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Hunted and Caught

Page 8

by Madisen, Samantha

  “Damage report.”

  “All systems appear operational, sir, just a big black spot from the blast on the hull. Looks like they just wanted to fire one across the bow…”

  “Incoming transmission, sir,” Hury interrupted.

  “Bring it up,” Riks ordered. The screen to his side flickered to life and Riks looked over, keeping one eye on the orbit as he nudged the throttle open a bit more. Riks felt his heart skip a beat as the image of the Bani Voida glowed on the communication screen to his side but he did his best not to let the reaction register on his face. How in the hell had the ugly bastard found them all the way out here?

  “Voida,” Riks began, doing his best to hide his surprise. “To what do we owe the pleasure?”

  “I’ll skip the small talk this time, Captain Riks. You have something we want. Time to hand it over.”

  Riks did his best not to flinch at the sound of his name coming from the creature’s mouth. He never gave out his name. He was sure he hadn’t done it back on Balon when Voida had said his. The only way he could have known it was by reading the landing logs but those were encrypted and confidential. Either this Bani was very well connected or there was something much bigger going on here.

  “Not sure what you’re talking about?” Riks replied, shooting the creature a sarcastic smile. Riks glanced at the screen outlining their orbit. They were quickly approaching the spot where they could slingshot free of the moon’s gravity and shoot for the wormhole that was… a feeling of dread crawled through Riks as he realized the wormhole was directly behind the approaching Bani’s ship. There was no way they were getting out of here without shooting their way out. Unless…

  Another, much fiercer blast rocked the ship and Riks had to grab onto the armrests of his seat to keep from being thrown from it. Once the shock of the blast had worn off, he pressed the mute button on the communications screen and turned to his crew of two.

  “Damage,” he asked, his voice collected but urgent.

  “Looking worse this time, captain,” Hury responded, sliding through the systems report on his screen. “Looks like we’ve lost some capacity in engines one and three. Everything else is solid but captain, we need to go. Now.”

  Riks glanced at the indicators next to the throttle he’d been nudging open. Two of them glowed yellow now, showing the reduced capacity of the crippled engines. Another hit like that and they’d lose their ability to jump and would be left floating out here until someone came to help. Riks did his best to keep his cool. It seemed like this bounty hunter was intent on getting his prize and had the firepower to do it. Riks knew what he had to do.

  He turned back to the communications screen and flicked the mute button again.

  “Perhaps that might be a little reminder for you? I’m not playing around, Riks. Give me the girl or I’ll come get her myself.”

  Riks turned and looked at Rena. Her eyes were wide with fear as she strained against the straps holding her into the jump seat.

  “Engines off,” Riks said quietly, turning to his crew.

  The expressions they made betrayed their shock.

  “Sir?” Hury asked quietly.

  “You heard me,” Riks replied. “Engines off.” He glanced at Rena, who was staring at him. The whine of the engines began to die from below decks and Riks could feel everyone’s eyes on him. “Alright, Voida, you ugly fuck,” Riks said, turning to the screen to face the bounty hunter. “You can have the girl…”

  “No!” Jayne’s scream echoed through the bridge.

  “…but I’m coming with her.”

  The Bani stared for a while silently through the screen, then a quiet chuckle burbled from his throat.

  “Now why would you want to do that, Captain Riks? You would not be thinking of upsetting my plans of delivering her to Ceto now, would you?”

  “I caught the girl. You’re trying to pinch my reward. Don’t worry, I get it. So here’s the deal. You can come and try to get her yourself, but that’ll only happen over my dead body. Or we can fly to Ceto together and split the bounty forty-sixty. I get the fat end of that, by the way.”

  Riks watched Voida frown at the offer. He could tell he almost had the ugly bastard.

  “I’ll tell you what, Voida. I’ll even train her for you on the way there. More money for both of us.”

  The creature scratched its head with skinny knuckles.

