This Changes Everything
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Antigua and Barbuda, 415
antinuclear movement, 136, 138, 398
antipoverty activists, 157
Antoine, Paula, 375
Apfel, Dan, 401
Appadurai, Anjali, 11
Appalachia, 46, 309, 353
aquifers, 147, 328, 346, 347
Arab Spring, 9, 464
Arab states, 58
Arch Coal, 342–43, 391, 397
Arctic, 14, 15, 270
Arctic drilling, 141
accidents in, 332, 333
Greenpeace protests against, 300
high risk in, 324
Indigenous opposition to, 375–76
proposed ban on, 353
Arctic Sunrise, 300
Argentina, 123, 180
Arizona, 398–99
Army Corps of Engineers, 3
Arnold, Matthew, 215
arrogant ignorance, 267–68
arts, public funding for, 10
Ashton, John, 150
coal imports in, 320, 352, 413
effects of Pinatubo Option in, 260, 270, 287
free trade zones in, 19
greenhouse gas emissions in, 412
renewable energy and, 349–50
Asian Pacific Environmental Network (APEN), 155, 156, 321
asthma, 94
AT&T, 208
Athabasca Chipewyan First Nation (ACFN), 326, 379–80, 383–84
Athabasca River, 326
Athanasiou, Tom, 388
Athens, 157
Atlantic, 415
Atlantic salmon, 441
atomic bomb, 277–78
atrazine, 439
Attwater’s prairie chickens, 191–95
austerity, 9, 17, 61, 72, 77, 110, 132, 154, 158
community-controlled alternative energy as response to, 132–33
natural disaster and, 106–10
personal, 116–18
Austin, Tex., 99
Australia, 178, 242, 250, 354
climate change and, 27, 35, 36, 250, 290
extractive exports from, 143, 301
Gorgon project in, 145–46
Great Barrier Reef of, 146–48, 301
Indigenous land rights in, 182, 376
Nauru and, 162, 163, 166–67
renewable energy and, 102
Australian Marine Conservation Society, 301
Austria, 99
automobile industry, 113
bailout of, 121–22, 124, 125
Ayn Rand Institute, 36
Ayres, Ed, 280
Babones, Salvatore, 243n
Bach, Amy, 109
Bacon, Francis, 170, 173, 174, 177, 184, 266
Baer, Paul, 388
Bakken oil field, 71, 311, 325
Balcombe, England, 299–300, 403–4
Bangladesh, 82, 109, 154
banks, 39
bailouts of, 6, 110, 121–26, 158
nationalization of, 123
Banks, Joseph, 266
Banuri, Tariq, 413–14
Baptiste, Marilyn, 345, 365
Bárcena Ibarra, Alicia, 180
Barnes, William, 189
Barnett Shale, 329
Barrow Island, 145
Barton, Joe, 47, 228
Bast, Joseph, 34, 41, 42
bats, disappearance of, 27
Battistoni, Alyssa, 94
Bay Localize, 157
Bazemore, Wally, 105n
Beaver Lake Cree Nation, 27, 378–79
Beckley, W.Va., 310
Beijing, 17–18, 23, 351
Bella Bella, Canada, 337–42, 344, 363
Bellingham, Wash., 349, 352, 374, 403
Bell, Larry, 33, 47
Berger, John, 120
Berkshire Hathaway, 234
Berlin, 97, 98
Berry, Wendell, 268, 335–36, 438
Betsimisaraka, 220
“Beyond Coal” campaign, 349, 397
Beyond Vietnam (King), 449
Beyond Zero Emissions, 102
BG Group, 145
Bhopal Action Resource Group, 206
BHP Billiton, 196
Big Green, 20, 85, 87–88, 124
Blockadia and, 355–58, 403
carbon trading and, 218–25
climate change debate and, 198–201
climate debt seen as politically toxic by, 414
energy investments of, 196–97
Indigenous land rights and, 387
insider strategies of, 203–4, 205–11
natural gas advocated by, 199–201, 213–17
patriotism as core message for, 57–58
as pro-corporate, 196–97, 207–11, 213, 215–16
renewable energy downplayed by, 199–200
USCAP created by, 226–28
biochar process, 245
biodiversity, 13, 134
biofuels, 32, 97, 231–32, 238–41, 251–52, 253, 287
biological weapons, banning of, 278
