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Titan Stand

Page 140

by Max Jager

  He suspected she was working up to something and sure enough; she switched gears by asking him.

  "Are you married Matt or have a girlfriend?" He looked at her and grinned,

  "Girlfriend, she's a Malhazar, and her name is Holliqua Karlnoti."

  "Malhazars, what are they like?"

  "Ever see the Godfather?"


  "Well the Malhazar's are kinda like the mob, don't fuck with them, since Holliqua is my girlfriend we get along great, but just don't cross them or you're liable to get "crossed off." He snickered, "Aww I'm just kidding, they're cool."

  "Umm what does she do," continued Jenna, "Is she going to school someplace?"

  "Yeah," he replied, "But see we have sort of a "don't ask, don't tell," policy over what it is she actually does or where she's going to school. So, when you eventually meet her don't go asking a lot of dumb questions, she's got some security thing going on I don't ask and she don't tell."

  "Secret agent eh?" Matt shrugged,

  "More like a professional hitman, or "hit woman," in this case, but don't tell her I said anything." Jenna gave him a horrified expression to which received a shrug.

  "We love each other, go figure." After that, the conversation more or less ended, Brand came in and sat down while Jenna got up and left.

  "What's her problem?" He asked.

  "I think she was sniffing around for a boyfriend or something," replied Matt,

  "Whatever, say, I was talking to that bunch that are going to help get things set up. They are giving me a better idea of the sort of layout we're going to need, the actual distillery, a place to make barrels, something they call a rickhouse, a mash house, and grain storage."

  "Are you thinking that all this is a little more involved than you first thought? Asked Matt. Brand thought a moment,

  "I've seen the distillery on Tasir Var, but these fellows are describing something much larger."

  "Well," replied Matt, "You and your friends want quality, this is what you have to do, sometimes you have to spend money to make money." Brand sighed,

  "I suppose."

  Chapter 166

  Titan Stand, Chapter 166

  When Dillon wasn't pestering Gandric and Amber, he liked to sit behind Matt and ask a lot of questions mostly relating to the only science fiction reference point he had¾the movies. Matt put up with his questions because he was once where Dillon was now. Finally, he set the young man straight.

  "Look Dillon, I don't mind your questions, I had them once myself. Forget everything you ever saw in the movies, and all that Star Wars stuff, it's not like that at all. In addition, another thing, all my friends have seen those movies and think they're funny. Oh there are things that are pretty much the same but it's not aliens all set to invade earth, or angry monsters. Its people just trying to get by or do the best they can. You've talked to Brand, hard to believe he's an ex-bounty hunter but he is. His partner is Clath who looks like Yondu in Guardians. Thing is, feel free to cut your own deals, just like I did. Everyone who's come out here with me has done just that."

  "Well I really like Gandric and Amber, although I think I irritate her."

  Matt snickered,

  "Don't worry about it, but if you're lucky maybe he will take you to Xandrus, it's a whole planet of droids. Also, you need to see Ussen Ommo; I guarantee that what you see there will change your mind entirely about superior races."

  By the time, they hit Fort Kamata Brand and the distillery people had everything pretty well nailed down. As far as a place to grow the grain they would need and was reasonably close Denedra and Doradus came to mind, however this would require negotiations with their respective governments.

  "I've got cargo for Ozni," said Brand, "Plus I need to speak to him about getting an audience with the agriculture minister so it's looking like we'll be at the fort quite awhile."

  They had to wait until a fueling dock opened up, but in the meantime, Matt gathered the passengers for his speech.

  "Once we get fueled, then we'll move over to the landing area. First order of business is getting all of you signed up and ID's issued. Then it's on to the electronics shop where you will all get proper translators then after that, something to eat and drink, I'm going to need all of you focused, don't wander off or stop and stare. As I like to tell everyone Fort Kamata is where what was once science fiction becomes reality."

  Brand left the ship once they were in the fueling dock off to find Ozni while Matt and Amber took care of the refueling. Dillon was fascinated by the process in which four cylinders the size of three standard oil drums end-to-end were installed in the fuel chambers after the spent cells were removed. Gandric explained the process to him as they watched the robots complete the process.

  "That is really cool the way those robots do all that," he stated in amazement to Matt.

  "I guess I'm just the jaded tourist," came the reply, "I've seen it so much it's no big thing anymore."

  "You must have seen so much," replied Dillon, "This is all so awesome." Chuckling, Matt stated,

  "I don't know how much sci-fi you've read but we're living one right now."

  After the fueling process was complete, they moved over to the main landing zone.

  "All right everyone, since none of you will understand anything that's being said, just stay close and do what I tell you, here we go."

  First up came security where Matt's ID card was checked, Amber on the other hand placed her hand on a scanner for the same information. Matt then cleared the others through security as they headed for the Loridian field office. Deev Mocon wasn't there, off to a conference, according to his assistant Zeb Kifire,

  "More citizens for Endor eh?" He inquired.

