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Prohibited: an erotic novel

Page 4

by Patrese, Donnee

  I knew she was friends with Junior, but he never brought her around. If I asked him, I knew he would get suspicious.

  I stopped pacing.

  I was so turned on. I thought about masturbating, but I knew that wouldn’t curve the hunger and the passion that I felt at the moment.

  Maria was never around anymore. She tried to avoid me when I was in this state. She never wanted to be the object of my desire. Though, I have always desired to make love to my wife, I had to settle for other women.

  Most could not hold a candle to my beautiful Maria.

  I couldn’t take it anymore. I opened my desk drawer and reached for the lotion I always use. I was in the process of unzipping my pants when my cell phone rang.

  I looked at the screen and saw Lorenzo’s name.

  It hit me.

  Lorenzo and Julia. They have to know her number. But how can I ask them for it? I ran through a handful of excuses in my head before settling on one. I quickly answered the phone.

  “What can I do for you sir?” I answered playfully.

  “I was checking up on you. Making sure you didn’t die in a horrible death or something.”

  “No, I’m fine. Thanks for your concern.”

  I struggled a little bit with what I wanted to say. Then I let it go.

  “Hey, Lorenzo, what is the name of the young woman that accompanied you guys to the wedding?”


  I closed my eyes and thought about her. I remembered how delicious she smelled and how her earring grazed my lips as I tasted her…

  “You know, the young black woman you guys brought to the wedding. We know her name is Maxine, but we didn’t get a last name.”

  I heard muffled sounds coming from the other end. I could not tell what was being said. On my end however, I heard the front door open and close. I could hear the sound of heels clicking on the hardwood floors.

  Maria was home.

  I could hear her cross the foyer and up the stairs.

  Normally she would race into the room to show me all of her purchases…unless she overspends. In that case, she would hide a few things before letting me in on what else she bought.

  My thoughts were interrupted by Lorenzo’s voice.

  “Mike, her name is Maxine Marshall. Why do you need her name?”

  “Maria is sending out thank you cards and just wanted her full name.”

  Maria was coming down the stairs. I had to end this conversation quickly.

  “Okay, you are making me forget the real reason why I called.” Lorenzo said.

  “Oh what’s up?” I said nonchalantly.

  I hear Margaret and Maria talking right outside my office door.

  “I just wanted to invite you out for a boys’ night of debauchery for your birthday. Are you free?” He asked.

  I released the breath that I was holding.

  “Don’t know. Maria may have something planned. I’ll have to let you know.”

  “Alright cool. Just give me a call.”

  I hung up the phone with the plan to search on-line for Maxine Marshall and find my lover once again.

  Maria bustling and full of energy breezed into my office with a bag in her hand.

  “Michael, I have a surprise for you!” She chirped walking over to my desk and sitting on the edge.

  I watched as her beautiful legs in that skirt put my beautiful mahogany desk to shame.

  “I visited your favorite suit store and bought you a present.” She said opening the bag in her hand and pulling out a plethora of ties on my desk. There were so many different colors.

  I smiled.

  “Is this your way of softening me up for something?” I asked.

  She looked upset.

  I wasn’t fooled.

  “Why do I always have to have ulterior motives whenever I think of my husband and buy him things?”

  Maybe it’s because she always does.

  “Because you always do.”

  She rolled her eyes and scooped the ties back into the bag.

  “Fine,” she said folding her arms across her chest. “Selena, the girls and I are having a ladies night out next Friday.” She said her voice trailing off at the end.

  I stopped. I was fairly certain next Friday was a very important day.

  “Next Friday is my birthday. I assumed my wife would want to celebrate it with me.” I said coolly.

  I wasn’t surprised she would plan a night out on my birthday. She knew birthdays and holidays were a gimme. She didn’t want to be around and feel obligated to have sex with me.

  “I know, but Selena will be leaving and I need to enjoy her as much as possible. She is moving to London after her divorce is final. London! Do you realize how far away that is?”

  I watched her for a second. She was wearing a green V-neck cashmere blouse and a black skirt. Her perfume is sweet and I toke a deep breath.

  “Maria, it’s fine.”

  My desire was taking over me again. I reached up and pulled her closer to me. She raised one eyebrow.

  “I understand how important Selena is to you.”

  She squints and tilts her head to the side. A strand of her lovely long sable hair falls into her eyes. My wife is a very beautiful woman. She is in her forties and at times –I forget.

