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Hunted and Caught

Page 6

by Madisen, Samantha

  He was going to sell her to the Bani, after all, even after she’d helped Jayne. She wanted to hate him for that. But her only real wish was that he would touch her again before he did. That she could feel his body next to hers again, his hand inside her, the way she’d felt before.

  Rena barely heard him come in and she startled when she saw his shape standing in front of the door of the cage. She didn’t stand up. She looked at his darkened figure, tracing the lines of his silhouette against the dim light from above.

  He turned around, his hand reaching for the numbered panel to key in the combination and open the cage door.

  Her heart leapt. This time his body wasn’t in the way. This time, he hadn’t moved that beautiful mass of tight muscle in the way of her seeing the numbers that would make her free. It meant she could try to free herself later, when no one was around. She didn’t dare hope it meant anything else.

  The door of the cage clicked and she watched him turn and push it open. His dark figure moved past the steel bars and into her space. She couldn’t see his face, and she wondered what he was thinking. Her body tensed in anticipation, her back arching out from the wall behind her, her whole being craving his touch.

  “Stand up,” he ordered. If it had been anyone else, any other being, she would have laughed. She barely understood why, but there was something about him that made him different. She wanted to obey him.

  Rena stood slowly, her back pressed against the wall the whole time, her gaze resting on his bulk, wondering what he’d do next.

  “Turn around.” The two words were just as cold, just as dark as the other two had been. They filled her with the same need to please him. She obeyed and turned to face the wall.

  He stepped toward her and now she felt his hot breath on her neck. Somewhere inside she shuddered and began to feel her sex again, pulsing, desperate. He leaned closer, his lips just inches from her ear. Her mouth tilted open as she inhaled. Her body arched some more, her ass pushing backwards, hoping it would feel his touch.

  “I’ve come to tell you…” he began, but left the sentence hanging. She felt him turn his neck, felt the trail of his breath move down hers, as if he were studying her, looking at the way her skin had prickled at the sound of his voice so close. She could barely stand to feel him this close without feeling his touch as well.

  “Yes?” she asked, her voice a breathy whisper. He took his time to answer.

  “I’ve come to tell you you’re no longer my prisoner.”

  Rena held her breath, waiting for more, waiting for him to say what she wanted, needed to hear. His face hovered next to hers and his musky scent surrounded her in the darkness. He took his time before speaking again and Rena felt his breath moving on her neck, as if he were studying her reaction, searching her body for what he needed to know.

  “You’ll be free to leave at the next station.”

  Rena’s heart sank. She began to come apart inside. How could he be saying this? Didn’t he feel anything of what she felt? Why had he chosen to tell her like this? To lead her on?

  “But before you go there’s something I have to tell you, Rena.”

  Her heart skipped a beat as she held her breath again, waiting for him to finish.

  “You’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever laid eyes on, Rena Rain. There hasn’t been a night I haven’t thought about you since I found you on Balon. There hasn’t been a minute that’s gone by where I haven’t had to push you from my mind. I just wanted you to know that, before you go. I’d do anything to make you mine.”

  As he pressed against her, she arched her back, her chin tilted up, and a moan escaped her. She felt the throbbing of his stiff member through their flight suits and the ache she’d felt before, the wetness between her thighs all came at once.

  “Please,” she whispered, breathless. “I want to stay.”

  Rena had barely finished speaking when she felt his hands move around her body and settle on her breasts. Feeling the moist heat of his lips on her neck, she tilted her head, letting him in. He kissed the flesh of her neck greedily, as hungry to take her as she was to take him. As his hands squeezed her breasts, she felt his fingers searching for her tight nipples and she let escape another moan.

  His hands roamed around the front of her body, fingers tearing at the opening in her flight suit, tugging at the zipper until her breasts fell out and she felt his weathered skin on her bare flesh. Her back arched even further, her ass pressing onto his stiff cock, her body begging to be filled by his iron hardness. When his fingers found her nipples again, they squeezed, sending a jolt of pain rushing up and down her body, one that finally settled in the dampness between her legs. She pushed against the wall, moving herself closer to him, begging him for more.

