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Stellar Proportions (Cosmic Soul Mates)

Page 5

by Jeanette Lynn

  Uh oh..

  Is it possible he was serious and I had just hurt his feelings? I didn’t even know he had any feelings….crap…now I feel like a heel. Maybe he had decided to call a truce or something and I had just crapped on his peace offering.

  “Hey, wait up there a minute ‘Blue Balls’,” I hurried after him, but he was hauling ass. “Stop walking so fast, I can’t catch up! or keep up! Wait!” I said the last part desperately and out of breath.


  He walks too damn fast and his legs are a lot longer than mine. He ignored me and kept going.

  Wow, Molilah, insert foot here.

  I pictured myself in my mind, trying to shove my foot in my mouth, because that is exactly what I had just done. I sighed and trudged on, following in the wake of the path Neyenn’s stomping had made.

  Hasta la vista Jayeleebean


  I buckled myself into my seat and then glanced around. Where the heck was Mol? Auntie Nona came up next to me and took the seat I had saved for my bestie.

  “Uh, Sorry Non, but I had that seat saved for Mol. Wherever the heck she is.” She buckled up anyways and patted my knee, like she used to when I was little and had said something she thought was cute.

  “Oh, that won’t be necessary. She’s with Neyenn.” I busted up laughing. The idea was so ludicrous it was hilarious. The shuttle doors closed and I tried to glance behind me, but the headrest was too high.

  “No, really though Nona, where is she?” She raised her brows at me and pinched my cheek.

  “Now don’t you worry about her sweet pea. Like I said, she’s with Neyenn and they are gonna be just fine. You’ll see.” After that cryptic announcement my Uncle Horven came up to Auntie Nona and handed her Pudge, her dog. The little mutt yipped excitedly and then settled into Nona’s lap. She pet him on the head for a minute and then got him secured in her lap for take off. Nona smiled at Horven as he leaned down so she could peck him on the cheek.

  “Thank you for taking him for a walk my love, you know how much he loves when we come here,” she said.

  “Anything for you ‘Dear Heart’,” he said and kissed her forehead. He turned to hurry to his seat when the take off light flashed on.

  “What do you mean she’s going to be ‘just fine’ and ‘she’s with Neyenn’? What did you do? Cuff them together and make them sit in the back?”

  She smiled at me and I started to relax, chuckling at the idea. She wouldn’t... that would just be cruel. She’s just trying to make me squirm. Mol must have decided to sit with my mom or something. The shuttle took off and Nona looked out the window at something in the distance. She waved her fingers in what looked like a bub-bye wave at the window saying,

  “Something like that.”

  Oy vey


  I made it back to the picnic tables, but they were all empty. Everyone must be headed towards the shuttle to load up.

  Mol came stumbling out of the forest at that moment and I tried not to notice. She was flapping her arms around at the insects and pulling vegetation out of her hair, I chuckled a little at her appearance. She looked like a wood nymph, a very disheveled wood nymph. Her hair was loose about her shoulders and trailed down to her lower back. It was encrusted with twigs and leaves and if she didn’t have that scowl on her face, she would have made a very enchanting picture.

  A rumbling sound started and I paused to figure out where it was coming from. Molilah came running past me like a shot.

  “Oh My God!” she screamed, running towards the sound.

  “Don’t leave ME!”

  I ran off after her, hoping we could catch the shuttle in time. The jets were already lit and it was obviously ready for take off, but Mol kept running towards it, like she was going to jump on it to stop it or something. I caught up to her and snatched her up before she could do anything so stupid. We stood there, watching, as it took off without us.

  Auntie Nona peered out the shuttle window and finger waved at us, a huge smile on her face as it sped off towards the sky.

  “That Bitch! I’m going to kill her!” Mol screeched from my arms. She was shaking her balled up fists at the shuttle, which was now a dot in the sky.

  She squirmed out of my arms and I set her, gently, on the ground. She started pacing in front of me. Back and forth, back and forth, I watched her pacing, like I was a spectator at a tennis match. I didn’t know if I should try to interrupt her ranting or just leave her be. Maybe she would feel better if she got it all out.