biosphere, as self-organizing, complex, adaptive system, 267
Birol, Fatih, 23
birth defects, environmental toxins and, 428, 429–30, 439
bitumen, see tar sands
Black Mesa Water Coalition, 398–99, 402
Black Sea, 349
Blake, William, 157
Blazevic, Sara, 355
Blockadia, 293–336, 450–51
abolition and civil rights movements compared to, 450, 453, 455–57
Big Green and, 355–58, 403
as constructive movement, 405
early victories of, 348–53, 359, 370
as global grassroots movement, 294–96, 303–4, 321–23
in Global South, 412
government repression of, 297–99, 361–62, 410–11
as impetus for uniting of Indigenous peoples and non-Natives, 373–74, 380–84, 443–45
Indigenous peoples in, 139, 177; see also Indigenous peoples, land rights of
intergenerational character of, 445
love of place in, 337–66, 370–71
moral imperative in, 336, 386–87, 464
precautionary principle adopted by, 335–36
as pro-democracy movement, 361, 380
as pro-water movement, 344–47
regenerative worldview in, 443–46
social media and, 303, 466
women as leaders in, 303
see also specific groups and protests
Bloomberg Carbon Risk Valuation Tool, 235
Bloomberg, Michael, 49, 176, 216, 230, 235–36, 252
Bloomberg Philanthropies, 216
Bloomberg View, 428
BlueGreen Alliance, 126, 156
Blue Planet Prize, 22
Bolivia, 5, 7, 18, 40, 180, 377, 409, 443–44
Bollier, David, 130
Bonogofsky, Alexis, 319, 342–43, 390, 392–93, 396
Bopha, Typhoon, 465
borders, hyper-militarized, 154
Bostic, Jason, 337
Boston, Mass., 13
Boucher, Jim, 386
Boulder, Colo., 98–99
Boulton, Matthew, 266
Bows-Larkin, Alice, 87–89, 412
BP, 111, 129, 130, 215, 226, 227–28, 236, 282
Big Green funding from, 196, 198
Greenland project of, 385
lax government regulation of, 330–31
profit-over-safety culture of, 330–31, 333, 376
BP, Deepwater Horizon disaster of, 112, 144, 201, 290, 316, 324, 330, 332, 376, 385–86, 420
impact on marine life of, 425–26, 431–34, 451
lack of preparedness in, 330
miscarriages linked to, 424–25
pre-explosion risk assessment report on, 430–31
BP America, 196
BP Capital, 237
Braided Hair, Vanessa, 396, 397
Brainstorm Green, 229
Brand, Russell, 155
Brand, Stewart, 288
Branson, Richard, 230–33,
235–54, 257, 260, 263, 264, 284–85, 288–89
biofuels development pledge of, 231–32, 238–41, 251–52, 253
Carbon War Room of, 232, 239, 251
Virgin Earth Challenge of, 232, 244–49, 251
see also Virgin Group
Braun, Clait E., 192
Brazil, 5, 13, 82, 130, 145, 157, 179, 202, 221–22, 412
Breakthrough Institute, 57
Brecher, Jeremy, 401, 402
Briner, Brad, 235
Britain, see United Kingdom
British Columbia, 302, 312, 319, 419–20
disappearance of starfish from, 27
Northern Gateway pipeline proposal in, 337–42, 344–45, 363, 365–66, 367, 380
scallop collapse in, 434
Supreme Court of, 368–69
British Social Attitudes survey, 117
Bronx Zoo, 183
Brookings Institution, 290
Brower, Kenneth, 289
Browne, Sir John, 111, 130
Brownstein, Mark, 356
Brown University, 428
Brulle, Robert, 44, 199
Brundtland, Gro Harlem, 22
Brune, Michael, 357
Buenos Aires, 123
Buffett, Warren, 233–34, 252
greenhouse gas emissions from, 412–13
retrofitting of, 108, 122, 124
Build Our Energy Barn, 403
Bulgaria, 348
Bunzl, Martin, 269–70
Burkina Faso, 270
Burlington Northern Santa Fe railroad, 234
Burnt Church, Canada, 372–73
Bury the Chains (Hochschild), 456
Büscher, Bram, 223–24
