Book Read Free

Soul Matters

Page 29

by Yolonda Tonette Sanders

  Kim never saw anyone put a sparkle in Gwen’s eye the way Otis had done during the last few weeks. “When you two stop professing to be just friends, let me know and I’ll help with the wedding arrangements.” Kim winked.

  “Girl, you know there ain’t nuttin’ like an Otis.” Gwen repeated Otis’s signature line, sending Kim away giggling.

  She walked past the table where her parents, Terrance’s parents, and Harold sat. Kim blew a kiss to her father, who pretended to catch it and place it over his heart. She smiled and looked around for Terrance but didn’t see him. It was getting pretty muggy inside, so she stepped onto the balcony for some fresh air.

  Once outside, Kim placed her hands on the rail and looked at the stars. We did it, she thought. Today she and Terrance had pledged their love for one another in front of their family and friends and had become one in the sight of God. The wedding ceremony itself hadn’t lasted too long, but the memory of the event would last a lifetime.

  Tori and Tyler enjoyed the attention they got as the ring bearer and flower girl. Tori looked so cute in her white, frilly dress laced with purple trim. Gwen had done her hair in Shirley Temple curls that lay perfectly around the tiara she wore. Tyler’s tuxedo was similar to his dad’s, which made his resemblance to Terrance stand out even more. The kids were excited about Kim and Terrance getting married. Although they didn’t understand what it meant spiritually, naturally they understood that the four of them had truly become a family.

  Family—that word meant a lot to Kim. Each and every member of her family was important to her, including the new additions, Harold and Otis. To make sure that they knew how much she valued having them as members of her family, she had included them in the wedding ceremony. Otis was asked to be an usher and Harold was acknowledged as being her grandfather. It was the first time Kim had called him by that title. Even though her children now referred to him as Grandpa Harry, Kim had continued to call him Mr. Wallace, although she felt that doing so seemed very impersonal. She had made the mental transition from thinking of him as Mr. Wallace to Grandpa, but she had not yet been able to make the verbal transition. That is, until today. Harold heard Kim call him “Grandpa” for the first time and he, along with Marlene, had been brought to tears.

  Harold’s presence brought life back into the Tibbs family despite Frances’s death. Harold’s mere existence was enough to put a smile on anyone’s face because he was such a pleasure to be around. Marlene never went back to work after her mother died, so she was able to spend a lot of time with Harold. They laughed together, cried together, prayed together, and, most importantly, enjoyed their time together.

  “I know you’re not having second thoughts already.” Terrance walked up behind Kim on the balcony and put his arms around her. He kissed her on the cheek.

  Kim turned around, leaned her back against the railing, and put her arms around his neck. “Not a chance.”

  “Good, ’cuz I plan on keeping you for a very long time.”

  “Even after I gain about sixty pounds, my teeth fall out, and I go bald?”

  “I’ll put you on a diet, get you some dentures, and buy you a wig,” he kidded. “But most importantly, I will never . . . ever stop loving you,” Terrance said before kissing her.

  Like typical newlyweds, the two of them got lost in their love for one another. There was a long silence while nothing else around them mattered. If it hadn’t been for the sound of someone clearing their throat, it might have been a few more moments before their kiss ended.

  “Perhaps y’all should get a room,” Wendy teased. She looked gorgeous in her deep purple satin dress. It came off her shoulders slightly, giving her a sexy yet very elegant appearance.

  “We already got one.” Kim grinned and stuck out her tongue.

  She and Terrance let go of each other. “I’m gonna go back in and let y’all talk,” he announced, and looked at his watch. “Wendy, don’t keep my wife out here longer than five minutes or I might have to put a choke hold on you,” he jestfully threatened his sister-in-law.

  She pushed him playfully. “Boy, shut up! The ink’s not even dry on your marriage license and you’re already acting crazy!” Terrance laughed and left.

  Wendy walked over to where Kim stood and the two of them leaned against the rail. “I am so happy for you,” she said sincerely.