  “I’m never helping her again! I’m gonna glue her to her seat! Aaarggghhh! Wait… wait… It’s ok Mol... You’re gonna be’s going to be Oooookay.”

  She continued to pace and I opened my mouth to see if maybe I could calm her down, but she kept going.

  “I can just catch a shuttle in the morning…. Yeah that’s what I’ll do…’s only one night… it won’t kill me or anything…just one night…yeah.”

  “Uhm Mol?” I said uncomfortably.

  “Yes, Neyenn?” She looked like she had found her zen, so that was good.

  “Uh, its galactic holiday this weekend..”

  “Uh huh…soooo?” she said looking at me patiently.

  “The parks closed down for the weekend. The shuttles won’t be back until Tuesday. It looks like we’re stuck here until then.” I sucked in a breath and held it, waiting for her reaction.

  She just looked at me for a moment and I thought she was gonna pass out, she looked so scared and pale. It made me want to scoop her up and comfort her, tell her it was gonna be okay.

  I let out the breath I had been holding. That went way better then I had hoped.

  Hmm, at least she wasn’t screaming right…

  ...and then she did just that.

  Abracadabra Ya wee lassie


  Once I was done with my tantrum, I sat down at one of the picnic tables and gave myself a little, much needed, time out.

  Oh, my god! We’re stuck here! Til Tuesday! No, no. It can’t be. This is all a dream. Any minute now, I’m going to wake up and find Jaye raiding my fridge, wearing my cushy red bathrobe and piggy slippers…. even though he doesn’t live with me. I know, I know, the man has boundary issues, but you get used to it.

  “Jaye wears your bath robe and your piggy slippers?” Neyenn said, snickering at me. Ooops…didn’t realize I had just said that all out loud.

  Jaye was going to kill me.

  “Uhm, scratch that, ignore me! You didn’t hear anything.” I said and waved my hands in abracadabra type motions around him and he started guffawing. He had a hearty laugh. It was full and it came from deep in his belly and I liked it. He was bent over, clutching his stomach with his left hand and wiping his eyes with his right hand.

  “That. is. just. too. funny.” he said between laughs and I chuckled along with him. He looks so cute when he smiles like that. It has a little boy quality to it. I found myself charmed. I guess right now would be an odd moment to think about something like that, but I’m a little scrambled up at the moment and our unprepared fit of silliness was just what I needed to chill me out. He sobered up and looked at me.

  “It will be alright Mol. You’ll see. We’ll figure it out.”

  Isn’t that what I had just been telling myself before my little break down? Funny how when he says it, I believe it.

  “Did you bring anything with you?” he asked peering around.

  I nodded my head ‘yes’ and walked over to where I had set all my things down earlier. I picked everything up and walked back over to him. I picked up my backpack, unzipped it and proceeded to dump most of the contents onto the table’s surface.

  Neyenn rifled through it, picking up items, examining them for importance and started putting them into piles according to usefulness.

  I looked around too, while he looked the contents of my backpack over. A flash of red on the side of a rock caught my attention. I walked over and peered around the rock. Our cooler
s! The old crone left them behind! “Hey look ‘Blue Balls’! The coolers are over here!” I opened the lids and started going through everything, mentally cataloguing every item in terms of meals. Hhhmmm looks like there might be just enough to last us til Tuesday.

  “I wish you wouldn’t call me that anymore,” he grumbled as he knelt down beside me and the coolers.

  “What the heck should I call you then?” I said disgustedly.

  “How about Neyenn…you know ? Since it’s my name.”

  He had to know I was messing with him. But he looked so serious, I couldn’t help myself.

  “Naw, I don’t like it, its too easy…hmm...let me think..”

  I closed the cooler closest to me and rested my elbow on it. I tapped my chin with my free hand and adopted a thoughtful expression.

  “How about ‘Yenny’? Or wait ‘Nay Nay’?” I don’t know how, but I kept my face straight the whole time. He grimaced at me.

  “I’d rather be ‘Blue Balls’, thank you.”

