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Eyes Wide Open (Healing Hearts #2)

Page 37

by Renee Dyer

  “Um no, why?” Mick looks to me and I shrug.

  “It’s wonderful. They’re all in matching costumes.”

  “What? I didn’t order that!” Mick shouts out.

  “I know,” Millie says calmly. “I’m guessing it’s another surprise from that new groomsman you added. Her mom’s eyes are twinkling and she hasn’t stopped smiling. I’m going to give Tucker the biggest hug of his life when I see him. “You have to see them, Mick. The ladies are dressed as the Queen of Hearts and the men as the King of Hearts. It’s so perfect for your day. Don’t you agree?”

  Mick shakes her head as she walks to the window and peeks out. I walk over and peek with her. I still can’t get over the tent that is wrapped in heavy fabric and draping down. It looks like the tents royalty used to stay in when they would travel. Lining the walkways around the mansion are torches to illuminate the night.

  “Do you ladies want to finish up so I can have the pleasure of walking my little girl down the aisle?” James asks us.

  “You going to be able to hold it together, Jimmy?” Millie asks him, love shining through her eyes. He kisses her hand and smiles. I love their matching pirate ensembles and hope others are as into the masquerade themed wedding as Mick’s parents are. Mick put so much work into this.

  I help Dee put Alahna’s raven wings on. Hers hang down her back reminding me of the tattoo Tucker has on his. They are stunning as well as the black dress she’s wearing that goes straight to the floor in a glittering array of black with hues of blue. If you ever stare at a real raven, they are so black that they look blue in different lights. Katie captured that in Alahna’s dress and against her black hair and blue eyes, it’s stunning.

  Alahna and I help Dee with her butterfly wings while Mick talks to her parents and gets some last hugs before we head down. In just a few minutes, she’ll be marrying her best friend. I have to close my eyes because memories of the day I married Alex assault me. Although they are happy memories, I want to be in the here and now with my friends. I need to stop getting stuck in my past.

  Dee’s wings sparkle. They’re silver with blue and purple swirls and jewels worked into them. They stand out against her sky blue dress that Katie made in true masquerade fashion. It has a corseted top and large bell bottom. It covers the belly that she has now from the baby and she made the corset stretchy so Dee wouldn’t be uncomfortable. The pattern in her dress matches the pattern in her wings, but her dress is in the same silver that her wings are made of.

  “I need a picture of you ladies,” Millie squeals. “You’re all just so lovely.”

  We put our masks on and happily line up, arms wrapped around each other’s shoulders, smiles on our faces. In true Mick fashion, she starts smacking our asses and making us laugh. Her mom snaps away as we take turns slapping, groping, and being inappropriate as only friends can be when you need to relieve tension and nerves.

  “I love you, bitches,” Mick laughs out. “Let’s do this shit. You ready, big daddy?” She grabs her dad’s hand and even through his mask, I can see him tear up.”

  “I don’t care that you’re marrying him and that he’s capable of taking care of you, or that I know he’s a good man, Mick, you’re always going to be my little girl. Don’t forget that, okay?”

  We all stand there trying not to watch this very private moment unfolding between Mick and James. Mick sniffs as she smiles at her dad. “I’ll always love you, daddy, but no messing up my make-up, not until after pictures. So, you keep all that emotional shit locked up a little longer, deal?”

  They look at each other a minute and nod their heads. Whatever happened between them, they both needed because the tears that were misting in their eyes are gone and they look ready to take on the entire Patriots defensive line.

  “Let’s get me hitched, bitches. I have one fine ass man waiting for me down there. Mom, go make sure he hasn’t passed out please.”

  Millie kisses Mick on the cheek and the love flowing off her stops my heart. I imagine that’s how my mom looked on my wedding day. “See you on the flip side, love.” She winks and walks away.

  We grab our bouquets and line up at the top of the stairs. Dee starts the procession with Alahna behind her. I follow behind them. At the bottom of the stairs, all of Dee’s boys stand in Tuxedos with masks on. I have to blink rapidly to stop tears from falling, surprised at the emotions that hit me like a freight train. Mick didn’t have anyone close enough to ask for a flower girl so she has Kaleb as the ring bearer and the other boys as junior ushers.

