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Island Refuge (Wildflower B&B Romance Book 1)

Page 13

by Kimberly Rose Johnson


  ZOE PULLED OUT iced tea, lemonade and water from the fridge, then carefully set it on the tray that sat empty on the counter. A sweeter snack than she normally served, the zucchini bread was sliced and ready to serve alongside lemon bars.

  Nick’s apartment door flew open, and Aiden catapulted into the kitchen. “Hi, Zoe!”

  “Hello, Aiden. What’s going on?”

  “We’re going swimming.”

  “Sounds like fun.” She glanced at the doorway where Mitch stood with a secret smile on his face. What was that about? Whatever it was, she didn’t want to go there. “Welcome back, Mitch.” She secured the drink tray in one hand then reached for the treat tray with the other.

  “Allow me.” Mitch reached for the drinks.

  “Thanks.” She passed the tray to him and led the way into the dining room.

  “Listen, I’m glad I caught you. I wanted to clear the air between us. Nick told me about the Rachel thing, and I need to apologize. I read the situation wrong. I’m sorry.”

  “Thank you.” It took a big person to admit when they were wrong, and she suspected Mitch didn’t often go there.

  “So we’re good?”

  “Yes.” She smiled then retraced her steps into the kitchen where Aiden sat on a barstool beside Nick. The two appeared to be in a serious conversation. She redirected her course for her bedroom.

  “Don’t leave, Zoe.” Caught. She faced Nick. “Yes?”

  “I thought you might like to join us.”

  “Thanks for asking, but I need to plan and prepare dinner.” Although it sounded like fun, she had a job to do.

  “Forget dinner. I’ll make Aiden’s favorite. It’s a specialty of mine.”

  “Yay!” Aiden pumped a fist in the air.

  Zoe tried to hold in a giggle and failed.

  “Please say you’ll come.” Nick stood and walked toward her.

  She caught her breath at the desire she read in his eyes. She stepped back and bumped into her bedroom door. “Um. I don’t have a suit.”

  “Wear shorts. I know you have those.”

  Mitch sauntered into the kitchen holding a lemon bar. “These are great, Zoe.” He stopped mid-step. “What’s going on?” He looked from Nick to Zoe. “Did I interrupt something?”

  “Nope.” Zoe shook her head, though Nick stated an adamant yes at the same time.

  “How about you and Aiden wait for me outside?” Nick cast an annoyed glance at his brother. “I’ll be out in a few minutes.”

  Zoe tucked her hand behind her back, reaching for the doorknob.

  “You’re not escaping that easily.”

  “Doesn’t someone need to be here to answer the phones?”

  He stepped closer and spoke softly. “The machine will get the calls. All the guests are checked in, and I have it on good authority they are all out until this evening except for Rachel. Let me take care of dinner. You deserve to have a little fun too.”

  Zoe’s heart hammered in her chest. The gold flecks in his brown eyes danced. She licked her lips and lowered her gaze which stopped at his perfectly shaped mouth. Were his lips as soft as they looked?


  Her gaze darted to his. “What?”

  Nick took a step back. “I’ll wait for you outside.”

  “I never said I was going,” she called to his back as the door closed. She ran a shaky hand through the ends of her hair. “Get it together, girl,” Zoe whispered. The effect Nick had on her was unnerving. Did he mean to invade her space, or was he extremely good at getting his way? Nick had successfully taken care of any obstacle she’d had for not joining them. A grin touched her lips—why not have a little fun?


  NICK TOSSED A PLASTIC beach ball to his nephew, who punched it back. “How about you and your dad play for a while?” Zoe sat with a book in her hand in a folding chair she’d toted to the beach. Her dark sunglasses hid her eyes, and he wasn’t sure if she was reading or watching them. Either way he had every intention of disturbing her. He ran from the water and parked himself on the stack of towels beside her that sat on the pebble-covered beach. “What’cha reading?”

  “A romance.”

  “I never pegged you for a romance reader.”

  She closed the book and tucked it into her beach tote. “Really? That’s pretty much all I read.”

