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Hunted and Caught

Page 7

by Madisen, Samantha

  “Do you remember,” his dark voice rumbled, “what you agreed to last night?”

  Rena’s mind stretched back into the pleasure of the previous evening. She remembered so many things but wasn’t sure what he was asking her about.

  “What do you mean?” she said, her voice quieter this time, her body craving his touch in all her softest places.

  “I told you what it would mean, to be mine. Do you remember? I would do with you what I pleased. I would own you completely.”

  Rena remembered now hearing exactly that. But he couldn’t have meant it, could he? That would mean that if he wanted, she would just become his plaything.

  “I remember but—”

  “But nothing.” There was a finality in his voice that she didn’t dare defy. “I will have you how I please and when I please. If you oppose it,” he said, putting his other hand on the soft flesh of her ass and parting her slightly, “I will punish you as I see fit.” His hand rose slightly then came down quickly, landing with a resounding smack and causing her to remember the pain of the spankings he’d given her. For some strange reason, she craved that touch again.

  “You can’t just treat me like a… like a pet!” Rena said, wriggling on his knee and trying to stand up again.

  He didn’t wait or warn her this time. His hand landed once again, this time much harder on her backside. She winced and her body tensed on his lap. He didn’t stop at one slap. His hand moved back and forth, reddening her bottom cheeks as he meted out the punishment she’d earned. She struggled, half of her resenting his arrogance but another, much deeper part not being able to help the reaction her body had to his dominant grip. She settled on his lap, relaxing into the sting that was burning her rear. That caused him to stop.

  “Good,” he said in a quiet voice that made her shiver with anticipation. “That’s exactly how I’m going to treat you, Rena. As my pet.”

  “Look, buddy,” Rena began, twisting even more to look him in the eye. It was all well and good to say something in the heat of the moment, but this was getting ridiculous! He wasted no time in pressing his hand into her back again, then quickly resuming another round of smacks on her burning ass. “Ow!” Rena squealed. The first time had been a fun game. For some reason she enjoyed getting spanked, but this time it had really started to hurt.

  She clenched her fists and hammered them against his leg, hoping the distraction would cause him to stop. Instead, it only served to make the punishment faster and fiercer, his firm palm landing over and over on her now painfully reddened ass. Tears stung at her eyes and a shame overwhelmed her as she felt her pussy moistening again. She couldn’t understand the strange reaction his admonishment inspired, but once again she realized the only thing to do was to allow him to do what he wanted and endure it. Her body relaxed back into the searing pain of his touch. As soon as it had, he stopped.

  “There,” he growled, petting her ass gently, as if he were enjoying how red he’d made the flesh there. “That’s much better, right?”

  Rena’s instinct was to try to stand again, tell him what she thought of him, that he was just being a big bully, then stomp off to some other part of the ship. But it was starting to become clear to her that he wasn’t going to put up with that. For some reason, that turned her on even more. Instead of trying to resist him, she nodded her head slightly and whispered a quiet “Yes,” in response to his question.

  “Good. Then we can start your training,” he said, moving her onto her stomach on the mattress. He gathered up the pillows at the head of the bunk and lifting her hips, pushed them underneath her so that her backside was up higher than the rest of her body. He stood up, walked over to a dresser, and opened a drawer.

  For a second, Rena thought of standing up, of defying him and putting on her clothes and walking out the door. But her body’s curiosity at what he might do next kept her in place on the bed.

  “All good pets need to be trained, Rena,” she heard him say as he turned around to face her again. He had a strange-looking implement in his hand: a pointy thing that flared out to a wide base, which dipped into a thin stem with a large, circular part on the end. Rena wondered what on earth it was for. When he sat down next to her, she began to get some idea.

  “I told you I was going to make you mine in every way,” Riks said, his hand running up the inside of her thigh.

  Rena relaxed immediately as she felt the pleasure that his touch brought begin to course through her body again.