  He closed his cooler too and sat on it.

  “So, why do you have all that stuff in your backpack? You stocking up for something?”

  “No, I am not ‘stocking up for something’…but it’s better to be prepared, just in case, don’t you think?”

  I walked back to the table and started to pack the items he had deemed ‘unimportant’ into my backpack. Hair brush, body lotion, hair spray, hair bands, lip gloss. Oooh, I’ve been looking for that one. Grevnel fruit flavored! yumm! Nail clippers, a sea shell from Jaye, a romance novel, nail polish, another romance novel, a pretty colored rock…etc..

  “Yeah I guess I get your point,” he said looking back to the pile of things he had deemed ‘useful’.

  “You don’t really read these do you?” he said lifting up another romance novel I had in my ‘backpack’ pile. He started to examine it and waggled his eyebrows at me as he waved the cover at me. It was a picture of a barely clothed man embracing a scantily clad leading lady. I’m guessing her outfit was meant to be a ‘slutty time period dress’, but it just looked like lingerie. I haven’t read that one yet, but if I had to guess? I’d say it’s about her falling in love with a lusty Scotsman, especially if the kilt was any indication.

  I tried to nab it from him, but he dodged me and ran down the beach. This was not the time for playing around and if he isn’t careful he’s going to drop my book into the water! He stuck his hand out in a Shakespearean pose and started quoting the book.

  Oh my god! what an ass! I ran down the beach after him as he quoted the men’s parts in a brogue and the female’s in a terrible falsetto.

  “Oh lord Brynn, touch me with your ‘magical love wand’!” he said and his voice squeaked on the last part.

  Oooh! I’m going to hurt him. I leapt at him, but it was useless. I probably looked like a monkey, dangling there helplessly, trying to get my book back.

  “Ock lassie! I’ll give ye a ‘love wand’!” he proclaimed dramatically. I burst out laughing and my grip on his raised forearm slipped. I fell, landing hard, on my butt in the sand.

  “It does not say that!” I said from my undignified sprawl.

  “Sure it does, see,” he said laughing.

  “Let me see then.” I crossed my arms over my chest and jutted my chin forward. Like hell it said that!

  He knelt down in front of me on the balls of feet, his back to the water. Before he could mess with me anymore, I grabbed my book and pushed him a little, causing him to lose his balance on his feet and splash backwards into the lake. My eyes popped wide and I put my hand over my mouth.

  Uh oh.

  Well, I didn’t think that was gonna happen.

  Oopsie daisy.

  Guess my little push was more of a hard shove.


  “Ack! Cold! Cold! Its cold!” He spluttered as his head popped up and he spit lake water out. Yuck, lake water. He brushed his hair off his forehead and I watched, entranced, as the drops of water glistened off his beautiful blue skin. He stood up and his shirt sucked tight against his body.

  Woo boy, definitely a twelve pack. I stopped my perusal above the belt, just to be fair… He did say the water was cold, after all. He started trudging to the shore and I took off running. I think now is as good a time as any to find a good hiding spot. Just until he’s dry and not possibly mad at me. So, see ya in… say… ten years? I had just rounded the tree past the coolers when a big wet mass landed on me.

  “Oomph!” the air whooshed out of me. Its okay though, really... I don’t need to breathe all that much. At the last second, he turned, his body taking the brunt of our tumble. We thudded to the ground and skidded around a little ways on the patch of grass we ended up hitting.

  Once the world stopped spinning, I propped myself up on his chest, using my elbows to lift me off him a little. I examined myself for injuries, but everything seemed to be in working order.

  I started to hop off of him, but he pulled me back down on his chest, his hands on either side of my waist. We made a wet squishy noise as my bum hit his water logged chest. I grimaced and shifted down a little until my legs were straddling his waist. He grunted and I realized I was probably unmanning him. I discreetly scooted up, just a little bit, to give his manhood a little room.

  “Did you have a nice swim?” I asked trying to keep a straight face and doing a terrible job of it.

