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Island Refuge (Wildflower B&B Romance Book 1)

Page 14

by Kimberly Rose Johnson

  Aiden climbed off the bench and shuffled into the house beside his dad.

  Zoe sighed.

  “Do you want kids someday?” As soon as the words left his lips he wanted to snatch them back, but too late now.

  Zoe swung a leg over the bench and stood. “I’ve never thought about it. I don’t know. Maybe. What about you? Why didn’t you and your wife have any children?”

  “She didn’t want them.”

  Zoe nodded and began to stack the dirty plates. “Dinner was good. You make a mean burger. Did I taste jalapenos?”

  He slid off the bench and stood. “Yes, and chopped bacon.” He gathered the glasses. “Do you mind that Aiden will be here all week?”

  “It’ll be a lot of work having a five-year-old underfoot, but I imagine we’ll survive.” She scooped up the dirty plates, hummed off-tune, and breezed toward the house.

  He watched until she disappeared inside. Hmm, what’s gotten into her? She looked especially pretty this evening. A peacefulness he’d never noticed hovered around her. What had caused the change? Whatever it was, he was determined to find out.


  NICK SAT AT THE DINING ROOM table playing Memory with Aiden while a few guests served themselves afternoon tea. He could hear Zoe humming in the kitchen and wished she’d tone it down. How could anyone hum so loudly?

  Aiden wrinkled his nose and cupped his hands around his mouth. “She sounds like an airplane.”

  Laughter burst from Nick’s lips, startling a guest so much he splashed hot water onto the table.

  “Sorry,” the man said.

  Nick stood. “No problem. Be right back with a towel.” He strode into the kitchen where Zoe sat at the counter flipping through a magazine. “Towel?”

  She looked up and tossed him one.

  “Thanks.” He darted back into the dining room and mopped up the spill—never a dull moment.

  “It’s your turn, Uncle Nick.”

  Nick ran the wet towel back to the kitchen then parked at the table. He flipped over a card and grinned when he remembered where the corresponding match was and flipped it over next. He sensed someone behind him and looked over his shoulder.

  Zoe stood there hugging the magazine to her chest. “You mind if I take a walk?”

  “Not at all. You don’t need to ask.”

  “I know, but you’re extra busy this week, and I didn’t want to leave you in the lurch.”

  He made a quick change of plans. Though he had wanted to give his nephew a chance to win, Zoe had presented him with an opportunity he couldn’t afford to miss. “Hold on a sec, Zoe.” He quickly finished up the game and counted his matching cards.

  “Aww. You always win, Uncle Nick.”

  “Sorry, buddy.” He stood and spoke softly to Zoe so Aiden wouldn’t hear. “You mind if Aiden and I join you on your walk? I want to ask you about something.” Ever since Saturday Zoe had been a transformed person and he had to know why. Did it have anything to do with the prayer he’d overheard a week or so ago?

  “Sure. I was going to head down to the water, so grab the life vest for Aiden.”

  Nick let his nephew in on their plans then set the reception phone to forward to his cell. “That should do it.”

  “You going to lock up?”

  He grabbed the life vest from behind the reception desk where he stored it for easy access. “Probably a good idea. The guests all have the key code to come and go as they please, but I don’t want just anyone wandering in.” He left a note on the door, and locked it behind them.

  Aiden slipped on the vest and ran ahead.

  “Don’t go too far. If you can’t see me, you need to turn around.”

  The boy waved and galloped on.

  Zoe giggled. “He’s cute.”

  “Yeah. I’m not sure how much time we’ll have to ourselves, so I’m going to come right out with it. I’ve noticed a change in you lately, and I was wondering if it has anything to do with a prayer I overheard in the garden a while back.”

  Zoe’s forehead wrinkled. “You were listening to me pray?”

  “Not intentionally.” His heart rate increased. “I was coming to find you because I was concerned about you. I overheard a little before I turned and left you to your privacy.” He winced. He wouldn’t blame her for being angry.

  “I see.” A shy smile covered her face.

  “You’re not mad?”

