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Titan Stand

Page 131

by Max Jager

  "Truly amazing remarked the queen. "While I have had my portrait done before, you are the first one to capture my true presence." The queen wasn't the only one impressed with her sketches, Lord's Morrone, and Giselbert, along with Mullein Shade were all excited about her work. Naturally it didn't take long before the queen asked Emma if she would care to stay on in order to paint her picture immediately followed by requests from the others.

  A very upset Emma then asked Matt;

  "What should I do Matt, I thought I'd be going back with you.'

  He grinned, replying,

  "This is your big break Emma, your ticket to fame, go for it, but just be yourself. Denedra is a beautiful planet, This is Elvin ground zero Emma, play your cards right, and you'll be living in a fairy world, a real one."

  Captain Black told him that she and Ellen spoke with Mullein some more, and now feels that they will be able to work together.

  "She admitted that birthing babies wasn't her strong suit or surgery, so we'll just have to see."

  "Sounds like diplomacy will be the order of the day in dealing with her."

  "Well I think she'll be a big helping me to study the plant life on Endor, hopefully there will be something in the way of medicinal ingredients we can use."

  Later that morning, Fergus showed up with a message for Matt.

  "Is there anything we can do to help?" asked the Major.

  "Not right now," replied Matt, "But that's not saying I won't need help kicking around a few ideas later on." As he and Matt headed back to the palace Matt turned to him.

  "You've become a real hit with everyone Fergus. I noticed you were never lacking anyone to talk to last night." The Leprechaun laughed,

  "Ah me boyo I had a lovely time talking to the folks. You know; even though I've spoken at length to Aengus, I never really understood how popular we were back on this earth of yours."

  "Well what can I say bitty buddy you're practically the national symbol of Ireland as well as a major college football team."

  Fergus took him to a small meeting room where Bria and Caedmon were sitting behind a desk. When Matt and Fergus entered, she got up, moving to Matt, where she gave him a big hug. Fergus started to leave until she asked him to stay.

  "Please stay Fergus, we would appreciate your council."

  Sitting back down, she breathed a deep sigh.

  "Well the queen told me you know pretty much everything, we are in a real fix here Matt."

  "Let me get this straight," he replied, "Your father is dying, and your mother has no interest in becoming the queen. You want to return to earth but ." would leave Doradus without a leader?"

  "I've offered to remain until they could appoint someone," added Caedmon.

  Bria quickly responded,

  "You know we can't do that. I want to be with you Caedmon, I won't have it any other way."

  "I've been thinking about this ever since the queen first told me about it," said Matt, and I might have an idea."

  "Have you thought about holding a couple national elections?" Bria and Caedmon looked at each other shaking their heads.

  "Well here's what you do," he continued. "First announce that you are declining the offer of queen, but anyone who is interested in the job m must announce publicly that they are interested in the job. Back on earth, they call it "throwing your hat into the ring." You could limit it to ten people or so, then for the next three or four months these people would have to campaign for the job. You know, go from town to town making speeches telling the people why they would be the best choice for leader. I'm telling you, the best ones will have the good ideas, and get the most support. At the end of this time hold an election with the two top winners being the victors. They then hold debates and speeches trying to get the people to vote for them. In the next election, the winner becomes the leader, for say, five or six yeans, then the process repeats, with the previous winner not being allowed to run again."

  When he finished speaking, Bria looked confused, however, Caedmon knew what Matt had been talking about. For the next three hours Matt answered their questions as best he could, then had Fergus go get the Major. Once Matt explained the situation Major Morford did his best to explain political parties and how elections worked in the Untied States. They worked on through lunch with the major stating, "The most important thing, is laws, or in your case decrees stating election rules, and campaign guidelines. Also, term limits, rules of conduct, as well as mechanisms for maintaining free and fair elections. Now I'm not saying there won't be problems, we've been doing it for over 200 years now. Tell me princess, are there any responsible citizens you feel might make suitable candidates?"

  By this time she was making extensive notes for future reference.

  "Well I can think of three of four, however they won't understand the concepts we're dealing with here anymore than I did at first. Perhaps Matt can spare you to come to Doradus and help us out."

  "It's up to you Major," said Matt, "You're older and have a much better education in this sort of thing than I have."

  "Well it's not what I was trained in but I suppose I could help out."

  He then added,

  I know someone else who might be a big help."

  "Who's that?" Asked Matt.

  "Donald Falkner,"

  "But he's a green beret, they don't need an army or someone to organize a resistance group."

