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Waiting to Lose

Page 26

by Dawn L. Chiletz

  “Michael!” Madi’s mother shouted. “Kendra’s family, now knock it off! Take your stuff up to your room and come down with a better attitude.”

  “Yes, Mom.” Michael crinkled his nose at Kendra and she mimicked him back.

  “How’s the secretarial work going, Mikey?” Kendra asked. “Is it tough bringing coffee back and forth to your bosses and filing reports? Let me know if you need to borrow some of my heels. I heard you should dress for the job you want, not the job you have.”

  “You know damn well I’m an administrative assistant!” He turned to Jake, explaining, “I’m an admin, not a secretary. There’s a difference.”

  Jake nodded his head in agreement as Kendra hit her leg, laughing. Michael flipped her off before heading up the stairs.

  Madi sighed as she turned to a smiling, consoling Jake. “Welcome to the Ryans’. And Collin isn’t even here yet.”

  Jake sat at the kitchen table, flipping through an old photo album of Madi at age six. Madi sat on his lap with one arm draped around his neck. Rob was still watching the game with Madi’s father, Kendra was in the other room on her cell, and Michael hadn’t come down from his room. Apparently, his attitude had yet to improve.

  “You were adorable, even then,” Jake said as he bent slightly to get a look at a picture of Madi on Santa’s lap.

  “She was such a worrier,” Madi’s mom responded with a shake of her head, taking the potatoes out of the oven.

  “Still is,” Jake replied as he kissed the area below her ear, causing Madi to shift on his lap.

  Jake took a sip of his beer and Madi moaned lightly at the smell of him. He was a heady combination of cologne, mint and beer… It was intoxicating. The more she focused on the way he smelled, the more her body reacted to it.

  “Are you feeling uncomfortable?” he whispered in her ear.

  Madi pushed down into his waist. “Are you?”

  He brought the bottle back to his lips and nodded lightly. “Touché.”

  Madi’s fingers curled into the hair at the base of his neck, and Jake took a deep breath. His blue eyes flickered with longing.

  The front door opened and Madi turned. A smile crept across her face. Her oldest brother, Collin, stomped the snow from his feet, and her eighty-eight-year-old grandmother, Dee, removed her hat.

  Madi whispered to Jake, “Collin and Grandma Dee.”

  Jake nodded appreciatively.

  Madi and her mother both rushed toward the door. Madi went straight for her grandmother.

  “Hi, Grandma!” Madi kissed her cheek and hugged her tightly.

  “Hello, Madison. My goodness, look at you! So grown up! Are you still in high school?” she asked.

  “No, Grandma. College.”

  “What?” she asked, straining to hear.

  “College, Grandma.” Madi shouted, turning to Jake, who leaned on the railing near the stairs. “Grandma, this is my boyfriend, Jake Morgan.”

  Grandma Dee glanced up at him and made an O with her lips. “He is a hottie,” she said, attempting to whisper as she held her hand up to her mouth. Her whispers were actually a normal speaking voice. Her hearing wasn’t what it used to be.

  Jake smiled and Madi giggled from embarrassment.

  “I’ll say…” Collin repeated, checking Jake up and down.

  “He’s mine, Collin. Find your own man,” Madi replied sarcastically as she kissed his cheek.

  “I’m trying,” he said as he removed his shoes. “Good men are hard to come by these days.”

  Rob came around the corner.

  “Well, Happy Thanksgiving and Merry Christmas to me,” Collin stated excitedly as he held out his hand to Rob. “Collin Ryan.”

  Rob’s eyes formed tiny slits as he shook his hand. “Rob Haster.”

  “Kendra’s boyfriend,” Madi added, seeing the strained expression on Rob’s face.

  “Well, damn,” he responded. “Are there any more?” he asked, leaning to see around the corner. Rob immediately turned and left the room.

  “Collin, my boy!” Madi’s father yelled as Collin reached out to hug his father.

  “Did you bring me any drugs?” he asked jokingly.

  “Sorry, Pops, they still don’t let pharmacists write prescriptions.”

  Steve snapped his fingers in defeat.