  She shook her head and looped her arm through his as they meandered onto the stone-covered beach. Aiden splashed in the shallow water along the shore.

  Nick admired her profile. “What’s changed in you, Zoe?”

  “Let’s sit. This is a long story.” They plopped down onto an old log. “The short version is that I finally let go of my past and forgave some people who hurt me.” She gave him a sideways look. “You sure you want to hear this?”

  He nodded.

  She went on to tell him about her parents and their violent past and then started in on a story that shocked him even though she’d mentioned her ex-fiancé once before.

  “So you came here to escape your fiancé and best friend?”


  He kept his attention on Aiden. “Do you still have feelings for him?” He held his breath.

  “Absolutely not! I can’t believe I actually thought I was going to marry him, and that I am already over him. He wasn’t the right man for me.”

  He had the sudden urge to pump his fist, but refrained. “Okay, that explains a lot, but it doesn’t explain the change I see.” He studied her profile. Her pert nose and freckles were cute and in direct contrast to her gorgeous hair. But the woman was far more than good looking on the outside—she had depth in spite of being bamboozled by her ex.

  “Autumn, the girl who stopped by that day you saw me praying, suggested I talk to God about some things. Ever since then I’ve been praying and reading a Bible I found on the bookshelf in the sitting room. Saturday afternoon while I was praying, it became clear to me that I needed to forgive several people and let go of the hurt. Believe me, it wasn’t easy, but I worked through it and forgave all of them. That’s not to say any of them are welcome in my life, but I realized I was only hurting myself by hanging onto my anger and hurt.”

  “So that’s what’s different?” he asked softly. He’d neglected his relationship with God for some time now.

  “If you don’t mind my saying so, maybe you could use your own God moment.”

  His shoulders tensed. He minded her saying so, very much. It wasn’t her place to judge. She didn’t understand his situation. An internal battle waged as he mulled over her words. He glanced her way and saw the tender sincerity in her eyes, and his ire melted. Clearly her intent hadn’t been judgment. He needed to calm down. He took a breath and let it out slowly. “I’ll think about it. Thanks for sharing.”

  Aiden raced toward them and ran full throttle into Nick, knocking him backward. They landed in a heap on the backside of the log.

  Zoe stood over them laughing and offered him a hand.

  Aiden clambered up, dusting off his palms. “I’m hungry.”

  Nick took Zoe’s hand and pulled up.

  She smiled. “How about this little guy and I go back to the house, and you take your time out here?”

  He nodded, understanding her silent gift of time. “Thanks.” Although he hadn’t appreciated Zoe’s suggestion, he knew she was right. He’d felt empty inside for a long time and hadn’t put two and two together until Zoe bluntly told him he needed his own God moment. He’d never thought about it in such terms, but it was time. He was tired. The guilt and loneliness had gone on long enough. It was time to talk with the Lord. He waited until Aiden and Zoe were out of sight, then he sat on the log and stared out over the water.

  Never one to pray out loud he prayed in his head. He poured his heart out to God about everything—Jenna, his practice, the B&B, Zoe, even Aiden. I don’t know what I’m doing, Lord. I’m taking things one day at a time,
but I need You. Thanks for sending Zoe here. I’m sorry for what she’s gone through, but I’m thankful she’s here. He sat there for a long time, staring across the water. Kayakers and boaters passed by; some waved while others didn’t seem to notice him. His backside began to ache, and he shifted. Pain shot down his leg. Clearly he’d been sitting too long.

  Footfalls on the stones caused him to turn. The sun glistened behind Zoe, creating an angelic halo around her. His stomach lurched and his heart nearly stopped. He loved her, and he hadn’t even been aware it was happening. He cleared his throat. “Hey, there. Where’s Aiden?”

  “With Rachel, playing another game of Memory.” She sat beside him shoulder to shoulder. “I think it’s his new favorite game.”

  “Sounds like it.”

  “You’ve been out here a long time. Everything okay?”

  “Yes, sorry. What time is it?”

  “Almost five.”

