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Titan Stand

Page 132

by Max Jager

  "I don't know, he didn't seem all that upset. I asked his wife about Mullein and all she would say is that if you were really sick Mullein could cure you. Thing is, as Dr. Black and I are finding out, elves don't get sick much. Bruises and cuts, is about all we've been treating." As he focused his attention on her something about her looked different, then he realized what it was.

  "Ellen what happened to your ears" She smiled as she touched her ears.

  "Pretty cool aren't they, Mullein did it."

  "She gave you elf ears?" He exclaimed. Ellen laughed, She just sorta lengthened them a little, even Dr. Black had it done. Mullein told us she could put 'em back later if we wanted, but I think they look pretty cool don't you?"

  "Yeah I guess," he replied.

  "She and the doctor are out right now tromping around looking for all kinds of plants, mushrooms and the like for potions Mullein wants to make."

  "So what do you think of her?" he asked.



  "Actually I kinda like her, she's pretty cool. I've been telling her all about how elves are portrayed and thought of back on earth, she seems pretty impressed."

  He lay back down and thought for a moment.

  "Ellen, did I do the right thing bringing you guys here?"

  "What kind of silly question is that Matt?"

  "It's not silly Ellen, I'm really serious," he replied.

  "Speaking for myself, it's the best thing that could have ever happened to me. Screw college, this is the best college anyone could ever have. We are the ones Matt, we are finally out here meeting and working with people from other worlds. I've made so many new friends I can't begin to count. If your worrying about the others…don't, we all feel the same way, and being around all these elves, it's like a dream come true. You know Matt back in school I kinda had a crush on you for a little while anyway but I didn't think you were going anywhere, look how wrong I was."

  Matt chuckled,

  "I wasn't going anywhere Ellen, until I ran into Greg and Amber. All I know is that it's changed my mind about a lot of things, stuff I'm still thinking about."

  Well all I know is that I wouldn't want to be anywhere else than here," she replied. She then went to answer a knock at the door, it was Roy Von Dran.

  Matt started putting on his shirt as Ellen brought Roy into the room.

  "So did I fuck up bringing that witch here?" Asked Matt.

  Roy pulled up a chair and sat down next to him.

  "Well let's just say there's a grudging toleration of her, only because she's the queens representative. On the other hand, she's something of a cross between a Succubus and an elf, those horns on her head are the Succubus part. I don't know, Kiggham explained it to me once but I really don't care. The elves do respect her on that count." Then looking at Ellen, he added.

  "Nothing against you or Dr. Black, but being part elf herself, Mullein obviously knows elves. As long as she doesn't try and tell us how to run things around here we'll get along fine."

  "So how are things going around here Roy?" Asked Matt. "How's things with those Neistrians?" Roy shrugged,

  "Lots of ground to cover out there buddy. Right now my people are building hunting camps roughly a day apart. Game's not in short supply, that's for sure, we're coming across all kinds of animals, some like cats, some like sheep or goats, others like bears but more dangerous. There's also some sort of animal kinda like an ox we've been coming across. Thing is, whenever someone kills one of those bear-like creatures shows up. The hunters ain't no fools and try to dispute it but according to everyone those bears are tough as nails and tougher to kill, we may need to get some guns out here."

  "Got a name for these bears?" Asked Matt, Roy shrugged,

  "Balpric's" is what we've been calling them. They're kinda like the ones back on Denedra but a little larger, certainly longer claws, actually something like a Grizzly but their head isn't as large. Also, they have shaggier fur. If you're interested, we've got one of their hides curing on a drying rack down the way."

  "Now, as far as "Fric and Frac" go I couldn't say. They keep to themselves although they are friendly enough to those they run into. They moved over by a small pond, so we don't bother them, and they don't bother us."

  "Well I've gotta go," said Roy, "Look, if you're worried about the witch, don't be, like I said, as long as she doesn't try to run things around here we'll get along just fine, but if you start seeing a lot more sharma's than usual around here then there might be a problem, catch you later."

  "What's he mean by that?" asked Ellen. Matt chuckled,

  "It means Mullein might be turning everyone into those pig-like animals,"

  "Oh, ugh."

  Not long after, Dr Danner poked his head in asking about Matt.

  "Come on in doc," said Matt, "I'm awake.

  "Well we were all concerned about you although Dr. Black claimed it was just a case of exhaustion."

  "So how are things going for you down here?" Asked Matt

  "Well, Mr. Von Dran has convinced everyone they need to have their teeth checked, however from all that I've looked at they certainly don't need me. I tell you, I've never seen a group of people with healthier teeth. However, it's not surprising when you consider they don't eat many sweets nor drink soda, or smoke. They also make up a sort of mouth wash using some sort of berries or leaves that cleanses the mouth."

  "So are you going to stick around or head back to New Coryville?"

  Well for the present time I'm sticking around, bow hunting is a passion of mine, and Roy along with some of the others are showing me how to use one of their bows. I'm also getting a lot of exercise tromping around out in the woods.