Bush, George H. W., 208
Bush, George W., 211–12, 328
cadmium, 176
Caldeira, Ken, 263–64, 271
Calgary, Canada, 2, 245–49
California, 13, 52, 347
California, University of:
at Davis, Institute of Transportation Studies at, 101
at Irvine, 14
Cameron, David, 7, 106–7, 110, 149, 251
Cameron, James, 449
Canada, 11, 17, 19, 71, 83, 143
divestment movement in, 354
environmental legislation in, 202
extractive industry subsidies in, 127
fossil fuels in, 69, 79, 178
fracking in, 299, 303–4, 313
government attacks on Indigenous land rights in, 381–82
government repression of environmental protest in, 299, 303
politics of climate change in, 36, 46
pro-mining policies of, 382
S&P rating of, 368
tar sands in, see Alberta tar sands
weakening of environmental protections in, 381–82
Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers, 149
Canadian Auto Workers Union, 122
Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives, 70, 129, 400
Canadian Natural Resources, 281
Canadian Security Intelligence Service, 362
cancer, tar sands linked to, 327
cap-and-trade system, 208, 218, 226–29, 287
cap and dividend, 118
capitalism, 22, 25, 38–39, 47, 61, 88, 89, 125, 158, 159, 176, 179, 228n, 233, 450
and attempts to mitigate climate change, 230–55
climate change as argument against, 157
climate change regulation seen as threat to, 31, 33
conservation and, 185–86
deregulated, 18, 20, 75, 154
disaster, 51, 109, 154, 233
fossil fuels and, 175, 176
Gaia, 231
industrial, 173–74, 177
nature vs., 177, 186
rebranding of, 252
see also free-market ideology
Capital in the Twenty-First Century (Piketty), 154–55
atmospheric, 109
high-risk, 130
new sources of, 141
carbon bubble, 358
carbon budget, collective, 153
carbon cowboys, 220–21
carbon credits, 305
carbon dioxide, 143
recycling into products, 246–47
carbon emissions, 14, 23, 79
caps on, 118, 141, 208, 218, 226–29, 287
climate debt and, 409
cutting of, see carbon reduction
of developing world, 409–10
historical evidence for, 415, 452
Industrial Revolution and increase in, 175–76, 409
rising levels of, 4, 11, 13, 14–15, 26
of U.S., 113, 409
wartime activities and, 17
wealth and, 113–14
see also greenhouse gas emissions
Carbon Engineering, 281
carbon footprint, 77, 144, 178, 235, 247, 248, 288
carbon markets, 211, 218–25, 233
failure of, 224–25, 252
carbon offsets, 8, 39, 212, 251, 287
ineffectiveness of, 223–24, 387
carbon sequestration, 134, 218, 221–23, 232, 245, 247–48, 284, 439
carbon-sucking machines, 236, 244, 245, 254, 257, 260, 263, 279, 288
carbon taxes, 112, 114, 125, 157, 218, 250, 400, 461
Carbon Tracker Initiative, 148
carbon trading, 39, 87, 124, 125, 199–201, 208, 218, 226–29, 287, 418
Carbon War Room, 199, 264
Cargill, 89
Caribbean, 240, 414–15
caribou, 435
Carleton College, 401
Carmichael, Ruth, 433–34
cars, 16, 90–91, 116, 210
Carson, Rachel, 185, 201, 207, 286, 337
Carter, Bob, 33, 47
Carter, Jimmy, 116–17, 205
Carter, Nick, 349
Case for Climate Engineering, A (Keith), 275
Casselton, N.Dak., 312, 333
Castro, Rodrigo, 161
Caterpillar, 227
Cato Institute, 32, 33, 36, 39, 45, 142
CBC, 362
CBS This Morning, 288
cell phones, 91n
Cenovus, 349
Center for American Progress, 111
Center for Biological Diversity, 206
Center for Strategic and International Studies, 53
Center for Sustainable Shale Development (CSSD), 216, 356n
