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Eyes Wide Open (Healing Hearts #2)

Page 36

by Renee Dyer

  “He didn’t cheat on you with, Adri. They never met until he came here around the time you showed up.” I hear irritation in his voice.

  “I know, but the first time I saw them together was him kissing her outside and I could see he was smitten with her. In almost two years of us being together, he never looked at me the way he was looking at her. In my mind, she was the reason why. So, yes, I went there. Yes, I was nasty to your sister. Yes, I threatened to call the paparazzi, but I never did. I left her house and called Tucker’s best friend Eddie. I told him he needed to get Tucker out of there or his show was going to be ruined because he was going to lose him to the country girl. I’m sorry for how I treated your sister.”

  There’s silence and I wonder if he believes me.

  “Been under the hood of any cars lately?”

  I smile at his question. “No, everyone here just thinks I’m a pretty face.”

  “Maybe you should plan a trip to New Hampshire then. I have a couple cars with the hoods open, calling your name.”

  “Why are you being so nice to me, Adrian?”

  “I told you. I have a sixth sense about people and you’re a good person. I’ll let Adri and Tucker know you didn’t call the paparazzi. All Tucker has to do is call Eddie and I’m sure with all the people they know, they can find out who did. You did sleep with that other guy. That’s on you to forgive yourself for, but I think you’ve been punished enough by everyone else for that. My address is on my card. My offer stands if you want to head this way. Now, I’m tired and need my beauty sleep, woman.”

  I laugh at how cute he can be. “Goodnight, Adrian.”

  “Goodnight, Vicky.”

  I could get used to being called that.

  Chapter Forty Five


  I wasn’t expecting Adriana to call me and ask me to clear Vic’s name. I thought I was in the fucking Twilight Zone, but she said Adrian called her and then there was a story about how he met her in Vancouver and now she thinks Adrian might like Vic. It’s all too fucked up for me to even comprehend, but my girl asked me to do it, so I did.

  Eddie verified what Vic said. She did, in fact, call Eddie freaking out that some country bumpkin bitch had stolen my heart and was about to ruin the show. Eddie was trying to calm her down because he was in a meeting and that person could hear her. He only answered his phone because he was waiting for a call and thought it was that person calling him back. Said it taught him to pay attention to his screen. She went on and on about how she could see that I was smitten with this girl and if Eddie didn’t get me out of there now, I may never come back. I guess he said okay to shut her up and she said she’d text him the address.

  He put his phone down on the table and went back to his meeting, but his assistant came in saying there was a problem and she needed him for a minute. He excused himself from the room and was gone for five to ten minutes. He had forgotten all about her texting the address and figured she was just being dramatic because she had been told she was being fired a few days before that.

  Now that I questioned him about it, I found out the person he was in a meeting with was Grant. Eddie’s phone was on the table and accessible because Eddie didn’t lock it when he was called from the room. He didn’t think he had to. It all makes sense now. Vic sent the text with the address, Grant got the address, and he called the paparazzi. Fucking bastard.

  Eddie pulled him into an office with me in it and we asked him about it. He just smiled at us. Smiled, that smug son of a bitch. He neither confirmed nor denied it, but I could tell by the grin on his face that he did it. I wanted to lunge across the room and pull his lungs out through his fucking nose. But, I sat back, said nothing, and lived with the satisfaction that at the end of the season my character will kill his off.

  I can’t fucking wait!

  In a few days, I’ll be flying out for Mickayla and Blake’s wedding. She still hasn’t told me what she had chosen for my costume. I honestly don’t care. I’m so happy to be a part of their day and to see my Adriana. She could dress me up in a diaper, give me a bow and arrow, and call me Cupid and I would care less. I just want my girl in my arms.