  Suddenly, his lips stopped roaming on her skin and she felt his breath by her cheek.

  “You have to know,” he growled, “before you agree to this, you will become mine completely. You will do as I say and your body will belong to me. Do you understand?”

  Rena felt her heart beating faster with each word. She’d never let anyone talk to her like that, never thought she could enjoy the sound of someone being so commanding. In the moment, in the darkness of that cage with his body pressed against her, there was only one way she could answer.

  “Yes…” She’d barely whispered the word when she felt herself being spun around. He moved toward her and she closed her eyes as their lips locked, his tongue plunging deep into her mouth. His hands still held her breasts and now, again, he pinched the two pink buds of her nipples so firmly that she groaned into his mouth from the pain. He pulled away and she opened her eyes to see him staring at her, looking like a creature possessed.

  He sank down onto his knees in front of her, her body still pressed against the cold steel of the wall. He found her nipples with his mouth and sank onto them, tugging at them with his teeth between fierce kisses, moving from one to the other.

  Rena moaned again.

  He moved down her body now, trailing the damp heat of his mouth along her stomach as his hands pulled at the tops of her pants. With one yank they were off and she was standing completely exposed in front of him again, his mouth just above her sex.

  His hands moved behind her, grasping her buttocks and a moment later she squealed as she felt herself being lifted into the air. He moved forward, pushing one calf over his shoulder, then the other and she soon found herself sitting on top of his massive frame as he pressed her tightly to the wall.

  Rena gasped and looked down. His hands were still on her ass, kneading the ample curves of her cheeks. She felt his hot breath between her legs, his stubble tickling her thighs. She moaned, her back arching, pushing against the wall, her pussy desperate to be tasted.

  He sank his mouth onto her.

  “Oh!” Rena cried, her fingers clutching at his hair. She felt his tongue move across the softness of her outer lips. Her hips answered the sensation, thrusting toward him, guiding him to her perfect place. But he held her fast in his hands, making it clear he would have her the way he wanted. His tongue moved slowly back and forward along her slit, collecting her juices and making her shudder above him.

  Just when she thought she couldn’t take any more of his teasing, she felt his tongue splitting her, moving her lips open, then searching until he found the nub at the top of her cleft.

  “Yes!” she cried, unable to stop herself from trying to press down against his mouth.

  His tongue started in slow circles, as if he were exploring her, sensing her reaction to his touch. Each time she cried or moaned, he paused, lingering at the spot and making her tremble with pleasure. When the circles began to pick up speed, it felt like he already knew all of her most intimate secrets.

  She looked down between her legs. His muscular jaw was flexing between her thighs as he increased his pace again. She felt the first tremor of her final pleasure shake her as her hips rocked back and forth against his mouth. He let her move now, gave her back a sliver of
control, letting her press herself against him when she pleased, then taking her in hand again and doing as he wished.

  She longed to feel his hard cock moving in between her thighs, but her body craved release and she hoped he would let her have it.

  “Oh… fuck… yes…” she moaned quietly.

  Her body started trembling now with each pass of his strong tongue along her sex. The room seemed to shrink around her, all her thoughts converging on the throbbing in between her thighs. He must have sensed her closeness, must have felt how eager she was because he steadied his tempo and kept the same motion, knowing it would push her into bliss.

  Then, there in that dark cage, she looked down at the hulking man pleasuring her with his mouth. The darkness seemed to brighten. Her body tightened as her mouth dropped open. The frenetic energy of pleasure swept through her, twisting her this way and that until her body was no longer hers, it belonged to him. Him and the blinding bliss that exploded from her sex and shook her like a doll.

