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Titan Stand

Page 141

by Max Jager

  Before he departed for New Coryville, Matt and Brand talked over possible construction sites.

  "At first I was thinking of building it here on the island," explained Brand, but these fellows have been telling me about all these various structures we're going to need along with a good source of water."

  "Well how about near that natural spring off that creek on the south end of the lake?"

  Brand smiled and shook his head,

  "I had forgotten all about that, thank you Matt; you don't have any objections about building there do you?"

  "Just keep it clean you don't want to pollute your own source of water, other than that I have no objections," said Matt.

  "Well we'll all go down there the day after tomorrow and look things over; I'll let you know how things turn out."

  Chapter 167

  Titan Stand, Chapter 167

  After delivering, the remaining liquor to Mos Eisley, and Brand and the distillery people had left Matt and his remaining two passengers made the short hop over to New Coryville. Liam and Donald Falkner met him as he came down the ramp. After a rushed introduction of Dillon, and Jenna, Matt listened as Donald Falkner alerted him to the arrival of a most unusual individual.

  "His name is Ghaax Neltai, and he's over at the community center with Major Morford, and some of the other NASA people."

  "So," replied Matt, "What's so special about the guy?" Falkner gestured towards Amber,

  "He says he knows Amber, and someone named Greg Tate." Matt looked at Amber whose interest suddenly increased.

  "Have any idea who this guy could be?" He asked her.

  Rather than debate the issue like a human, she replied,

  "Could be anyone, let's go see."

  One of the features of the community center was a shaded patio with an outdoor fire pit. I was fast becoming the place to relax have a beer, and chat with friends.

  There were several chase lounges, currently occupied by Major Morford, Masaki Hiroshi, Kathy Steel, and Gary Simmons, all appeared to be listening to the visitor tell a story. As they moved closer, he heard Amber hiss,

  "Ghaax!" Just when He started to ask her who the guy was he stood up, all six foot of him.

  "Ahh Amber, so good to see you again," came a deep voice. Turning to Matt and his friends, Amber introduced the stranger.

  "This is Ghaax Neltai; he's a Qephruian from the Praxie system." He stood around six feet, with a solid build. Yellowish skin with a hawk-like face. Dark piercing eyes with ridges running down his forehead and the bridge of his nose. His hair was very short and black with semi-pointed ears, and a normal mouth.

  Judging from his clothes, this guy must be a bounty hunter, thought Matt. Black leather jacket with strange emblems on the shoulders, another on the upper right of his jacket. Matching leather cargo type pants and boots with a long strap around the top.

  Matt also noticed the Qephruian wore s similar headset with an extendable image enlarger like the one he had.

  "You must be Matt Grainger?" Stated Ghaax, I also understand you and Amber here were the last ones to see Greg Tate alive."

  "That's right," replied Matt, he's buried on earth not far from where I used to live. He's also the reason I'm involved in all this." Ghaax snickered,

  "Well that sounds like him, he had a strange way of getting people involved in all manor of things…didn't he Amber?" She simply glared at him for a moment, then asked.

  "What brings you out this way Ghaax?" He sighed, replying,

  "Why don't we grab a seat, it's going to be a long story, but before I begin, I do believe I'll have another one of those delightful beers."

  There was a cooler nearby filled with beer and soft drinks to which he fished around pulling out a Coors. Matt then noticed he was wearing a sidearm, not unusual out here, he usually wore his CZ75B but the pistol was black and looked rather wicked. Taking a swig of beer from the can, he pointed to Amber.

  "I've been three cuerons knocking around the uncharted territories to the point I've simply had enough. You know, you finally reach a point where you simply have had enough and start thinking about spending more tie relaxing. Anyway, I started thinking about Greg and thought I'd look him up."

  "Well like I said," replied Matt, Greg is dead. He told me he came to earth to die in the place where his ancestors came from, the people the Neistrian's kidnapped and brought here to work the morbidium mines." Ghaax chuckled,

  "He was also very upset about that, swore he'd get even."

  "It's funny," added Matt, "He knew the precise hour and minute he would die. Amber and I buried him and I later put up a stone marker."

  "Ghaax here is a bit of a rogue," injected Amber, "He and Greg were partners when I got involved with them."

  "You speak as if I was some sort of negative influence," replied Ghaax.

  "Well let's just say you certainly weren't a positive one," she snapped. Ghaax immediately changed the subject by addressing the NASA people.

  "I believe Dr. Simmons; you were asking me about other inhabited solar systems. Well there are hundreds of them with more being discovered all the time. It also might interest you to know that we've been aware of you humans for a very long time now, and on occasion, have visited your world. As a matter-of-fact, the university on my homeworld of Qephru has a detailed record of a couple expeditions to your world." This brought gasps and astonished looks from the scientists as Ghaax who now realized he had a rapt audience.

