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Page 4

by Carolyn Faulkner

  When he freed her arms, she just lay there, not moving at all, eyes closed. Nico didn't worry, though. He knew she was trying to come to grips with what was happening to her, so he didn't bother her at all, didn't force her to talk. He didn't think women should talk much anyway, and the upper class ones needed to talk even less than the lower class ones. Nico felt that women were getting to be too big for their britches; that they all needed to be reminded what their place was - behind the man, several paces back, and ready to do whatever their man bid them.

  That was how he was going to train this woman to be. The right way. She was going to defer to him in all things, or face a swift and brutal punishment that would not always be some sort of spanking. There were other things he could do to her that she wouldn't like, and he would do whatever needed to be done to make sure that she obeyed him without question.

  One of the first things he did was very much like what he did when he'd roped a wild mustang not too many years ago - the same mustang that they had ridden here on. He bound her to the bed. He controlled everything about her life - especially the things that were the most basic: when and whether she ate, when and whether she was blindfolded, whether she experienced pain or pleasure at his hands - and he made sure she was never really comfortable with which one it was going to be, even down to controlling when and whether she could go to the outhouse. In fact, he didn't allow her outhouse privileges. He didn't even have one, although he did intend on building one eventually.

  Instead, he had modified an old chamber pot he'd found so that it could be slipped beneath her - at first, she wasn't even allowed to get up for that, and he limited the number of times he would allow her to go, too, and found a very effective method of punishing her that didn't require any effort on his part whatsoever. This woman had almost no bladder capacity and was in pain from needing to empty that bladder - especially when she'd had anything to drink.

  Carolyn quickly lost track of the days she was held in that one room cabin, bound to the bed, rarely allowed to get up. He did have the decency to move how her hands were bound fairly regularly, so that her shoulders didn't get too sore. Sometimes they were bound at her sides, sometimes above her head, and, of course, sometimes she was spread eagled, usually when he was planning on molesting her.

  The only time she was ever allowed to be covered was when she started shivering, but he did keep the cabin at a nice temperature for her. He walked around naked, too, and sometimes sweaty. He was obviously not used to keeping the place at such a warm temperature. Sometimes he went outside completely naked too. Carolyn wasn't at all sure why she was ever shocked by what he did any more. She always thought he had done the most outrageous thing possible, and then he managed to top it.

  Eventually, he began to leave her on occasion- he had taken enough time away from his traps, and needed to check them. Not for long - he did the ones closes to the cabin first, until he figured he could trust her not to leave right after he did once he left her loose, which he knew he was going to have to do, eventually.

  Chapter Four

  On the first day that he did leave her loose in the house, with orders and supplies to have made dinner by the time he got home, Carolyn did what she felt she had to do. She had to make some sort of effort to escape. She couldn't just accept what had happened to her. All she wanted was to get away from him - she hadn't thought much further than that. She didn't even know what direction to travel in, but figured that Shepherdstown was roughly due East of where she was.

  She hoped.

  She gathered as much of her stuff as she could into one of the blankets on the bed, knotting it loosely at the top like a hobo's bag. She'd find a stick to carry it over her shoulder when she could. She was smart enough not to have gotten into any trouble when he'd taken short trips away, and now that he was apparently going to be gone all day, she waited several hours, so that he wouldn't be anywhere around when she made her exit into the forest that surrounded the small cabin.

  But she was wrong. Nico had figured that she'd had something up her sleeve, and had patiently waited until she crossed the clearing and almost disappeared into the forest before beginning to follow her. She didn't get very far on foot at all, and the snow, which had deepened over the weeks, was practically impassible for someone as small as she.

  He let her stumble and fall and make her way as best as she could though, knowing it would wear her out and she'd be less likely to give him trouble when he finally descended on her. When she finally collapsed in the snow and didn't stir, he show shoed easily up to where she lay flat on her back, and then she sprang up clumsily, his own knife from the hearth in her hand.

  Nico was not happy. He wasn't mad that she'd taken the knife - if he had been in her situation, he would have done the same thing. He was angry with himself for having left it there to fall into the hands of a woman who had no idea how to use it, and was much more likely to get herself hurt than to achieve her goal of injuring him in any way.

  Still, he was able to get it away from her without too much trouble, and without even so much as nicking either one of them. Once he'd disarmed her and put the knife away where she wouldn't be able to get at it, he noted how cold she was and how badly she was shivering, and knew the first thing he needed to do was get her back to the cabin.

  Once there, he stripped her of all of her wet clothes and tucked her under the covers of the bed, moving it to right in front of the fire he had roaring in a minute. Then he reached under the blankets and furs and began to rub her feet and hands, which were the coldest parts of her, cursing himself for wanting to teach her a well deserved lesson. He should have caught her as soon as she'd exited the cabin and taught her a lesson on her bottom, rather than putting her through this.

  Carolyn slept for a long while, and when she awoke, he was sitting on the edge of the bed, staring down at her. She sighed in defeat. "You have to let me go. This isn't right."

  "I will never let you go. You'd better come to grips with that quickly, woman. You are mine, and you belong here with me. You could have died out there."

