we would end up in bed. As much as I want to end up with him between my legs, I can’t take that risk in his house!

  As we were leaving, I glanced at the dance floor and saw Michael dancing with his wife. They were so lovely moving gracefully across the floor. Everyone watched as he dipped, picked her back up and laid a kiss on her lips. It was so beautiful. So beautiful in fact I thought I was going to be sick.



  The smell of roses filled the kitchen with a sweet scent. The scent was a change from the breakfast we were eating.


  Maria always liked fresh flowers. Every morning she requested a fresh bouquet of flowers on the table and everyday a different set.

  It was always Mondays tulips, Tuesday chrysanthemums, Wednesday violets, Thursday sunflowers, Friday daisies, and Saturday jonquils.

  Today was roses.

  Maxine smelled like roses.

  She smelled so fresh and sweet. When I held her body close to mine all I could smell was the scent of roses as if her body was covered in the soft velvet petals. I stared at the flowers thinking about how incredible it felt to touch, to kiss and to smell her.

  It was extremely strange to me. I have never been very attracted to black women. They were never my type. Yet this one has me wishing I hadn’t waited so long to get one in my bed. I was fixated with her smooth chocolate skin and big brown eyes.

  She looked stunning last night. The dark fabric blended nicely against her ebony skin. I couldn’t get the hour we spent at the wedding rehearsal out of my head. How it felt to touch her and make love to her. I am not sure what drew me to her. The passion, the exhilaration that I felt was electrifying.

  I’m obsessed.

  I was lost in related thoughts at breakfast until I was brought out of my stupor by Maria’s voice.


  I shook the cobwebs out of my head and looked into her face.

  “Are you listening to me?” She said taking a forkful of eggs into her mouth.

  “Yes, I’m listening.” I lied taking a sip of my orange juice.

  “Michael, what’s wrong?” She asked calmly. “You seem all-flushed.”

  The concern on her face was evident, but there was no way of explaining to her what got me so hot and bothered.

  “Nothing. Just a long night.” I said focusing now, trying hard to seem as normal as I could manage. I continued to eat my breakfast.

  Maria smiled.

  “It was a long night. It was a long and magnificent night. I find it so hard to believe that our little bambino is all grown up and married!” She exclaimed with a happiness I have not seen in her eyes in ages.

  “Our little bambino is a grown man starting a family of his own.” I said trying hard not to look at the flowers on the table.

  “Shannon thought the reception was absolutely stunning, but she sure can get under my skin sometimes.” She said smugly.

  “I thought she was one of your best friends.” I remarked not really interested in the conversation.

  “She is, but she just kept saying: ‘I don’t know how you pulled this off Maria, such a beautiful wedding.’ The nerve!” She fumed popping a piece of pineapple into her mouth.

  The juice from the fruit rolled down her chin. It amazed me to see it. Prim and proper Maria a little not so prim and proper. In an instant, she wiped the juice from her chin with her napkin.

  It was good while it lasted.

  “So, Selena and I are going shopping this morning in about an hour. I need a new autumn wardrobe.”

  “It is summer, dear,” I said.

  I regretted the words as soon as they left my mouth.

  She gives me a look of surprise and begins to tell me how you must buy fall clothes in the summer and spring clothes in the winter. Then she jumped to another topic and another topic. My head was spinning.

  It was hard to concentrate on what she was saying. She went on and on about Shannon and Melissa, the mother of the bride, and how much more beautiful she was than those ladies.

  Appearance was her main concern these days.

  “Did you see what Melissa was wearing? I completely out dressed her. The mother of the groom is not supposed to outdo the mother of the bride. Ridiculous!” She said with a satisfied grin on her face.

  I was lost. My mind was swimming.

  At that moment, our youngest child 15-year-old Mitchell, came bounding into the room. He knows just the right buttons to push to get his mother upset and all worked up. I enjoyed watching the free spirit of this one. He reminds me of myself.

  “Slow down Mitchell,” Maria said holding onto her seat as if his movements were so extreme they were threatening to throw her off.

  He completely ignored her nearly leaping around the room, opening up the refrigerator and pulling out tons of food.

  “Mitchell, we have food right here for you at the breakfast table.” She said waving her hand across the spread.

  Mitchell once again ignored her and popped a breakfast pastry into the toaster.

  “Dio mio! Mitchell, please sit down and eat breakfast!” She exclaimed.

  Mitchell was right on track with pushing her buttons. His mother’s face was getting red from frustration.

  I had to intervene.

  “Mitchell,” I said with an air of authority and humor.

  “Have a seat please.”

  Mitchell grabbed his pastry, plopped it on a plate and sat down at the table. Maria shot me a look. I knew exactly what she wanted to say. ‘Why does he always listen to you?’

  I smiled and looked over at my son devouring the pastry as if his mother and I do not feed him.

  I toke a sip of orange juice.

  “Mitchell, slow down.”

  “No time, Dad. I have to meet Johnny at Dave’s house. We’re gonna go skateboarding.”

  “On a Sunday? I do not think so. This is your time to do your homework and study.” Maria replied beginning to clear some of the food from the table.

  Mitchell looked at me with fear written all over his face. His eyes were asking me to do something.

  “Maria, shouldn't you be leaving? You are going to be late.”

  She glanced at the clock on the wall.

  “Oh dear, you are right.”

  She drops the dishes in the sink for Margaret and exits the kitchen.

  I look over at Mitchell and he’s still looking at me. His wide eyes are asking me to reverse his mother’s verdict.

  “Alright, you can go.” I said.

  He smiled and jumped up from the table.


  He stopped and turned staring at me.

  “You have to make sure that I do not get any complaints from teachers that you are not doing your homework-ever!”

  He smiled and ran from the kitchen.

  I looked around and I was alone. The kitchen was a mess, but Margaret will clean it. I looked around and my eyes traveled back to the center of the table and back to the roses.

  They were staring back at me.


  Later that day, I found myself pacing my office like a caged animal.

  Thinking of her again.

  Maria and Mitchell were still out and I couldn’t find anything that could distract me from thoughts of her. I obsessively studied every inch of her that night. The way she walked, the curves on her body, the sensuous way she licked those soft and supple lips, the rise and fall of her breast and her sexy voice as she called out my name over and over.

  I was losing it. I couldn’t get her out of my head. I got myself so worked up; I needed a release. I needed her right now and had no idea how to get her. I couldn’t be
lieve how stupid I was. I didn’t ask for her number. I didn’t know how I could get it especially since I couldn’t remember her last name.


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