  “I . . . I can’t begin to describe how excited I am about today. It’s amazing. I look forward to spending the rest of my life with Terrance. . . . I really do.”

  “I pray that the two of you have a wonderful, healthy marriage.”

  “Thank you. Today was one of the most memorable days of my life. I’m so glad you were a part of it.”

  “Thank you for allowing me to stand up for you. Lord knows I had enough drama going on that I really didn’t act like a matron of honor should have.”

  “All that is behind us now. You’re my sister and there’s no one more deserving to be my matron of honor than you. I just wish . . .” Kim became silent.

  “You wish what?”


  “C’mon, what were you going to say?”

  “Never mind. Girl, you’ll probably think I’m crazy.”

  “I already know you’re crazy.” Wendy gave Kim a humorous look. “Nothing you say will surprise me.”

  “Believe it or not, I wish that Gramma was here.” Kim shrugged. “It’s weird. I spent so many years hating her. She was always around when I didn’t want her to be. Now she’s not here and I would give my right arm to see her again.”

  Wendy looked up at the sky. “You know, I would bet that she’s looking down, smiling at you this very moment.”

  Kim looked up also. “Yeah, she’s probably saying ‘Now Kim, you’re showing too much cleavage in that dress.’”

  Both women laughed. “Then she’d say, ‘But that’s all right—I love you anyhow,’” Kim added seriously.

  Wendy put her arm around Kim’s shoulder. “It’s been a rough year, but we made it through. Yep, I think we’re all going to be all right.”

  “How are things with you and Kevin?”

  “Things are great. I’m learning day by day that I can fight for my marriage most effectively through prayer.” Since the day Wendy had rededicated her life to Christ and Kevin had gotten saved, their marriage had been much better than before. The two of them were able to discuss all the things that had transpired throughout the course of their marriage. They had also attended several marriage-counseling sessions at the church. They had encountered some challenges, but they both were committed to making their marriage work, and neither was willing to give up. Eventually, Kevin stopped the divorce proceedings and moved back into the house.

  To celebrate their second wedding anniversary, Kevin and Wendy took a much-needed vacation to Florida, where they rented a secluded beach house for a week and cut themselves off from the outside world. Marlene was the only one who had a telephone number to reach them, and that was only to be used in case of an emergency because she had kept Kimberly while they were away. A couple of weeks after their return from Florida, Kevin, Wendy, and Kimberly flew to Philadelphia to visit his family. They got to see Kevin’s niece for the first time, as his sister-in-law had given birth this past spring, around the time of Frances’s death. Wendy had not only reunited with her husband, but she had bonded with her in-laws, too. Although her family would be disappointed, she was looking forward to spending this coming Christmas in Philadelphia with them.

  “So things are going good, huh?” Kim asked Wendy.


  “Well, I am so glad to hear that.”

  “We’re trying. With the help of the Lord, we are definitely trying. Prayer most definitely changes things.” Wendy turned to face Kim. “Guess what?”


  “I’m going to have a baby.”

  “No way!”

  “Yes way. You’re going to be an auntie again.”

  Kim’s face lit up. “Wow.
Does Mama know yet?”

  “No, we just found out yesterday morning. I wanted you to be the first person I told.”

  “Wow! It sure sounds like you and Kevin have been doing a lot more than trying to work things out. I’m so excited for you.” Kim hugged Wendy.

  “Thank you. Do you think you and Terrance will have any more children?”

  “Girl, please. Tyler is now six and Tori is eight. It’ll be like starting over. I don’t know if I’m ready to go through all the baby stages again.”

  “Accidents do happen, you know?”

  Kim laughed. “Yeah, but if I get pregnant again, it will be much more than an accident, it’ll be divine intervention.”

  Just then, Kevin stepped outside. Kim looked at him with a girlish smile.

  “I can tell by the look on your face that she told you.”

  “Yes, I’m so excited!” She ran and hugged him. “Congratulations.”