  “Whoa! I’ve been here for two hours. Aiden must be starving.” How had time slipped away so quickly? And not even one phone call the entire time.

  “Relax. I gave him a snack and have a light dinner prepared. I wanted to see how you’re doing.”

  He reached for her hand and gave it a gentle squeeze. “Thanks.” He quickly dropped her hand and stood when he realized what he’d done. Zoe didn’t need him complicating her life. She was fresh off a serious and painful relationship, and he needed to tread carefully. “Guess I’d better get back before anyone else misses me.”

  A smile touched her lips. “I checked in the new guests.”

  “I meant to return before they arrived. I really appreciate you jumping in and taking over when necessary. Not a lot of people would.”

  Pink tinged her cheeks. “No thanks necessary. I like to help out where needed.” She shot him a shy smile.

  His insides nearly melted. He stuffed his hands into his pockets to keep from reaching for hers again. He didn’t want to scare her away, but he wouldn’t be able to hide his feelings forever.


  ZOE GLANCED OVER at Nick as they walked side by side over the pebbled beach. Something was different about him, but she couldn’t quite place what it was. If he’d been praying like she suspected, that could very well be the difference. She was learning that God had that effect on a person. “I thought Rachel could join us for dinner.”

  Nick looked her way. “Great idea. I always feel bad when we don’t include her.”

  “I know what you mean. She and Aiden seem to really hit it off. You may have yourself a built-in sitter this week.”

  “I don’t mind him hanging around with me. He’s fun to be with, most of the time.”

  She chuckled. “Except when he gets overly tired or hungry.”


  She stepped onto the grass at the back of Nick’s property. “Thought we could eat at the picnic table.”

  “Perfect.” He strode ahead. “I’ll be out shortly with Aiden and Rachel.”

  Zoe meandered into the kitchen and placed the cold-cut sandwiches on a tray along with the coleslaw and beverages. All that was left was setting the table and that would only take a few minutes.

  A short time later they all gathered around the table. Nick sat across from her beside Aiden.

  “Thanks for inviting me to dinner.” Rachel poured a glass of lemonade. “I’m sure you are all getting sick of having me around.”

  “Not at all.” Zoe refused to let the young woman feel bad over her circumstances. A pity party was seldom healthy.

  “Thanks. I’m worried though. I don’t think that ring will ever turn up.” Her voice caught. “I never should’ve made that promise.”

  “What ring?” Aiden asked with a full mouth.

  Nick explained how Rachel’s husband had lived at the B&B when he was growing up and that he’d hidden a ring somewhere on the property.

  Aiden’s face lit, and without a word, he slipped from the table and charged toward the back door.

  Zoe looked from Nick to Rachel and placed both palms on the table. “I don’t know about the two of you, but I think we’d better follow.” She stood up then darted for the house. She could feel Nick on her heels.

  “Don’t wait for me!” Rachel called.

  Zoe stifled a giggle. Rachel might not be showing much more than a small baby bump, but clearly she wasn’t up to running. Zoe charged inside and stopped when she spotted Nick’s open apartment door. She looked over her shoulder at him. “Mind if I go down?”

  “Come on.” He took her hand and pulled her toward the door. “What do you think he’s up to?”

  “Beats me.” She trotted down the stairs behind him and stopped at the bottom. “Where’d he go?”

  “Aiden!” They called out together.

  The child crawled out from under the open bar and held his palm out to them. “Is this it?”

  Zoe caught her breath. “You found it!” A large round ruby was set in what she guessed to be platinum. She took the ring then squatted down to his level and pulled him into a bear hug. “Way to go, Aiden.” She looked up and locked eyes with Nick, who stood with a silly grin on his face.

  Nick reached for his nephew and hoisted him onto his back. “Great detective work, buddy. Why didn’t you tell us about the ring before?”

  “I didn’t know it mattered.”

  Zoe chuckled along with Nick. It made sense to her. “We’d better go up and tell Rachel. I’m sure she was afraid to come down.”

  Nick nodded and led the way up the stairs where Rachel waited, an anxious look on her face.