  She turned her face away from him. "So much the better. I shouldn't be alive after - after what you've done to me."

  He put a big paw over her stomach. "And if you're with child? Should you just give up and die then, too? Kill your baby?"

  Shocked, she whipped her head back to pin him with her glare. "I'm not with child."

  "You don't know that, do you?"

  The bald truth was that she didn't.

  "If that's what it takes to keep you here with me, then I will do everything I can to make you pregnant. But in the mean time," he said, rising to move the heavy bed easily back up against the wall, even with her in it, then binding her to it again, but on her stomach this time. Carolyn figured this was not a good sign. "I'm not going to trust you to behave while I'm gone. It's going to take me longer this way, but I'm going to only do day trips out to my traps. Some of them will go unchecked, and we might be out of food by the end of the winter. Once you're heavy with the bebe, you're not going to go anywhere."

  "But first, before I bring you to pleasure again, as I always will, I'm going to punish you for leaving, for putting my property in jeopardy. You could have died out there, woman," he growled.

  Carolyn saw him reach for the razor strop that hung from the wall. It was about three feet long and maybe three inches wide, and it looked like it would take great chunks of flesh off her body, and she was more terrified at that moment than she had ever been in her life.

  Nico wound the thing well around his fist - he didn't want it to mark her anywhere but her backside. Bottoms and backs of thighs were made for just this purpose, but not stomachs or breasts, as far as he was concerned. And it was only his opinion that mattered here.

  She was keening and whimpering already, and he hadn't even touched her, but he had absolutely no sympathy for her whatsoever, swinging the loose length of it down onto her bottom as hard as he could, not bothering to count, just to lay d
own as many welts as he could fit into that relatively small area from stem to stern. He did not intend to have paid a huge sum for her and then lose her - to her own stupidity or the pneumonia thereafter. The next time she took a step towards the door, he was going to make sure that she thought twice about where she was going.

  When he finished, she was sobbing inconsolably, but Nico staunchly ignored her in favor of wrenching her legs up high and well spread, while she was still on her tummy, but moving her arms out to her sides, bound to the middle legs of the bed on either side. That bright red bottom was ripe for him now, and he was going to take this opportunity to let her know that there was more than one way to punish a woman.

  He reached into a satchel that was hung by the bed, and pulled out something special that he'd been saving to use on the woman he found eventually, and this was definitely the right time for it. He brought it over to the bed and put it down right by his woman's face, practically under her nose.

  It was a thick, solid marble dildo that he'd procured from one of the ladies of the evening he'd ended up visiting a long time ago, when he was in Dodge City. He'd kept it tucked away until he had use of it.

  The way her eyes bloomed anxiously had his cock rising stiffly in his pants. "You're right," he teased evilly, leaning down so that he was close to her face and could see every reaction, "that's going up inside you, woman. Right alongside me. I haven't yet decided where I'll be and where it'll be, but you can bet the both of us'll be just as deep inside you as we can get."

  He took a breath and stood, removing every stitch of clothing before joining her on the bed, lying on his back beneath her spread privates and washing her from stem to stern with an indecent thoroughness.

  Carolyn hated it when he used his mouth on her. He seemed to know how much she hated it, and did it at any given opportunity. Not only was just the bare fact that he did it completely mortifying to her, but then he would also force her to enjoy it - really enjoy it - each and every time, and it was happening even more easily and more frequently than she wanted it to - which was never. She had had to come to grips with the idea that she could no longer control her body.

  To say nothing of the fact that her bottom had been thoroughly roasted by his bulging arm and that God awful strop. Carolyn hadn't had much pain in her life, but she guessed she was making up for it now. And then he'd wrenched her legs up - stretching the swollen skin of her backside even further - in order to put her privates on display for more of his molesting.

  She closed her eyes and heartily wished to die, but then what he'd said about her escape attempt ran through her mind. What if she was pregnant? What if she was already carrying a baby - her baby! She hadn't even considered the possibility. She couldn't give up, she couldn't die. She had to live for her child.

  But there that thing was, lying right in front of her face. It was big and a kind of grayish white with gold flecks and veins in it. And it looked . . . well, it looked like that portion of his anatomy that he enjoyed raping her with. It was just about the same size as he was, too - huge - and was probably just about as unyielding as he was while using it, too.

  And he'd said he wasn't sure where he was going to put either of them.

  If there was one part of this awful experience that she hated the most, it was when he invaded her bottom, which he seemed to enjoy doing almost as much as mouthing that pleasure point between her legs, and it seemed it was going to happen again. And again, her body betrayed her. It seemed as if there wasn't anything he could do that would make her not like his hands on her, and that was the most disturbing thought of all.

  She knew that, no matter what he did to her now, even with her bottom throbbing atrociously, her body would become damp and aid him in her own repeated violations.

  He was already reaching between her legs to see if she was wet - and it really wasn't a question of whether or not, Carolyn realized as her face flamed red even worse than her bottom. It was a question of how much.