  “Are you going to be a good girl for me, Rena?” he asked, his hand coming close to her soft center and sending a shudder of pleasure through her and a fresh blush to her face.

  “Yes,” she replied, her voice barely a whimper.

  “Good,” Riks said as he pushed his fingers up to touch the moistness of her outer lips.

  Rena felt her body tense at his touch. Suddenly, she felt like she would do anything for him again.

  “Because good pets get good rewards,” Rena heard Riks say. She felt herself get even wetter in between her legs as she imagined what he might mean. “Once you’re properly trained, you’ll be mine completely, doing exactly as I say, completely obedient to me and only me.”

  Rena gasped again as his fingers pushed closer to her soft flesh. The thought that she would be so completely his, that he would own her in every way, made her want to spread her legs for him, to feel his girth inside her again. But as she tried to push herself onto his hand, tried to move her body closer to him, she felt another firm smack land on her rear.

  “No,” Riks said sternly above her, “only I decide when we do that. You are here to listen and obey.”

  Rena’s pulse had quickened at how insistent he sounded but she knew that ignoring what he was saying would only earn her more punishment. She wanted desperately to feel her reward. Relaxing her body, she closed her eyes and let him take command.

  “Much better,” he said softly from above her as his hand returned between her legs. “Now spread open for me.”

  Rena obediently did as she was told, moving her legs apart, feeling the cool air of the room on her now soaked sex. His fingers moved back into place, the heat of his hand warming her as he spread her lips with the other. Rena moaned as he pushed his fingers past the tightness of her opening, stretching her the way he had the night before. She moaned again as he moved along her walls, pausing each time she shifted or took a breath, learning where his touch was most potent.

  The wetness that had started between her legs was dripping from her now; she felt it running down her thighs, down his fingers and onto his hand. A sudden wave of shame swept through her. It had been one thing to let him do this to her in near darkness. Now she was exposed completely. Every part of her was on display for him to see and do with as he pleased. She felt her face go red, but the feeling between her legs and the knowledge of what would happen if she protested kept her still.

  Then his fingers drifted higher, up toward her rear and she gasped as suddenly she felt the soaked tip of his finger on the ring of muscle at her rear opening. Her body tensed and her instincts caused her hands to shoot backwards to the place, to try and cover herself, to push him away.

  “Lie still,” came the growling response from behind her as he grasped her wrists easily behind her with one hand.

  “What… what are you doing to me?” she whimpered, barely able to believe how frightened she sounded.

  “Whatever I damn well please. That’s the deal, remember? You’re mine.”

  Rena shuddered. She’d been in some tight situations in her life, had faced the toughest thugs the galaxy could throw at her. She was used to being in control, taking charge and making sure things went her way. But now, even if she wanted to, even if her body weren’t craving every single touch he gave her, she knew she was powerless to stop it. The only thing she could do was submit completely to his will.

  Rena felt the stiff shape of something between her legs, sliding up and down her slick slit and she realized it must be the
object she’d seen him take from the drawer. Her body’s reaction to it surprised her. Instead of stiffening, she felt herself open, a willingness to take whatever he gave her overcoming her.

  As he slid the object—which she now realized was a butt plug—up and down, letting it gather the wetness between her legs, his thumb pressed against the tight but tender circle of muscle at her rear. Rena couldn’t help but gasp as he began to spin slow circles around it, spreading her own juices onto it. Her body obeyed each motion he made, and soon she found herself swimming in a new pleasure, one she’d never felt before.

  “That’s a good pet,” Riks commended in his gravelly voice. She felt her body open even more at the sound of it and she let out a moan. “Your body is getting ready, I can feel it,” he said, sounding pleased.

  She basked in his approval as she felt the bliss inside her swell. When his thumb pressed against her tight hole, she moaned but she was ready. Ready to do his bidding, ready to take whatever pleased him. She felt the plug move up, the tip of it taking the place of his thumb. It was just as soaked as his fingers had been and when he began to slide it inside her, she melted further into submission and let out a groan.