  Kendra leaned on the doorframe, raising her arm above her head seductively.

  “Guurrrlll…” Collin said in his most fake, flamboyant voice.

  “Hey yourself, guurrrlll!” Kendra responded, laughing.

  “Get your hot ass over here and give me a kiss,” Collin said with a wave.

  Madi walked into Jake’s open arm as they watched Kendra bounce into Collin’s embrace. Jake placed his arm around her waist and rubbed his chin with his free hand.

  “Now Kendra likes Collin…” Madi whispered.

  “Um hmm,” Jake responded, turning into her.

  “Can’t stand Michael.”

  “Hmm.” He kissed her cheek, lingering for a moment there.

  “Look at you!” Collin shouted as Kendra danced around him, laughing. “And you have a boyfriend? Did hell freeze over while I was in Michigan?” he asked.

  “Hi, Mom,” Madi’s father said, taking his mother’s coat and kissing her. “How was the drive?” he asked.

  “Yes, I’m alive,” Grandma Dee responded, shaking her head, offended.

  He sighed as he placed her coat on a hanger and onto the rack.

  “Are you sorry you came now?” Madi whispered into Jake’s ear.

  Jake lifted a strand of her hair from her lips. “Not in the least. It’s like watching a comedy show. I’m wondering what’s going to happen next.”

  “That should be it,” she said, peering at them. “And it’s more than enough,” she laughed, bending to kiss his cheek. He turned quickly and her lips met his.

  Madi sighed and smiled into his eyes before glancing at all the chaos around her. “Just a few more hours.”

  HE FOLLOWED HER up the stairs to her room. She hushed him as she opened the door and pulled him inside. It was dark and he couldn’t see her very well, but it didn’t matter. He immediately felt her wet lips on his, and he shoved the door closed behind them. She pushed him back into the door and her hand slid down his leg, gripping his dick through his pants.

  “Shit!” he whispered into her lips, as Madi pressed her tongue into his mouth and stroked him hungrily.

  “Are you trying to unman me?” he hushed into her ear as his hand slid up her sweater, cupping her breast.

  “I want you,” she panted.

  “If your father catches me, I’m a dead man.”

  Madi slid his zipper down and Jake’s concerns vanished. He pulled down on the lace of her bra and squeezed her nipple in between his fingers.

  “I thought she went upstairs to her room,” Madi’s mother yelled.

  “I’ll find her,” Kendra shouted. After a few creaks of the stairs, Kendra tried to open Madi’s bedroom door, but Jake and Madi were firmly planted against it.

  “Oh, cripes, you’re both in here, aren’t you?” Kendra asked. “Come on, dinner’s ready and I’m about to put Rob in his place.”

  Jake sighed as they continued to kiss, but at a much slower pace. Jake readjusted her bra as she attempted to find the light switch with her hands.

  As the light shocked his eyes, Jake squinted, his hand skimming through his hair.

  “You’re so hot,” she sighed as she pressed back into him, kissing his lips.

  “Unless you want your father up here with his gun, I suggest you back away and let me go splash my face, and maybe some other areas, with some cold water.”

  Madi giggled as she lifted his zipper and Jake moaned in discomfort.

  She waited for him outside the bathroom door and they came downstairs together, trying to not look as guilty as they felt.

  They stood in the doorway of the dining room and watched a game of musical chairs. Everyone seemed to get up at the same tim
e and shift to the right as Madi’s mom pointed with one hand while the other rested on her cheek in confusion. Kendra sat in the same chair, unmoving, placing an entire bottle of wine in front of her. Rob stood behind her, almost at attention, shifting left then right as Madi’s mother pointed. Collin and Michael argued over which one of them would sit near the mashed potatoes, and Grandma Dee kept saying “What?” as Madi’s father repeatedly pointed to a chair for her to sit in.

  Madi sighed heavily and Jake laughed to himself. Her family was perfect.

  As the commotion calmed down, Madi and Jake took their places across from Kendra and Rob. Michael sighed when he realized he was near the broccoli, and Madi’s father traded it for the bowl of rolls, which seemed to appease him.

