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Eyes Wide Open (Healing Hearts #2)

Page 35

by Renee Dyer

  “I am. Follow me. The guys are this way.”

  “Ooh, more guys. Shit, Adri got us a private show,” I hear Mick say behind me. In front of me, I hear instruments being tuned and I start to sweat. I pray Alahna will still be talking to me after the next couple of minutes.

  “Hey, guys,” Tammy yells out. “The ladies are here.” The room goes quiet and two men I’ve never met stand there staring at me. A blonde with blue eyes holds his guitar. He smiles at me so I smile back. The other one, who looks kind of cranky about being interrupted, has black hair and green eyes. He doesn’t smile at all. I don’t know where Rhyder is, but I feel uncomfortable.

  “Zavier, stop scowling and say hello to my friends.” I turn my head and see him unfold himself from behind his drums.

  I hear a gasp from behind me and close my eyes. Oh, shit. “Rhy?”

  “Hey, Lana.” I’ve never heard anyone other than Pres call her that. She doesn’t let anyone call her that. I open my eyes and chance peeking back at her. Her eyes are misted over and Mick and Dee are standing there completely confused.

  “I… how… you… here.” I want to go to her and hug her, but I know Alahna. She can’t look weak in front of people and my hug will make her look weak. In her eyes, anyway.

  “Your friend Adri found out I was doing a show here while you were going to be in Montreal and thought it was time we stopped running away from each other.” Wait, what did he say? I didn’t say that. He’s putting words in my mouth.

  “That’s not what I said, Rhyder.” I mean to be forceful, but my voice cracks.

  “It was close enough and I thank you for it. You were right. Lana and I were best friends our whole lives. The last few years of my life have sucked not being able to call her and tell her everything that’s been happening. So, thank you. Even if tonight is the only time I see her.”

  “Rhy?” It’s all Alahna seems to be able to say. Rhyder steps out from behind his drums. Mick and Dee get to see him for the first time. I watch Mick eye him from top to bottom with a smile on her face and I pray she’ll behave.

  He’s gorgeous. All six feet of him. His blue eyes—not as blue as Tucker’s, but still striking—stand out against his brown hair. His full bottom lip is only accentuated by the lip ring he wears directly in the middle. His straight nose sports a hoop on one side and a small diamond stud on the other. You would think having multiple piercings in his face would take away from his looks, but it only adds to them.

  What draws me to him the most are his tattoos. He is covered in full sleeve tattoos, from his neck to his fingers, but his are different from others I’ve seen. I can pick out the individual tattoos. The tattoo that says One Life to Live or the one of a microphone. There are several flowers and there’s a radio. I could study him and the art that makes up the beauty of him for hours. I would love to photograph him.

  He walks between his band mates, past me, in between Mick and Dee, and straight to Alahna. He doesn’t stop or pause. There’s no hesitation or worry about what any of us will think. He pulls her into his arms and we watch as she lets him. Alahna has never been one to like being touched, so to see her allow this floors us.

  They stand there for a few minutes, two friends, silently apologizing. I know why they stopped talking and I hope they can get past it. The question will be, is Rhyder still in love with Alahna?

  When they pull apart, they’re both smiling. “I’ve missed you, Lana.”

  “Missed you too, Rhy.”

  “Well fuck, if I knew the guys were going to look like this, I would have just asked for my lap dances here.”

  “Mick,” we all say.

  A loud, rumbling laughter comes from the stage. I look over to see Sir Crank Ass laughing and holding his side. He was attractive scowling, but with a smile on his face—holy shit, all the women in the place need to watch out.

  “If I knew you wanted a show, Blaze, I would have started already.”

  “Keep it in your pants, Zavier. She’s getting married in a week.” Rhyder shakes his head. “Ladies, let me introduce you to the band. The exhibitionist and lead singer is Zavier.” He stands up and takes a bow, giving us his ‘I can fuck you all if I want’ smile. “This shy guy over here on bass is Easton.” Easton gives us a little wave and smile. His cheeks turn the lightest shade of pink and I can tell I’ll like him. I wonder what it’s like to tour in a band being shy like him.