  "They do more than that," said Morford. "I was talking to him about it not too long ago. When he was in, they trained the in setting up governmental infrastructures, as well as the fundamentals of democratic reform , apparently it was his secondary training."

  "Well we can certainly ask him."

  "We would be happy to cover any costs in transportation of this man to Doradus," said Caedmon.

  "Well…" I could get off a message back to Endor and maybe Clath could run him out here."

  "I know your terribly busy," said Bria, "However any help you could give us would be most appreciated."

  "Well I'll have Amber contact Brand, and see if we can't get Mr. Falkner out here," replied Matt.

  "Can you tell me any more about what's going on Bria?" Asked Matt.

  She lowered her head,

  "Perhaps another time Matt, but not now, I've caused too much pain already."

  "I understand," he replied.

  "One more thing," she added,

  "The Major here and this Falkner you spoke of wont be in any danger but you might. At one point, my parents were convinced that you had abducted me to earth and were in league with Caedmon to usurp the throne. Caedmon and I have been doing whatever we can to correct that belief but things could still be too dangerous for just yet." Matt reached over and gave her a little hug.

  "Don't worry about it Bria, things will get better."

  Then Major Morford asked,

  "So you would rather live on earth than run things on Doradus?"

  "It isn't just the fact that I love Caedmon so much and want to be with him it's other things. Ever since I was little my parents have been grooming me to rule. Problem is no one ever asked me what I wanted. Oh, I loved a

  The attention, and all the nice things that went with being a princess but I just kept pushing the fact that one centon it would be my turn to rule. Now that time is upon me and I'm scared to death."

  Matt then said,

  "So you're willing to turn your back against it all go to earth and live out the rest of your life there?"

  "Absolutely," she replied, "Anything wrong with that?"

  "No…no, its your choice, your life. By the way, what do you think your mother or your dad's advisors will think of an election?"

  Bria let out a big sigh,

  "Right now, my mother has other things on her mind. I'm not without friends you know, and although I'm still a princess yet I do have a certain amount of power, enough to canvass for candidates, and set up the election."

  "One last question," asked Matt,

  "Where does queen Breca s
tand on all this?" Bria looked worried as she replied.

  "Well, once I explain what we are planning to her I'm hoping she'll support me. She's very good friends with my mother, not so much with my father. There's something else that hopefully will work in my favor and that is Caedmon here."

  "That's right," he said, "It's a sweet little mess we have here but basically it involves the re-joining of the three tribes, and even though the Aos Sí of which I am a part of are so far away it doesn't seem to make any difference. At any rate, the tribes are joined. We are hoping this election works out, but even if it doesn't Bria will still be the living representative of the Tuath Dé on earth."

  "Well, I guess that's all we have to talk about," said Bria, "I have to start rounding up potential candidates, and you have to get Falkner here."

  Matt looked at the major,

  "Are you going to be all right here?"

  "I'll be fine Matt."

  "We'll see that he's safe," said Caedmon, "In the meantime, he can help us draw up a list of questions to ask the candidates."

  As they walked back to the guest cottage minus Fergus, Matt and Major Morford discussed the situation.

  "I don't mind staying here for awhile," said Morford, "I'm happy to do what I can to help.

  "Well for what it's worth," replied Matt, "I think the longer you are out here you're going to find yourself involved in a lot of things you weren't originally trained for."

  Both of them had a good laugh over that one. They returned to the cottage to find everyone packed and ready to go.

  "Emma's already moved up to the palace," said Ellen.

  "It looks as though Dr. Frick and I will be staying behind as well," added Doug Stamford,"A group of university professors have asked us to stay on for awhile, I find these fairy folk simply astounding."

  "Well add me to that list," said Major Morford, "Looks like I've gotten myself involved in a political election on Doradus."

  Just before they were scheduled to leave, a knock came at the door.

  It was the queen accompanied by Mullein, and Rora Dalewick, a scholar from the university Matt recognized from the first time he had been here.

  "Your highness!" Exclaimed Captain Black who had opened the door.

  Everyone scrambled to make way as she entered.

  "I've been giving this considerable thought and have decided to send Rora along with you as my unofficial ambassador if that is fine with you."

  "No, she's more than welcome your highness," replied Matt, "We'll see that she has whatever she needs."

  "I'll also be studying you humans if that's all right with you," added Rora,

  "I'm associated with a group Mr. Stamford, and Dr. Frick will be working with. You might call me their agent in the field."

  "One more thing," said the queen,

  "About this election you and the princess are cooking up for Doradus…"

  "The princess made it perfectly clear she's not interested in ruling Doradus," said the major. "A free and fair election will hopefully install someone who is interested in ruling the planet. Admittedly, it's not perfect, and there will be problems, but it's a tried and true system back on earth."