  He grinned at that and I started to get worried, it wasn’t a nice smile. He looked like the cat that ate the canary. I had a mental image of him with feathers sticking out of the crook of his mouth.

  “Water’s loooovvveeely. Wanna see?”

  “What! Wait!! No!”

  He got up quickly with me still plastered against him. The big blue bastard tossed me up in the air, I squealed like a ninny and then he caught me. Tossing me over his shoulder he headed to the water’s edge.

  I looked down and realized I still had my book in my hand. I started beating his back with the spine of my book, kicking my legs and cursing him for anything and everything I could think of. He chuckled and jiggled me on his shoulder, causing me to slide down his back a little more. I grabbed the waist band of his pants for leverage.

  “Now, now, Mol,” he said in a chiding voice.

  “You really shouldn’t ask a fella to, ever, put anything in there. Ever. Haven’t you ever heard of the phrase ‘exit only’. Besides, you might want to be careful, you could give a guy a fat head, letting him think you find him so superior to yourself that he could accomplish such impossible feats.”

  Smug bastard! I could hear the smile in his voice! I’m sure if he tried really hard he could find a way to go fu….

  “AAAYYYYEEEE!!” I hit the water half way across the lake with a huge splash. It took me a minute to turn myself around under the water and kick to the surface. Air! Ack! Need air! I spluttered when my head broke the surface and spit out a mouthful of lake water.

  Oh gross! I think I swallowed some! I’m going to have alien fish swimming around in there or something! Breeding in my stomach! I kicked my arms and legs to keep myself afloat.

  You know…the water isn’t really as cold as I thought it would be. He’s such a weinie…definitely related to Jaye. Hah, I chuckled at my own joke. I looked along the shoreline and saw the ‘oversized blue paperweight’ cupping his hands over his eyes to get a better view of me.


  Thinks this is funny does he.

  “Cramp! Cramp!” I flailed around, making a spectacle of myself. Going under every few seconds to appear as if I was having trouble staying afloat. I peeked at the shore to see Neyenn running into the water and diving under. It was like watching that life guard show they used to play a few centuries ago. The one about people saving the lives of the humans at one of the ‘Old Earth’s beaches. He just didn’t have that little red floaty device thing. Ooh, or a tight little red pair of bathers.

  Whooo there! Fan yourself Mol and get a grip girl, you have a score to settle.

r Mollywogged


  I stood on the shore line, giving myself a little pat on the back. If throwing Mol into bodies of water was an Inter Galactic Olympic sport, we would totally bring home the ‘gold’.

  I cupped my hands over my eyes to shield them from the setting sun and scan the water for my new ‘weekend warrior’ accomplice. She spluttered around for a minute when she surfaced and then started spitting out lake water.

  Nasty stuff, that lake water. I moved my tongue around in my mouth to try and get the after taste out of it. The spunky little sprite had caught me off guard when she knocked me over. Otherwise, I never would have let the curvy little ‘She Devil’ get the drop on me. I chuckled at that for a minute. She got me good. I wasn’t expecting it.

  A shout caught my attention and I looked back over the water. Mol was having trouble, it looked like. She was shouting something and her head kept going under water. I ran into the surf and dove in, effortlessly stroking under the water towards her. I surfaced halfway there to check on her, but she went under and didn’t come up. I panicked, adrenaline streaking through my veins like lightning. I bolted towards the spot I had seen her go under and looked around frantically for her. She was gone. I waded around a minute and she still didn’t surface. Something shone off the waning sun and I peered around to see what it was. It was a familiar mop of brown hair, that shone with red highlights in the sun. Mol! Oh god! She was face down, floating on the surface, her porcelain skin stark against the blue black of the lake water. I rushed over to her and flipped her over. Her eyes were closed and her mouth was slack.

  “Awe baby! What the fuck! Don’t you die on me damnit! It’s not supposed to be like this! Breathe!” I gripped her scalp in my hand and tilted her head back quickly. I put my mouth over hers and breathed into her mouth.

  Her eyes popped open wide when our mouths made contact, but it was too late, I had already started to exhale into her mouth. She spluttered and pushed at my chest.


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