  Kendra rolled her eyes at him and he shook his head in disgust. Rob scratched his head. Jake’s hand slid onto Madi’s thigh and she squeezed it, their fingers interlocking. He brought their hands to his mouth and gently kissed her fingers. Her eyes dashed from his to her mother, who smiled appreciatively at the gesture.

  “As always,” Mr. Ryan began, standing with a raised glass, “we are blessed to have our family together from near and far. New friends and old friends,” he said, motioning first to Jake and then to Kendra, “and all the ones we love. So raise your glass as we remember how thankful we should be for the love we share and the blessings that God has given us, today and every day. To all of you…”

  There was collective appreciation and the clanking of glasses before plates were lifted and various bowls shifted from one place to another. The moment of silence was replaced with loud voices saying “Here” and “Take this” and “Do you want some?”

  Kendra rolled her eyes at Rob as he piled food onto his plate. “I know you need energy to keep up with me sexually, but take it easy, sugar plum.”

  Rob shifted slightly, “I don’t need food to keep up with you, doll. I’m just taking more to make sure you don’t overeat. You’re getting a little chubby.”

  Michael cackled loudly.

  Rob smirked and Kendra turned in disgust. “Shut your face, Michael. You’re only upset because I turned you down flat.”

  “Did you say you’re getting fat?” Grandma Dee asked.

  Rob chuckled and Kendra stomped on his foot under the table, causing him to flinch.

  Madi sighed and attempted to kick Kendra under the table. Collin bent quickly and said “Ow!”

  “Sorry, Collin,” Madi said with a shrug.

  Grandma Dee turned to Madi’s father and started explaining how his sister Margaret was going to have to get a knee replacement.

  Madi’s mother pretended not to hear any of it and held a bowl, encouraging Rob to take more. He smiled and piled it on.

  After attempting to listen to what seemed to be fifty different conversations going on at the same time, Jake felt Madi staring at him.

  He turned his head and she bit her lip, smiling. “I’m so glad you’re here,” she said.

  All other sounds faded away for that small moment as his left hand pressed into his pocket, making sure his surprise for her remained in place.


  MADI WAVED AT the door as Kendra pulled away in her car with Rob a short distance behind. Jake had to order him to take the night off. He was reluctant, but after a quick call to Dave confirmed Peter Markum had not left his apartment in L.A., and one of his associates would be with Jake for the night, he conceded. Madi watched Jake speak to him in private before he left and wondered what he was mumbling in his ear.

  Allison Gregory was confirmed to be hiding out at her family’s home near San Francisco, and there had been no news of her alleged blackmailer. The whole situation with her had really thrown them all for a loop. She and Jake had only briefly discussed her on the phone. There was still a lot they didn’t know about her and why she was so afraid of telling Jake the name of her blackmailer. Madi turned back to the kitchen to finish helping her mother put away the last of the dishes. Jake sat in the family room with Madi’s father and brothers.

  “You okay, Madi?” her mother asked as she dried a bowl with a towel.

  “I’m great. Better now that Jake’s here.”

  Madi’s mom smiled, but she could see the worry in her face.

  “He loves me, Mom. He really does.”

  “I know he does,” she nodded. “I can see the way he looks at you. This thing between you—it’s serious, isn’t it?” she asked.

  “It is.” Madi nodded. “He’s different from any other man I’ve ever known. I mean, I know he’s the only famous musician I’ve ever dated, but even if he weren’t famous, even if he were just a normal guy with a normal life, I’d still love him.” She smiled and sighed. “He’s so good to me. He always puts me first, over everything. He doesn’t have to say the words for me to feel his love. All he has to do is smile. He makes me laugh. He makes me stronger.” Madi beamed and her mother sighed.

  “He’s quite a catch. You could do far worse.”

  “She could also do better,” Michael added as he entered the room and placed a glass on the table, falling into a chair.

  Madi pursed her lips and glared at him.

  “How do you know the pictures weren’t real?” Michael asked. “How can you be so sure he’s telling you the truth?”

  “Michael, I just know, okay? You need to stop. You never cared who I dated before now. Why all the concern?”