  Well I certainly hope your right for Bria's sake."

  Surprisingly, the queen accompanied them out to the landing site where they found one of the queens guards holding Hinald.

  "Caught him trying to sneak aboard that ship your highness,"

  Thank you captain, that will be all," she replied. After the guard left she glared at a sheepish looking Hinald, embarrassed for having been caught.

  "Tell me young Stenuck, how is my brother?" He looked at her, then at Matt.

  "Not too good your highness, he's been under the weather for a geem or two, however whatever it was, he seems to be getting better."

  "Maybe we should go and have a look at him," said Captain Black.

  "No, no, that won't be necessary, he has his own physician."

  Then Matt pointed to Mullein who was carrying two bags aboard the Nora-Lee.

  "She's going with us, and will be living in Dinocki Hinald, on the queens orders, got any objections?"

  The elf glared at the queen,

  "So your highness, you send a spy to check up on us eh?" She returned his glare replying,

  "What you do on Endor is not my concern, however, you are all of the fairy folk and thus my concern. Mullein will be assisting Captain Black who is unfamiliar with our way of healing, as well as watching over your well-being."

  "We look out for our own well being your highness." Then turning his attention to Matt, he added.

  "I am not blaming you, sad to say, the queen is within her rights to send someone, but Mullein is a witch and will not be trusted."

  "I'm sorry, Hinald," replied Matt, I'm not really in a position to forbid her to come."

  "Roy won't be happy about it," was all Hinald said.

  Once they were in orbit over Denedra, Amber sent a message to Mos Eisley requesting Clath bring Donald Falkner to Denedra along with any materials he might have dealing with governmental infrastructure.

  Chapter 156

  Titan Stand Chapter 156

  As he lay in his bunk Matt tried to sort out the recent events. While things seemed calm on the surface he knew things could easily blow up.

  "Was I suckered into this election thing?" he wondered. "Hell, what do I really know about the situation on Doradus aside from what Bria has told me. What if the election fizzles out, or worse, they get someone in there who ends up starting a war with Denedra?" Then there was the situation developing right in his own back yard. How would Mullein be received? Would the elves shun her, would Captain Black and Ellen be caught in the middle, would Roy blame him?

  As if that wasn't enough, Amber was testing him on level one of his flying skills as they flew back to Endor. One thing about droids, they never revealed their feelings or thoughts unless they wanted to, and so far, she had not said a word.

  On a more positive note, Captain Black and Ellen seemed to be getting along with Mullein. In fact, the captain was doing her best to calm the witch who was taking her first ride into space. Hinald was staying out of sight preferring not to have any contact with Mullein. As a result, he was spending most of his time on the bridge where Mullein never went.

  As he lay there, his mind kept taking him back to the beginning, the day he met Greg, and Amber and all that had transpired since then. One thing he was sure of, and that was that things were certainly taking a major turn ever since he took charge of Endor. The last thing he wanted was everyone coming to him for answers, even Liam needed a lot of prodding to think for himself. Life was starting to get very complicated, and all he knew was that he didn't like it.

  The next flight cycle was spent entirely in the pilot's seat with Amber tossing him all manner of situations and problems. Many time her response to his actions was a curt,

  "Once more Matt."

  Eventually, he reached the point of near exhaustion but Amber never let up. Everyone was forbidden on the flight deck, even Hinald got the boot. Finally Endor came on the scanner with Amber calmly instructing him how to make his approach, They would be landing in Dinocki first.

  It was night, he had no idea what time it was but somehow he managed to put the Nora-Lee down in the right spot, and in one piece.

  "Well Matt," came Amber's voice, "You passed your flight test, congratulations."

  All he could do was return a weak smile and fall asleep right where he was sitting.

  When he awoke, Matt found himself in a bed not his own.

  "Man, you were really zonked out," it was Ellen's voice. After he adjusted to his situation, he sat up. Ellen was sitting next to him in what appeared to be someone's bedroom.

  "Where am I?" he asked.

  "You're in the house Dr. Black and I share," replied Ellen, "we're in Dinocki."

  "How long have I been out?"

  "Practically a day and a half, don't worry, Liam and the others went ba
ck up to New Coryville, everything is cool."

  "So how are people around here taking the presence of Mullein?" He asked.

  "Well they're not happy about it but so far that's about as far as it's gone, Mr. Von Dran wants to see you when you're up to it."

  "Christ, I'll bet he's pissed as hell about that witch showing up." Ellen shrugged,


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