  She screamed, a gentle scream, as she neared the peak of climax then tumbled down the other side. Through all of this, he did not relent. His tongue slid around her clit in the same perfect circles until her orgasm released her and she fell forward, still holding onto his hair to keep from falling off.

  Only then did he slow his affection. As she trembled on top of him, he released her slowly with his lips, moving his mouth away. Still holding her in his hands, she felt him crawling back up her body, his kisses wetter now and even hungrier. When he reached her mouth, he took her again with his lips so that she could taste her sex on his tongue.

  Pressing her against the wall, he seated her on his hips, tugging at the belt of his flight suit until she heard it fall to the floor. When he took her in his hands again she couldn’t help but look down. There, in the darkness, she saw the shadow of his massive cock poised between her legs. She gasped at the sight of it, a shiver of fear shuddering through her at how she would take such a thing.

  But she could only hold the thought briefly. He pressed his lips against hers once more. His hands beneath her spread her and she felt herself opening and being slowly lowered. When the hardness of his head touched the wet softness of her slick lips, she gasped again.

  He held her there, seemingly enjoying the sensation of his tip coaxing her even more open. Then, without warning, he kissed her deeply and let her sink onto his flesh.

  She moaned deep into his mouth as each inch of his iron hardness stretched her more. She opened her eyes. He broke off the kiss and looked at her as she sank further down the length of his shaft.

  When Rena pressed her hands against his chest because she knew she couldn’t take any more of him, he growled and she felt his hips thrust up firmly, pressing the last of himself inside her.

  He left her there, suspended, as if savoring the feeling of her tightness. Then she felt him withdraw slowly. Her body quaked, the sudden void inside her causing her to whisper, “No…” and beg him for his hardness with her eyes. He obliged.

  His shaft moved through her once again and she felt her pussy squeezing. She wrapped her arms around his neck, pressing her chest close to his as the lower half of him undulated beneath her, filling her with flesh and pleasure.

  She heard a grunt. Felt him harden. Her body responded, offering another climax. She bit her lip at the sudden tightness that held her. Another flex inside her. She squeezed again. His eyes shot open and he demanded her gaze. She stared deeply into his. More stiffness, his motion faster now, and she rode him with each thrust until she felt an even pulsing inside her. He groaned. The sound bored through her and into the hull. As she felt his seed erupt inside her soaked wetness, a silent tension filled her, drew her closer to him and she felt her pussy squeezing him in climax, begging for his cum.

  They stayed like that, Rena couldn’t tell for how long. It was some time before he softened and Rena closed her eyes and rested her head on his shoulder, basking in the hardness of his body. When he finally slipped out, she had almost fallen asleep. He swept her up and cradled her in his arms and she felt herself being carried through the hallway, into his cabin, then being lowered onto his bunk. She couldn’t resist sleep that washed over her even as she watched him leave.

  For the first time since they’d met, Rena closed her eyes and fell asleep.

  Chapter Nine

  “Everyone enjoying their protein this morning?” Jayne sang as she hurried around the table refilling cups with hot water.

  “Delicious,” Riks replied, picking some of the thick white substance with his spoon and letting it fall back to his plate with an unappetizing plop.

  Hury and Aamer both had to look down at the table and stifle a chuckle.

  “Good!” Jayne said, appearing unaware of their quiet humor at the expense of her cooking. Jayne had lit up as soon as she’d found out that Rena wasn’t in the cage any longer.

  He had yet to bother explaining to the two helmsman about what was going on. He’d avoided their questioning glances thus far, but knew he owed them an explanation. Taking a swig of his steaming drink, he put his cup down and looked at the crew.

  “Okay,” he began, looking at each of them. “There’s been a change of plans. We’re not taking Rena to the Bani.”

  Jayne smiled and settled down at a seat at the end of the table. The two helmsmen put down their spoons.

  Hury and Aamer glanced at each other then back at Riks. “But sir…” Hury began, letting his words hang in the air before finishing his question. “What about…”

  “What about what?” Riks asked firmly, a shadow of menace in his tone.