  The boys get in front of us and we start the walk to the tent. I wish I could see the smile on Dee’s face at seeing her boys walk so perfectly to their designated spot. I’m filled with pride over these boys who mean the world to me.

  The ladies walk around the corner of the tent and my turn is next. It’s beautiful. Lanterns line the inside, giving it a renaissance feel. All of the chairs are wrapped in fabric to match the tent and my heart squeezes knowing that was another detail Tucker had added to make sure my friend had her dream wedding.


  Thinking his name brings my eyes to him as I walk. I don’t know how I don’t stumble. Even with a mask on, he’s the most handsome man I’ve ever seen. His blue eyes pierce to my soul through the openings in his devil mask. I think it’s a devil mask, but he has wings off the back of his tuxedo that match mine, only his are black.

  Is he a devil or a fallen angel? Isn’t Lucifer a fallen angel? Why am I thinking this right now? Just walk, Adri.

  I see his lips form a smile and my breath hitches. What I would give to be in his head right now, knowing what he’s thinking. I smile too, unable to stop myself. Seeing him, looking this sexy, and knowing he’s mine, is more than enough reason to smile. And, I’m thinking of what I’d like to do to him later with him wearing just that mask and those wings.

  The music changes and Depeche Mode’s Somebody filters through the night. I love it. This song is completely Mick and Blake and so true to their character and personality. I’m glad they didn’t pick some frou-frou song to appease the masses.

  When Mick comes around the corner, I’m close enough to Blake that I hear him gasp and say, “She’s fucking gorgeous. Wow, Mick.”

  Pres slaps him on the shoulder and says, “She’s all yours, buddy. And after tonight, she’s yours for the rest of your life. You ready, man?”

  “Hell fucking yeah. Look at her. I’d be crazy to walk away from her.”

  My heart sings for my friends. They’re in love. They have been since the night Blake walked into the bar when he saw her. I saw the sparkle in her eyes when she saw him. She may have fought it at first, but it was undeniable.

  James does his dad duties and hands his daughter off. The ceremony is beautiful. I find myself making eye contact with Tucker more than I should. I should be watching Mick and Blake, but Tucker has a power over me. I can’t deny him. I try to, but I find I need to see him when I can’t feel him. It’s like he’s my addiction and right now this is as much of my fix as I can get.

  For the, “You may kiss your bride” part, they remove their masks and in Mick and Blake style, they don’t care who is watching. They give a show that would make porn stars blush. I’m sure there are some that will say it was uncalled for. I say, let them be happy.

  We take pictures while the guests go inside, with and without our masks, and I finally get to touch Tucker. Peace floods my body just standing against his side. It’s amazing how in just a couple of months, I’ve found this comfort with him.

  Standing next to him, I finally take a second to admire the guy’s costumes. Pres has a lion mask done up in varying hues of browns, tans, and gold. The mane shoots out in a straw and fur combination and there is a fierce expression on the face. I could picture Mick picking that because of his protective nature.

  Kale is rubbing Dee’s belly, making me smile. He’s a wolf. His mask is done in blues and silvers, much the same as some of the colors in Dee’s butterfly costu
me. His are a few shades deeper. His mask has a playful look to it and I wonder if Mick picked it because wolves are known to travel in packs and have an alpha. They’re a family animal. Kale, in a way, is the alpha in his family and he’s the most amazing dad.

  Blake is standing with Mick getting pictures taken. His mask brings memories back to me of Tucker on my living room floor with little boys climbing all over him. That day, I knew this man would always own a piece of my heart.

  His dragon mask is done is hues of green, blue, and red. The horns go in spirals, sticking to a straight point that look like they could do damage if he were to battle another dragon. Mick keeps stroking them and making jokes about if she had only known marrying him would garner her extra play things, she would have done this a long time ago. The two of them laugh at each other, kiss one another, and grope like they always do. I hope they always remain this way.

