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Page 3

by Carolyn Faulkner

  She wasn't given much time to think about it. When he had her well dried, Nico thought that he had teased himself almost enough. He picked her up and brought her to the bed, putting her down well past the middle of it, so that he'd have room for himself and, when she was lying down, she would be up against the wall, like she had been in the tub. Nowhere to go but into his welcoming arms.

  He didn't give her time to scramble away from him, but turned her onto her tummy then dragged her up on her knees, putting her on all fours, then forcing her to put her cheek on the thick feather mattress, and spread her legs as far as she could, which put her bottom well up in the air and displayed her beautifully framed pussy as if it was begging him for some attention that it most definitely was going to get.

  "Oh, please, no, I can't stay like this." Carolyn gripped the surprisingly sweet smelling quilt rhythmically with her cold, stiff fingers.

  "If you move," he growled tightly, "I'll make you regret it."

  She believed him. God help her, she believed him, and she didn't want to be punished by this stranger, this strange man who seemed bent on humiliating her to the very bone. Carolyn couldn't even comprehend the position he'd arranged her in; she only knew that she was being forced to present him with parts of herself that had never - unless she was bathing - been so much as uncovered before, and here she was presenting them to him as if she was trying to put herself on some sort of display. She had never even been nude with herself - her mother had required that she bathe in an old nightgown, and that she put her clothing on piece by piece and in a fashion that exposed as little of her flesh as possible.

  Nico was practically salivating at the sight of her. He preferred this position over almost any other. He felt that it reinforced the female's inherently submissive position even more so than the favored one with the man on top. And it also gave him easy access to another area of considerable interest that he intended to get to later.

  But right now, he concentrated on her. He loved to pleasure women, especially against their will. Especially virgins, against their will, and he intended to revel in this one, because she was never going to get away from him. He was going to fuck her at will, any time, anywhere, any way he preferred at that given moment, and there was absolutely nothing she could do that was going to deter him.

  And she knew it, and that made it even more delicious to him.

  "Put your hands behind your back."

  Chapter Three

  Carolyn already felt helpless enough - she didn't want to obey him and become even more so, but, hoping to deter his wrath, she began to move her arms just a little.

  But it wasn't nearly enough. He let go with a flurry of incredibly hard smacks to that upturned rump of hers, thoroughly enjoying the way they echoed off the walls of the small room. It was like spanking her twice at once. And she began to moan and whimper and beg immediately, but he didn't stop until those hands were clenched on her back. Nico stepped to one side and grabbed the rope that had held her wrists on the horse, reapplying it over the red marks that were already there.

  "If you'd obeyed me quickly, as you should have, I wouldn't have to do this. And you deserve so much more for being a deliberately slow, naughty slave." When he finished he leaned over her, rubbing his rough, homespun covered front against her splayed genitals as he did it, whispering into her ear, "And I shall see that you get it, too. A well punished slave is a happy slave."

  Carolyn's sobs and keening grew to epic proportions, and he chuckled at her softly as he undid his crude rope belt and let his pants fall to the floor, kicking them carelessly out of his way. He didn't need to fondle himself to hardness - he'd been diamond hard since he'd first seen her. "Please. Cry out. Plead. Whine. Moan. Scream - I told you I was going to make you scream, didn't I? Well, I am. And worse. Much worse. I'm going to make you like what I do to you. Every single time I do it, and no mater what perverse thing I do, you're going to be made to enjoy it. Over and over. I'm going to take you in places you didn't know you owned, and you're going to beg me for it. And you can scream all you like - there's no one around for a five day ride. You are truly alone, and you belong to me. Most especially here," he cupped her, fingering her lazily, making sure that little button was still hard and she was still wet - and he was gratified to note that she still was. Even more so than before. "And I'm going to prove that in just a minute."

  He leaned over her again, placing his length up against her, where he'd soon spike himself up inside her as he grabbed those beautiful titties and rolled and pinched the nipples hard, hurting her, making her squirm against him, pleasuring him unknowingly. "That's it, move against me," he let loose with a groan of his own, and felt her immediately stop moving, no matter how hard he squeezed and pulled and twisted and twirled those nipples of hers.

  She learned fast, this one. He smiled against her ear, flexing his hips just a little. "Move with me, woman, or I'll find my leather strap."

  Carolyn had only ever heard about a strap once, from Letty, and she'd been terrified of even the thought of it since then. Closing her eyes, and trying to pretend this wasn't happening to her, she did as she was told and moved her hips up against his, making him moan in a guttural, animalistic fashion.

  Eventually, she felt him shudder and stand up quickly with that ever present, degrading chuckle of his. "You are too good, woman. You'll make me come before I have a chance to take your virginity."

  "Please. No," she whispered, but he heard it anyway.

  "Yes. And I promise you, you're going to love it." He stepped away for a moment, but only long enough to bring the chair next to the bed, like he'd done by the tub.

  Then his fingers were there again, at that spot on her body that only he seemed to know about, slick from something he'd gathered from herself, which she found entirely unacceptable, and making free with her body as usual. She cried out when he lent his second hand to the task, dipping two if his fingers into that font of wetness between her legs, his index and middle, then dragging them slowly back to her bottom hole, making her squirm and writhe and try to get away. She did not want him doing that to her again. It was against nature for him to put anything up inside her. It didn't belong there, and she didn't like it one bit.

