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Titan Stand

Page 139

by Max Jager

  Finally, the time arrived to head for Florida, everything was loaded, Dillon and Jenna had arrived and already staked out sleeping areas. As he was saying good-bye to his folks, he saw his mother give Amber a hug,

  "Tale care of Matt for me Amber."

  "I always do Mrs. Grainger," came the reply, which he noticed contained an unusual amount of emotion¾for and android. Both Jenna and Dillon were simply blown away at taking their first ride in an alien spacecraft each asking about space suits and weightlessness.

  "You won't need them," explained Matt, this ship also has it's own gravity generator like all ships just walk around normally. Same with breathing, the life support system sees to that." They were equally amazed how little time it took to reach Cape Canaveral, just a little over an hour. Mr. Janson set everyone up with quarters while they were at the Cape, Jenna and Dillon getting free tours in the deal.

  While waiting for everyone to arrive, Matt asked Mr. Janson,

  "So far, everyone seems satisfied over you guys handling all the payments."

  "Well that was our intention; your friend covered reimbursements as well as full payments with gold, blue diamonds and rare metals, which so far, satisfies our agreed on exchange rates. However, we are investigating the possibility of using crypto currencies, such as bit coin, although it's rather volatile." Matt also spoke to a couple people from the state department who wanted to talk about dual citizenship.

  Well I suppose you could call it that," he explained to them. However, none of us have renounced our citizenship. I guess you could call us expatriates as we are choosing to live in a foreign country. He then added, "Right now, we don't have a lot of laws on the books. We are part of the Loridian Trading Empire, in that we operate under their guidelines as an emerging planet."

  The State Department people kept pressing the point about holding dual citizenship requiring Janson to step in.

  "Look everyone," exclaimed Matt, can't we just let this ride, as I said, none of us have renounced our citizenship, we are not enemies and I will continue to seek those who wish to come to Endor. When the Neistrian's left the planet the Loridian people told us Z'ha'Dum was now considered a human planet since we were the largest sentient life form there. I need to increase that so some other races doesn't just move in and take over. We're just like the western pioneers settling new ground." At Janson insistence, they decided not to push things accepting the term expatriates, at least for now.

  "While we're on this subject, and speaking as head of the Endorian government," said Matt, would it be possible for us to either purchase, or otherwise receive such things as fully automatic weapons, ammunition, rockets, and hand grenades?"

  "What in blazes do you need that sort of thing for?" Asked Janson.

  "Well we still face threats from raiders, and if we do go ahead with building a distillery or two on the planet we might become a tempting target."

  "Why can't this Loridian Trading Company supply you with weapons?" Asked one of the men from the State Department.

  "Oh they could," replied Matt, "And a lot better stuff than you could. Unfortunately, it's all pretty expensive, I mean really expensive. Right now however, all our money is going towards a water system, and housing. Then there are roads. Since we only have limited funds, we just don't have the money to buy defensive weapons. That's not saying we don't have guns, but we need a lot more than that to fend off a raider attack." One of the BATF people who was there got wind of Matt's request, flat telling him that American citizen's couldn't own full automatic weapons.

  "Well Endor is another planet and we don't have any laws stating what people can and can't own. Maybe we could call it a loan just until we get enough credits to buy some better stuff at which time you'll get it all back."

  "Say we were to loan you a few things, would you even know how to operate them?"

  "Oh absolutely," replied Matt, "We've got people who are ex- seals and a Green Beret, they would certainly know."

  "What do you have in mind?" He was asked. Matt thought a moment then replied.

  "How about a couple fifty caliber machine guns, maybe a mini-gun and a bunch of RPG's?"

  "Those aren't US made weapons,"

  "I know, but they are easier to operate and I'm sure you've got a bunch stashed away in some warehouse. Look Mr. Becker I'm not some irresponsible kid, I'll be glad to sign for anything, and we'll make sure everything is stored properly and you'll get it all back when we don't need it anymore minus any ammo we might use."

  "We're going to have to think about this," came the reply.

  Meanwhile, the conference moved right along with rep's from several major distilleries such as Jim Beam, Jack Daniels, Maker's Mark, Jose Cuervo, Knob Creek , Johnnie Walker, Jameson's and Bushmills. Brand was taken through the whole distilling process, and how the different liquors were made. It wasn't only the distilling process but product storing and aging as well. Brand also learned that this was something that wouldn't happen overnight, carefully aged and blended whiskies took years. As if that wasn't bad enough, the agriculture people were telling him that based on the soil samples they were given, Endor just didn't have the right kind of soil to grow corn, wheat and barley in any great quantities.

  On the bright side however, there were six volunteers some with wives willing to go to Endor to help get things up and running.

  Chapter 165

  Titan Stand Chapter 165

  When Matt Arrived at Cape Canaveral he wasn't prepared for the uproar Brand had caused. The place was overrun with all manner of distillery executives, advertising representatives, concerned government and NASA reps and those who wanted to meet a real-life alien.