  “I haven’t had the pleasure of meeting you two. I’m Rhyder. Alahna and I grew up together.” He shakes hands with Mick and Dee and they talk a little bit. I take that opportunity to check in on Alahna. She looks shell shocked, but happy.

  “Does Preston know we’re here, that he’s here?” Concern washes over her blue eyes, eyes so close in color to my Tucker’s. I hate that this moment is tainted by the jealousy of my best friend.

  “Yeah, Alahna, he knows and he’s okay with this. I talked to him.”

  She raises her brow at me and I see disbelief staring back at me. “He hates Rhyder, like wants to bust off one of his drumsticks in his ass, hates him. I don’t think he’ll ever be okay with me being here. Especially without him. What gives, Adri?”

  “I promised to drop Rhyder to his knees if he even slightly indicates he’s still into you.” I flinch as I say the words, but her laughter makes me feel better.

  “That’s a sound I’ve missed.” Rhyder walks over to us and I can’t help but watch him. It’s not just his looks. He has a commanding presence, a magnetism that draws you to him. I think back to stories Alahna told me about girls flocking to him and how he never seemed to see them, just like he doesn’t notice me watching him now.

  He and Alahna stand there, both seeming at a loss for words. There’s a silent battle of wits going on. Everyone in the room looks away, trying not to intrude on this private moment, but knowing we can’t leave either.

  Zavier walks over and whispers something to Easton, earning an eye roll from his band mate. Zavier shrugs and walks to the corner of the stage, plopping back down on the edge, staring intently at Rhyder. His focus on him is unnerving.

  “Kiss her or get back over here so we can do sound check, Rhy. They’re gonna open the doors soon.”

  Rhyder shoots daggers at him with his stare and Alahna’s glare isn’t any friendlier. “Fuck off, Zavier.” He laughs like he wasn’t just a prick. “Sorry about him,” Rhyder says, looking back at Alahna. “He was dropped on his head too many times as a baby. If he wasn’t such a damn good singer, I wouldn’t fucking put up with him. You ladies will be in the VIP section right over here with us all night. Drinks are on us and if anyone gives you a hard time, let our security guys know. That’s them right there.” He points everything out and Alahna nods. “I’ve really missed you, Lana.”

  “Missed you too, Rhy. Can’t wait to see you play.”

  We sit in the VIP lounge while they do their sound check. Dee and Mick ramble on to Alahna about Rhyder. They want to know why on earth she’s never brought him around. I feel bad for her and tell them it’s a story for another night. Tonight is all about the fun. We play the Who Would You Rather game about the band mates and I’m not surprised that Mick chooses Zavier. He has that bad boy vibe radiating off him. Dee says Easton and again, I can see that. He seems safe. We all look at Alahna and tell her not to answer. We know she’ll pick Rhyder. It’s written all over her face, but saying it would feel wrong after what went down. Our other friends may not know the story, but they can tell there is a story.

  All eyes are on me. I take my time eyeing the men up and down. That is three fine looking specimens. Had I have only ever been with Alex, my answer would have been Easton without a second thought. The cleaner cut, shy guy would have done it for me, but now that I’ve been with Tucker, I find myself seeing men differently. Who to choose? Zavier is wild. I bet he would take a woman hard and fast, leave her panting and wanting more. Rhyder is sexy, but I saw how he was with Alahna. There’s a sweetness to him. Makes me wonder if he’d be the slam you a
gainst the wall type or take you slow and make you crazy?

  In the end, I think it would hurt Alahna if I said Rhyder. I don’t think she wants him, not like that, but at one time in her life, she did have feelings for him. Knowing that, I can’t say his name.

  “Zavier. I’d love to see how fast he could make me scream his name.”

  “Adri,” Dee says, shock on her face.

  “That’s what I’m talking ‘bout, bitch! I always knew you were a freak.” Mickayla reaches out and fist bumps me as we all laugh and three of us take shots. We got Dee a shot glass, but hers is filled with water. We didn’t want her to feel left out.

  Rhyze is amazing. I can’t believe these guys haven’t made it big yet. Alahna told me that Rhyder took off right after she broke his heart to start a band. I don’t know if he’s been with these guys that whole time, but damn, they are unbelievable. I haven’t stopped dancing. Zavier’s gravelly voice goes right through me and the modern rock vibe they have going on has the ladies screaming.

