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Stellar Proportions (Cosmic Soul Mates)

Page 7

by Jeanette Lynn

  Everything still tingled. From the top of my head to the tips of my toes and I felt like my muscles had turned into a puddle of Nona’s grevnel jelly.

  Mol has awesome breasts… I thought a little distractedly as said breasts moved in time to our heavy breathing. They’re just right. Big round firm mounds that cushion my chest perfectly.

  Its fate or some crap. Whatever you’d like to call it, this woman was made for me.

  MINE, I thought and lifted my head off of where it was nuzzling her neck, to study her face.

  Her lips were all puffy from our kisses and her cheeks were flushed pink. She looked delectable. Her green eyes sparkled back at me and I smiled hopefully at her.

  “Wanna go for round two?”

  She laughed as I waggled my brows at her suggestively.

  “No. You ‘Crazy Blue Baboon’, I uh.. don’t think you’ve even finished your first round yet. You’re still hard.”

  She shifted a little and something struck me as she moved.

  My eyes opened wide in shock. It couldn’t be. No way. I tried to withdraw a little and found I couldn’t. I’m stuck, I thought to myself.

  I am stuck!

  Not, I have a cramp in my arse stuck, but Peter is lodged inside of Mol’s happy place, stuck.


  My penis is locked inside of her….and for a Rellian that can only mean one thing…Molilah’s my ‘soul mate’.

  “Do you want to roll off me now, so I can clean off a little Nye? I’m pretty sure we made a mess,” Mol said and started to nudge me to get me moving.

  Think quickly man! She’s gonna freak!

  “Uhm… you know? What’s the rush? I’m comfy, you feel comfy to me, let’s stay this way a little longer huh?”

  She slapped my arm playfully and laughed.

  “Don’t be silly. We need to get up and get cleaned up, so we can eat and lord knows you can eat.”

  My stomach, the traitor, chose that moment to growl loudly.

  “See,” she said with an ‘I told you so’ look. “What did I tell you? Now come on, so I can feed you. Ya big lug.” She accentuated the last statement with a slap on my ass.

  “Look Mol.. don’t freak out or anything but…I can’t.”

  She gave me an odd look and then laughed. “Very funny, now come on.”

  I let out a resigned sigh and prepared for the worst “No. I’m serious. I can’t...I’m ..uh.. stuck or uh.. Should I say.. erm ..we’re stuck.”

  She took in the expression on my face and she must have realized I was telling the truth. Her eyes widened as it all sunk in. She started to look a little panicked at this point and started studying us, looking down between our bodies where we were connected. She tried to push me off of her and I’m pretty sure she felt it when I did, the tug and pull of our bodies where they were locked together inside of her. She tried to separate us again and I jerked inside of her. It caused her muscles to jerk as well and then they clamped down around me tightly. I groaned and started spasming inside of her, releasing my seed into her womb as she milked me.

  We both moaned and started panting.

  We had rolled onto our sides at some point and now she had her head resting on my chest. I could feel her heart beat, it was beating as wildly as mine was. Wow…just…that felt….unreal…but that aside, Mol was going to kill me. How do you tell someone you just found out that they’re your soul mate and oh, by the way, per Rellian laws, we just got married.

  Yep, I think I had it right earlier…Mol’s going to kill me. Now that we’re married, not only do I have to convince her not try her hand at attempted murder, but I have to convince her to stay with me.

  Rellians marry for life.


  “How much longer does it usually last?” I asked Neyenn and waited until he caught his breath to answer. I had calmed down and I’m a little embarrassed by my reaction.

  He probably assumed I knew.

  Especially since my best friend is a Rellian. But how was I supposed to know. I mean, Jaye and I don’t discuss our sex lives. Not things like that anyways. Maybe Jaye was embarrassed about it or he never thought I would hook up with a Rellian. It was probably the latter, since the only ones I knew were his family. I didn’t know Rellian's locked inside of their partners when they have sex. I relaxed against his chest and started doodling on his skin, making swirlys around his ribs. Ever so often it would cause his skin to jump. Looks like this Rellian was a little ticklish. I’ll have to put that information away for a later date. I felt him loosen and then he slid out of me.