  "I thought you brought your bow?" added Matt.

  "Oh I did, but should something on it break, I'd like to be able to use an Elvin bow. I'm also learning to make my own arrows as well.

  "Well I'm sorry I dragged you out here doctor, to a place no one needs you."

  "Your wrong Matt, I love it here. Eventually, I will move back to New Coryville, or possibly even over to Mos Eisley in hopes of picking up a little work over there, and maybe spending a few days back here every couple months or so." They then heard female voices in the other room indicating the return of Dr. Black and Mullein.

  "Oh Matt, great, your up, feeling much better?" Asked Dr. Black.

  "Much better thank you, I guess it was all the stress of trying to pass that flight test and lack of sleep that did it, thanks for asking."

  "Well even though the Nora-Lee maintains it's own gravity, there are still certain stresses caused by space travel, It's a project I'd like to pursue in the future."

  "So how did your field trip go?" Asked Ellen.

  "Oh just great, we didn't find as many plants and such that Mullein was hoping for, but we brought back some interesting specimens.

  Mullein then entered the room her eyes focused on Matt.

  "Obviously this isn't Denedra, however I did manage to find enough leaves, and roots for a number of certain potions. However, there doesn't seem to be the variety of beetles I normally use for extracts," she added. Then as an afterthought she said,

  "I thought you told me there were pixies here?"

  "There are," replied Matt, "Actually I thought there were some down here but I guess they all must be up at New Coryville in the Dyson's garden. Mrs. Dyson has made a little refuge for them."

  "Hmm," muttered Mullein, "Perhaps I should pay them a visit, they will know if there are any of the proper insects around."

  "Well anytime you want to go, have Ellen or Dr. Black contact the shuttle and we'll get you up there."

  He decided to stick around another day before heading home, talking with Roy, and Hinald, along with some of the other elves.

  On one occasion he found Mullein sitting on a bench staring at a mountain peak.

  "Uh ma'am…" She slowly opened her eyes,

  "You wish to speak with me?'

  "Umm just wanted to let yo
u know about a couple Neistrian's living by a small pond up that way. Roy says they are somewhat on the sour side but act civilly toward those they meet. I just wanted you to be aware of them."

  "Thank-you Matt, I will watch for them." Matt started to leave but she asked him to stay.

  "Is there something else?" He asked. Pointing towards the nearby peaks she asked.

  "What are those mountains?"

  "We call them the Winding Stair Mountains ma'am. I call them hills as they are nothing like the Rocky Mountains where I grew up, and certainly not the Witchfires, but Roy says they remind him of the hills he grew up in so that's what we've been calling them."

  She sat on the bench for a few more moments then said,

  "There is a resonance here in this place perhaps even a presence however I will have to ponder these feelings at greater length. Tell me Matt, do you run things here?"

  "Here? No ma'am, Roy and his council make all the decisions down here I just gave them a place to live that's all."

  She thanked him then requested he leave her.

  He continued to wander around speaking with some of the village folk. Smelling burning coal he soon discovered an elf working a small forge.

  He introduced himself with the smith introducing himself as Dully Amro.

  Matt began to examine some of the items Amro had been making, but when he came across a couple knives his attention suddenly focused. Obviously the blade was made of layers of folded steel which back on earth was known as Damascus Steel. One of the knives was dagger shaped coming to an extremely sharp point. The other was a skinning knife with a drop point a favorite elf design.

  "Those aren't really for sale," exclaimed the smith, "More like samples, but what you may not know is that those blades are made with Konian steel quenched in Vulnite." Dully then came over and took the knife Matt was holding.

  "I forged this blade from two layers of Konian steel, two layers of Mekkarion steel, and one layer of smelted iron of my own formulation, with the whole thing quenched in Vulnite six times."

  "Being from earth I guess I'm not familiar with a lot of the metals found out here," replied Matt.

  "Well I'll tell you young human," said Dully, I had reservations about coming here, however when I discovered a sizeable deposit of Konia as well as Vulnite I knew I was home."

  "I don't believe I've ever heard of this Konia before," said Matt.

  "Well we elves are very jealous of our Konia," snickered Dully.

  "Konia is found in meteor's, but not all. When some of the hunters started reporting dozens of small lakes and ponds I knew they were probably meteor craters and I was right." Then Dully's whole demeanor changed as he took on a pleading tone.

  I haven't said anything to Roy or Hinald yet, but I'd consider it a great favor if you wouldn't say anything about this. I'm still on the hunt for more deposits but I have a feeling there are a lot more."

  "I take it then this Konia is pretty rare then?" said Matt

  "Rare enough. Like I said, it's found in meteor's but not all. There are a number of deposits on Denedra, mostly in the Witchfires, the Perished lands, and even on the Sentran Plain. Problem is, most are depleted, only in the Witchfires are there still viable deposits. It's one of Kiggham's main sources of revenue and all the smiths and knife makers come to him, I don't want to undercut him. There is much Vulnite around here as well, it's found in the soil."