  She felt the thing stretching her, filling her with a pressure she’d never felt before. She wriggled on the bed but not in any effort to escape. Pushing her ass higher for him, wanting to show him her willingness, she would eagerly take anything he gave her and ask for more.

  The plug pushed ever deeper inside her. She felt full already and just when she thought she could take no more, Rena felt the thickest part of it slide in, then felt her muscle close around the thin part as the circle settled on her bottom cheeks.

  “You’ve been very good,” Riks praised and she looked back to see him standing and unbuckling the belt of his flight suit. Anticipation swelled inside her. When his pants fell to the floor, Rena gazed at the full length of his already half-stiff cock.

  Rena watched as he took it in one hand, stroking himself to hardness. It rose easily and once it was standing Rena couldn’t believe her body had taken such a giant thing the previous night. The head of it was a beautiful purple, thick veins running along the sides to the sack that hung low between his thighs. When she looked up, she saw that he had been watching her and she looked away quickly, trying to hide the shame she felt at the expression she realized was on her face.

  “On your knees.” She pushed herself off the bed, eager to obey his command but as soon as she moved, she became aware of the way the plug fit inside her. She moved slowly, trying to adjust her motions so the shape of the thing didn’t press quite so much inside her. Finding a shape that was the least uncomfortable, she faced him on her knees. “Take it.” This order was just as stern as the last had been. She reached out a hand and wrapped her fingers around his hot, hard flesh. A thrill rushed through her at touching him again. “Good,” he said, his voice softened by her touch.

  She couldn’t help but admire the thing and stare at it in wonder as it throbbed lightly in her hand, sending another shiver of desire through her body. She longed for him to be inside her again.

  “Take it with your mouth,” he ordered, moving toward her. Her eyes went wide at his request. She’d never done anything like that before. But despite the discomfort in her rear, her body responded with more wetness between her legs. She hoped he would reward her for her good behavior by pushing himself inside.

  Rena lowered her mouth onto him slowly. She pushed her tongue out and underneath the stiff flesh in front of her, tasting him first. The touch of that hardness only made her want more and she lowered herself onto him eagerly, his thickness stretching her lips. The feeling of his cock sliding along her tongue made the ache between her legs unbearable and she moved a hand underneath herself and touched her own softness.

  Riks’ reaction was immediate and swift. He pulled himself from her mouth and with one hand bent her further forward so she was crouched on the bed now. His palm landed quickly on her still stinging backside and she cried out at the unexpected punishment.

  One. Two. Three. Four. Five fierce smacks on each cheek had her cringing in pain. She heard him stand but didn’t dare look up.

  “I tell you when you can touch yourself. Do you understand? Remember, Rena, you’re mine.”

  Rena nodded. She had known as much somehow, that he would react that way to what she’d done. Still, the desire had been too much to resist. She promised herself she wouldn’t do it again.

  “Okay, pet. You won’t do it again, will you?”

  Rena shook her head.

  “Good. Then later, if you’re good, you’ll get your reward. Not now though.”

  Rena’s heart sank at his words. “But—” she whimpered.

  “But nothing.” He put a hand on her hair, caressing it softly. “You can end this any time, Rena. But if you want to be mine, I expect you to be mine completely. Now stay right here until I come back. I’m going to find that wormhole we jumped from and jump back in.”

  “Where are we going?”

  “Back to Balon. To get your ship.”

  Chapter Eleven

  Riks could tell something was wrong as soon as he stepped onto the bridge.

  “What the hell’s going on here? What’s that?” he asked, pointing to the small red dot that was flashing on the monitor, throwing up heat signature alarms.

  “It’s… I don’t know, sir, it just popped up.”

  “Bring up a visual,” Riks said, turning to Aamer.

  The boy punched a sequence of keys on the screen in front of him and an image sprang to life. It didn’t take long for Riks to react.

  “Ready engines one and two for ignition,” he said sternly, walking over to the pilot’s chair.