  I jumped up and started brushing the dirt off myself. I picked up my clothes, from yesterday, off of the bush they were on, and started making a hasty retreat towards the water.

  “I’m going to go clean off. Um, I’ll be back, kay?” I dropped my clothes on the beach and waded into the lake. By the time I had rinsed off and redressed, Neyenn had cleaned himself off, redressed and made us something to eat. I sat down opposite him and he handed me a can of soda and a sandwich. It’s a good thing I like sandwiches or it would be a very long weekend. The cooler was full of, mostly, sandwich fixings. It had some other things in there as well, like cookies, a few small pieces of left over birthday cake, fruit, chips, and drinks, but mainly sandwich fixings.

  “It’s okay, you know?” I said between bites of my sandwich.

  “It is?” he said and blinked at me a few times like he couldn’t believe I would be so reasonable, considering.

  “Sure. But you could have just told me,” I said motioning at him with my sandwich.

  “I could have?” he asked confused. “But I didn’t even know til right now…” he trailed off and a frown creased his brow.

  “Oh!” I said and blushed. Wow.. who would have thought…but you never know.

  “Well, uh.. considering you’ve never done anything like that before.. You were very good at it…” I said and blushed even harder. My face probably looked like it was on fire.

  “Are we both talking about the same things Mol?” he asked.

  “Well, what did you think I was talking about?” I countered.

  He shook his head at me and motioned at me in a ‘ladies first’ type gesture. He took a bite of his sandwich and then looked at me expectantly while he chewed.

  “Uhm,” I cleared my throat uncomfortably, “I thought we were talking about how we just had sex and how you didn’t know about your, erm, problem because you’ve never had sex before..”

  His face turned fuscia and he started choking on his sandwich. I frowned at that. It can’t be healthy for him to turn that color very often. I walked over and started pounding him on the back. ‘Thwack’, ‘Thwack’, ‘Thwack’, and then it finally dislodged. A piece of sandwich went flying across the table and he made a grab for his drink, to soothe his throat.

  “What?” he said, His voice still hoarse from all that choking. “Who says I’ve never had sex before?” Just then a sound interrupted us. It sounded like a shuttle, but that’s impossible because there weren’t supposed to be any until Tuesday. It was a really small shuttle and it was headed for the spot the last one had landed, it looked like.

  I dropped everything and hurried over to the shuttle as it approached its landing pad. It finally settled down and the passenger door was flung open, a very disheveled Jaye emerged from the shuttle. His hair looked like he’d stuck his finger in an electrical socket or something. Like a blue lion's mane.

  “Mol!” he yelled frantically as he ran towards me. “Oh, Mol, you’re Safe!” He grabbed my shoulders and started frantically running his hands over me. Then he grabbed me and twirled me around so he could examine my back. I’m guessing it was to see if I had injuries? Who knows sometimes with Jaye.

  “Jaye?” I asked him as he spun me around again and squashed me against his man boobs.

  “Jaye..” I said and it came out muffled into his chest. I said it again, this time a little louder so I could be heard over his babbling. Something about Nona
and how he had nothing to do with it and he’s so sorry and he will never leave me unattended in front of his family ever again. There was a bunch more babble too…something about promising to pay for me to have therapy….putting Nona in a home…or putting her in a box to planet China…he wasn’t making too much sense right now…

  I stopped him with my palm over his mouth.

  “Sssshhh. Breathe Jayeleebean.” He breathed in through his nose and exhaled slowly.

  “It’s going to be oookkkaayyy. Alright..see? Now isn’t that much better?” I said soothingly, running my hand over his hair, trying to flatten his powder puff.

  A growl sounded behind us and I looked over my shoulder. Neyenn was stalking towards us and he looked pissed. He walked up to Jaye and unlatched him from my person and pulled me up tight against his side.

  “Mine!” He growled at his brother and Jaye’s eyes bugged out.

  “Excuse me!?” I said startled and started to extricate myself from him, but he held fast. His arm wrapped around my waist and he growled again.

  Jaye’s mouth was slack and he just stared at us. His eyes wide, his face was set with disbelief.