  The lights dim and Zavier and Easton walk off the stage. Must be intermission. “There’s a group of special ladies here tonight.” Rhyder’s voice comes through the microphone. Lights brighten the middle of the stage and he walks into it, carrying a guitar and stool. The crowd stills as he sits down, sweat rolling down his face from his earlier exertions. “These ladies came all the way from New Hampshire to celebrate my friend Mickayla getting married. He’s a very lucky man to have you and I’m sure this is how he feels about you.”

  Rhyder pulls the guitar in his lap and starts to play. He closes his eyes and I swear I can feel the music flowing through him. When he starts to sing Gavin DeGraw’s In Love with a Girl, I feel myself tear up. I couldn’t have planned a more special moment for Mick when I set this night in motion. I peer around at all my ladies and they all look as moved as I feel. I don’t know how Alahna walked away from this friendship. It must have destroyed a large piece of her heart.

  And I never knew.

  Rhyder sings the song to all the women in the audience swooning over him, none more than the four of us. I noticed Alahna wiping tears from her eyes and it took everything in me to stay routed in my spot, swaying to the music. I wanted to hug her and tell her I know what it’s like to lose your best friend, but for her and me it’s different. Her best friend is right here. She can right the wrongness between them. She can apologize and smile with him. They can hug when they meet and say goodbye. Any words I say to her will sound wrong because my best friend can never come back. I’m finding peace with that, but I don’t know how to express that.

  Rhyder finishes and the crowd explodes, screams and whistles filling the air. His smile beams out over the crowd, but there’s only one person he’s looking for approval from. The second his eyes meet Alahna’s, the two of them stop and stare. It feels like all the air has been sucked out of the club. It’s tense. I feel like they are saying things to each other through their eyes that none of us can understand.

  Zavier and Easton join him back on stage, breaking the spell between him and Alahna. His stool is moved, he’s back behind the drums, and Zavier’s presence is felt everywhere. It’s like sex just walked on that stage and everyone’s feeling his touch.

  A few songs in, Mick taps me on the shoulder and motions for me to follow. We all walk back to the VIP booth. “I’m outta here, bitches.” I know I look at her in shock. She’s normally the last one to leave a party. “B just texted me,” she says with a giddy, lopsided grin on her face. “He’s miserable without me. He rented us our own room because he knew he wouldn’t make it the night without me. He’s already in a cab heading back.”

  “Mind if I steal a ride in the cab back with you? I’m beat,” Dee says. I’m surprised she’s held up this long.

  “Do you want us to go back to the room with you?” Alahna asks.

  “No, stay here and catch up with your friend, sweetie. It looks like you two have missed out on a lot.”

  “Thanks for tonight. This is exactly what I wanted. A night to let loose, be wild, hang with my bitches. You ladies know me. You gave me the perfect party. Thank you.” It’s one of Mick’s rare gentle moments as she pulls us all into hugs.

  “And, I’ll have fond memories of the spinning wheel and horse dick for years. Yeehaw!” She walks away, smacking Dee’s ass while Alahna and I shake our heads, laughing. It’s why we love Mick. She’s crass and abrasive, but we’d never take her any other way. We always know where we stand with her. There’s no bullshit. Cock and balls in the face, put it all out there. It’s a good theory.

  I hang with Alahna through the rest of the show. I can feel her nerves fraying as the night moves on. The guys finish their set and pack their instruments. We wait in the VIP booth and my usually cool friend is wringing her hands.

  Rhyder and the guys walk through the club. Women touch them all over as they do. I don’t know how they can stand it and it makes me wonder if this is what happens to Tucker. Jealousy rears its ugly head thinking about women touching him like this. I don’t understand why strangers think it’s alright to touch someone without their permission simply because they were on a stage or on TV. I’m suddenly feeling extremely angry and though I know it’s irrational, I can’t stop it.

