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Titan Stand

Page 133

by Max Jager

  A few questioned the idea of letting the citizens of Dinocki keep all the income from trade but Matt responded by telling them,

  "It could very well be that we will evolve into kingdoms or states. Now I've given this a lot of thought, now of course Dinocki will be expected to pay a certain amount of taxes to be determined at a later date. Since they choose to lead a simpler lifestyle than us, I believe the income derived from this Konia will allow them to grow and pay for services, so for now, that's the way I'd like it to stay."

  For the next two weeks, Matt and his people went to the new town hall where they sat and argued, discussed, modified, argued, cussed, and worked their asses off putting together Endor's version of a constitution. The Loridian Trading Company had sent two representatives who worked with Matt's people in incorporating various changes, and modifications making their constitution compliant with Trading Company policy. Basically, they were just stipulations that Endor would abide by Loridian rules, and pay their annual dues, along with Loridian inspections from time to time. The representatives were rather intrigued by the bill of rights and it's guarantees, as no other member planet in the system had this. To be sure, everyone made it very clear to the reps it was an essential part of Endor's new governmental system. The only part of the American governmental system they did not have was two houses of congress. That, according to Matt, would come later after their population had grown.

  Since Matt was in a sense the de-facto head of the Endorian government, (a position he was not comfortable with.) He oversaw the meetings, and made suggestions to be acted on one way or another. Liam acted as mayor of New Coryville, with Clath, and Roy Von Dran holding similar positions in their respective communities. It was a lash-up government to be sure, however, everyone got an equal say over what they thought needed to be done. Currently, the hot topic was how best to spend the income that was coming in.

  At the same time, another election was taking place on Doradus where Major Morford and Donald Falkner were trying to put together a new form of government as well. Amber had flown to Denedra where she learned that a news blackout of Doradus was in effect, however she was told not to worry,

  "We have no reports of any uprisings, wars, or general upheaval, not to worry."

  Near the end of the second week, Holliqua showed up, much to Matt's great relief.

  She also contributed to the governmental formation by offering advice to the planetary security committee on how best to spend the money allotted for defense. Since Donald Falkner was still gone, the committee was made up of Rick Patterson, Mark Jensen, Tucker, and Zyndon the centaur.

  Sitting before them, she laid out the options.

  "I'm afraid; your choices aren't very good. The best choice for a planet in your situation is what's known as a Krayton monitoring system. They are a big favorite on mining planets, along with sparsely populated planets such as this one. Basically they are automated plasma batteries that constantly monitor the air space searching for hostile craft, raiders and the like In your situation, you would need four batteries, two for New Coryville, one for Mos Eisley, and one for Dinocki. Unfortunately they run around seventy-five thousand credits per battery with another ten thousand credits for maintenance and upkeep."

  She couldn't help but notice the collection of grim faces staring at her.

  "I'm sorry, that's the cheapest you can get." Then Rick Patterson suggested perhaps just one for now to cover just New Coryville. Holliqua shook her head.

  "Four is the lowest amount you can go with; it's an interlocking system, each unit working with another. The only way you can buy just one unit is if you are replacing one's that damaged or upgrading." So it looked like Endor was going to remain more or less undefended a little while longer.

  Then it was Miki Hemming's turn to promote various civic improvements, water, being at the top of the list. Fresh drinking water was critical along with a decent water treatment, and sewage system. She had spoken with a Ruddorian civil engineer about a modular system that could be added to as needs increased. The only consolation was that this system was fifty thousand credits less than the defense system, a real Hobson's choice.

  The meeting ended with no solution to the problem, Matt and Holliqua retiring to his home where they continued to discuss the problem.

  "I'm sure glad you're here to explain things to everyone," he said.

  "Well I certainly want to help," she replied, I certainly am up-to-date on the current raider situation. However, I must warn you that while they maybe weak, and on the run at the present time, that won't continue. They have been in these situations before and recovered. Also, don't think they won't forget about the source of all their troubles, that is why you…we, must remain ever vigilant."

  "You know Holliqua; this whole situation reminds me of a video game I once played. You started out with a basic spaceship with no money. You started out exploring, and discovering new planets, or mining asteroids, and trading. If you were clever, you slowly built up enough credits or whatever they were to upgrade your ship. Better engines, better weapons and shielding. Then hopefully, you would finally get enough credits to buy a custom spacecraft."

  "So," she asked, "Did you ever get that spacecraft?" Sighing, and shaking his head, he replied.

  "No, it was always one thing or another preventing me from getting enough credits to be able to afford that fancy spaceship." She pulled him close, kissing him,

  "Don't give up, never give up hope Matt, we're in this together, I'll help you get that ship this time." With that, they fell into bed sharing each other's passion until the dawn.