  Matt studied Dully for a moment, then replied,

  I hear where you are coming from Dully, but it sounds as though this Konia could be something we could trade for. Endor is pretty poor right now and we could sure use some money right about now."

  "I understand," replied Dully, "Perhaps we could trade strictly with Kiggham and he could then trade it to the other smith's on Denedra, they would simply assume the ore was coming out of the Witchfires."

  "Well look," said Matt, "Let's do this, you get with Roy and Hinald and figure out how much of this stuff there is, then work out how much you want to trade Kiggham, along with some sort of return. You guys work something out and I'll consider it a special trade agreement between you and Kiggham. Any revenue out of the deal will belong to Dinocki, how about that?"

  "Well It certainly sounds good," said Dully, "But I'll have to discuss this with Roy and Hinald first."

  Although the elves here in Dinocki were pretty self-sufficient, hw wanted then to share in any wealth Endor might incur, and revenue from these metals might be just the ticket, and if nothing else, put his mind more at ease about the welfare of these people.

  Matt continued to wander around talking with elves, and admiring the beautiful scenery until the shuttle showed up with Masaki Hiroshi flying. After Matt helped him unload some bags of rice, and pieces of cut lumber they took off. On the way home, he asked Masaki how the rice and dreeda farming was going. Masaki chuckled,

  "My father is busy as can be however he is very happy doing something he loves to do. Mr. M'Raixx sent in a crew that constructed over a dozen dreeda ponds along with four good sized rice paddies for us. Gandric and one of his android friends showed us how to install the robotic monitors. Even with all that, there is still much physical work to be done. I worried about my father at first, but he is very happy, now that he has something important to do."

  Chapter 157

  Titan Stand Chapter 157

  On the way back to New Coryville, he and Masaki talked about how things were going with the rice and dreeda farming.

  "Well my father wasn't sure about growing this dreeda at first until M'Raixx walked him through the whole thing it was like a light going off in his head, I think it had more to do with the translation than anything else. Anyway, he's in his element, busy as hell. So far, with the aid of Mr. M'Raixx's people we have eight dreeda ponds going along with six rice paddies. They are getting the last of the robotic monitors installed right now, Gandric has certainly been a big help with that."

  "How about people?" Asked Matt, "What little I know about rice farming is that it's pretty labor intensive."

  "Normally it is," said Masaki, However the monitors control the harvesting machines, and we now have several of Gandric's people or droid's rather. Yoshi is learning how to program the monitors, while Michi and Rokurou are learning all about the harvesting machines. Once the first harvest is ready a lot of fine tuning will have to be done but once it's done everything will be set."

  Matt then asked him if he had any regrets coming to Endor. Masaki gave him a puzzled look.

  "Are you kidding? This is the adventure of a lifetime. To do the things we are doing has truly been a dream of man. Thanks to you and your friends Matt, travel to the stars has taken a real shortcut. Look at me; I'm flying an alien craft on a planet thousands of light years from home, looks like I might be flying that flying saucer once we get that project wrapped up."

  "So how's that going? Continued Matt.

  "Well we have everything we need now; one of the technicians from Facility 605 gave us a set of prints which Gandric is translating. Mind you, this will be a hand built craft, so it will take a little time, but once it's done we'll really have something."

  "At least there is some good news," thought Matt as he continued to brood about the task Bria lay on his doorstep.

  Back in New Coryville, he discovered Ilmi was there but not Holliqua.

  "She sent me a message asking me to tell you she would be away for a couple geems. Apparently it's something she couldn't get out of," said Ilmi.

  "Just something more to bum me out," thought Matt. He then called a meeting to determine how Endor stood financially.

  Mrs. Dyson, Yoshi Hiroshi, and Micki Hemming made up the finance committee with Micki stating their report.

  "Well I don't know if they factor these things our here but we definitely qualify as a third world planet. Currently, we are receiving tax revenue, which by the way, using Loridian Trading Company guidelines for planets such as ours are low but hopefully will encourage growth. Anyway, we are receiving
revenue from Mos Eisley, Facility 605, and Dalomac Industries which is the logging/ lumber company. Now, in their case we are giving them a substantial discount in taxes in exchange for cut lumber. Finally, along with the initial land payments, we are receiving modest tax payments from new home construction. Brand, Clath, Rekton, and four of the tech's from Facility 605, are, or plan to build homes here."

  "About the only thing good about this," thought Matt is that we are able to pay membership fees to the trading company and establish a line of credit." Then he stood adding his own information.

  "I was recently talking with Dully Amro the blacksmith down in Dinocki who tells me there may be sizeable deposits of Konia which comes out of meteors on the planet. Now this metal is highly prized by knife makers and smiths all over the system. In short, this just might be another source of income. However, I think I'm going to let the folks in Dinocki benefit from any said income for the simple fact that it will take the pressure off our treasury. Furthermore, any trading of this metal will be done through Kiggham Stenuck."


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