  Zavier soaks it in and that fuels my anger. Does Tucker like this kind of attention? The thought is there before I can stop it. Then, I see Easton. He looks like all he wants is to run from all of it. How in the hell did he get into this life? And Rhyder is so casual as he walks through the swarms of adoring women throwing themselves at him. Where does Tucker fit in all of this?

  “Thanks for staying,” he says to Alahna when he sees part of our group is missing. “I know this isn’t really the place to catch up, but I’d really like to. Maybe breakfast tomorrow morning?”

  “Preston is here in Montreal, too,” Alahna says. I can see how nervous she is saying his name to Rhyder.

  “I know. He can come and see that I’m not trying to steal you away. I still have the same cell I’ve always had. I’m sure you haven’t forgotten the number. Call me in the morning if you want to have breakfast. Why don’t you head back to Preston now? I don’t want him thinking I was trying to keep you out all night.”

  He leans in and kisses her cheek. Pain washes over her face and I wonder if I did her a favor bringing Rhyder back into her life.

  Chapter Forty Four


  It’s been a few weeks since I met Adrian, but I can’t get him out of my mind. Those damn hazel eyes of his. They haunt every moment of my sleeping world. I wake up wet between my legs with lingering images of him behind my eyelids. I have a constant ache that no amount of my fingers or vibrator is taking care of and I have no urge to find a lover.

  All day, I see him too. Every guy that walks by me, I try to see if I can find a small piece of Adrian in him. Do they have his shoulders or his smile? Maybe they have his messy hair or that tight ass. I bite my lip thinking about his ass. Oh, and his pecs. There wasn’t anything on him that didn’t look hard.

  Stop, Vic. You need to stop. These thoughts just lead to more pent up frustration that he isn’t here to take care of. Not that he would.

  More than his extremely good looks bothering me, something he said is irking me. I tried to set the record straight that day, but he kept talking and I never got to tell him. Then Tucker and Adriana showed up so I lost my chance to tell him the truth. It’s never mattered what people think of me, but with Adrian, it does.

  I don’t want him to see me as the bitch everyone else does.

  I flip his business card around in my fingers, contemplating if I should make this call. For three nights, I’ve done the same thing. I want to hear his voice. Man, how I want to hear his voice. But, what if he doesn’t remember who I am? What if he doesn’t believe me? Maybe Tucker and Adriana saw him with me and told him the kind of person I am, the person people think I am.

  I stop flipping the card and look at it, Grave to Glory Restoration
. I smile at the title. I would love to go to his shop and get my hands under the hood of a car. I would have loved to have worked on the Impala with him. I can’t believe he’s the guy I saw in Adriana’s driveway that day. My body lit up, reacted to him, even from a distance.

  You need to call him.

  Yeah, yeah, yeah, conscience. I know what I need to do. Phone in hand, I buck up and dial his cell number from the back of the card. I can’t believe how nervous I am calling him.

  Three rings in, I hear a sleepy voice come through the line. “Hello.” His voice reaches out and caresses me. I feel the sound all over my body. Shit, I should have never called. If one word has me this affected, I’m totally fucked. “Hello. If you’re going to call me at fucking two in the morning then say something.”

  Two? I look at my clock and it says eleven. Oh shit, time zones. I’m such a dumb ass. “I’m sorry, I forgot about the time zones.” Shit, I should have said hello or my name. I’m fucking this up already.

  “Vicky?” He sounds a little more alert.

  “Yeah. Hi, Adrian.”

  “Is everything alright?” Now he sounds worried. Ah shit.

  “Yeah and no. Nothing bad happened, but I needed to talk to you. I have to fix something you think that’s not right.”

  “Something I think… hold on. I’m not fully awake here. Give me a second to sit up and wake up.” I hear him yawn. Picturing him in bed is not good for my libido that has been in overdrive since we had lunch together. “Alright, what did I get wrong?”

  “I… uh… I didn’t call the paparazzi.”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “When we had lunch you were upset with me for calling the paparazzi on your sister and Tucker. I tried telling you that day that it wasn’t me, but you kept talking and then they showed up. I never got to tell you that it wasn’t me. I was upset when I went to your sister’s house. I thought Tucker had been cheating on me all along with her and had made me feel like shit about Grant when he was a cheat too.”


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