  Neyenn turned suddenly and brought us chest to chest, he wrapped his hand around the back of my neck, tilted my head back and kissed me. It was a fierce kiss, a possessive kiss, a kiss of ownership and I know it goes against everything I stand for, as a ‘queen of independence’, but man, was it hot as hell.

  ...So I’m a little possessive, so what


  Mine, I thought fiercely as I took possession of Mol’s mouth. She seemed startled at first and then melted against me.

  Mine, I thought again and released her lips. At some point during our kiss, she had climbed me like a tree. Her arms were around my neck, her legs wrapped tightly around my waist, our good bits lined up for rubbin’. I put one hand under her rump so she couldn’t slide down and held her close. She squirmed and tried to get me to release her, but I held fast.

  “Quit squirming ‘She Devil’ I don’t want to drop you,” I said and she squeaked as I jargled her, acting like I might drop her to illustrate my point. She glared at me and pinched my neck. “Ouch woman! Quit it!”

  “Release me ‘Neanderthal’!” she growled and I released her, letting her slide slowly down my torso.

  Apparently, I’m a glutton and like to torture myself, I thought as she finished her slide and planted her feet, firmly, on the ground. I shivered and shook myself, reality setting in.

  We were leaving. No weekend to convince her to stay with me, no sex on the beach... my shoulders sagged a little at that. No time alone, just the two of us…. we were leaving.

  She was going to get back to that spaceport and go on her merry way, forgetting everything, forgetting us. Like Hell! I shouted in my head. That ‘She Devil’ is mine.

  We grabbed all of our stuff and loaded it into that tiny excuse for a shuttle. It turned out it was an emergency shuttle the Forestry headquarters, located off planet, kept for just such occasions. Jaye, after figuring out Nona’s deception, had tried to come back, but hit a wall when he realized the offices were closed already. Somehow, and I’m not sure I really want to know how he did it, Jaye got a registry of all rangers for this jurisdiction. After a few hundred calls, Jaye said, he got a hold of a very sympathetic pilot who ferried him out to us. The ‘Squidger’ must have been up all night, if his appearance was any indication. Jaye’s shirt was wrinkled and buttoned wrong and he was wearing his shorts from yesterday. He had no socks on and two left shoes….the dude was a mess. I slapped him hard on the back as I pushed passed him to get on the shuttle.

  “Thanks little bro, appreciate it, really.” An ‘oomph’ sounded behind me, followed by a ‘thunk’. I pretended not to notice that my slap had sent him flying forwards, causing him to kiss dirt.

  Heh heh.

  There were only two passenger seats and I grabbed one, waiting for Mol to join me. Looked like Jaye would have to hang with the pilot for the ride back.

  Hhhhmmmm, I wonder if my little ‘She Devil’ liked necking in the back of a shuttle cab….guess we were just going to have to find out. I smiled and sat back, waiting patiently for my secret ‘bride’ to board.


  I walked up to the shuttle and stepped over Jaye as I started to board.

  “Quit playing in the dirt ‘Sweet Cheeks’, we gotta go,” I shook my head at Jaye. I swear, he is so dramatic sometimes. I can’t believe he’s still ‘faking falls’ for attention. I laughed to myself as I recalled some of his more memorable attempts at getting attention.

  There were only two seats on the shuttle and the ‘Blue Baboon’ was taking up one of them. He motioned, imperiously, for me to come sit next to him.

  Uugh! I’m not a dog!

  I looked around and realized there was an empty seat in the cock pit. I tapped the pilot on the shoulder to get his attention.

  “Pardon me, but, would you mind if I sit here? I’ve never sat as a copilot before?” The pilot, an older, salt and pepper haired human, motioned towards the seat as if to say ‘be my guest’.

  “Much obliged,” I said in a terrible faux southern accent and got a chuckle out of him. Jaye hopped in and the pilot closed the shuttle doors.

  “Awwweee, come on! I don’t want to sit next to him.” He hooked his thumb at his brother, frowning. He made a shooing motion towards Neyenn and then told him, “Neyenn go trade places with Mol.”

  Neyenn snorted and made a mock shooing motion back at Jaye.