  "Those six men are going to be helping us set up a distillery on Endor, it's something Brand Ti'Korvo and a consortium of bar owners have put together to make the kind of liquor we have on earth out here." Zeb nodded,

  "So I hear, Ozni's been telling us about it"

  "One thing you might be able to help with," added Matt, "This liquor requires three or four different types of grain which isn't grown out here. Brand and I have been thinking about the possibility of growing the grain on Denedra and Doradus since the soil on Endor isn't right. Who do we need to see about that?"

  "Their ministers of agriculture for starters," said Zeb. "I've got to go to Doradus to talk with that new Prime Minister of their's, I can also stop by Denedra to see Breca as well, I'll let you know what I find out." Meanwhile, the newcomers all underwent interviews, and issued card.

  "Don't loose these," explained Zeb, they are your life. All your personal data, as well as credits are accessed through that card." Using one of Matt's spare translators, Dillon asked him,

  "These cards seem rather old-fashioned for such an advanced society as yours?"

  Zeb chuckled,

  "Oh there are plenty of other ways, retinal scans, chips imbedded in the hand that sort of thing, but they are expensive and have their own problems. They may, as you say be old fashioned, but they are very popular."

  Once they had finished up there, it was off to the electronic shop. By now, Matt was well known around there, Osnet, a Uwanian greeted him by name when he entered.

  "Ah Matt, loyal customer you have returned."

  "How ya doing Osnet, got two groups here which means two separate billing accounts. Here's the card the units are to be charged to."

  "What model o you wish?" asked the clerk. Matt grinned; well it looks like everyone is getting the 23448 model like I'm wearing. Those two will be on my account."

  "Most excellent," exclaimed Osnet, "Tell everyone to have a seat; this will take a little time. Oh by the way, why don't you remove your's and I can clean and inspect it." Matt groaned, as removing a translator like his, was a pain in the ass. Osnet then left to clean the unit.

  "Listen up everyone," he exclaimed, "I need to explain a few things about these translators."

  When he finished, there were many apprehe
nsive faces giving him looks. Nobody was sure they wanted micro bugs in their ears.

  "I wasn't crazy about the idea at first either, but once they recognize you you'll barely realize the things in your ear, you don't even have to take it off to shower. If you're going to communicate out here, you need these. You're going to think it's pretty cool when you can go up to a Golian, Malhazar, or a Selantrian and talk to them just like anyone on the street back home. Just roll with it, you'll see."

  They were in the shop well over an hour getting everyone fitted properly. Not surprisingly, Jenna and Dillon complained the most as the nano bugs became comfortable with their new hosts. Since he too was re-installing his unit, Matt underwent the tickling, and creepy feeling they were experiencing. He made things a little easier as he walked everyone through the process. He also bought four refurbished standard models for temporary usage. Osnet also cut him a deal on two refurbished "notebook" type computers. Giving them to Dillon and Jenna, he explained.

  "I'm giving these to you two, take care of them. They are old models but unlike that Microsoft crap back on earth they never become obsolete. Once you figure out how to use then and what they can do you'll never want to use an earth computer again. Check with Gandric, he's got a program that "translates" data from earth computers to these. Everything is touch and scroll just like your phones but there are some interesting variations, check 'em out."

  After everyone was outfitted, it was off to the bar. As they made their way down the corridor Matt described their next destination and his memories of his first visit. When some of his group asked about getting something to eat, he replied.

  "They serve food here, all pretty good. I'd suggest the eabak, it's practically the national dish on Golia and they make it really good here. I'd also suggest the kipping pie as well. It's kinda like cherry pie is the best I can describe it."

  Roger Turnbull then asked him about the availability of coffee, with Edmond Kaitlyn asking about tea.

  "Sorry guys, I know we had it aboard the Nora-Lee, but out here they just have this shitty stuff called mes-kai, it's made from the crushed leaves of the doiki bush. The die-hards like a little ground bark from tishtig trees in there as well, nasty shit, but that's all there is." Hell, most of the aliens I know hate the stuff and actually prefer coffee. Once we arrive home you should be fine as we've got a pretty good supply of coffee, and tea."

  The bar was crowded as usual, and like his first visit the newcomers were all blown away by the sights and sounds, Michael Flynn compared it to a bar he visited in Rangoon. As they were standing there one of the waitress's came up to them. A Ruddorian whom Matt recognized asked them to follow her. Although humans were starting to become more noticeable, the Matt and his group still turned heads as they moved towards the private room the waitress was taking them to. His party knew all knew they were being stared at, but in return, simply stared back. Brand, along with Ozni Okus, Itor Glet, and Neb Raljek were waiting for them, all standing as the group approached. Matt proceeded to introduce everyone as the waitress stood by to take their orders. The distillery people were eager to sample the local liquor to get a better idea of what they were up against, while Jenna asked Matt if she needed to show her ID card. Laughing, he replied.

