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Stellar Proportions (Cosmic Soul Mates)

Page 6

by Jeanette Lynn

  She was fine..

  Oh thank god! She’s gonna be fine!

  I was so relieved, I grabbed her up in a bear hug. I was probably being ridiculous, squeezing the life out of her, but I didn’t care. I pulled her back a little and grinned at her like an idiot.

  Before I could really think about it, I pulled her close and crushed my lips to hers. My tongue swept across her mouth. I slid it across her lower lip again and I caught it in my teeth and sucked it gently into my mouth.

  She grabbed my head and brought us back, mouth to mouth, again. I felt her tongue slip into my mouth and I returned the favor. Our tongues tangled and my body lit on fire, it was so hot. This wasn’t a tentative kiss on her part. It was a confident kiss. A kiss from a woman in touch with herself. Someone that isn’t afraid to take what she wants or demand satisfaction from her partner. The idea of taming my ‘wild shrew’ made me burn for her that much more. I slid my hands down and cupped her bottom. The globes were soft and round. I flexed my fingers, squeezing them a few times.

  Mmmmm, they were perfect.

  I pulled her closer to me and ground my erection against her mound as she sucked on my tongue.

  Just when things were starting to get good, I realized something, with stunning clarity. She was fine.

  I mean, She. Was. Fine.

  She was fine.

  The wench had tricked me! She wasn’t really ever in trouble! The She Devil had one upped me. And she was fine! I pulled her away from me and grabbed her shoulders.

  “Don’t you Ever!” I shouted. “Ever! Do something so stupid to me ever again! What the hell is wrong with YOU! I thought you were dead or something! Jesus Molilah!”

  I shook her a little as I yelled at her. For a second, she looked stunned, then she started shaking and I thought she was going to start crying.

  I started to soften towards the look on her face. I don’t think she meant for it to go down like that, but it scared me and I wasn’t rational at the moment. Then she blinked her eyes a few times and her mouth tightened. Her expression hardened and she pushed away from me. She glared at me and I gave her one right back.

  “Cant take the heat, stay out of the kitchen ‘Blue Balls’,” she said and started swimming back to shore by herself.

  I floated there for a few minutes to try and get my thoughts in order. I blew out a slow, tension relieving, breath. If today was any indication, it was going to be a llllooooonnnggg weekend.


  “Stupid Blue Asshole! Kiss the life out of a gal, one second, and then yell at her the next! Make up your damn mind. ‘Bi Polar One Toned Monkey’!”

  I continued to mutter more heart felt sentiments as I waded out of the water and trudged toward my backpack. I dug the extra pair of clothes out of it and started to change into them. Thank goodness I had decided to pack an extra pair of denims and a t-shirt.

  I pulled my shirt off and started to untie my bikini top. I had a funny feeling, like I had an audience, all of the sudden. I paused and turned to look over my shoulder. Neyenn was in the water staring at me. His eyes glued to my hands, which were still on the ties of my bathing suit top, at my back. I turned my back to him again and pulled at the ties. My top loosened and I quickly undid the ties at my neck, pulling my top completely off. I pulled my shirt over my head and looked down at my chest.

  Well crap.

  Looks like the girls are just going to have to sway in the breeze for a while. My skin was still sensitive after our little water aerobics session, a few moments ago. My nipples chafed against the cotton of my shirt. Well, this is uncomfortable, I thought. I would put my bikini top back on, if I could, but it was soaking wet. I found a bush off to the side and hunched behind it to take my bikini bottoms and sarong off. I quickly put on my underwear and jeans. I walked around to the front of the shrubbery and laid my wet garments on top of it so they could dry.

  When I reflect back on my prank, I guess it wasn’t the wisest choice, but we’ve played plenty of pranks on each other before and he never reacted like that.

  I should probably apologize…but the idea gives me hives. I let him yell at me and didn’t say anything. I’m just going to consider us even, no apology needed. I scared the crap out of him, he kisses me senseless and then screams at me, we’re all even now. That’s what I’m going to keep telling myself, anyways.