  Brand was taking things in stride, patiently explaining exactly what it was he and his fellow saloon and tavern owners wanted.

  At the end of the final meeting, both sides learned a great deal about each other, Brand probably the most. He learned that fabricating and setting up of the distilling equipment was relatively easy, however the proper blending and aging of distilled spirits was a very precise art. Not only that, but it would take a number of years before any kind of quality liquor would be ready. Most alcohol was aged in oak barrels due to the wood's properties. Since there wasn't any oak on Endor, a suitable replacement would have to be found.

  Out of the original six volunteers offering to go to Endor, one had backed out; the remaining five were being sponsored by their companies with a two-year leave of absence with an option to extend should more time be required. All were nearing retirement and each man was a wealth of knowledge and experience. There was a trade-off of course, which required Brand to agree to the strict requirements each distillery maintained for its products as well as the free use of advertising. During a "meet-and-greet," Matt had occasion to speak to a couple of the men Edmond Kaitlyn of Bushmills, and Peter Falkner from Maker's Mark. Both were curious about where they were going to live for the next two years at least.

  "Ever see "Return of the Jedi"? Falkner had,

  "We renamed the planet to Endor because it looks a lot like the planet in the film. No Ewok's though. Like I said, there are a lot of trees, all kinds; Brand and I are hoping some of them will be as good or better than oak for barrels.

  "Well we certainly hope so," replied Kaitlyn, "or this whole effort will be for naught."

  "Well as far as housing goes, Brand and his group will be responsible for your housing, you can either live in New Coryville, or wherever they decide to build the distillery."

  "Well our bosses made it very clear to your friend that constructing a proper distillery, along with a Rickhouse and a cooperage for making barrels.

  "We know all about that," said Matt, "Still trying to find a couple guys who aren't a hundred years old who know how to do that."

  "Well we certainly couldn't spare anyone," replied Falkner. Matt had almost forgotten about actually making barrels but when it came to making good whiskey, proper aging was an absolutely required.

  If they coul
dn't get anyone who knew how to do this it just might be the end of Brand's venture. Shortly before they were due to leave, The Bushmills people managed to locate a man in Belfast who was skilled at making barrels but more importantly, consented to go live on Endor for two or three years. As he told Brand and Matt,

  "I can build yer barrels fur ya, but only fur three years, after that you'll have at find another." It was at this point that Matt began to think more and more about the Sistorki and approaching them about learning the distillery business, at least as far as working in the distillery. Later, during the flight home, he spoke to Brand about it.

  "I've got nothing personal against those people so I suppose we could give it a try. Of course, it will all depend on what these men we're bring back decide. Right now, the man who goes by Roger Turnbull has set himself up as the unofficial group leader. I'll speak with him about this matter so that perhaps he can work out some way to evaluate their performance."

  "Well I for one hope they work out, I realize I really stuck my foot into things by inviting them to Endor but it was right after you started talking about this distillery project and all."

  "Don't be so hard on yourself young Matt," replied Brand, "What's done is done, and, after all, we are talking about Golians and I for one will certainly vouch for my own race."

  The departure from Cape Canaveral was quite a spectacle, and both Matt and Brand tried staying out of the limelight as much as possible. Amber and Gandric simply remained inside the Nora-Lee out of sight, out of mind. Matt and company left earth with the ship stuffed to the ceiling with liquor, liquor advertising (which through Brand's translating efforts was all in Golian) An agreement had been hammered out stating that the crew going to Endor would remain there for two years with an option for another year to set up a large distillery which would make Irish whiskey, bourbon, Tennessee sour mash whiskey, and scotch whiskey.

  The four men on loan from the distilleries would have full control and make all the crucial decisions regarding the quality of the product. This was a tough one for Brand to agree to not that he wasn't in agreement, but he wasn't sure what the other members of the consortium would say. The toughest part of the whole thing was ensuring the quality of what was made on Endor was every bit as good as what they were hauling back in cases.

  As Roger Turnbull laid it out to Brand,

  "We will have full control, we will determine everything, the quality of the grains, the water used, as well as the type of wood going into the barrels, it's the only way this venture will work." Along with everything else, seed grain had also been loaded as well as samples of American white oak for the barrels. Good spring water was also another important factor; one that Matt already knew existed on the planet as Tucker the android had already told Matt of a large one he knew about. The Nora-Lee left earth with not only a full load of passengers and cargo but hope, fear, and dreams.

  On the return trip, Turnbull, and the other men sat down with Brand and drew up a plan as well as a blueprint of how the whole distillery process would work. Since it was now looking as though Endor's soil couldn't grow the grains required. This meant seeking the trading company's help in locating someplace that could grow the required grain in sufficient quantities for their needs. This also meant transport costs as well, but these were things Brand and his consortium had to decide. This time around, it was Amber who shared the piloting duties as Brand was spending most of his time talking to the distillery men. Dillon and Jenna also spent a lot of time sitting in the jump seats talking to them. Dillon became fascinated with Amber but came to Matt asking about her.