  “Why?” He much preferred books that made him think, like a murder mystery or a thriller.

  “Escapism. I love getting wrapped up in someone else’s story, and I enjoy knowing there is always a happy ending.”

  “Sounds like a fairytale.”

  She shrugged. “It’s entertaining and far more interesting than my own life.” She pulled a bottle of sun block from her tote and handed it to him. “You’re burning.”

  He took the bottle. “Thanks. Where?”

  “Your nose.”

  He sprayed a small amount into his hand and rubbed it onto his nose. “Guess I should’ve worn a hat.”

  “Want to borrow mine?”

  He eyed her floppy straw hat. “Ha. I don’t think so. My Mariners cap is more my style.”

  “Suit yourself. Your nephew is having fun.”

  He turned his attention to the water where his brother stood waist deep launching Aiden into the Sound. The child’s squeals made him smile.

  “Thanks for talking to your brother about Rachel. I feel better now that he knows the whole story.”

  “You’re welcome.” The mention of Mitch brought to mind their earlier conversation. Zoe was a beautiful woman, who’d been hurt recently and had a rough past. He didn’t want to do anything that might cause her further hurt, but he could no longer deny the attraction. She definitely made his heart beat faster when she smiled, or winked, or spoke. He gave a soft groan.

  “You okay?” Zoe removed her glasses and studied him.

  “Never better. Want to go for a swim?”

  “Why not?” She got up and ran to the shore, not stopping until she was waist deep.

  Nick was distracted by her long, lean legs set off by the cutoffs she wore. Oh boy, he was in trouble.



  Zoe sat across from Rachel at the table in her guest room running through the events of the day. Her stomach still resembled churned milk. Had she really said, I didn’t mind when he held her hand? Clearly Nick meant nothing by holding her hand, yet it didn’t feel like nothing. His soft caresses felt very much like something. And their time on the beach… well, it felt like way more than nothing.

  Rachel waved a hand in front of Zoe. “Earth to Zoe.”

  “Sorry. Were you talking?”

  Rachel rolled her eyes. “Do you like him?”

  “Yes, but I don’t know if I like him like that.” Zoe moaned and covered her face with her hands. “I sound like a teen girl. What’s wrong with me?”

  “Nothing. Nick is extremely good looking, in an older-man kind of way. There’d be something wrong with you if you didn’t notice.”

  “Older man? He’s only in his early thirties.”


  “I’m not having this conversation. It’s too absurd. Nick is my boss and—”

  “And he’s single, kind, considerate, good looking.” Rachel gave her an exasperated look, “Need I go on?”

  “Please don’t.” She couldn’t deny the attraction she felt toward Nick, but talking about it with someone she didn’t know well was not smart. On the other hand Rachel had shared some private stuff with her that no one else knew so… “Look, I don’t know how he feels about me, and I’m not sure I’m ready to jump back into the dating game. A short time ago, I was betrayed by my best friend and dumped by the man I thought I would marry.”

  Rachel’s eyes widened. “I had no idea. Are you okay?”

  “I am now, but that’s the reason I quit my job and came here. I had to get away from them.”

sp; “Aren’t we a pair?” Rachel grinned and crossed her arms. “Seems we’ve both had some big hurts recently.”

  Zoe stared out the window watching a kayaker on the Sound. “Yeah.” She turned to Rachel. “What about you? How are you doing?”

  “The morning sickness has stopped.”

  “That’s great!” She flashed a smile. “How about your heart? You mentioned being hurt too.”

  Rachel winced.

  Zoe bit her lip. “Sorry. Too personal?”

  Rachel fingered a napkin on the table and ripped a little piece off, crumbling it into a tiny ball. “I suppose in light of what you’ve shared it’s not.” Her cheeks were bright red. “I feel awful because I’m not completely destroyed by my husband’s death. We were together such a short time, and we only married because I was pregnant.” She cast a quick glance at Zoe. “Don’t get me wrong. I cared about him, but I don’t think we had enough time together to have that deep love that long-time couples have.”