  Before I can get too excited about my weekend with Adriana, I need to handle something else first. Things with Grams have been strained since Kansas and the resurfacing of Mikos. I’ve been trying not to be angry with her, but when I saw Mikos’ reaction to Grams being sick, I realized they had a relationship. I don’t know why I assumed that she cut ties with him, but I thought her loving me and her knowing my hatred for him leaving meant she hated him too. Eddie pointed out to me that I was a selfish asshole expecting her to hate her son. He told me she could be angry and disappointed with him, but at the end of the day, he’s her son and she’s going to love him. Just like she loves me, no matter how much I fuck up.

  Now, I feel like a double asshole because I’ve been short with her when I call. I still call daily, but it’s more to check in and see how she’s feeling. I haven’t been able to talk to her like I used to and I hate it. I hate that my feelings for Mikos have tainted my relationship with her. I hate that I’m still so fucked up that I let him coming back affect me so much that I’m willing to break the only real relationship I’ve ever had in my life. I need to stop this cycle of destruction, starting right now. I can’t keep letting him fuck up my life.

  “Hi, sweetie.”

  I take a deep breath and close eyes, hoping I can keep the pain in.

  “Hey, Grams. How are you today?” It’s how we’ve started every conversation for weeks. I don’t know how else to start.

  “Getting stronger every day, my boy.” The same answer she gives every time. We’ve fallen into this funk and it’s my fault. It’s time to nut up or shut up.

  “Did you always have a relationship with him?” I just blurt the words out.

  She’s quiet for a minute. I know she’ll answer, but I also know Grams, she’s thinking of me and how I’ll respond to her answer.

  “I did, but it wasn’t a happy relationship. Are you asking because you’re ready to have this conversation now?” Her tone is flat and I can tell she knows I’m not ready. Grams knows me too well.

  “No, I’m not, not this week anyway. I’m going to Adriana’s friend’s wedding this weekend and I don’t want whatever all of this is filtering through my head. This is the first time in my life I’ve been included in something like this and I don’t want to screw it up. I’ve never had a group of friends before and I need to keep my head in the game.”

  “Oh, Tucker, there’s no game. You just need to be you. They already accept and love you for who you are.”

  I rub my hand down my face. She doesn’t understand. Everyone loves Grams. People gravitate toward her. She has that personality that makes people want to know her. Growing up, I repelled people. I don’t know how to do the friend thing. I was always too scared Mikos would show up to take me away. Maybe, I’ve been so cold to her because I’m afraid that now he’ll take her away from me.

  “I’m sorry, Grams.”

  “I know you are. I knew you’d come around in your own time. You always do.”

  “I just assumed you hated him, too. You loved me so much that I thought you had to hate him for hurting me. You were the only one who ever really saw how much he hurt me. I’ve been trying to figure out how you could keep your relationship with him from me all these years without me knowing.”

  “You didn’t want to know. It’s that simple, sweetie. He called the house. He gave me money to help raise you. I went to see him. You never asked questions. I thought one day you might, but you never did. I always said when you were ready I would answer everything, but you were never ready.”

  “Guess I’m still not. I’m trying though.” I need a change of topic and it’s nice to be talking to her again. “Have you and Adriana planned your trip to New Hampshire yet?”

  She giggles like a schoolgirl and it makes me smile. “I am so happy she came into your life. And, yes, we
talked about possibly mixing our families for Thanksgiving. Would that be alright with you? I know you and Eddie normally come here, but when she mentioned it to me, I didn’t have the heart to say no. I could tell she wants to see you too. Can you talk to Eddie? He’s invited too.”

  “I’d say this is more than a possibility. Sounds like you two have this all planned out.” I shake my head even though she can’t see me.

  “I really like her and I’ve always wanted to go to New Hampshire. Her mother sounds like such a fun person. I’d love to meet her. Plus, I figure I’d get to be there to make sure you don’t screw anything up with our girl.”

  “Thanks for the vote of confidence,” I choke out on a laugh. “Seriously though, she’s it for me, Grams. I’m in love with her.”

  I have to sit down. This is the first time I’ve admitted to anyone out loud that I’m in love. I told Eddie that I told Adriana I loved her while she was sleeping and he saw me buy the ring, but I didn’t come out and tell him I was in love. I said I saw the smile. Shit! It’s real now.