  "Stop moving."

  She tried. She did try, but his fingers were right there, at the entrance to her rear end, and she knew what was going to happen. She knew it, and she couldn't quite keep her hips still.

  Casually, as if he was offering her a canape, he whispered, "If you don't stop moving, I'll bind you so that you can't move." He didn't tell her that he didn't want to do that - that the idea that her fear of punishment, her fear of him, made him want to keep her as free as he could. Eventually, she would submit to him of her own free will, he vowed to himself as he drove his index finger well into that reluctantly receptive derriere.

  She groaned loudly and tried to arch away, but he used his free hand to reach beneath her and grab a nipple, forcing her back down into the position he preferred, with the side of her face pressed into the mattress as he fucked his finger in and out of her, carefully at first, then much less so. When she was back where she belonged, he removed his pinching fingers from that cringing nipple and brought them to her clit instead - consciously not dipping them into her juices this time, but applying them dry to her clit in order to pinch it tightly.

  Her scream - hoarse as it was - washed over him like the best kind of aphrodisiac. He wanted to hear it over and over, and he did, as he raped her hard with that one stiff finger, making her cry and sob and wail.

  But not beg.

  Then he brought his finger all the way out of her and wrapped his even bigger middle finger over it, dipped himself in her wetness, and pressed them against her entrance.

  Carolyn could feel the difference in the size of whatever it was that he was trying to push into her, and she was afraid. Very afraid.

  "Perhaps this is a very good punishment for you, woman. Since you seem to dislike this so. It is very em
barrassing, isn't it? To have me invade your little bottom hole like this while you waggle it at me so enticingly? You don't like to feel my finger up inside you there, do you?"

  She was caught. She couldn't say that she did, or he was going to do it more. She couldn't say that she didn't - that she hated it - or he'd do it more. She was damned either way.

  "NO, I DON'T!" she yelled as loud as she could, very near the end of her rope.

  "Ahhh, that's too bad. Because I'm going to fuck you like this every day." His fingertips pressed past that incredibly tight sphincter, forcing themselves into her, forcibly stretching her around him, and using her own moisture to aid in her violation.

  He stopped at his knuckles for just a moment as she wailed and keened, wiggling just slightly on occasion, and also, occasionally, pressing back against him, then jerking forward a little, as if she'd realized what she'd done. His other fingers were very busy with that hot, hard nub of hers, constantly keeping it slick and rubbing it endlessly.

  "I'm going to teach you to enjoy this, just because you hate it so much right now. I'm going to do this to you at least once a day - maybe twice - and I'm always going to pleasure you when I do it, woman, so that you'll associate my fingers up your ass with the ultimate in pleasure."

  As he worked his fingers the rest of the way inside her, all the way up to his last knuckles, he kept telling her of the obscene, degrading things he was going to subject her to on a daily basis, all while rubbing his fingers almost delicately over her most tender, sensitive area.

  Then he pulled his fingers out slowly, and heard her sigh of relief, felt her relax some, but only until he drove them back into her again, and began to fuck her with them as vigorously as he had just one finger a few minutes ago.

  And she liked it. He could tell. She didn't want to, but she did. She was arching her hips into him more than she had, and that couldn't be an accident every time. Her eyes were closed, and her breath was coming very heavily. Her reluctant bottom hole was clenching him tightly every time he drove into her again, so that it almost became harder and harder to get past that tight ring of muscle, and she moaned with a much more sensual edge when he succeeded despite her.

  It was time. She was ready. He was going to make her scream with a pleasure she'd never known before. It would be her first little death, and she would experience it while she was completely under his control. He stepped up the pace of his fingers, not drawing them quite all the way out before plunging back in as hard as he could, but getting his other fingers very wet, then laying the pad of his middle finger on top of that hard, fleshy bud and worrying it relentlessly, over the top, along the sides then over the top again.

  He could feel the storm rising in her, feel her muscles tensing, and her moans had become very low almost growls. He knew it wouldn't be long now.

  Carolyn didn't know what was happening to her, but she did know she didn't like any of it, even the pleasure he was conjuring. Her body clearly loved every disgusting, degrading thing he did to her, and she'd never had to deal with a betrayal that was quite that personal. She'd never thought she'd lose complete control of her body, but she had. It was dancing to his tune now, and she knew she was going to get dragged down with it. The pleasure was overwhelming, seeping into her mind and clouding it, so that she was having trouble remembering how ashamed she felt, or the fact that a total stranger was doing these disgusting things to her.

  She could only feel the wave after wave of incredible ecstasy that was washing over her, building and building to some end she didn't know, but was too swept away to be afraid of at this point. His fingers were teasing her, rubbing and gently flicking and she knew he was never going to stop. She was going to die of it. She was sure.

  Instead of dying, she screamed, just as he'd said she would, when her pinnacle was reached and her body began those devastating, involuntary contractions. She was even clenching those awful invading fingers, completely against her will, and, to her complete mortification, it only made the feeling that much more intense. Her screams died down as the contractions did, and all she could hear was his soft chuckle.