  Michael shrugged. “I know I haven’t exactly been the best brother in the world, but I see how you look at him. You’re different with him. I don’t want him to hurt you.”

  Madi hugged him and he patted her back.

  “He’s not going to hurt me, okay? I’m a big girl. I can take care of myself.”

  “Yes she can,” Collin announced as he entered and grabbed a cookie from the table. “I think he’s fantastic, Madi Padi. When’s he going to sing for us?” he asked.

  “He’s not. Not today,” Madi insisted. “He just finished an incredibly exhausting tour and he needs to rest.”

  “Maybe another time, then,” Collin added.

  “Where’s grandma?” Michael asked, glancing around.

  “She dozed off in the living room and we didn’t have the heart to wake her just for pie.”

  “She probably would have asked you if you’d told her to die.”

  They all laughed, and Madi made a mental note of the moment. She never wanted to forget how amazing and full of life and hope she felt today. Jake Morgan was in her home and her family accepted him and even seemed to love him, too.

  Jake turned the corner and everyone stopped to stare. Madi smirked.

  “Did I interrupt something?” he asked, pausing frozen.

  “Not at all,” Collin interjected. “Michael was just saying that he’d break off your legs and feed them to Lex in the basement if you hurt our sister. I, being the cool brother, told him you wouldn’t do that. Would you?”

  Jake glanced around the room at all the eyes waiting for his response. Madi frowned, widening her eyes and mouthing “I’m sorry” to him.

  “I can assure you that I have the best of intentions. I adore your sister. She’s fixed a broken part of me that I didn’t know could be repaired. She sewed me up and made me whole.”

  Madi, Emily and Collin collectively sighed. Michael glanced to them and rolled his eyes.

  “I need to find a man to say those things to me,” Collin said as he grabbed another cookie and puttered back to the family room.

  Madi’s eyes rose to the clock. She needed to get some alone time with him. “Oh my gosh, Jake. Don’t we need to get going? Look at the time!” Her eyes widened as her eyebrows shot up to him.

  “I suppose we had better go,” Jake replied with concerned urgency.

  “Mrs. Ryan, I’d love to take you all to dinner Saturday night, if you’re available.”

  Madi’s shoulders slumped. She didn’t want to share him.

  “Thank you so much, Jake. That’s sweet of you, but we’ve already
made plans with the Raynors down the street for Saturday.”

  “Perhaps another time,” he said, kissing her cheek. “Thank you for everything. I don’t think I’ve eaten that well in months.”

  After saying their good-byes, Madi and Jake walked down the driveway. “Should I drive?” she asked, pointing to her car.

  Jake glanced at his phone. “No,” he said, shaking his head nonchalantly.

  “You want to drive?” she asked as she handed him the keys.

  “No,” he replied once more, not looking at her.

  “Well, someone has to drive,” she insisted.

  He was too busy with his phone to acknowledge her.

  Madi’s hands flew to her hips as she sighed at him in frustration. She turned as she heard the roll of tires approaching. A long black limousine edged to a stop in the street.

  “Do you have a bag? An overnight bag, perhaps?” he asked with a smirk.

  Madi shuffled her feet. “I might have a bag packed for a night, or two, or three.” She popped her trunk. The driver took Madi’s bag, placing it into his trunk. Jake held the door for her to climb inside.

  “You’re always full of surprises, aren’t you?” she asked admiringly.

  “Baby, you ain’t seen nothin’ yet.”

  “WHERE ARE YOU taking me?” she asked. Her hand was on his chest and he couldn’t stop staring at her fingers as they played with the buttons of his coat.

  “It’s a surprise,” he replied with a smile as he forced his eyes from her fingers to her flickering eyelashes.

  “A good surprise?” she asked excitedly, bouncing in her seat.

  He laughed. He loved to see her so happy. “I would hope so.” He nodded, gazing into her eyes.

  Madi sighed before she glanced out the window. “We’re going into the city?” she asked.

  “It would appear we are.”

  “Come on, Jake! Give me a hint.”

  He smirked as he pressed his finger to his lips. “A hint, she says.”

  Madi nodded, biting her lip as she watched him thinking.

  “There could, very possibly, be a bed there.”


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