  "Ahhhhhhhhh," he sighed loudly. "You're the most responsive woman I've ever seen." He worked two fingers up inside her pussy, stretching her forcibly and fucking her rhythmically as his other hand found her clit and flicked it hard - just enough to be a bit more painful than it was pleasurable.

  When she began acting as if she was enjoying even that a bit too much, he withdrew and reached for the dildo, watching her eyes flare nervously and chuckling. "That's right. You're going to take all of this big boy up inside you. And I think that, since I'm trying to get you pregnant, we'll put it where it will do the most good - into your bottom!"

  He dipped his fingers into the font of her juices and lavished them on the long, thick marble penis, then presented it to her cringing rosebud.

  Hating herself for doing it, she nonetheless couldn't stop from begging, "Please, please, no. Don't do that!"

  "Don't do what, woman? Ask for what you want or you definitely won't receive it," he teased, working the head around her sphincter in small circles.

  Carolyn was sobbing again, and not from her stropping. "Uh - oh - no - I can't - " she couldn't say the words she knew he wanted to hear.

  "Okay, then, I'll just - " Nico put a small amount of pressure on the dildo, as if he was going to slide it up inside her.

  "NO! No, please. I - I'll say it." She gulped hard then began, "Please -"

  "Ah ah ah. What do you call me, woman?" He slapped his hand down hard on the part of her bottom that had been hit the most.

  Carolyn wailed, but got herself under control as quickly as possible. "M-Master, p-please don't - don't r-rape me."

  "Rape you where, woman? You have to tell me where."

  "I- in my bottom."

  "Your bottom?" he asked, deliberately playing dumb.

  "In my - my a-ass!" she blurted out on a sob.

  "Stop crying and put it all together, and maybe I'll stop," he ordered, knowing he wasn't going to. He liked to hear such prurient things coming from such a delicate, patrician mouth.

  "M-master, please, please d-don't rape me in m-my ass," she said with incredible control.

  "Very good. But, unfortunately, since this is what I want to do . . . " he proceeded to put a small amount of pressure on the dildo, forcing the massive head pass that tight ring of muscle, nearly exploding in his pants as she threw her head back and struggled against her bonds to no avail, having to lie there on her tummy and be raped by that big marble phallus.

  He stopped pushing when the head was in, and reached between her legs to find her clit and finger it furiously for several long moments, until she was panting from it again, then he removed the phallus completely, only to push it up inside her again, less gently this time, less forgivingly, and advance it another inch or so inside her.

  And so the rape went, with him advancing and retreating and teasing and pleasuring her body along the way, until he had worked it all the way in, up to its well carved balls. Only then did he take it all the way out and put it all the way in, every single time, his hands not on her clit any longer, just fucking her bottom roughly, knowing that, although she'd never ever admit it, this was the way her body liked it - hard and fast and rough.

  He'd had an inkling that she might be able to climax just from this kind of stimulation, and now he'd decided that he wanted to see if his theory was true, so he pumped that thing in and out of her almost violently, all the way out and all the way in each and every time, listening intently to her reactions, and knowing he was on the right track.

  Even though she knew that it was only delaying the inevitable, Carolyn fought against the pleasure he was forcing her to. She couldn't help it. It was by far the most humiliating thing he'd done to her - so far. To make her climax only through the feelings that having something shoved up her bottom created in her. It was beyond mortifying, and yet her body was gathering that storm, building that wave, until it crashed over her in hard, tight clenches that hurt her as she tried to grip the huge thing that had invaded her body, and yet that only made the ecstasy
that much sweeter.

  He didn't stop until he'd wrung every last contraction out of her, wanting to prolong her degradation as long as possible. And when he did stop, it was with the dildo fully seated within her, so that when he covered her and inserted his raging erection into her drenched pussy, he would naturally keep that horrid thing deep inside her, and fuck her doubly with each thrust.

  He took her slowly but forcefully, making sure that each plunge was powerful and hard for her to accept. But accept it she did - she had no other choice, strung up high and wide as she was. He didn't touch her little nub this time, either, and he didn't need to. She came right along with him on the ride, and exploded again just seconds before he did.

  He was true to her word and kept her bound almost all of the time, until they had become virtually snowbound and there was nowhere for her to go. It was obvious that she was pregnant - and it would have been virtually impossible for her not to be, considering how often he indulged himself in her, and her pregnancy only made him even hotter for her. He loved how the pregnancy had filled her out, how lush her already generous breasts became, how her stomach rounded over the winter months.

  Her pregnancy didn't keep him from his most favorite pursuits, either. He took her whenever and wherever he wanted to. The only thing he cut back on where the physical punishments - and Nico didn't feel that there was any problem there, because he could do other things to punish her - bind her and refuse to let her empty her bladder, or rape her with that big dildo he loved to use on her, but only did so infrequently, so that it would always be something she had a hard time accepting. If it just slipped right in and she barely noticed, that was no fun at all.He took her right up till the day she delivered in any way that interested him at the time. When she grew too big in front, he took her from behind - which was his favorite position anyway. He loved the way her big belly and full breasts hung beneath her, and would often massage them both as he emptied himself inside her.


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