  I sighed and touched my lips, reliving that kiss. I could still feel his lips pressed against mine, our breaths mingling. His tongue, oh boy, his tongue… he knows exactly what to do with that puppy.

  Neyenn kisses like a male, a real male, all consuming and full of testosterone, he dominated me with that kiss. It would never work though, I sighed. We can’t even get along long enough to get it on! This whole situation is maddening.

  Fifteen minutes later, Neyenn came up to the tables and stopped in front of the edge of the table I was seated at.

  “You wouldn’t happen to have anything in there I could borrow? Would you?” he said quietly. He motioned towards my backpack and took the seat across from me as I dug through my pack. I handed him a pair of comfortable shorts and a men’s t-shirt. He took them and set them down on the table in front of him. He looked at me and raised his brow.

  “And who’s clothes are these?”

  He examined the articles of clothing I had just relinquished and grimaced.

  Who’s clothes did he think they were?

  I don’t just go around carrying other people’s stuff. Those were Jaye’s spare clothes… for today. I frowned at him and told him the truth. I didn’t feel like having to explain to his family I’d pissed him off one too many times and gave him an aneurism.

  “They’re Jaye’s. I wouldn’t carry around anyone else’s crap… I’m not a lap dog.” He stopped his perusal of the clothes and looked at me.

  “Never said you were.”

  He stood up from the table and backed away a little. He grabbed the hem of his waterlogged shirt and peeled it from his skin. It was slow going and I watched the whole thing with avid interest. Maybe soda pop wasn’t the only thing that should come in a twelve pack after all? There was just so much to look at and not enough time to explore. I stopped my greedy exploration once he was done wrestling his shirt the rest of the way off his head. No need to give him more ammo to tease me with later.

  “You could have helped me out you know? I was kinda stuck there?”

  He walked over to the bush with my wet clothes hanging on them and laid his shirt next to mine to dry. I watched the play of muscles in his back as he did this.

  “What? And miss watching you wiggle around like a Veluvian worm? Never.” A Veluvian worm was just a giant caterpillar like creature with a black and white pattern all over its back. The pattern was similar to the one on an ‘Old Earth’ zebra. Zebras are extinct now, but I saw a picture of one in a book once and the patterns are very similar.

  He started to take his pants off and I know I should look away, but I couldn’t. I watched as he slowly shimmied his pants down his legs and then bent over to pull first one foot out and then the other. I had a wonderful view of his boxer brief covered tush. I bet you could bounce a quarter off that thing.

  “Hey! Quit staring at my ass and hand me those stupid shorts.” Neyenn waved his hand around by his rump.

  “Hello? ‘Earth I’ to ‘MollyWog’?! The shorts?”

  I got up, grabbed the shorts and walked over to hand them to him. I smacked his ass really hard as I sauntered past him. It made a loud ‘crack’ sound and he jumped, startled. I adopted an innocent expression and looked back at him. He was blushing from root to tip.

  “Sorry,” I shrugged, “Thought I saw a spider. I think I got it though,” I smiled friendly at him, like it was no big deal and started scouting around for a place to bed down for the night.



  That woman is going to be the death of me. I just know it. I probably already have a few gray hairs. I wrestled Jaye’s t-shirt ove
r my head and tried my best to stretch the hem at the bottom, so it would cover my stomach. Uugh. It looked like a girl’s shirt on me. Jaye is much smaller than I am. I look ridiculous. Maybe it’s not too bad…I guess. At least it’s only until my clothes are dry. I feel a little weird ‘free balling it’ in my brother’s clothes. Actually, this is probably a good thing. Little drama queen, Jayevellan, will freak out when he finds out. I chuckled to myself, he would have a fit, and then I grinned. And to put icing on the cake, I won’t wash ’em before I give them back. Gross, I know, but the little hypochondriac would freak.

  “I don’t know why you’re smiling, you look ridiculous,” she giggled.

  “Hey, ‘Blue Balls’?” she continued, “Your girlfriend called, she wants her clothes back,” she guffawed. I walked over to where she was sitting and plopped down next to her. She had built a little nest out of leaves and other greenery.