  “Thank you,” he said, struggling to keep his balance since Kim’s affection had caught him by surprise.

  Kim walked toward the balcony door.

  “Hey, where are you going?” Wendy asked.

  “Inside so you and your husband can be alone. Besides, I think your five minutes is up. I have to keep Terrance from coming after you now that you’re with child.” She smiled and walked away.

  “Uh-oh, what is going on with you and Terrance?” Kevin inquired as he walked up and put his arms around his wife.

  “Long story.”

  “Well, tell me later, because right now I have something I want to tell you,” he said seductively.

  “Oh, really? And what might that be?”

  “Not a day goes by that I don’t thank God for blessing me with you. You’re a great wife and mother.” He smiled. “The baby told me to tell you that.”

  “Which one?”

  “Both of them: Kimberly and the little one growing inside you. They said that they couldn’t ask for a better mother.”

  “Um-hmm. That’s funny, considering that neither one of them can speak.”

  “No, you just can’t hear them. It’s a special communication daddies have that mommies don’t.”

  “Well, did the baby happen to tell you whether or not it was a boy or girl?”

  “He’s supposed to get back to me on that.” Kevin smirked.

  “Oh, so you think it’s a boy, do you?”

  “I think it may be.” He looked at his wife. “But it really doesn’t matter either way as long as I have you.” Kevin pulled her closer to him. “I love you!”

  “I love you too,” Wendy said just before Kevin kissed her.

  Reading Group Guide

  Note: Numbers correspond to chapter numbers.

  1. Have you ever been pregnant? What are/were your expectations of the experience? How did the reality measure up to expectations?

  2. Pastor’s sermon talked about three reasons why God allows pain. What were they? How have you experienced those “benefits” in your own life?

  3. Wendy reflects that all she ever wanted in life was marriage and children. Now she has both, but neither is proving to satisfy her. What do you want in life? Will those things satisfy? Why or why not?

  4. Both of Kim’s children were conceived and born outside of marriage, each by a different father. How would your family respond to such a situation? How would your church respond? How would you respond if Kim were your daughter? How would your faith influence your response?

  5. Terrance proposed to Kim with both of their families standing by as witnesses. What is your ideal proposal setting? What would be the most romantic proposal you can imagine?

  6. Abortion is a tough subject in America, even among Christians. How would you counsel a woman like Wendy? What would you choose in her situation? How would your faith influence your decision or counsel?

  7. Why do women get married? What expectations and motivations do we have? What illusions are mixed in with those reasons? What reasons does scripture offer for marriage?

  8. Wendy has a perfectionist streak. How has it set her up for failure? Is her desire for privacy (which makes her keep secrets from family, co-workers, etc.) legitimate—or just a justification for pride and deceit? Why?

  9. Marlene asks Wendy, “Why is it that Pastor Jones knows more about you than we do?” When do you prefer to keep your business away from your family? Why?

  10. Kim remembers the verse in PROVERBS 22:6about “training up a child,” but this chapter actually illustrates ISAIAH 11:6, whichsays, “A little child shall lead them.” When has a child led you into the right path? What have you learned from a child?

  11. Why is Kim so interested in Pastor’s series about “Living the Christian Life”? How is her interest a caution to those of us who do embrace Christianity? (See MATTHEW 5:16.)

  12. Love—and betrayal. How are they connected? Is it true that “if you really loved me, you wouldn’t have betrayed me”? Why or why not? How have you handled betrayal in your life? How did Jesus handle betrayal in His? (See MATTHEW 26; MARK 14; JOHN 12-13.)

  13. Kim wonders how she could possibly hope to do things God’s way when her sister, “who had basically been a good girl all of her life,” was having such trouble. How would you answer a friend who asked Kim’s question?

  14. How do you handle a family member like Frances? Do you strive to balance respect for elders with refusal to be abused and manipulated? Why—and how?

  15. What biblical principles might help you in making difficult decisions concerning the care of aging relatives, particularly ones with physical challenges or difficult personal habits? What options have you considered—for yourself and for your loved ones?