  On the following day, the meeting continued, it coming down to crunch time and hard decisions had to be made. Finally, a vote was called for, go into hock for a defense system, or leave the treasury practically empty going with a water and sewer system. When the vote came up Matt found himself voting water. As he explained his vote to Holliqua.

  "I'm banking on the information you gave me concerning the raiders that we'll get some breathing room. We desperately need that water system, but once it's in, it's in. Then we can concentrate on getting some sort of defense system, unless of course, something else doesn't pop up." As expected, the decision to go with the water system didn't sit well with Patterson or Jenson, but it couldn't be helped, the primitive system left from the old days just wasn't cutting it anymore.

  The water system would be installed by a Trading Company approved contractor, in this case, an Lyskandan firm. The job would take three geems but came guaranteed by the Trading Company. Not long after, Matt received a hologram from Donald Falkner concerning the situation on Doradus. Playing the hologram in front of the whole assembly, everyone saw Falkner and Major Morford dressed in local garb sitting at a table.

  "Well Matt, Liam, it's been one hellava ride, but we are alive and still in one piece. The two of us have been working our collective asses off these past weeks, and I do believe we've been every crossroads, village and tavern on this planet."

  Falkner stopped to take a swig of what was obviously beer as Major Morford began. We've managed to get a slate of four candidates out of an original ten.

  Don and I believe these individuals, two men, two women; truly have the best interests of Doradus at heart. They are also acceptable to Princess Bria, her mother, and advisors. Tomorrow, the main election will take place, the winner with the most votes becoming what we are calling a chancellor. The second runner-up will become vice-chancellor. Both Don and I have our fingers crossed, we've certainly worked hard for this day. As for King Valsung, he's not expected to live much longer, perhaps two days at most. His wife may also join him, as she is in very poor health as well."

  Then Falkner took over,

  "We had a devil of a time getting these people to understand the basic concepts of democracy as well as an elective form of government. However, through the efforts of the princess, and her husband, we started making inroads. Once people began to grasp what it was we were trying to achieve, t
hey started getting on board in droves. We've vetted the candidates nine ways from Sunday, and while they wouldn't pass muster in an American election, we believe they are sincere in their desire for a happy and prosperous Doradus.

  Falkner and Morford out, more to come later."

  "Well hopefully, that's one thing that won't continue to bug me," thought Matt, as the hologram faded.

  That evening, a group of them flew over to Mos Eisley to unwind.

  Matt, Holliqua, Liam, Ilmi, Josh Mahler, and Micki Hemming. Rick Patterson and Mark Jenson went as well, however they were still mad at Matt, so they sat elsewhere.

  It wasn't long before Brand and Clath joined them,

  "Heard from that fellow I flew to Denedra?" Asked Clath.

  "We did," replied Matt, "Just got a hologram from him. It seems like they were able to pull off the election, so we'll just have to wait and see I guess." He then asked the two how their homes were coming.

  "Mine's just about finished," replied Brand, "All the furniture and decorative scheme have to be added, but that's Aesil's department, everything has to be just so, for her, but this is the first home we've built from the ground up, and it's been a long time coming. Don't worry, we'll invite you over when it's all finished."

  Chapter 158

  Titan Stand Chapter 158

  As Matt looked around, it looked as though Brand had a good crowd tonight, but then he had a lot of friends, who had friends. He had enemies as well but they knew better than to show up here.

  "So how is all that liquor you brought back holding out?" he asked Brand.

  "Well it's very expensive which makes it premium stuff. Still, I'm roughly a quarter way through my stock. Say, that reminds me, what would you say to the idea of opening a distillery here on Endor?" With a surprised look and a half smile, he replied.

  "Well if you're asking me if I know anything about making alcohol, forget it. I take it you want to cut out those long trips to earth?"

  "Absolutely," said Brand, "There's something about the taste of the liquor from earth everyone seems to like. As you know, there are similar beverages here in the systems but everyone is commenting about "That earth liquor."

  "Well I do know you will need corn, wheat, rye, sugar, sugar cane if you want rum and I think tequila is distilled from some cactus which I've never seen out here."

  Brand dismissed him with a wave of his hand.

  "Those problems can all be overcome, and this is something not just I would be involved in. Tell me, would you be interested in making a run back to earth?"

  "For what?" Asked Matt,

  "To bring back people who know how to distill alcohol."

  "Any particular kind, what seems to be the best selling around here?"

  "Well right now its bourbon, vodka, and tequila, and I almost forgot, something called sour mash whiskey."

  "Well you'll need lots of corn for that, wheat for the vodka, and some kind of cactus for, the tequila."