  Zoe worked hard at not responding to Rachel’s admission. Her heart went out to the younger woman. Such a sad situation. “What are you going to do once the baby comes?”

  Rachel’s eye turned to liquid pools. “I don’t know. I’m still working through my plans. Right now I’m focused on finding the ring, then I’ll figure out what’s next.” She stretched. “I’m tired. I think I’ll take a nap.”

  Zoe jumped up. “Sorry. I didn’t mean to stay so long.”

  Rachel stood. “I enjoyed our visit. I get lonely sometimes, and I miss girl talk. Stop in anytime you have an embarrassing moment to share.” She smirked.

  Zoe shook her head, smiling. “Rest well.” She left the room and headed downstairs. It sounded like Rachel didn’t want to face being pregnant if she was using the ring to avoid making plans.

  Nick sat in the reception area at the bottom of the stairs talking on the phone. He raised a finger, motioning for her to wait.

  Her heart skittered. He hadn’t overheard her conversation with Rachel, had he? They had the door closed, but she’d heard him many times talking on the phone while she was cleaning. No way. She was being paranoid. She shifted from one foot to the other. Hang up, already.

  He put the phone down. “I thought we could barbeque burgers and dogs. How does that sound?”

  She stilled—he only wanted to talk about food. “Burgers sound great. Do you need me to do anything?”

  “Mitch and I have everything under control. Plan to eat at six. We’ll set up at the picnic table.”

  “I’ll be there. Thanks.” She fled to her bedroom and flopped onto the bed. Crossing her legs at the ankles, she stared up at the ceiling. Her mind had become a jumbled mess between her impulsive decision to inquire at the restaurant and her growing feelings for Nick. She didn’t want to feel anything for him. Men were trouble, but Nick was different—solid, dependable. He was nothing like Kyle. She covered her face with her hands. She couldn’t fall for her boss! Although he didn’t really feel like a boss anymore—instead he felt more like a partner-slash-friend.

  Maybe taking the position at the restaurant would solve all her problems. She’d have to move out of Nick’s house. Out of sight, out of mind as they say, thereby erasing that complication. Plus she’d be doing the thing she loved most—cooking. There’d be no more housecleaning or answering the phone when Nick was out.

  Her stomach tightened—did she want to leave this place? More importantly did she really want Nick out of her life? That was what would happen if she took the position at the restaurant. In her heart of hearts, she didn’t want to leave. She realized now it was pride that had made her inquire at the restaurant. What she really wanted was to stay here, but could she be happy doing this forever?

  Too long away from the hustle and bustle of a professional kitchen, and she’d lose her edge. No one would ever hire her in an upscale restaurant again. She could always start her own business, but that had never been her passion. She only wanted to cook.

  “Lord—what should I do?” she whispered.

  The word forgive popped into her mind.

  Startled, Zoe sat up and leaned against the headboard. What did forgiveness have to do with her problem? A picture of her birth parents flashed in her mind and then the memory of Kyle and Tara standing side by side showing off her engagement ring.

  She caught her breath, and sudden tears filled her eyes as clarity finally set in. She’d be running forever until she forgave them—all of them. They’d hurt her to the core of her being, but she felt strongly that God was asking her to do this. They didn’t deserve her forgiveness.

  She was reminded of the image of Jesus with his arms stretched out on the cross. Forgive as I have forgiven you. Tears slid down her cheeks. She took a shuddering breath, pulled her knees up to her chest, her arms circled around them.

  But they had hurt her. Parents weren’t supposed to do that. Best friends and fiancés weren’t supposed to do what they had done. How was she supposed to move past the hurt and let it go? She closed her eyes and rested her head on her knees. She’d learned long ago that the Bible said to turn hurts over to the Lord and He would heal the pain.

  Zoe held her breath. Would He really take the pain away? Lord I need your help here.

  She suddenly remembered how Peter had denied he knew Jesus when he had been arrested. That must have hurt a lot considering how close they’d been. But He didn’t hold that against Peter. Her situations were different though.