  “Fine,” the Bani replied after another long silence. “Prepare to board my ship. You have yourself a deal.”

  Riks pushed a button on the screen and it flickered then turned to black. When he looked up, he found the others all staring at him in an icy, stunned silence.

  “There was no other way we were getting out of here,” Riks said, casually getting up and walking over to where Hury and Aamer were sitting. “Set a course for Ceto but one that’s a little less obvious. I don’t know how the hell that fuck found us here but we can only assume he’s going to find us no matter where we go. This seems bigger than bounty.”

  The two young men nodded in response to Riks’ order.

  “Sir?” Hury asked quietly.

  “What is it, son?”

  “What’s going to happen? I mean… what are you going to do?”

  “I haven’t thought about that yet. Head to Ceto. There’s a small planet in that system called Cyloo that isn’t completely overrun by Bani. Swing into orbit around the moon and wait. I’ll contact you.”

  “How… how long should we wait, sir?” Hury asked, sounding scared.

  Riks realized it was asking a lot of the young men and trusting them even more. He needed something more than just the lure of their pay to cajole them to make the dangerous journey.

  “You men know how to train a woman?” Riks asked, folding his arms across his chest.

  The two shook their heads.

  “If you’re there circling Cyloo when I call, I’ll show you a few things about what it takes to make a woman yours. You can decide how long that’s worth waiting for yourself. Now get that course set before that ugly bastard shows up.”

  At that moment the ship shuddered as the Bani craft settled against it with a bump.

  Riks crossed the room to where Rena was sitting. She shot him an angry glare. Leaning down, he began to unbuckle her belt.

  “This is the only way,” Riks said, letting the straps of the belt fall from her body and pulling her up to standing. “You have to trust me. Understand?”

  Rena swallowed, glanced at the three others before looking back at him. Slowly, she nodded her head.

  “Good,” Riks said, “go to my cabin and put your flight suit on. I’ll be there soon. Go.”

  Rena turned and shuffled out the door, still trying to cover her exposed body.

  Riks leaned down and looked at Jayne.

  “You’ll be safe with these two. It’s the only way I can help her.”

  Jayne nodded in understanding.

  The slow hiss of the docking hatch opening could be heard from the corridor. Riks stood up and looked in the direction of the noise. It was time to figure out how to swindle a Bani out of his prize.

  Chapter Twelve

  “I’ll want to make sure the girl is healthy,” Rena heard the Bani saying through the thin steel of the door. She shuddered at the thought. Riks’ words echoed in her mind.

  Trust me.

  It seemed like for the time being, she had no choice.

  “She’s healthy enough,” she heard Riks reply. “I had her examined back on Balon.”

  “By a human doctor, I suppose?” the Bani asked.

  “He was human,” she heard Riks mutter in response.

  “You’ll forgive me then, for wanting to check her myself. If we had to trust your doctors to keep us well, the Bani would have been long extinct. How far along is she? In her training?”

  “She’s taken one plug. A small one.”

  Rena wriggled, now enjoying the sensation of the thing still deep inside her. In some strange way, it made he
r feel safe.

  “Well, there’s much to do then,” the Bani replied and she heard the creature begin to walk away. “I have power enough for half the trip. We’ll have to buy a new supply at Anat. They have a viewing chamber there. We can make some extra money…”

  Rena’s jaw tightened at the mention of the planet.

  “Hey! Voida!” she heard Riks calling out after the departing Bani. “There’s no way I can have her ready to perform in a viewing chamber that soon!”

  “You’ll find a way! Remember all that money!” the alien’s voice drifted from down the hall before a door slammed shut. Rena startled when her own door swung open.

  “Relax, pet. It’s just me,” Riks said as he walked in.

  “Well? What now, genius?” Rena demanded, ignoring the obedience she knew Riks demanded. In a situation like this, Rena wasn’t about to let this big dumb bounty hunter get her into any more trouble than he had already. She found herself over his knee in no time. “Hey!” she cried as the first of his reprimands landed on her rear. “This isn’t the time for this!” she shouted, squirming to try and escape the iron grip he had on her.