  “Share the wealth ‘Short Stuff’, I’m hungry.” She handed over a bottle of water, a soda, two huge meat stuffed sandwiches and two grevnels. Yumm.

  “This is a good start Mol, but I’m gonna need more than this to get full.” She stared at me, mouth slightly parted and then snapped it shut. She opened her mouth again, as if she was going to say something and closed it again. She studied me a moment.

  “You’re serious aren’t you?” Her eyes were narrowed suspiciously, “You really could eat all that and then some couldn’t you?” I took a huge bite, and just because it would annoy her, talked with my mouth full of sandwich.

  “Yef ,sho cam. An muf muf moe.” Food flew everywhere as I talked and she looked like she was going to gag. I held my sandwich up close to her face, right where I had just taken a bite.

  “Wah sum?” I said, took another huge bite and pushed the sandwich back into her face. She swallowed thickly and motioned for me to move it away.

  “Oh, no, no. You go ahead, I’m good.” She’s as squeamish as Jaye.

  “Kay,” I said. I started to laugh, but covered it up with a cough. I thought I heard her mutter ‘Neanderthal’, but I couldn’t be sure. I smiled to myself and ate the rest of my dinner. Maybe this weekend wouldn’t be so bad after all.

  Ladies first


  The sun was shining in through the window again.

  Ughh, I must have forgotten to close the curtains again. I rolled over and snuggled my face into the bed’s warmth. My body pillow was still warm from my back. It smelled good too.

  I started to fall back to sleep, but something fell on my legs, pinning them down. Another weight fell over my shoulders and then pulled me up against a wall. A very warm wall. I peeked one eye open to see what had me held captive. I panicked for a minute when I realized it was a man. I saw his blue skin and relaxed a little.

  Jaye wasn’t one to hop in my bed, not in a long time. Well, there was that one time when we watched that scary movie with the clown in it, but hey, it scared me too, so he got a pass. I don’t recall him ever being a snuggler though. I started to wiggle out of his hold, but he held me tighter and tucked my head under his chin.

  “Quit moving baby, I’m comfortable and you feel good.”

  I froze and tensed up, remembering where I was and whom I was cuddling with. He started to nuzzle my ear with his face and I started to squirm harder to get out of his hold. He’s not even fully awake! He probably thinks I’m one of those brainless tarts he dates! He started to place little kisses down the side of my neck, his big hands sliding lower to my rump and gripping each cheek firmly and pulling me flush against him.

  “Mmmmmm,” he said and started to lick up and down the side of my neck. Grazing it ever so often with his teeth, he started nipping little love bites along my collar bone and back up my neck again. My body flushed and I felt weak all over. I started panting and he chuckled huskily.

  “You like that Baby?”

  “Neyenn?…. Neyenn?”

  “Hhhmmm?” he murmured and kissed me full on the lips.

  “Too much talking, ‘Sweeting’. Shhhh,” as he said the last part, he nipped at my lips and kissed me again, silencing me. I caved and kissed him back, my tongue meeting his in a mating dance.

  My hands went to his shoulders and I ran them up his neck and into his scalp, my nails slightly scraping as they trailed a path. He groaned and rolled us so he was on top. I gasped and he shifted his weight so his legs were between mine, his member lined up with my happy place. He started to rub his shaft up and down along my clit in a mimic of the act itself.

  I started to squirm again, this time for an entirely different reason. One of his hands slid up my rib cage, rubbing the skin gently with his thumb, in a circular motion.

  His hand continued its exploration until it reached its final destination. He cupped my breast and kneaded it. I could feel the heat of his palm through my shirt. I arched up into his palm and bit his bottom lip a little hard, tugging on it and then letting it go.

  I crushed my lips to his, parting them just enough to allow his tongue entry and then I sucked it into my mouth. He tasted so good. He must have liked what I was doing too, because he became more aggressive and I loved it. He shoved the top of my shirt up and shoved his face between my breasts. He nuzzled between them, licking and kissing the sides, but never going where I wanted him most. I tightened my grip on his hair and yanked his head where I wanted it and he obliged. I cried out as he took one of my nipples into his mouth. He suckled a little hard at first and then gentled, but it felt good and I cried out. He released it with a wet pop and moved onto my other poor neglected breast. He gave it the same treatment as the first one and I writhed against him harder.