  But again, pain hurt, no matter how it was inflicted. If Jesus could forgive Peter and everyone else who hurt and betrayed Him, she could too. “Okay, I forgive them.” She meant the words. If this was what it would take to be free from the hurt, then it was worth the pain. She reached for a tissue and dried her eyes.

  Taking a deep breath, she stood and realized that for the first time in years she felt free. Free from the hurt and pain. The clock on the bedside table read 5:50. Where had the time gone? It didn’t feel like she’d been in here for over an hour. She hustled into the bathroom and splashed cold water onto her face and freshened up her makeup. Her mom had brought her a sundress when she’d visited, and now seemed like the perfect time to wear it. She pulled out the sunny yellow dress and slipped it over her head then slid her feet into flip-flops.

  Time to make an impression. Humming her favorite tune she left her room and headed for the yard.


  NICK FLIPPED THE last burger onto a bun and carried it to the table.

  “Where’s Zoe, Uncle Nick?”

  “I told her six o’clock. She’ll be here any minute.”

  Mitch whistled softly. “Speaking of which.” He nodded toward the back door.

  Nick looked toward the door and his adrenaline spiked. “Whoa,” he whispered.

  Zoe approached them with an extra bounce in her step. “Sorry. I’m not late, am I?”

  “Right on time.” Nick waited for her to sit then slid in beside her. “You look really nice. Is that a new dress?”

  She nodded. “The burgers smell delicious.” She bowed her head for the blessing and then reached for the pitcher of ice water. “Did you have fun today, Aiden?”

  “Yep. Guess what?”

  “I can’t. You better tell me.” She grabbed a burger and squirted ketchup on it.

  Nick shook his head. He needed to get his focus off Zoe before she realized he’d watched her every move since she’d stepped outside. What had come over him? He’d never behaved like this toward Jenna, and he’d loved his wife.

  Mitch kicked him, and Nick’s attention darted across the table. He mouthed, what?

  Mitch nodded toward Zoe.

  He turned, and she was staring at him. “What? Did I miss something?”

  She chuckled. “I’d say so.”

  “You care to share?”

  She shook her head. “You snooze, you lose.” She took a bite from her burger and winked at his nephew, who burst into giggles.

  Mitch shot him a wide grin and dug into hi
s burger as well. Clearly daydreaming in this crowd was dangerous. What had he missed? Based on the response, it must have been good. Though tempted to tease the information out of Zoe, he remained quiet. No sense in giving his brother any more ammo with which to torment him. “Did you hear the good news?”

  “What’s that?” Zoe asked.

  “Aiden is spending the week with us.”

  Zoe shot his nephew and brother a look, and they all busted up laughing.

  His neck heated. “I guess that’s been covered?”

  Still chuckling, Zoe nodded and placed her hand over his. “Don’t worry, Nick. We all check out now and again.”

  His hand tingled from her touch. He met her eyes, and she quickly removed the connection between them and placed her hand in her lap. Disappointment coursed through him. He missed her touch. He liked the feel of her palm against his skin.

  “What will you and Aiden do while he’s visiting?” Zoe asked.

  “I’m not sure.” What had he been thinking agreeing to keep his nephew for the week, while Mitch did a job in Seattle? The boy’s mother would pick him up next weekend.

  “Well, we know he enjoys playing in the water.”

  Aiden grinned wide. “Yep and TV and games and—”

  “We get the idea, son. You are easily entertained.” Mitch caught Nick’s eye. “You sure you don’t mind him staying? I could reschedule the job.”

  “It’s fine.” It wouldn’t be easy, but between himself, Zoe and Rachel he imagined they’d manage to keep his nephew entertained. Then again, he was assuming the women would help. What if they wouldn’t? No, they both seemed to enjoy Aiden, so he couldn’t imagine they’d take issue with assisting him.

  Mitch disengaged himself from the bench and stood. “I should get this little guy in the shower. I have to leave on the first ferry in the morning, so it’s early to bed for us.”

  “Ah, Dad. Can’t I stay up late?”

  “No can do. Shower, then story time.”


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