  We walk into the massive dining room to whoops and cheers from the awaiting crowd that’s already seated for dinner. They announce us as we stand in the line-up. I walk in with Pres, but he and Tucker made a deal to switch dates as soon as we got through the introductions. I won’t complain about having Tucker beside me.

  After dinner is brought out, Mick stands up, thanks everyone for being here, and announces that everyone can feel free to take their masks off to eat. I hear the whispers and see the stares when Tucker takes his off. Mick snickers. She’s loving that people don’t know what to make of the movie star, hot shot at her head table. I have to snicker with her.

  People respect us through dinner. No one comes over to ask if they can have Tucker’s autograph or ask him any questions about the show or his movies, but when we move to the parlor for the fun part of the reception, it doesn’t take long for people to start in. Mick is quick to tell people Tucker is her guest and friend, not the entertainment. She makes her point quickly and sharply and the night goes on.

  There are small round tables lining the room for people to sit at. Mick and Blake start making their rounds and I take this time to snap some pictures of my own. They hired our friend Leslie, but I want to take as many pictures as I can for them. I see Alahna has her camera attached to her face too and chuckle. Once a photographer, always a photographer.

  The DJ announces that it’s time for their first dance and I snap shots of the two of them walking hand in hand onto the dance floor. I catch a shot of Blake kissing Mick before he pulls her into his arms and they start dancing to Halestorm’s Here’s To Us.

  I laugh out loud at the song choice. That’s my Mick. Most women would need a sappy love song. Hell, I did, but not her. Give her a rock song any day and it works. They both have their beers in one hand still and it’s just so them. I see some people around the room shaking their heads, some look disgusted, but her parents are smiling, love and pride shining in their eyes.

  I let out a loud, “Woo hoo!” not caring if the crowd around will be offended.

  “I love you, bitch!” she yells back, raising her beer at me. “Get out here. All of you.”

  Our whole group heads out to the dance floor, Tucker included. He tried to hang back, but I grabbed his hand and dragged him along. As one group, we dance together, our arms wrapped around each other. We belt out the words and when we sing ‘here’s to us,’ Mick and Blake take a drink off their beers. By the end of the song, we’re all laughing and working hard to hold each other up.

  I look over at Tucker and the pure joy on his face causes me so much elation and pain at the same time. I know what this moment means to him—to be included after a lifetime of being a loner. He locked himself off from the world to protect himself from being hurt, but here he is, finally included. My heart hurts for the little boy that missed out on all the love he’s now getting from this group, but rejoices at the same time that he found us.

  After a long night filled with dancing, laughing, and more fun than I’ve had in a long time, I’m happy to head home with Tucker. He offers to drive and I happily let him. I whisper for him to be sure he can get the wings back on later and the smirk he gives me makes me think he was definitely a devil— all devil—and I don’t want him any other way.

  Chapter Forty Seven


  “I hope you can get those wings back on when we get back to my place.”

  My lips lift into a smirk without being told to. “Like a man in black, do ya, sweetness?” I love watching her blush, but I love even more that she recovers quickly now. She’s becoming freer in what she wants.

  As much as my dick is jumping in anticipation of what’s to come when we get back to her place, I don’t want to take her hard and fast. I want to take my time tonight and memorize every curve of her body. Feel every inch of her soft, silky skin and commit it to memory. I know when I leave tomorrow afternoon that I won’t be seeing her again until Thanksgiving. There are no breaks in between, no chances for a weekend to get away. It will be weeks with no touching her.

  I need to get my fill tonight and I know that will never happen.

  We pull into her driveway and I rush to put the car in park, slam out of my door, and race around the car to her side. I want to be romantic for her. I want her to remember this for the next several weeks until I’m back here and she’s in my arms.

  She steps from the car into my chest and looks up at me. Those damn hazel eyes of hers peer at me from beneath her lashes. “You ready to get out of that dress?”

