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Foolish Heart (MacLarens 0f Fire Mountain Contemporary Book 9)

Page 12

by Shirleen Davies

  “Here you are. Sorry it took a little longer than normal.” The waitress smiled. “A new cook training in the kitchen.”

  None of the three dug into the food, silence stretching between them until Nesto picked up his burger and took a bite. Chewing, he washed it down with the soda he’d ordered.

  “The MacLarens will want to know all the players, Paul. Don’t underestimate them. They’ll know Javé and his club aren’t the only ones involved.” Nesto popped a french fry into his mouth, taking his time, letting Paul consider what he’d said. “I’ll warn you. They won’t do anything illegal, and they don’t take kindly to threats. I can’t imagine what Javé could offer to persuade them to help an outlaw gang.”

  Paul’s burger stopped halfway to his mouth. Setting it down, his expression showed the first signs of regret. “I don’t know what Javé has in mind. All I know is he wants to have a meeting.” Pushing the plate away, he stood, looking at Paige. “I’ll call you Monday. That should give you enough time to approach the MacLarens, encourage one of them to see the advantage of meeting with Javé.”

  Paige watched him walk out, her shoulders slumping. “We didn’t learn anything, did we?”

  “We confirmed what we already expected. Paul’s working for Javé, the Sons want to use one of the MacLaren businesses for illegal purposes, and there are definitely other partners. Now comes the hard part.”

  “What’s that?”

  “Telling the MacLarens.”

  “No better time than the present.” Kade glanced at Paige, who sat at the table in the small conference room. Nesto sat next to her, Clive and J.D. across the table. “It’s Friday afternoon and all three are still in their offices.”

  Paige looked at Nesto. “I’d like to get this over with.”

  He nodded, pulling out his phone. “Heath, it’s Nesto.”

  A few minutes later, everyone convened in Heath’s office, listening to Nesto and Paige. Kade, Clive, and J.D. nodded, confirming what they’d heard through the wire Paige wore when meeting her brother.

  Rafe ran a hand through his dark hair, shaking his head. “I don’t understand why they’re coming after us. A legitimate business with no ties to anything illegal.”

  J.D. answered. “It isn’t all that unusual, Mr. MacLaren. Criminal gangs look for every possible way to move their product. They aren’t above using coercion to get what they want. It is unusual for them to target a company as large and as high profile as MacLaren Enterprises.”

  “We have something they want,” Kade said.

  Rafe narrowed his gaze at his son. “What’s that?”

  “Our existing operation for moving stock between the States, Canada, and Mexico, Pops. I think they’ve learned of our interest in acquiring Double Ace. Even after the issues of a few months ago, they probably still see it as a prime way to move their product across borders.”

  The room quieted as the brothers considered what to do next.

  “Options?” Heath asked.

  “Ignore the request and continue business as usual. We’ll continue with additional security and bodyguards until we believe Javé has given up and moved on. Or accept the invitation to meet and find out what he wants.” Nesto rested his arms on the table. “You might be able to discover more about the other partners.”

  “Or he may make a direct threat, which Clive and J.D. could use in their ongoing case against the Sons and cartel.” Kade looked at his two former colleagues, who returned slight nods.

  “Then I’ll meet with them.”

  Rafe smacked a hand on the table. “To hell with that, Heath. I’ll go. It’s my connection to the Santiago family that has put us in their crosshairs.”

  “Not a chance, Rafe. Don’t make me pull rank on you.”

  A smirked crossed Rafe’s face. “We could fight for it, Heath. The same as we did when we were kids.”

  “No need for that.” Everyone looked at Jace. “I’m going to the meeting and that’s the end of it.” When Heath tried to speak, Jace held up his hand. “Hear me out. Nesto and Kade have already said they don’t believe there’s danger in going to the meeting. But they could be wrong. If anything happens, the two of you need to keep things going.” He looked between his brothers, seeing the indecision on their faces. “Let me do this. Unless you don’t think I’m capable of handling it.”

  “Sonofabitch,” Heath grumbled. “Of course you’re capable enough. As the oldest brother, and chairman, it’s my job to handle threats to the company.”