  Hury glanced down at his plate. Riks felt himself relax slightly. He wasn’t being fair with the young man. He’d be worried too, if he were on a ship where it seemed like the captain had lost his nerve.

  “Alright, I know you all have some questions about this,” he said, looking around at them.

  “I’ve got to start the cleaning,” Jayne sang, bouncing up. Riks wondered why she wouldn’t want to hear what he had to say. Nevertheless, it would be easier to talk to her on her own later.

  “Alright,” Riks said, sounding more relaxed once Jayne had gone. “Shoot.”

  The two young men looked at each other again. Hury took a deep breath and picked up where he’d left off.

  “Well, it’s just that, sir, we haven’t been paid in some time and though I know there’s no need for money when we’re on the ship…” He trailed off. There was no need to finish the question.

  “I know the bounty for Rena was going to mean everyone would get paid. I’ve got another idea, but it’s not as easy as just dropping her off with the Bani. You ready?”

  “All ears,” Hury said, nodding.

  “We head back to Balon and pick up her ship. Sell it for parts. There’s got to be at least ten or fifteen thousand credits worth of steel in that thing. Hell, we might be able to sell the whole thing, if it’s still in decent shape.”

  The men’s eyes widened and they looked at each other again. “It sounds kind of dangerous,” Aamer said finally.

  “I won’t lie to you, it’s not going to be the easiest thing we’ve ever done, but if we can fly that thing out of there, the money’s as good as ours.”

  “What about what happened? The militia? Won’t they be scanning for our heat signature?” Hury asked.

  “I’ve thought about that. I’m going to go out and reconfigure the heat shields. So it doesn’t look like us.”

  “Go out? You mean in a spacewalk?” Aamer asked in disbelief.

  “I’d have to do it anyway,” Riks replied. “We won’t be able to make a re-entry without reattaching the heat shield that was blasted off. This just means a little extra work for not much extra danger.” He grinned at the two, who were now staring at him with expressions bordering on horror. Riks shook his head. All the young men leaving the academy were soft.

  “Alright,” Hury asked, collecting himself, “so even if you can make the repairs and rearra
nge the heat shields, and we can get back down onto Balon, who’s going to fly the ship? We’re not certified for that rig.”

  “Rena. Rena’s going to fly it out.”

  The two men’s eyes widened again.

  “She’s going to fly it out, then give it to you to sell?” Aamer asked quietly.

  Riks took another swig of the hot liquid in his cup. “She will,” he replied, squaring his gaze at Aamer. “She just doesn’t know it yet.”

  Chapter Ten

  Rena’s eyes fluttered open and for a moment she looked around, confused about her surroundings. As the memories from the previous night swept back into her mind, a smile spread across her lips at the thought of what had happened. She looked to her side and found herself disappointed that Riks had already left. Hopefully he’d be back soon. The sound of the door opening made her sit up. When she saw him, she felt a strange sense of fulfillment at the fact that he was close to her again.

  “You’re awake,” he said, walking over and sitting on the edge of the bunk.

  Rena nodded, then realized she was still completely naked and pulled the blankets up around her, covering herself from his gaze.

  “There’s no need for that,” Riks said, pulling her hand away and causing the blanket to drop, exposing her tightened nipples.

  “What do you mean? I’m cold!” Rena said, tugging at the blankets to try and pull them back up.

  His hand wrapped around her arm, keeping her from lifting the covers. He pulled her closer, and she gasped at his strength. He swept her over his knee, the rest of the covers that had been pooled around her legs falling to the floor.

  “Hey!” Rena cried, trying to stand up. His hand pressed firmly against the small of her back, making escape impossible. As soon as she realized she was completely at his mercy, her rear exposed to him, she felt a strange swell of arousal sweep through her. How could she be turned on by this? He could do with her whatever he wanted, and she was powerless to stop him.


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