  I don’t mean it in the way that it sounds, but I hear her suck in a breath and I know how she takes it. My dick knows how she takes it. She bats her lashes a couple times. Not that annoying way women do when they think they’re flirting. No, this is slow, like she’s imagining me naked and in a different position each time her eyes flutter shut. She’s a little hungrier with every opening.

  “Don’t forget your wings,” she says, tracing a finger up my chest.

  Fuck going slow. I’ll be lucky to last thirty seconds.

  I grab both pairs of wings and our masks from the backseat and head in. She’s standing with her back to me, holding her hair up. “Can you unzip me please?”

  I don’t say a word. I can’t. They’re lodged in my throat. I drop everything on the island and take the couple steps to her. With trembling hands, I start to unzip her dress. I don’t know why I feel so nervous. I’ve been with Adriana dozens of times, but tonight feels different. She’s leading me and I don’t know how to handle that.

  She turns to me and as she turns, she pulls her arms from the sheer sleeves. She lets the dress fall to the floor in a puddle at her feet and I feel all of the blood rush to my dick. She steps from her dress and I openly stare at this exquisite creature before me.

  Her bra and panties are a delicate silver lace that I’m sure I could tear easily if I wanted to. Her nipples are visible through the fabric. There are little bows on the corners of her panties and one between her breasts. I want to play connect the bows with my tongue. She’s left her silver, jeweled stilettos on that clasp around the ankle. Her toenails stand out because they’re painted in deep red.

  “Undress for me, Tucker.” It’s unsettling and hot hearing her tell me what to do. She’s normally so shy and I have to help her be okay with what we do. I take off my jacket and get to work on unbuttoning my shirt. Her eyes watch every movement my fingers make and the heat burning in them should singe me. I drop my shirt to the floor.

  “Keep going, Tucker. When you’re naked, I want you to put your wings and mask on.” Apparently, she’s serious about the wings and mask thing. I almost wish I hadn’t shown her that my wings are worn like a backpack, but if they turn her on then who am I to say no?

  I take my time unbuttoning my pants, but when her tongue darts out and licks her lips, I know I want her just as badly as she wants me. There isn’t going to be any sweet moments tonight as I had planned. Adriana is in control, fire is burning in her eyes, and she looks ready to eat me alive.

  I kick my shoes off before I unzip my pants. I bend and remove m
y socks. Slowly, I uncurl my body and meet her eyes. When I first met her, she would have blushed at me staring at her as I undress, at her being before me in next to nothing. Now, she stands before me, confident and demanding more.

  I hear the swoosh of my zipper as I keep my eyes focused on her and let my pants fall. I feel myself spring free. I step from my pants and stand fully naked in front of Adriana, waiting for her instructions.

  “Put the wings on, Tucker.” I don’t know what her fixation is with these damn wings, but if she wants me to wear them then that’s what I’ll do. I grab them from behind me and slip my arms through the bands. Without a shirt on, they aren’t very comfortable, but I don’t plan to wear them for very long.

  Adriana saunters her way to me, her heels clicking along the tiled floor. I watch her hips sway back and forth and have to force a swallow down my throat. Holy fuck, she’s sexy. She stops with our bodies barely touching and reaches behind me.

  My body is vibrating with the need to take control, to take her, but I know she needs to do this so I stay still. Her hand comes back in front of us with my mask. Without her asking, I bend forward enough for her to place it on my face. Her fingers linger, running a path down my cheeks, to my jaw, and back to my lips.

  Lips. She’s biting hers as she traces mine. I can tell there’s a small part of her that’s still unsure of what to do, but I stand still as a statue and let her work her way through. Watching her embrace her sexuality is one of the hottest things I’ve had the pleasure of experiencing.

  “I’m ready to have the devil in me.”

  Eight words, that’s it. Eight words. I lose control of whatever sanity I had. Her panties are ripped from her body and I have her picked up into my arms with her legs wrapped around my waist before I can ask if it’s alright. The heels from her shoes dig into my ass and I welcome the pain. I’m a bastard for taking her moment away from her.


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