  "Is she a robot came the first question.

  "Whatever you do Dillon," warned Matt, "Don't ever call her that, both she and Gandric are fully sentient beings. They don't bleed or breath like we do but they are every bit as alive as you or I. Just talk to them normally and things will be fine. When we get to Endor, you will more than likely meet her "sister" Jezang. If you want to learn martial arts or just how to defend yourself Jezang will show you. She'll give you a cardio workout you won't soon forget, ha! One more thing, and I don't want to scare you but both Amber and Jezang are what's known as Tharg."

  "Tharg?" Asked Dillon, "What's that?" Matt looked at him grinning.

  "Ever see any of the terminator pictures?"

  "Uh, just the first one,"

  "That's what Tharg are, terminators. But don't worry, both are my friends and mentors, but I've seen them in combat, heh, heh, they are wickedly evil with knives, and that's all I'm going to say about that."

  During another conversation with Jenna, he answered her question about other life forms living on Endor.


  Do you belive in elves, fairies, pixies?" She gave him a puzzled look.

  "No, not really, why, are you telling me they really do exist?" He chuckled,

  "As real as you or I. No doubt being biology major, you'll be working with Mr. and Mrs. Dyson our regular doctors. Mrs. Dyson has a beautiful garden behind their house in which six pixies live. Dinocki is a village roughly two hundred miles south of New Coryville, it's an Elvin village. Doctor Black who works for NASA lives down there and one of my old classmates Ellen Macy is her assistant.

  "Oh my god, that is so cool," replied Jenna, "Is there a chance I could visit the place?"

  "I don't know why not. Oh yeah, I forgot to mention, we have a few centaurs living on the planet as well, they come from the planet Denedra like the elves. You might not see them right away, 'cause they're part of our security force and are usually out on scouting trips, but they generally hang around in Dinocki."

  It didn't take long for him to whip up Dillon and Jenna into a fever pitch of excitement over their new home. A similar subject came up when he was in the galley making coffee, and the two Irishmen Wallace Drake, and Michael Flynn came in.

  "So you guys are from Ireland eh?"

  "Yes we are young fellow, are you by chance Irish?"

  "No, but I've been to your country a few times. So, any thoughts on the "little people?" Both men gave him puzzled looks,

  "Are you speaking of Leprechaun's?" Asked Drake.

  "None other, I've even met a couple." At this both men laughed thinking he was pulling their legs. Matt kept a straight face,

  "It's no joke they really do exist both in Ireland and on a planet called Denedra. Now there's not many of them but queen Breca rules the planet, and one of her staff is a leprechaun named Fergus Freydis and I've got a bottle of Jameson's for him."

  By this time, both men realized he was not joking.

  "You really aren't fooling us are you?" said Flynn.

  "Nope," replied Matt, "Denedra is basically an Elvin world however there are plenty of fairies and pixies. It's sister planet is called Doradus, and it's more or less a Dwarven world. When you guys are sitting in the Moonspinner pub in Denedra's capitol of Gwyn Wood drinking with Fergus and his buddies you will be true believers, you'll never be the same again." This seemed to give them food for thought as they asked him more questions about Endor and what they could expect to find there. Matt gave them a brief history of how the Neistrian's brought a whole town of earth people to the former Z'ha'dum, and how he suddenly found himself the leader of a whole planet.

  "We're pioneers in the truest sense Mr. Kaitlyn, "Right now, we're just kind of playing everything by ear."

  He was just finishing up dinner when Jenna came and sat down. She opened with questions about Endor in a direction that was starting to irritate him.

  "I'm sorry to tell you this Jenna but there's no Facebook, Twitter, or even conventional phone service on Endor. It bothers people at first but they get used to it. I'm afraid you're going to have to do like everyone else and talk to people face to face. It's hard at first, but New Coryville is small enough you'll be running into everyone who lives there half a dozen times a day anyway. It won't be long before you get involved in something so you won't have much time to sit around scrolling your phone anyway." She didn't seem happy abo
ut this asking,

  "I thought everything was so modern, what with all these aliens you've been talking about and stuff?"

  "Well yeah," he replied, all the tech is incredibly advanced you'll see when you get your translator and a wrist comm like this one." Holding up his left wrist, she looked closer at it.

  "Actually it's kinda old tech as most people you run into have their comm devices incorporated into some part of their clothing like a jacket or something."

  "Unfortunately, like all the really good stuff it's all pretty expensive. Which reminds me, about that translator. We'll be stopping at Fort Kamata to refuel, drop off part of the liquor shipment, and get you and the others ID's and citizen recognition, along with translators like the one stuck in my ear." Jenna looked closer,

  "Eeeuu, that doesn't look comfortable," she exclaimed.

  "Actually it is, you don't even notice it's there, you'll see.'


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