  “Aww, my boy, I knew she was your other half. From the second I met her, I knew it. I didn’t even have to see her with you. But, when I saw you together, there was no denying it.”

  “I bought a ring, Grams. I know I should tell her I love her first, but I don’t think she’s ready for that yet. I need to let her finish healing. I need to be patient, but this ring… it belongs on her finger. I saw it and knew it could only ever be worn by her. Am I going crazy?

  “No, sweetie. This is love. It makes you do crazy things, but you aren’t crazy. You are wonderful and you just made me so happy. I can’t wait till the day she’s wearing that ring and I know she’ll say yes the day you ask.”

  “How do you know, Grams?” She sounds so sure. I’m not sure of anything.

  “She loves you. She may not be ready to say it yet, she may not even be ready to admit it to herself yet, but she does. Give her a little time. I’ve been there, Tucker. Losing your life partner is one of the hardest things you can ever go through. Your heart breaks in ways you can’t ever explain and you can’t just pick up the pieces and put them back together. They’re jagged and torn. It takes forever for them to soften and fuse. She wants to give herself to you, but it will take time. She can’t just run into your arms and declare her love like she never loved Alex. Life doesn’t happen that way. Things like that only happen in romance novels and movies. This is real life. Give her that time to heal and come to you and you’ll have the love you’ve always wanted.”

  Grams knows. I’m bowled over by the knowledge that she knows I’ve been wanting, hell, needing, to be loved my whole life. Here she is, doing what she always does, giving me advice on how to get what I need.

  “I love you, Grams.”

  “I love you too, sweetie.”

  Chapter Forty Six


  I can’t believe what I’m seeing. None of us can. Mick is trying her hardest not to cry. I watch her as she looks through the windows at the tent that doesn’t look anything like a tent you just rent and set up. She thought that’s what she would be getting married under. She was okay with it because there were going to be lanterns and it would be dark. She was more excited for the reception indoors. It’s why she rented the Hamilton House. She wanted an authentic mansion for her ball, but she also wanted to be married overlooking the river, even if it is Halloween night and cold.

  But, what we see before us—it’s breathtaking.

  This must be Tucker’s surprise.

  “I’m going to kill him. First, I’ll hug him, but then I’m going to kill him,” Mick bursts out, tears threatening to spill over. “Fuck! I can’t fucking cry. Goddamn Tucker Stavros. I told him not to do anything drastic. He said he had a surprise and that you only get married once. I should have known a fucking movie star would do something like this.”

  I’m not sure what she’s so upset about. It’s beyond any woman’s wildest dreams out there. Oh, shit. Maybe that’s why she’s upset. Tucker did this without asking and made it more than what she could on her own. Mick is a proud person.

  “I’m sorry Tucker upset you, but Mick you’re about to marry the man you love. Let’s focus on that.” I try playing shrink, thinking the way she would.

  She laughs at me, full out laughs. “I’m not upset with Tucker for this,” she says, motioning to the window. “Who the fuck could be upset about this? I’m upset because I can’t control my damn emotions. It’s so fucking beautiful. That’s why I want to kill him.”

  I guess now would be a bad time to tell her that she’s more beautiful than anything that Tucker has set up out there.

  Katie outdid herself with making our costumes for the wedding. I can’t get over the detail she put into them. When I picture masquerade balls, I always picture every woman in a corseted top dress and big bell bottom, but I have learned over the past several months from Mick that this is not the case. There is such a varying degree of styles it can give you whiplash. Mick was determined that she was not wearing a corset.

  “Put these bad girls in a corset and no one will pay attention to anything else that goes on the entire night. They will be the talk of the ball instead of the bride. My wedding is the one time my tits will not be on display for B and he’ll have to deal.”

  Thinking back to that, I mentally chuckle. As big as her breasts are, Katie did a hell of a job making sure they aren’t the prominent feature to her ensemble. As loud and crazy as Mick can get, most people would be surprised that she picked a peacock as her costume. I know her guests are going to be surprised that she’s not in white as well.