  Jace shook his head. “Not this time, big brother.” He looked at Nesto, then Paige. “You tell Paul I’m willing to meet Javé, listen to his business proposal with no guarantees we’ll do anything he asks. You figure out where and when.”

  Kade cleared his throat. “Nesto will be in the meeting with you, Jace. Clive, J.D., and I will be nearby. We’ll talk more about what to expect once we have a time and place.”

  Heath stood, shoving his hands into his pockets. “I don’t like it, Jace. It should be me.”

  “Don’t begrudge me a little excitement, Heath. With Blake and Brett away at college, I’m the right person for this. Besides, look at the backup I have.” He swept his hand toward Kade, Nesto, Clive, and J.D. “Think of it as a simple meet and greet, just like the monthly Chamber of Commerce meetings.”

  Rafe snorted. “Like it will be that simple.”

  Paige kept her afternoon schedule of acquisition meetings. The purchase of Double Ace had been seen as a given when the review began. Even though the team hadn’t been told to hold off on a recommendation, she couldn’t help but think it would be wise to wait.


  She glanced up at Brooke. “I’m sorry. What did you say?”

  “I thought you could work with Sean on Serenity, and I’d work with Matt on Champion Horse Breeding. It will help to speed the process along. With all that’s happened, we need to gain some ground in order to give the brothers a recommendation by the end of next week.”

  “Sure, Brooke. Should I go find Sean now?”

  Brooke looked at her, noting the lines of worry. “You know, it’s already past five. Why don’t you go find Nesto, have dinner, and unwind a bit? Unless things have changed, the family is planning a trail ride tomorrow, sometime after Kade, Nesto, and Matt work the new horses. Afterward, there’s to be a barbeque at the ranch house. Annie, Caroline, and Reyna have been preparing food all day. It’ll do us all good to kick back and relax.”

  “Nesto hadn’t mentioned anything about tomorrow. Sounds good, though. I can’t remember the last time I went riding.”

  “Wish I could go along. Unfortunately, the doctor has taken it off my list of approved activities.”

  “How’s it going in here?” Nesto walked in, resting his hand on the back of Paige’s chair.

  Brooke closed her laptop. “We’re just finishing up for the night. Why don’t you take Paige to dinner, get her away from this place?”

  He settled a hand on Paige’s shoulder. “I’m not going to argue. If you’re ready, Paige, we can leave anytime.”

  Standing, she gathered her laptop and notes. “I’ll see you tomorrow, Brooke.”

  Walking to the truck, Nesto held her hand, glancing around the parking lot, feeling a small measure of relief when he had her safe in the passenger seat. He didn’t believe Javé would try anything at this point. The Sons president wanted a meeting with the MacLarens, not push them away by hurting one of their employees.

  Closing his door, he started the engine, then looked at her. “You did real good today. I know you’ve been through a lot the last few days.”

  She reached over, resting a hand on his thigh. “I’m glad you were there. It made it a lot easier.”

  He wanted to tell her he’d always be there for her, she’d never again have to carry her burdens alone. Instead, he placed his hand over hers and squeezed.

  “It’s been a long week. Let’s get some dinner.”

  Chapter Thirteen

  At e
ight the next morning, Nesto stood in the middle of the round pen, using the lunge line to exercise one of the new horses. He’d done this often in high school, working as a part-time wrangler, and enjoyed doing it when he wasn’t traveling between companies. This morning, he planned to exercise one horse before the group left on the trail ride.

  “You look pretty comfortable out there.” Paige rested her arms on the top rung of the fence, watching Nesto guide the horse in circles, getting it to respond to his commands.

  “It’s amazing what I remembered after not doing this for over fifteen years. Like riding a bike, it comes back to you.” With a slight verbal command and nudge of the lunge whip, the horse moved into a jog.

  Nesto didn’t mention the therapeutic nature of being in the ring in the early morning, just him and the animal. He’d spent many mornings out here, lunging horses, doing his best to forget Paige and move on. Today, she stood on the fence, a smile on her face. He still couldn’t quite bring himself to believe it.