  "Oh yes, it's true, however you must have records as well."

  "Do you have any idea when these expeditions were?" Asked Kathy Steel.

  Ghaax thought for a moment, then slowly replied.

  "Well, don't quote me but the first was around three hundred cuerons ago, and the second came fifty or sixty cuerons after that."

  "If I'm not mistaken, the second ran into serious trouble and had to shoot their way out." This brought gasps from the NASA people.

  "When and where was this?" Exclaimed Major Morford,

  "Although we Qephruian's are rather long lived," replied Ghaax, "I wasn't there and it was before my time."

  "That would have put it some time in the eighteenth century," said Simmons, "But no telling where they landed." He then added,

  "Mr. Neltai, is there anyway we could visit your university to examine these records?" Ghaax studied Simmons for a moment, then replied,

  "Anything's possible I suppose, however Qephru is a very long way from here, I have no plans to return any time soon, however there used to be a transport that traveled on occasion between Crona 6 and Crinox-Unna, where you can pick up a shuttle to Qephru." Simmons looked at Amber,

  "Where is this Crona 6?"

  "It's a manufacturing planet out on the frontier of the Eisel system, why, are you thinking of going there?"

  Simmons looked at Ghaax,

  "Would it be possible for a couple of us to go to your world?" Ghaax shook his head,

  "You're talking about a very long boring trip, very expensive as well. Also, you would have to convert your credits into gima's on Crona 6; Loridian units of credit aren't recognized out that far."

  "What kind of reception could we expect?" Ghaax looked at him and laughed,

  Humans showing up on Qephru…they would treat you as some sort of hero, you would definitely be a celebrity."

  Simmons gave Matt a pleading look,

  "We definitely have to do this Matt."

  "Well go for it then; remember I told you that you're going to have to cut your own deals out here. However, I'd check with the Loridian people first, and maybe even Kaitlyn on Ruddoria first."

  Simmons then asked Ghaax,

  "We will definitely want to talk with you further about this."

  "Well I'm certainly not planning on going anywhere. My ship is parked over at that place out on the island; I'm staying out there as well. One thing though, if you go, it had better be more than one and you had better go armed, maybe you could get Amber here to go with you, she's been around a ti
me or two, haven't you Amber?"

  Matt and Liam hung around a little longer but there were things to be done. Ghaax made it clear he planned on sticking around for awhile."

  Later, that night after everyone had gone home he confronted Amber for the rest of the story.

  "Ghaax was more a friend of Greg's; he's only tolerated me because I was with Greg."

  "Can I trust him?" Asked Matt,

  "As well as anyone I suppose," she replied. "Eventually he will tell you all about it so don't tell him what I'm about to tell you."

  "I swear,"

  "Out where he comes from there's always some little war going on somewhere basically embers of a major one over a hundred of your years ago. In addition, as with all wars it was a pretty bad one, however peace was eventually made, but then deteriorated into dozens of what you humans call brushfire wars. Ghaax was a major in the Borgerian marines, served with distinction from what he told Greg. Then there was an incident involving several atrocities, and he was cashiered out of the service. Later, it was leaned he really had nothing to do with them but it was too late. He turned his back overall thing, moved around to several planets before settling on Qephru. Whatever you do, don't ask him about this, let him tell you."

  Ghaax is a lot like Brand just not as abrasive," added Amber. When I came into Greg's life he and Ghaax had already known each other for several yeans, and I suppose it could be said that Ghaax taught Greg all he knew. Back in their time, people like Brand, Rekton, and Ghaax were kings of the universe. Their time is quickly coming to a close and they are looking for places to finally settle down. Don't get me wrong, even though we don't see eye to eye, I can't think of a finer individual than Ghaax. If he wants to settle here by all means let him. I also suspect that he's angling for a trip to earth to pay his respects to Greg."

  "Well if that's what he wants," replied Matt, I will oblige him, but it might have to wait, got a ton of stuff to do right now."

  It didn't take long before Ghaax had ingratiated himself into Endorian life. He quickly became friends with Brand, Clath, and Rekton. Surprisingly he also took a strong liking to Rick Patterson and Mark Jensen, a regular "Band of Brothers."

  Matt found him friendly enough, always willing to share a story about Greg but except for the NASA people, he remained rather reserved towards everyone else especially Amber, Jezang, Tucker, Gandric, and Franklin. Meanwhile, Trent Farmer, Dr. Westcott, and Gary Simmons moved ahead on their plan to travel to Qephru.

  About a week after he returned home, Brand asked him about the Sistorki.

  "As of right now, we've got the design and layout settled, Ozni is talking to the Denevian agriculture minister about growing grain on Denedra, and Itor Glet the same for Moriedia, however we need to get our labor force settled. You once mentioned them and I put it to the back of my mind but I suppose we'd better go and talk to them before we proceed any further."