  I wasn’t surprised at all. Mick is a rock goddess. She’s as far from pure and traditional as you can get and she’s having a masquerade ball for a wedding. Anyone expecting her to gracefully walk down the aisle in a shimmering white gown, doesn’t know her.

  The peacock is the symbol she uses to explain the healing process for her patients. I think she used it for herself at one point too. A peacock when walking around with its feathers tucked in is an average to pretty bird. It fits into the world around it. No one takes time to look at it too closely so if it’s hurting, no one really sees. But, when it spreads its feathers, it transforms into a thing of beauty. Everyone stops to see the wonder before them. You can’t help but see the way the bird changes before your eyes. Mick’s goal for every patient she sees is to help them stop hiding behind their pain and transform into the person who doesn’t need to hide, who can open up and show their inner beauty to the world.

  Today though, her outer beauty is shining just as brightly. She’s beyond stunning. Katie made her dress fitting from her chest to just below her knees in the varying shades of a peacock’s plumage starting with the green at her breasts and morphing into blues, purples, and even golds mixed in. The colors flow so evenly, you can’t tell where one stops and the other starts. Over that is a black lace layer covering the entire piece that fits Mick like a second skin. The whole dress flares out below the knee, going longer in the back in multiple layers, the layers mimicking a peacock’s tail.

  Her mask is just as stunning. The entire face is black. It’s lined with black sequins, but it doesn’t make it shine. On the right side, Katie has positioned four peacock feathers around the eye. It’s the perfect accent to the dress without adding too much.

  Mick adds a dangling pair of emerald earrings as her only jewelry. They offset her long red hair that she chose to leave down in loose curls. I can’t wait to see Blake’s face when he sees her. I almost wish we weren’t going to have these masks on.

  I also can’t wait to find out what she picked for Tucker. I’m going crazy waiting to see him. The hours since he left me to go with the guys this morning feels like so much longer. He told me he couldn’t wait to be with the prettiest girl in the place tonight and that has been playing through my mind all day.

  Now, as I stare at myself in the mirror, my white dress staring back at me, I wonder when he sees me,
if he’ll be thinking of me walking down the aisle. The thought shocks me. It’s much too soon to think that way about him, but I realize I would like him to feel that way about me.

  I eye my dress again. The silky white material is soft against my skin and I love the crystals that connect from the dress in a halter around my neck. The dress is tight to my waist and then slightly bells out. It flows, giving it a feminine, elegant look. The sheer sleeves shimmer against my skin, the backside of them lined in the same crystals that line my neck.

  “Let’s get your wings on,” Alahna says.

  I still can’t believe I’m wearing wings. I stand there, watching in the mirror as the wings come into view. She and Dee attach them and I have to bite my cheek to keep from crying out. Two tall wings stand out over my head and two shorter wings show from under my arms. They look like real feathers and I can imagine this is what a real angel would look like. Instantly, Tucker’s words about guardian angels come back to me and I smile. I hope Alex is watching today.

  “You’re even more radiant than I thought you would be,” Mick says, coming to stand beside me. “In case I haven’t said it before, thanks for standing next to me today. It means the world to me, Adri. I can’t believe I’m really getting married!” she gushes.

  It’s so out of character for Mick to act giddy that we all get wrapped up in her euphoria. We jump around, clapping and hugging each other. We’re still that way when Mick’s parents walk in a few minutes later.

  “Oh, you girls look so beautiful,” Millie says and it’s obvious she’s forcing tears back. “My Mick, I knew you’d be stunning on your wedding day, but I never imagined you’d be this breathtaking.” She puts her hand over her mouth.

  “Alright, mom, no crying or I’ll cry and damn Tucker Stavros has already made me emotional enough. Did you see what that movie star bastard did out there?” Mick asks, motioning to the windows.

  “Is that who I have to thank for that gorgeous display out there?” her mom asks. “Have you see the catering staff yet?”


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