  "Magnificent," he said, patting her on the haunch before reaching to the small bowl of water and lye soap he'd put next to the bed and washing his hands again carefully, "I'm going to make you do that as many times tonight as I can before I fall asleep."

  Nico stood behind her, finding her slit easily with his generous manhood, that was easily much thicker than the column his two fingers had formed as he'd fucked her bottom hard, and placed the end of his cock between those virginal lips. His woman was still somewhat slumped, trying to come to terms with what had just happened to her. What he could see of her face, as well as the rest of her body, was bright red with the humiliation of it all, and he thought she might even be close to a faint, which he would have considered to have been the ultimate compliment - especially as she would have arrived at it against her will.

  "It's not over, woman, not by a long shot," he said cruelly, grabbing her wrists and pulling back on them forcing her to impale herself on his swollen rod. But she was well defended, and it took several sharp stabs to make it all the way inside her, while she struggled and ended up inadvertently riding him teasingly while he took her.

  When he was finally buried inside her to the hilt, he held her there by her wrists, letting her wiggle and writhe against him, not stopping her at all or even reproaching her because it felt so damned good, reaching around at one point to spread those very moist lips and begin fingering her clit again.

  She tried, unsuccessfully to start away from him, but he brought her up short by her wrists and held her in the exact position he wanted - her rounded bum tight up against him, where she couldn't get away from his short sharp thrusts. He knelt on the bed between her legs, so that she couldn't close them if she wanted to, holding them well apart and splitting her wide with his length up inside her.

  And then he fucked her. Hard, and without a thought - beyond his fingers rasping naturally over and over the very tip of her nub, moved by his snapping hips. He knew that that was all he needed to do to make sure she would come uncontrollably, and he was right. Despite the fact that he had was raping her and she'd been a virgin - he'd heard her scream as he'd broken through that firmly seated maidenhead of hers - she was panting and writhing beneath him, and not in pain. He knew she was struggling even more against herself than she was against him, and there was no doubt as to who was going to win that struggle. He was.

  And he was right. Carolyn was so angry she could have spit at the way he'd hurt her when he'd carelessly backed her onto whatever it was that he was shoving up inside her rhythmically. It had really hurt. But then it had started to turn into something else - something very much like when he'd been molesting her earlier and had had his fingers inside a part of her body where they definitely didn't belong.

  He had compounded her shame by doing the same thing he had before - reaching around her helplessly splayed body to invade and plunder her mons, fingering that spot that had been horribly sensitive the first time he'd touched it, and now, since that strange internal explosion had happened, it was even more so. And he was just as determined, but just as casual about that, as if he was just kissing her hand in a proper salon rather than thrusting obscenely in and out of her and forcing her to enjoy it.

  Her body just went right along with him, and before she knew it, before she could marshal her defenses against it, she found herself on the edge of that precipice again. And that was where he stopped.

  He withdrew his hand from her privates in favor of grabbing her hips and jerking them back against them, thrusting into her violently, striving for his own end and not worrying about hers at the moment. He knew he had her - he knew she was dangling, that a breath of air on her pussy would hurl her into the abyss of unbelievable ecstasy, and he wasn't going to do it, right now.

  Nico had other plans for her, once he'd spewed himself inside her, which only took about five more strokes. He groan
ed loudly as he came, clenching her hips so hard he knew he'd leave bruises. Before he had a chance to think about it, before he started to feel himself descending into that twilight of after sex bliss and sleep, he untied her wrists and turned her over quickly, rebinding her wrists each to one of the rough cut logs that formed a post for the bed.

  Then he grinned evilly at her and sank down on his knees before her. She had closed her legs, but he pried them open easily. He liked proving to her that he had enough brute strength to make her do whatever he wanted her to. And without further ado, he placed his mouth over the spot that his fingers had been diddling all night, wanting to taste the sweet scent of her on his tongue, washing her most thoroughly with his broad, flat tongue.

  Carolyn began to buck at this new degradation. She would never in a million years have thought that a man might put his mouth down there! Why, a decent person spent as little time dealing with situations down there as she possible could, and here he was positively feasting himself on her, as if she was some sort of fleshly banquet!

  She could not abide this, but soon found that her only remaining method of moment - bucking her hips up - only drove her privates even further against his mouth.

  At once point, he even stopped and looked up at her, growling huskily, "I knew you'd come to love it, woman," then returning to his awful task.

  So she lay there, which was the only thing she could do, with no escape from the way his marauding mouth took possession of her, forcing that horribly pleasant tension into her body that she was becoming depressingly familiar with. She knew that the fact that she had responded to him, despite the fact that he was a stranger with no right to do what he was doing to her, meant that she wasn't the lady she'd thought she was. A real, true lady wouldn't have feelings like she was having, especially not for a man of such obvious low breeding.

  But there was no way to deny what her body craved, and it seemed the more he forced her, the more she craved it. It didn't take him very long at all to make her scream and cry and contract beneath his mouth, and Carolyn decided she wanted to die rather than let him do any of this to her again.


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