  16. Shakespeare asked, “What’s in a name?” Scripture says, “A good name is valued above rubies.” How was your name chosen? How did (or will) you choose a name for your child(ren)?

  17. With whom do you tend to empathize more: Kevin or Wendy? Why? How do you (or would you) navigate such relational challenges? How might scripture guide you?

  18. True or false: Does Kevin really have “nothing to lose”? Why or why not? When have you felt that kind of desperation or resignation in life? How did you combat it, if at all?

  19. Kim observes Wendy’s changing behavior as signs that her relationship with God is suffering. What are the signs in your life that your walk with God has gotten detoured? How can you as a group hold one another accountable and get back on track?

  20. Is it possible for a man and woman to have a platonic friendship, without sex getting in the way? Why or why not? How dangerous is it for a married person to have a close friendship with a member of the opposite sex?

  21. What kind of “rules” do you have with your girlfriends about the men in your lives? Have you ever had a friend betray you or break those rules, as Natalie seems in the habit of doing? How did you respond?

  22. Kim doesn’t hesitate to confront Natalie about that dance with Kevin. Was Kim right or wrong in doing so—either in what she did or how she did it? How do you handle confrontation? What advice does scripture have for dealing with conflict between friends or family?

  23. Why do you think Wendy was so upset with Kevin for having a female guest for the holiday? Was her reaction fair or reasonable? Why or why not? What do you think is keeping her from dealing with her broken marriage in a healthier way?

  24. What is your estimation of Natalie? Why does Wendy seem committed to the friendship—despite all the evidence that Natalie is not a good friend? When have you been entangled in such a relationship? Why did you stay in—or get out?

  25. When have you had a chance encounter that later proved to be a divine appointment (such as Marlene’s with Harold Wallace)? How did you respond? How did you see God’s hand at work in the encounter?

  26. How do you spend Christmas—and with whom? Consider LUKE 2:14 in contrast with LUKE 12:51. How does your Christmas reflect one or the other of these possible influences that Jesus can have on
the world? How do you reconcile the two in your own life?

  27. Renée jokes about “baby-mama drama.” What experience do you have with such relational dramas, particularly relating to a baby-daddy, or -mama? How have you handled it—for the good of the child? How would you advise someone else in Kevin’s or Wendy’s position? What is different about such dramas when God is an integral part of one or the other parent’s life?

  28. Think back to Chapter Two and the description of Pastor’s sermon about the reasons God allows pain. How is Wendy’s current situation a result of her less-than-ideal response to pain? How might she redeem the experience by turning to God—instead of away from Him?

  29. Finally, Wendy has the urge to pray, but she really doesn’t want to hear the answers, so the urge doesn’t bear fruit. What keeps you from praying?

  30. Marlene’s prayer for Wendy is a classic “mother’s prayer.” When have you prayed such a prayer—or been the subject of someone else’s prayer? What results have you seen from that powerful prayer?

  31. The consequences of deceit are a common theme in this story. It isn’t hard to guess what secret Frances has been hiding. How do you think the truth might work to set the Tibbs family free (JOHN 8:32)?

  32. Why do parents lie to their children? Is there ever a good reason for such a lie? Why or why not? What do scriptures such as 1 CORINTHIANS 4:5seem to suggest about this question?

  33. How have you experienced the truth of ROMANS 8:28 in your life? Where are you still waiting to see the good come from the ugly?

  34. Renée wants Kevin for his financial success; his actual character is “gravy” as far as she’s concerned. What qualities do you look for in a marriage partner? What compromises are you willing to make? What qualities does scripture recommend?

  35. More than once we have witnessed Kim’s temper flare. Mostly, it seems to be an example of how God makes good out of “ugly.” Or is she exemplifying the righteous anger of Jesus in the temple courts (see MATTHEW 21)? Do the ends of such temper justify the means? Is that an appropriate interpretation of ROMANS 8:28? Why or why not?


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