Central America, sweatshops in, 81
Centre for Science and Environment, 96, 414
Centrica, 149
centrism, 22, 59, 83
Cha, J. Mijin, 216
Chad, 270
Chamber of Commerce, U.S., 31, 48
chaos theory, 267
Chappell, Ronnie, 228
charitable foundations, 205–6, 210n
extractive industries and, 197–98
Charter of Rights and Freedoms, Canadian, 371
Chávez, Hugo, 179, 182
Chen Jiping, 351
Chesapeake Energy, 312, 356–57
Chevron, 111, 129, 221, 291
Ecuador’s lawsuit against, 309, 378
Gorgon project of, 145–46
green groups funded by, 196, 217
Niger Delta operations of, 308
Pungesti shale gas project of, 298–99, 347, 404
Richmond refinery of, 321, 402
Chicago, University of, 81
Chilcotin River, 345
children, impact of environmental toxins on, 427–29
Childs, Mike, 250
Chile, 9, 454, 464
Chilko River, 345
China, 5, 24, 55, 58, 79, 82, 88n, 451
air pollution in, 17–18, 23, 350, 351
anti-coal movement in, 300, 350–52
carbon emissions from, 409–10, 411, 412
Central Committee, Communist Party, 133
coal exports to, 234
coal use in, 81–82, 83
coolant factories in, 219–20
Copenhagen nonbinding agreement signed by, 12
as creditor, 180
economic growth in, 351–52
as emerging market, 20
environmental contamination in, 23, 83, 154
export-led development in, 81
fast-growing economy of, 40, 153
human rights issues in, 351–52
peasant uprisings in, 350–51
renewable energy programs in, 352
solar energy and, 66, 68, 69–70, 72
wealth in, 114
WTO challenges brought against, 64–65, 68, 70
WTO challenges brought by, 65
WTO membership of, 76
Chisholm, Sallie, 267
Chrétien, Jean, 83
Chrysler, 67, 68
Chukchi Sea, 375–76
CIA, 53
civil disobedience, 139
civil rights movement, 204–5, 450, 453
Clarkson, Thomas, 463
Clatskanie, Oreg., 349
clear-cutting, 296, 304, 310
Climate Action Network, 149
climate change, 73, 110, 165, 176, 177, 230, 249
acceptable risk and, 335
astronaut’s-eye view of, 284–90, 296
centrist organizations and, 198–201
community and, 364–65
computer models of, 270–71
corporate deregulation and, 20
defining of, 210
democracy and, 363–64
developing world on, 75
disasters and, 2–3, 17, 102–3, 154, 406, 465
fracking and, 199
as transformative force, 7, 8, 152–60
Indigenous rights and, 380–84, 385
individual vs. corporate conservation in, 116–18
marine infertility and, 433–35
mitigation of, 134
negotiations on, 11
past and future generations in, 158–59
as planetary emergency, 6, 7, 15, 17, 18, 449–50, 459–60
planetary exodus as solution to, 288–89
and power relation between humans and earth, 175
as result of cumulative emissions, 21, 40, 56, 175, 409–10, 416
roots of, 159–60
sacrifice zones and, 310–11, 315
“safe” limit of, 12–13
tipping points for, 14, 412
2 degrees Celsius boundary in, 87–88, 89, 150, 354, 456
wealth creation and, 46–52
weather patterns and, 269
climate change denial, 2–5, 26, 43, 91, 119, 282–83, 394, 407, 451
economics as factor in, 3, 45–46, 59–60
extractive industries’ funding of, 44–45, 149, 198
increase in, 35
partisan approach to, 35–36
right-wing, 31–63, 154, 178
socioeconomic privilege and, 46–52
technological miracles and, 3
Climate of Corruption (Bell), 33
climate debt, 5, 7, 457
owed to developing world, 5, 7, 40, 387, 408–18
owed to Indigenous peoples, 387, 388–99, 408
seen as politically toxic, 414
Climate Depot, 32, 45