  "Relax Jenna, nobody get's "carded" out here, I'll just order a pitcher, or as they call it a "takon" of Clandian beer. Sorry guys, no IPA's or light beer out here, everything you'll find is more like the German stuff back home." Brand and the other's began to talk about the purposed distillery, as well as where the corn, wheat and barely could be grown, while Jenna and Dillon sipped their beer, Matt ordered three servings of eabak with slices of kipping pie. Since he wasn't really involved in the distillery conversation, he asked Dillon and Jenna if they had worked anywhere while going to college.

  "I had a part time job with the college helping kids with computer problems," said Dillon. "You know, the usual, "I can't get XYZ program to run or "I think my computer has a virus."

  Matt snickered,

  "Well now you're going to be the student again, trying to get used to these alien computers."

  "What's so different about them?" asked Dillon.

  "They are ten times as fast," replied Matt, "They don't have any advertising on them so there's that. They use a totally different language so there aren't a lot of pictures and stuff. A lot of it is like the old DOS but instead of trying to type a lot of commands you use code words that bring up whole concepts, it will take a little getting used to. Are you from Durango?"

  "No, I'm from Cortez, my dad works for the Department of the Interior down at Mesa Verde."

  "That's pretty cool, down there," replied Matt, "I've been there a couple times, climbing around all those old rooms and buildings. How about you Jenna?"

  "I'm from Ouray, graduated a couple years ago, and have been attending Fort Lewis ever since. Although I'm majoring in biology, I really didn't know what I was going to do with it. I was working part time in town at the Strater but when I saw your offer posted at the college I figured "What the fuck," and applied. I just kind of took off; my folks don't know where I am."

  "Same here, added Dillon, "I just kinda took off, spur-of-the-moment kind of thing.'

  "Oh shit!" mumbled Matt, "I hope the college tells them where you went."

  "They said they would," replied Dillon.

  "Well you're stuck here," said Matt, truth be told, I ran off as well, it's not the kind of thing parents understand, although mine have come around, especially since I made them rich. Well look, like I told you, there's lot's of opportunities out here, don't be scared, if you see something that looks interesting, go for it."

  "So you just snuck off as well?" Inquired Dillon.

  "I didn't know what else to do," replied Matt. I'd suddenly been presented with an honest-to-god spaceship, as well as an android pilot. Somehow I didn't think going up to my parents and asking politely, Mom, dad, I've decided not to go to college but instead go knock around the universe for awhile. Oh yeah, I'm taking this crazy red headed chick I don't really know with me. So long, see ya later."

  "Who's the red-headed chick?" Asked Jenna.

  "Kaitlyn Parkinson," replied Matt, "Right now, she and two others from my class are working for the Ruddorian diplomatic office, perfect examples of making your own way and cutting your own deals out here."

  For the most part, Brand and his friends spoke primarily with the distillery men, asking questions and explaining things. Both Jenna and Dillon spent most of their time rubbernecking, taking in the sights. At one point, Jenna leaned over and asked Matt.

  "That one guy sitting next to your friend Brand has pointed ears." She was referring to Ozni Okus who of course was an elf from Denedra.

  Matt chuckled,

  "Oh that's Ozni Okus, he's an elf from Denedra, he not only owns this place but the Moonspinner, and the Counting House on Denedra."

  "He's an elf?" She gasped, "I thought he was a Mr. Spock type or something."

  "Sorry Jenna," replied Matt, "No Vulcans here. You must not have been paying attention when I told you we had a group of elves living on Endor. Tell you what…"

  He waited until there was a brake in the conversation then hailed Ozni.

  "Mr. Okus, you have a fan over here, this is Jenna Abbot, she's never met a real-life elf before. Ozni laughed then moved down next to Matt, and nodded to Jenna.

  "Well young lady as you can see, we are very real, come to Denedra sometime and I'll get you an introduction to the queen." Jenna was not only embarrassed but awed at the same time. Then Matt asked him,

  "I'm surprised you have never opened a place in Dinocki Mr. Okus.

  He shook his head,

  "There is a place already, my brother-in-law runs it. He's part of that group that was living up in the Witchfires with Kiggham. I promised to stake him if he got away from that bunch, so what's he do? Runs off to your planet. Technically, he kept his part of the bargain so I helped him get set up. It's strictly an ale house and
they brew everything on premises however I might start sending him something if we ever get this distillery up and running."

  "Is there any chance of growing the corn, wheat, and barley on Doradus or Denedra?" Asked Matt.

  "We've just been discussing that," said Ozni, "I'll be talking with the minister of agriculture about that very thing."

  The party finally wrapped up with Brand suggesting they finish things up at Mos Eisley.

  "We've got to get these fellows set up with living quarters and get some construction plans laid out so we'll all be meeting again very soon."

  The last leg of the trip resumed with everyone getting very anxious over their new homes. The men from the distilleries back on earth would be living at Mos Eisley at some of the remodeled Neistrian dwellings. Clath was there to greet them, and in fact had managed to round up several willing souls to help unload in exchange for a meal and free drinks (not the good stuff though).


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