  She felt the pants of her flight suit being pulled down, then the sharp sting of his skin against hers as the first of his smacks connected with her flesh. She writhed, trying to squirm away but soon realized it was hopeless. The pain of it began to fill her whole being and soon she realized there was only one way to make him stop. Relaxing her body on his knee, she submitted to her punishment the way she knew he wanted. As soon as she did, the spanking stopped.

  His hand rested on her bottom, and Rena felt it burning more as his hand kept the heat in.

  “That’s better,” he said, his voice quiet and low.

  Before she knew what was happening, she felt his hand on the ridge of the plug that was still deep inside her. Spreading her with the fingers of one hand, he began to pull with the other. Rena groaned at the feeling of the thing leaving her. Once it was completely out, she found herself missing it and hating the emptiness its absence left inside her. She looked back at the big brute, just as he pulled her up and sat her across his knee. She flinched at the stinging in her backside.

  “Take the rest of your clothes off,” Riks ordered, setting her standing.

  “What? Riks, I…”

  A single glance was enough to get her to comply. She knew that resistance would only earn her another spanking. Maybe if she did as she was told, he would tell her what he planned. As she slid off the flight suit once again, she felt his stare on her body and soon her nipples had hardened in response.

  “Good. Now listen. Voida’s got plans for us that were a little different than I was expecting.”

  “Different how?” she asked quietly.

  “He’s only got enough fuel for half the journey, which means we’ll have to refuel it on Anat.”

  Rena tensed again as she heard the planet’s name.

  “I see you’ve been?” Riks asked.

  “I’ve heard enough about it,” Rena replied.

  “Well, then you might know how they prefer their women treated there.”

  Rena looked away. It was slowly dawning on her what would have to be done, but that didn’t mean she had to like it.

  “I’m to have you properly trained before we get there,” Riks went on.

  “For what?” Rena asked angrily.

  Riks sighed. “Voida wants to make some extra money at a viewing chamber.”

  “What’s that?” Rena snapped. Apparently there was a part of Anat she hadn’t heard about.

  “It’s a place folks go to watch women be…” Riks hesitated, as if searching for the right words. “…put through their paces,” he said finally.

  Rena frowned. “What does that mean?” she asked. Riks’ face betrayed nothing.

  “To you it doesn’t mean anything different. I told you you’re mine and that I’ll do with you as I please. Well, that’s what happens on Anat except there’s a crowd watching.”

  Rena couldn’t believe what she was hearing. “A crowd? What do you mean a crowd is watching?”

  “I mean that there are all sorts of sordid types, pirates and scoundrels mostly, that will be watching while I do with you what I please.” His tone was as flat and dry as ever, as if what she was hearing shouldn’t have been a surprise at all.

  “What are you talking about? I’m not doing anything like that! That’s… that’s horrible!” Rena screamed, backing away from him and trying to cover herself. He seemed unfazed by her outburst.

  “Calm down.” This time it was a growl. The kind Rena had come to know preceded another spanking.

  She did her best to calm herself down, though standing so exposed in front of him was not helping matters.

  “Good,” he said, seeming pleased at her effort. “Now come here.”

  Rena did as she was told. Still shy, she stepped toward him.

  “The first thing you’ll need to know,” Riks began, pulling her arms away from her body, “is your presenting position. Get on your knees.”

  A wave of shame moved through her, but Rena complied with his request. She lowered herself until she was kneeling before him. The position made the tension lessen inside her.

  “Good. Now onto your hands and knees.”

  Rena did as she was asked. Riks walked around her and from the corner of her eye she could see him staring at her, his gaze moving along her body. The thought that she would have to do this in front of a leering crowd sent a flush of embarrassment to her cheeks. She felt the wetness begin in her pussy.