  "Well you could bring back the proper seed, as well as some of these cactus you're talking about."

  "Well I probably need to bring back people that know how to make the stuff as well," replied Matt.

  "Well yes that too," said Brand. "Let me talk to some people about financing your trip," replied Brand. Then he added,

  "If we do this thing right, it would certainly be a boon to your treasury," said Brand.

  "Well we will deal with that when we get things up and running," said Matt.

  So it looked like he might be returning to earth sometime in the near future, but not before he wrapped up business elsewhere.

  The next day it was back to the "grind," with a full day of sitting in the town hall, talking, and listening to others talk.

  They discussed Brand's idea, which everyone thought might be a good idea insofar as it would bring much needed capital to Endor; however, Meghan Cook brought up an interesting point.

  "While I've got nothing against a distillery, but have you considered the amount of land that will be needed to grow corn, and wheat? Maybe some other ingredients as well. I don't think I need to remind you that we don't have that much-cleared land. Pretty much all of it is being used for rice and dreeda."

  "I haven't forgotten," replied Matt, "But these are things that will have to be worked out with Brand, and the little company he's putting together.

  For the time being, the distillery issue was tabled until Brand checked in.

  They listened to a report from Rick Patterson, and Zyndon dealing with security.

  Zyndon and his people were now acting as a sort of roving security watch, scouting, watching for any unusual activity, and trying to be useful.

  "From our observations," reported Zyndon, "Endor is full of small ponds, two sizeable rivers, and at current count six streams. However, we've only covered a small portion of the planet. Oh, I almost forgot, we've discovered three more crash sites. We haven't investigated as all three are in places we cannot get to.

  They talked more about the upcoming project to mark out a road all the way down to Dinocki and the obstacles that might be encountered. So far, it looked like a rather lengthy and thick forest was the biggest one.

  The day ended as usual with more problems left unsolved than solved but all the same, Matt and Liam felt that they were still moving forward¾even if it was only a crawl. As if he didn't have enough to deal with Amber reminded him that he needed to get to Golia and take his pilot's certification test.

  "I'll be glad to take you," offered Holliqua, "I have some business on Golia, so it wouldn't be out of the way." Matt gave her a suspicious look as he wasn't sure what she meant by "Business on Golia." However, she caught his expression.

  "It's not that kind of business Matt, you don't need to worry."

  He then asked Amber,

  "While I'm gone, would you and Jezang run down to Dinocki and pick up Roy and an elf named Dully Amro and fly them to Kiggham's stronghold and while you're there, check on Major Morford and Mr. Falkner, if they want to stay on a little longer that won't be a problem"

  "I'll be glad to," replied Amber, "I'd also like to take Gandric, he's been pestering me to take him to Xandrus."

  "Sure, no problem but if you're going to Xandrus, take Masaki as well, he's rather curious about the place."

  While on the way to Golia, Holliqua let Matt practice flying, along with plenty of encouragement on her part.

  "Thing I can't figure out," said Matt, "Is if you guys are so technologically advanced out here why do I have to make a trip to Golia to apply for a pilots license. I feel like I'm going to the DMV to get my drivers license."

  Relax Matt," replied Holliqua "It's only because you're from Endor."

  "Being a new planet, the licensing board has no records and will need to classify the planet and set up a data base. After this, anyone from Endor will only need to head over to Fort Kamata and do everything on the computer. I'll tell you what, after you get your license, and I know you will, we'll go to a place I know about and celebrate okay?"

  "Yeah, sure," replied a very nervous Matt Grainger.

  They headed for Khemna the capital of Golia, a vast and sprawling metropolitan area Holliqua said extended six levels underground. He could see why, as there were no gleaming spire-like buildings or skyscrapers like in New York. He doubted any of the buildings were over ten stories, and all were surrounded by vegetation trees, and shrubs in green, orange and blue. When he commented on it, Holliqua replied,

  "Golian's love their harmonics, that's what they call those areas with all the trees and grass," explained Holliqua.

  "I take it they don't like tall buildings?" He asked, she chuckled,

  "You want to make a Golian nervous, and sweat, get them up in a Selantrian spire."

  "So where do we have to go?" he asked, pointing to what looked like a small landing area, she replied.

  "That's Byratoric, the government center. The department you need to see is right on the edge of that landing field." When they had
permission to land, Holliqua set down a s close as she could.

  "I don't know how long I'll be, my business is way on the other side of town. If I'm not here, then just wait for me. I think there's a small lounge in that building over there, see you later, and good look. They kissed, then he stood back and watched her take off. Looking around, he spotted a sign indicating pilot certification. When he passed through the security terminal, a rather sinister android asked him to state his business here.


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