  Nick swung Aiden to the floor.

  Zoe pushed past them and held out the ring to Rachel. “I believe this is what you’ve been searching for.”

  Rachel caught her breath and reached a shaky hand toward the ring. “I can’t believe it. All this time is was in your apartment.” She looked at them with wonder in her eyes. “Where was it? How did you miss it, Nick?”

  “That’s easy. I’m six-foot-three and didn’t think to crawl around on the floor.”

  “Good point.” She laughed.

  Aiden giggled. “It was under the bar sitting on the ledge. I saw it when I was playing yesterday.”

  “Amazing. Thank you, Aiden,” Rachel said. “You have no idea how much I appreciate this.”

  The child shrugged. “Can I finish my sandwich?”

  Nick ruffled the boy’s hair. “Sure. We’ll be right out.”

  Zoe leaned her hip against the counter. “So, what are you going to do now, Rachel?”

  “Return this to its rightful owner.” Her eyes glistened as she slipped the ring onto her finger. “Then I need to figure out some things.” She looked to Nick. “Is it still okay for me to spend the rest of the summer here?”

  “Yes, if that’s what you’d like to do, but wouldn’t you rather get settled someplace before your baby comes?”

  “Like I said, I have a lot of thinking to do.” She moved toward the swinging door and stopped. “Thanks for dinner, but I don’t think I can eat any more. Too much excitement.” She pushed through the door.

  “Wow.” Zoe grinned and slipped her arm through Nick’s, drawing him toward the back door. “I did not expect any of that.”

  “Me neither. What do you think she has to think about?”

  Zoe pursed her lips. She’d gotten to know the younger woman a little over the past month or so and she suspected Rachel wasn’t sure about becoming a single mother. She couldn’t blame her either, considering she had no means to support herself. “I can’t say for sure.”

  He nodded silently and released her arm as they separated and sat down.

  Zoe couldn’t imagine what Rachel had going on in her head, but one thing was certain, things would be changing around here. Now that Rachel had the ring, she had no reason to stay on at the B&B–and if she didn’t, there would no longer be a buffer between her and Nick.


he counter. “Long time no see. How’ve you been?”

  Dark circles stood out under Autumn’s eyes, and her face was flushed. “Busy. Sorry for not stopping by. Are you here to accept the position?”

  Zoe pursed her lips and shook her head. “Afraid not. I don’t think Nick can manage without me. Are you okay? You don’t look well.”

  She shrugged. “Nick hired Olivia. Surely he can survive a couple of days a week without you.”

  “Truth is, when I asked about the position, I was upset and acted without thinking. I’m happy at the B&B.”

  “You could be happy here, too.” Autumn coughed into her elbow.

  “I agree. And if the time should arise that I feel comfortable about working here, you’ll be the first to know.”

  Autumn grinned. “Fair enough.” She glanced at the wall clock. “I’m off in thirty minutes. Want to hang out?”

  “Are you sure you’re feeling up to it?”


  “Okay then. I need to find Mr. Trask. I’ll be back.”

  Zoe marched toward the restaurant but didn’t make it all the way there because Mr. Trask was standing in the hall talking with someone. She waited quietly off to the side.

  His face lit when he spotted her, and he quickly ended his conversation. “Zoe! Are you here with good news?”

  She approached him, keeping her voice low. “I’m afraid not. At least for the present, I’m going to continue at the B&B.”

  “You realize doing both is possible?”

  “I want to give one hundred percent to what I do, and I couldn’t do that if I was half awake. I’m sorry for troubling you, Mr. Trask, but I must decline the offer.”

  He nodded curtly. “I understand.” He straightened his shoulders and marched away.

  Zoe found Autumn where she’d left her. “I’m going to get an iced coffee and sit out by the lake.”

  “I’ll find you when I’m done here,” Autumn said.

  “Okay.” Zoe went and ordered her drink. All things considered, she thought it had gone well with Mr. Trask. Of course, she might have ruined any chance she ever had of running a restaurant kitchen again, but for whatever reason, she was fine with that.


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