  “Uh, sir? What about the heat shields? We can’t land anywhere without them.”

  “Shit,” Riks swore through clenched teeth. The boy was right. There was no time to do anything now. The ship was coming right for them, clearly there to investigate who they were. It bore no markings and the heat signature didn’t identify it as friend or foe. Riks knew the best thing to do was not wait around to find out. “Doesn’t matter. Find me a system with a gas giant and set a course.”

  “Aye aye, sir,” Hury responded, already keying the search into his computer.

  “I’m going to get the women. They’ll need to be strapped in for this.”

  Riks thundered through the corridor. When he got to the mess, he found Jayne there, whistling as she scrubbed pots.

  “Get to the bridge,” Riks ordered.

  She looked up, stunned by his sudden directness. “I’m just doing the…”

  “Do it now!” Riks roared, pointing a finger toward the bridge.

  Jayne’s eyes shot wide in shock and she dropped the pot she’d been cleaning. Without hesitation, she broke into a run, pushing past him and heading toward the bridge.

  Riks moved further back into the ship until he got to his cabin. When he opened the door, Rena was right where he’d left her, crouched on the bed obediently waiting for his return. She lifted her head slightly and when she saw that it was him, she immediately looked back down at the bed.

  “Good,” Riks said gently, “you’ve been very good.”

  “Do I get my reward?” Rena asked, looking up at him in longing.

  “Not yet. We have to go.”

  “Go? Go where?” she asked, sounding suddenly confused.

  “We have to get to the bridge. We all need to be strapped in, in case things get… interesting.”

  She began to rise, still puzzled, but ready to obey his wish. She reached for her clothes.

  “No. There’s no time for that and besides, pets don’t wear clothes.”

  Rena’s mouth dropped open. “But aren’t we all going to the bridge? Isn’t everyone going to be there?”

  “They are. What about it?” Riks said, starting to get impatient with all the questions.

  “Well… they’ll all see me!” Rena responded, her voice starting
to sound shrill.

  They both turned as they heard the alarms on the bridge grow louder. Riks looked back. There was no more time for questions and there certainly wasn’t time to argue. He’d already been far too lenient with her. She’d have to be punished for questioning him later. He reached out, swept an arm around her back then lifted her easily over his shoulder. Cringing at her shriek, he settled her onto his shoulder then spun around and headed through the door.

  The bridge was noisier now, with alarms ringing louder as the strange ship approached. Riks lowered Rena into a jump seat. She looked horrified as she tried to cover herself from the eyes of the crew.

  Aamer and Hury paused for a moment to glance at the scene but quickly resumed what they’d been doing. Jayne’s gaze lingered on them from the seat beside and Riks saw a smile curl her lips. Turning his attention back to Rena, Riks saw her blushing fiercely and trying desperately not to meet anyone’s gaze. But as he buckled her into the seat, he noticed her nipples were tight and he could smell the scent of her excitement from between her legs.

  Tightening the straps at her chest so her breasts were held in place, he felt himself stiffen in excitement at her state. There was nothing that made Riks feel more aroused than the feeling of being in total control of a woman, but he’d have to put that aside for now. As soon as she’d been buckled in, Riks hurried back to the pilot’s seat.

  “How’s that search going, son?” Riks asked tersely, his fingers dancing on the throttle.

  “Locked and ready, captain,” Hury responded.

  “Ignition engines one and two,” Riks ordered.

  “Ignition engines one and two,” Aamer echoed as the two of them simultaneously turned the switch. The ship shook as the engines rumbled to life.

  “Ignition three and four.”

  “Ignition three and four,” Aamer replied instantly as they flipped the second switch. The ship rumbled again.

  Riks knew immediately when the ship shook that the blast that had caused it had come from a light cannon. It was time to get out of here. With engines three and four only at seventy-five percent operational capacity, he nudged the throttle forward, watching the line of their orbit on his display and timing the best place to break free of the moon’s orbit.


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