  “You go trade places with Mol.” He looked at me as he said the next part and I’m pretty sure what he meant and what he said, had two entirely different meanings.

  “Mol and I have things to discuss. Don’t we Mol?” he purred and gave me a sexy smile. I could feel my face heat with embarrassment.

  Jaye snorted and looked back and forth between us. Then he paused and really looked at us. He narrowed his eyes at us.

  “Is there anything you two want to tell me?” he asked suspiciously. “Nope,” I said at the same time Neyenn said “Actually there is..” I was saved from further talking as the pilot warned everyone to sit down and strap in. We all sat down, me in my copilot seat and Jaye and Neyenn in the others. The jets rumbled as they came to life and I sat tight, biding my time until we got to the spaceport so I could scurry off to my apartment and hide from both of them for the next year or so, if need be.

  The journey to the spaceport was uneventful and I was thankful for the quiet reprieve. I grabbed my things and hurried towards the transit tubes that would lead to my apartment.

  “Hold on there ‘Lily White’, not so fast, we have unfinished business, you and I,” Neyenn said as he approached me.

  “You know, I’m really tired and I’m just gonna go home now…lets talk later, kay?”

  “No. We need to talk now.” I was interrupted from saying anything in response because Neyenn’s family came rushing towards us from the spaceport café, the one Jaye and I love to eat at.

  “Oh Mol! Neyenn!” this from Uncle Horven, “Are you kids okay?” A very subdued looking, but still atrociously dressed, Nona, came trotting along behind Neyenn’s Uncle.

  “I am so sorry! I had no idea I was, unwillingly, taking part in another one of Nona’s schemes,” he said glaring at Neyenn’s Auntie ‘N’. She looked anywhere but at Horven, examining the molding on the walls.

  “It’s ok Uncle ‘Ven’,” Neyenn said, patting his uncle on the back.

  “It is?” Nona asked and she seemed to brighten at that. Horven looked over at her again and she quickly adopted the same ‘kicked puppy look’, glancing at Horven, out of the corner of her eye, to see if he bought it.

  “Well, it’s been fun children, but, it’s Saturday and Mol and I had plans to hang out at her place and rent a movie off the boob tube, so we will see you guys later,” Jaye said as he started to frog march me towards the tubes I had been trying to reach earlier.

  “Hold your horses ‘Chia Pet
’, not so fast. Mol and I have plans today.”

  “We do?” I said at the same time Muna chimed in with, “You do?"

  “Yes,” Neyenn said simply and Jaye cut in with,

  “She’s my best friend, so I get dibs first, Cretin.” Jaye started to tug one of my arms and Neyenn took hold of the other, each tugging in the opposite direction.

  “Boys, boys,” said Muna holding up her hands. “No need to fight! Let’s just calmly discuss this, like adults and…”

  “Let go of her you ‘Big Blue Behemoth’! She’s coming with me!”

  “Like Hell! She’s with me. Ya Squidger!”

  A shocked gasp came from Jaye.

  “Squidger? Squidger! I’ll ‘Squidger’ you!”

  They both released me at the same time and leaped at each other. They wrestled and rolled around on the floor of the spaceport lobby.

  “I saw her first!” This from Jaye as he pinched Neyenn’s nipple, getting a yelp from him.

  “Ma! Tell him no fightin’ dirty!” Neyenn put Jaye in a headlock and noogie’d him and shot back at Jaye with.

  “I don’t care if you saw her first. Of course you saw her first, you were so short when you were little, you two were at eye level!”

  “Ggrrrr!!! I was a late bloomer and you know it! You insensitive prick!” Jaye had somehow managed to get out of the headlock and was now trying to choke hold Neyenn.

  “Why now? You tryin’ to make a move on my ‘bestie’? Huh punk?! I won’t let you hurt her. Mol’s better than that. She’s not some little tart you can use and dispose of when your done with her! I’ll marry her myself if I have to! Just to keep her from your evil clutches, do you hear me!”

  Apparently, Neyenn heard loud and clear. He flipped Jaye onto his back and straddled him, his hand wrapped around his little brother’s neck.


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