  He reached for the zipper of my jeans and proceeded to undo them. I reached for his and he ground himself into my hand. He pulled back a little and looked at me.

  “Now’s the time to say ‘No’ if you want to back out ‘Short Stuff’.” His hair was sticking up at all angles and his lips were swollen from our kisses. He looked wild and virile... so sexy. All I could think was he’s mine.

  “You ‘in’ or ‘out’ Baby?” he asked, rubbing his hands up and down my thighs lightly.

  “In,” I said and stood up to shove my pants and panties down my legs. He stopped as he started to pull his pants off, his eyes tracking my every move. He licked his lips and smiled at me, his white teeth gleaming in the morning sun.

  “Your turn,” I said and laid back down, my heart beating erratically in my chest. He slowly pulled his shorts down and I watched, entranced, as his member made its debut.

  He was huge.


  Erm, I really don’t think this is going to work. ‘Iguanodon’ was very accurate. My apprehension must have shown on my face, because he jumped on top of me, straddling me. I was trapped! He caged me in with his body. His arms pinning mine, his hips bracketing mine.

  “You weren’t thinking of running on me were you Baby?” He nuzzled my ear and ground his erection into my belly.

  “Can’t back out now ‘Lily White’, you’re all mine now. To do with...” he said and then licked along my neck, “..however...” a nip and another lick, this time my chin, “I please.” He shifted his body lower and ran the underside of his shaft along my entrance. I was so wet he slid effortlessly through my juices.

  “You want this Mol?” he said thrusting against my wet folds, sliding slickly against me, stopping as his head touched my clit and rubbed.

  “You want me?” he asked huskily. Enough with the foreplay damnit! I was going to internally combust if he didn’t do something soon. I moved my arms until he got the picture and released them. I grabbed his hair and tugged.

  “If you don’t do something soon pal! I wont be held responsible for my actions! Do you understand ME!?”

  “Yes mam,” he said and slammed ‘home’. I yelped and gripped his shoulders. He stopped and we stayed that way for a minute. Our bodies tight against each other, almost as if we were locked together. I was a little surprised he could fit it all the
way in. It felt like he was stretching me from the inside out. I wiggled around a little to try and relieve some of the pressure. He had a strained look on his face and his eyes seemed to roll back into his head as he slowly started to pulled out.

  “I don’t think I’m going to last very long here, Mol,” he panted, “Your so damn tight.” He stopped and started to push in again. It felt like he was hitting every single nerve inside of me, simultaneously. He did it again and then started a rhythm, in and out, in and out, slow and steady.

  I started pushing back against him, trying to hit that special spot just right. It felt so good, but I needed a little something more. I slapped his shoulder, and urged him on.

  “Faster Jethro, I want to get mine too!”

  He grunted and then shifted so he could lift my legs over his shoulders and grip my bottom. He lined his shaft up to my entrance and started ramming into me. I countered his thrusts as he picked up the pace. I felt stuffed. It was too much… It wasn’t enough…It was perfect.

  He slammed into me a few more times and I came in a mad rush. Just as my body gripped his and began milking him, he shouted my name and I could feel him releasing inside of me. He pushed into me a few more times and then collapsed on top of me. I squeaked and he lifted his weight off of me slightly, bracing his weight on his elbows as he let his head fall into the crook of my neck.

  We lay there panting heavily, neither one of us willing to move just yet.

  Baby I'm stuck on you


  I don’t want to move. So, I’m just going to lay here until she makes me move. It’s only a matter of time before one or both of us messes everything up by saying or doing something.

  Maybe we could just stay like this for a while…possibly forever…yeah that sounded good…forever. Strange that the idea of forever and Molilah didn’t scare me as much as the idea of it with someone else would have. It actually sounded kinda nice…I wonder how hard it would be to convince her of that. I was drawn from my musings by my bodies current state.


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