  “So you are ok with this?” She asked suspiciously.

  “Oh yes sweetie. You can just give me my birthday present now.” I said this time pulling her over to me and on my lap.

  She tried to sit across my lap but I turned her and positioned her so that she sat straddled me. The skirt she wore hiked up and showed her pale thighs. I grabbed her butt pulling her against my body and on my erection.

  “Michael!” She exclaimed.

  I wasn’t listening. I stared at her V-necked blouse. I started to kiss her on the chest and slowly slipped my tongue into the curve where her breasts met.

  “Michael, NO!”

  She squirmed and tried to get off my lap. I held her firmly and continued my exploration. She smelled really good. I loosened my grip on her slightly and she quickly jumped off me.

  “Michael, please,” she said moving towards the door. “I thought we were having a conversation. I can’t talk to you without you wanting to do-that.” She said in a disgusted voice.

  “Make love to you?” I asked equally disgusted.

  She sighed and turned heading for the door. Just like usual, she plans to run. Run away from the problems.

  Just as she was opening it to leave, I jumped out of my seat and made it just in time to slam the door shut before she could exit. She turned and looked at me. I pressed her body against the door with mine and leaned in close.

  “Maria,” I said in a low almost inaudible voice. “Stop running.”

  Her face turned red and she twisted away from me when I leaned in for a kiss.

  “Maria, I need to make love to you right now. I need to taste you now before I forget how you taste.”

  I could feel my heart beating in my chest. We stood in silence for a minute and I just knew that she could hear it pounding for dear life.

  Slowly she turned back to me. Her shiny gray eyes clouded with an emotion that I could not comprehend.

  “Michael, please. Just let me go.” She said softly.

  I stared at her for a few seconds. Her eyes were brimming with tears. I stepped back and she turned, opened the door and walked out. Closing the door behind her, I stood staring at it.

  I locked the door and walked back to my desk. I pulled out the lotion and began to finish what I started. I leaned back in my leather chair and lifted my head toward the ceiling.

  I thought about fucking Maxine the whole time I stroked my hard cock. I felt myself getting closer as I thought about sliding this cock into her wet pussy and feeling her come all over me.

  I came hard on my hand spilling a little on my slacks.

  I rushed into the half bath that is located in my office. I cleaned up and walked over to the brown couch in th
e room and plopped down.

  I sighed. Just let her go she said. I let those words sink into my brain.

  I stayed that way for what seemed like an eternity. I heard a soft knock at the door and turned my head. I could hear Margaret call softly into the room.

  “Signor Salvatore, dinner is ready.”

  I sat there for a few more seconds and stared at the wall. I then stood from the couch and left the comfort of my office. I made my way down the corridor through the kitchen and into the dining room. Maria and Mitchell were already sitting at the table.

  “Dad, let’s get going with grace here. I’m starving!”

  Maria grabbed Mitchell’s hand.

  “Mitch, be nice at the dinner table.”

  The food looked delicious and it smelled just as good. I wasn’t sure I was hungry at all. I looked at my son, who had snuck a roll; proceed to demolish it at the table, dropping crumbs all over his clothes and the floor.

  “Michael, can you please say grace before Mitchell chews off his hand?”

  She never once looked at me.


  That evening, I was sitting in my office on the computer searching for Maxine. I found her listed phone number. I debated whether or not I should call. Would she be awake? I could picture her getting ready for bed. I wondered what she would be wearing.

  Maria was already in bed and I was sure she was happy I didn’t join her. I hated feeling like I rape my wife every time I want to make love to her. I truly love her but I can’t take this anymore. I need a woman to satisfy my needs. Maybe I did need to just let her go and get the hell out of this marriage.

  At that second, the door to my office creaked and I looked up noticing Margaret standing in the doorway. She was holding a single rose in her hand.

  I froze.

  She walked over to my desk and placed the rose in the center. I looked up at her and she was smiling. I tried to speak but nothing came out. I just stared at her and watched her back as she made her way to the door. Before leaving she turned and looked over her shoulder at me.

  “I thought you might need it.” She said before closing the door shut.

  I looked down and picked up the rose. I put my nose in between the soft velvet petals and took a deep breath.

  “Margaret, you are right,” I said. “I do need it.”


  “So ladies, my attorney said there is a great chance I am going to take him for everything he’s got. The cheating bastard!” Selena said happily taking a sip of her espresso.

  We were having lunch in our favorite spot, “The Solar Café”.