  Therefore, along with Roger Turnbull and Michael Flynn they flew out to the Sistorkian settlement. This would be the first time any of them had ever been there and Matt remained a bit worried that any of them were still alive. The settlement was rather small and modest but it was certainly squared away. It was located on the bank of a stream on the edge of a savanna.

  "Well it looks like everyone is still alive," remarked Brand as Matt set the shuttle down. Before he opened the hatch, Roger pointed to the scanner,

  "I hope that's not a lynch mob come for us!"

  Indeed, it looked like the whole village was running towards the shuttle, Matt wasn't carrying his pistol, but he noticed Brand checking his. Both looked at each other,

  "Well let's go out among them," muttered Brand.

  Instead of a lynch mob, they encountered a group of very grateful people. Both Remden and Diff were waiting for them, and cheered when Matt made his appearance.

  "We have been waiting eagerly for you Matt," exclaimed Remden, what do you think of our efforts?"

  Unlike towns on earth there didn't seem to be any main street or central avenue, instead, the structures radiated out from a central circle. They all seemed to have an adobe look to them; every building appeared to be painted a saffron color.

  "Come, come, announced Diff, let us show you our homes."

  Upon closer inspection, they saw that the homes were indeed constructed of wood, stones, and adobe; however, it was the workmanship that really caught his eye. Both Turnbull and Flynn noticed it as well,

  "Some honest-to-god craftsmen built this place Matt," commented Roger, "I think we might have found our labor force. The homes were well built and clean relieving Matt of a lot of the guilt he had been feeling about bringing these people here. He also noticed something else as well. The Sistorki all treated him, Roger and Michael like lords of the city however not Brand. While they were civil, and polite, they barely spoke to him or even gave him a glance. Matt had a pretty good idea why, but this was something that was going to have to be cleared up right away.

  They even had a community hall where everyone eventually ended up. The females served up food and drink always serving Brand last.

  "Well it certainly looks as though you folks have been busy. Well so, have we.

  What we have in mind is a distillery as you would find back on earth," announced Matt

  "Originally, we were going to offer you jobs working at it but now that I've seen examples of your workmanship, perhaps your skills could apply to it's construction."

  They spent the rest of the day and well into the evening going over the details with not only Remden and Diff, but Dauvic their master carpenter. Although they seemed to slight Brand otherwise, when he spoke they all listened. Brand explained what it was they purposed to build and it's reason. Turnbull and Flynn explained the distilling process, as well as the types of buildings that would be needed.

  Roger also detailed the need for large wooden barrels, to which he soon discovered two potential cooper smiths, which pleased him to no end.

  "Where is it you are planning on constructing this distillery?" Asked Diff.

  "There is a natural spring some distance from here next to a lake." Explained Flynn.

  "Since good clean water is a major requirement we will probably build there."

  "Would it help if we were to relocate our homes there?" Asked Remden.

  "No it won't be necessary," replied Brand, "We will see to it you are provided transportation back and forth from home to work."

  "There is the possibility that we could construct a barracks for people to stay in while at work during the week and go home on the weekends," added Matt.

  Unfortunately, the concept of workweeks and weekends was an unknown concept out here so the suggestion didn't go anywhere.

  On the way back home, Matt commented to Brand,

  "Well they all seemed to go for it; I think we'll have some good workers."

  "Kind of looks like it," remarked Brand.

  "By the way, they sure treated you like shit," added Matt.

  "Actually they treated me better than I expected," said Brand, "Considering that I'm considered one of their oppressors. It will take time, but I think that eventually you'll find their attitudes improving."

  Two days later, Things started to look up for Matt and Liam as Holliqua, and Ilmi showed up.

  Chapter 168

  Titan Stand, Chapter 168

  A little girlfriend "magic," was just what he and Liam needed, and it was one of the rare times both got drunk together. Both Holliqua and Ilmi were not only introduced to Dillon and Jenna but Ghaax as well. Although they shared pleasant greetings, Matt watched their body language very closely. This allowed him to pick up the look Ghaax gave her before the conviviality and friendly banter. He was sure Ghaax spotted something in her eyes, and although he had a good idea of what it was, he said nothing. As for Dillon and Jenna, Dillon thought both were "Way cool," and even asked Ilmi to show him some fighting skills. Jenna seemed intimidated by the two, their serious nature and looks put her off. Matt pi
cked up on this as well, hoping to ease Jenna's mind by having her spend more time with Holliqua.

  That night in bed, Holliqua announced,

  "Are you still interested in going with me on one of my missions?" He had been so busy lately he had totally forgotten about her offer.

  "Yeah…I guess."

  "You guess? Look Matt, I stuck my neck out getting you approved. It's a pretty straightforward deal but there will be a lot of land travel involved but that's not to say there won't be violence or killing."


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