  “Good,” Riks said, his low, quiet voice making her shiver in excitement. She looked back as he knelt beside her. “No,” he corrected with a quick swat to her rear. “You must look forward at all times. Even when they are inspecting you, you must not move your head.”

  “Inspecting me?” Rena cried, turning her head again. Another swift swat to her rear made her cry out, but she looked forward again, as she’d been told.

  “Good. If we’re to make any money at this, you’ll have to do exactly as I tell you.”

  She felt Riks’ hand moving along her ass, petting her now where the smack was burning gently. A confusing swell of emotions moved through her and she tried picking them apart. Riks really was treating her as if she were a pet, telling her how she should act and correcting her if she did the wrong thing. But the confusing part of it was that even though she felt humiliated by it, more so by the thought that he’d be doing it in front of others, she didn’t dislike any of what he was doing. The more he did it, the more aroused she seemed to be by it.

  “That’s good,” he said quietly, still petting her rear. “Now let me explain what will happen once we’re there. They’ll have to do a medical assessment first.”

  Rena gasped and began to swing her head back to look at him. Another smack caused her to snap back to the proper position.

  “Don’t worry. It’s nothing like what the doctor did here. I hate to admit it but Voida has a point. Human doctors are a few lightyears behind everyone else. All the doctor will do is put a rod into you.”

  Rena felt herself tense at his words. A rod into her? While people watched? Despite her shock, she held her position.

  “It won’t last long. Most human women say it feels very good, once they’ve had it put inside.” Riks moved his hand lower, in between her legs and paused there. Rena couldn’t help but rear onto him slightly. Her arousal had already made her quite wet and now she longed to feel any part of him inside her again. As soon as she moved her body backwards, another harsh smack landed on her behind. “You’ll have to do much better than that,” Riks growled. “The reason people come to a viewing chamber is so they can pay to watch you perform. If you start trying to pleasure yourself before someone’s ordered it, everyone will leave.”

  He moved his hand between her legs again. She closed her eyes and despite the incredible pull she felt to move herself closer to him, Rena tried focusing on what he felt like between he
r legs, enjoying the moment as best she could.

  “That’s much better,” Riks said approvingly. “You’ve done enough. For now. You can stand.”

  Rena breathed a sigh of relief as she stood up. She glanced at the pile of her clothes, then at Riks.

  “You can speak, Rena,” he offered. “I won’t keep you as a pet all day.”

  “Can I get dressed?” she asked.

  Riks shook his head. “It’s best for you to just stay without your clothes, so you get comfortable being without them. It won’t take long before you forget that you don’t have them on. Any other questions?”

  Rina thought for a moment. “Can they… will they touch me?”

  Riks smiled a reassuring smile. “No. The only person that can touch you is me. That’s why the better trained you are, the more money we make. They’ll want to see how much pleasure you can take without a climax. Or how quickly I can make you climax. It’s really not all bad and it’ll be over before you know it.”

  “How much pleasure I can take before I climax?” Rena asked, astonished.

  “Yes. You want me to show you?”

  Another wave of shame washed over her as she realized how excited she’d become at his description. What was she thinking? She wasn’t some pet to be taken out and paraded around and paid to commit these shameful acts in front of an audience! At the same time, she could feel her own wetness starting to run down the inside of her leg again. How could it be that her body reacted one way and her mind another?

  “I know what you’re thinking, Rena.” Riks’ voice interrupted her conflicted thoughts.

  “You… you do?”

  “Yes. You’re ashamed at the thought that you’re enjoying this so much, aren’t you? I can tell you’re wet again, I see it.” He pointed at where she felt the wetness coming from her pussy and she felt her face turn as red as a thousand glowing suns as she looked down at the floor. “There’s no shame in it Rena,” he went on, his voice soothing her humiliation somewhat. “There’s nothing wrong with enjoying your own pleasure. Why would there be?”


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