  The ‘café’ was a very prestigious place for upper class women to see and be seen. It served only high-end food and only to high-end people. It was owned by one of the richest men in the state and my husband was the man responsible for renovating and remodeling the establishment.

  No wonder I get the best table!

  The girls and I met Selena there after her visit to her divorce attorney’s office. We thought that it might cheer her up, but after her little announcement of receiving her fair share of their immense wealth, I thought congratulations were in order.

  “I don’t get why he would cheat on you.” Shannon said taking a bite of her low fat chicken salad sandwich. “I mean, you are a fabulous woman.”

  Alexis and I agreed with Shannon. Gary was an idiot to cheat on Selena.

  Selena was blonde with short hair in a bob. I always thought that she was amazingly beautiful. Her five foot seven inch frame was slender, athletic and head turning. There was no way Gary could find anyone more beautiful than her.

  I looked at Selena.

  Her face was flushed and she looked uncomfortable hearing all of the insults thrown in Gary’s direction. I was feeling very bad for her.

  “Selena,” I said placing my hand on hers. “If you ever need anything let me know.”

  She smiled looking into my eyes.

  I moved my hand.

  Looking around the table at the rest of the group, I realized other than Selena; I was the most attractive.

  Alexis was a red head and she wore it in a tight bun in the back. Her eyes were a beautiful green but they never had any life in them. Her clothes were always very bright and colorful. I always thought she did that for attention. She was very short and so she wore stilettos all the time.

  Shannon was also blonde, but it was much longer than Selena’s. She was a couple of years younger than the rest of us and I had to admit that she was beautiful. Her eyes were too far apart for my taste, however. Plus, sometimes she acted so ugly on the inside it masked her beauty on the outside.

  The young server approached the table and began to remove dishes. I moved over slightly while he reached for my plate.

  “I know you had to be extremely shocked and upset when you found out he was cheating on you.” Alexis said leaning in for more juicy gossip.

  “I don’t know what I would have done if my husband cheated on me, but then my husband is happy in our marriage.”

  I shot Alexis a nasty look. She smiled and shrugged her shoulders. I was under the impression that her remark was aimed at more than just Selena.

  Selena hesitated before she spoke.

  “Well, it really hurt, but I guess things happen for a reason.” She said quietly and avoiding eye contact with us.

  “I bet it was with his secretary or some young tramp. It always is. Men are so predictable.” I said feeling uncomfortable but none the less trying to join the conversation.

  I saw Shannon and Alexis share a glance and a giggle at my expense.

  “Well, how was your sex life?” Shannon asked taking a sip of water. Selena froze and stared quizzically at Shannon.

  “Sex life?” She said looking down at her hands.

  I did not like where this conversation was going.

  I spoke up.

  “Isn’t that a very personal question?”

  Selena glanced my way. She placed her hand on my thigh. I tried not to notice.

  “It’s just a question among friends. I have no problem talking about my sex life. How about you?”

  Alexis started to snicker like a school girl. I was getting very upset, but I was trying hard not to show it. I didn’t want to give them the satisfaction.

  “I think my sex life is personal and I do not need to discuss it here at this moment.”

  “Well, that doesn’t sound good.” Alexis said smirking.

  “I’m not sure why it’s so private. Michael has made it very public.” She said with a nasty grin on her face.

  “And what is that suppose to mean?”

  She leaned back in her seat.

  “Geez Maria, why are you getting so defensive?

  I didn’t answer. I knew what she meant. I just stared at her. I wasn’t a fool. I knew Michael was unfaithful.

  They took their attention away from me and resumed their interrogation of Selena.

  “So Selena, are you against talking about your sex life?

  She did not look pleased that the topic was her again.

  “Well, my sex life…”

  “Yes.” Shannon said just as amused as Alexis. “You know sex. I’m sure you and Gary did that from time to time or maybe that was the problem.”

  I watched Selena. Her pale face turned red.

  “I mean if you are not, you know,” Shannon said leaning in closer across the table. “giving it to him regularly someone else will. Right, Maria? ” Shannon said taking a sip of water.

  I was livid.

  “Well…I …” I stammered.

  I reached for my water and took a sip.

  “Are you saying that it is my fault he cheated?” Selena asked.

  Her face was still crimson and a tiny vein was pulsating in her neck. Shannon laughed.

  “Of course not. I am just saying that a man has needs. As his wife you have a duty to fulfill them.”


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