  “I thought I heard you two drive up.” Brooke joined her on the fence. “When I first met Kade and Nesto, I never pictured them as cowboys. After I saw them both ride, I wondered how they’d left it behind to join the army. They’re naturals.” She glanced to another round pen where Kade rode a horse he’d been working with for a few months.

  The sound of engines caught their attention. Two trucks parked in the large gravel area near the house. Mitch, Dana, Sean, Gage, and Skye got out of one truck, Matt, Trey, and Cam got out of the other, striding toward them. Clive and J.D. had begged off, deciding to kick back at the cabin.

  “How’s the old man doing?” Sean leaned on the fence next to Paige, watching Nesto.

  “I’m no expert, but the horse seems to be following the cues.”

  “Looks good to me.” Sean lowered his cowboy hat, shielding his eyes from the sun. “Kade and Nesto used to break horses for the rancher they worked for in high school.” He switched his gaze to the other pen, watching Kade for a few minutes. “Doesn’t seem either one has forgotten much.”

  Paige looked over at him. “I forgot you don’t have the chance to be around them much. You’re kind of stuck off on your own.”

  “Yeah. I live at the dude ranch near Missoula, about two hundred miles from Crooked Tree. If the deal with Serenity goes through, I could be traveling between resorts in Montana, Wyoming, and Idaho. My guess is we’ll close the camp for foster kids in Arizona and move it to one of the other locations.” Sean watched Nesto lead the horse toward them.

  “You here to help out or hit on Paige, Sean?” Nesto smiled at her, although she saw it didn’t reach his eyes.

  “Both, Nesto—if I can get away with it,” Sean laughed. “What do you need me to do?”

  “Help bring in and groom the horses we’re riding today. I’ll be there in a few minutes.”

  Sean touched two fingers to the brim of his hat and nodded before heading to the barn. Paige watched him go, grinning.

  “He’s a nice guy.”

  Nesto’s comment had her shifting back toward him. “Yes, he is.”

  “I’m guessing most women find him attractive.”

  She nodded, hearing something in his voice she couldn’t identify. “I suppose so.”

  He turned, leading the horse back to the barn. Paige jumped down from the fence, watching as he walked away, wondering what had gotten into him.

  “Hey, Paige. Come with us. We’re going to get our horses saddled.” Mitch motioned for her to follow him, Dana, and the others.

  Catching up to them, she looked around, then at Dana. “Where’s Brooke?”

  “Headed back into the house to help Annie prepare for the barbeque. She told us you haven’t ridden in a long time.”

  “She’s right.”

  Mitch grabbed Dana’s hand as they entered the barn. “You’re going with a bunch of people who grew up on horses, so there’s nothing to worry about.”

  “Thanks, Dana. Nesto offered to ride alongside me on the trail.”

  Mitch stopped to look at her. “Are you two getting along all right? He can be a little overbearing.”

  Dana glanced at Paige. “That would be the pot calling the kettle black.”

  “Hey, I’m not overbearing. A little stubborn sometimes…” Mitch grinned at Dana as his voice trailed off.

  “What has my older brother smiling?” Sean strolled up to them, slinging an arm around Paige’s shoulders, winking at her.

  “Dana and Mitch were discussing whether Mitch was stubborn or overbearing. He thinks—”

  Her words were cut off by Sean’s bark of laughter.

  “Are you four ready to saddle your horses?” Nesto took a quick look at Paige and Sean before gesturing behind him. “Take your pick, but Paige will ride Rascal.”

  Sean dropped his arm from around her shoulders. “I’ll help you saddle him, Paige. Come on.”

  Nesto narrowed his gaze at him. “I’ve got it covered, Sean.” He nodded for her to follow him to a chestnut gelding. “Rascal is Annie’s horse. He’s a sweet mount.” Running his hand along the horse’s neck, he glanced up at Paige. “Ready to saddle him?”

  She touched his arm, stopping him from grabbing the blanket. “What’s going on, Nesto?”

  Swiping his hat off his head, he glanced around, wishing he had a good answer. All he knew was when he saw her with Sean, something snapped inside him. His head told him Sean was being his usual self—friendly, flirty. What’s more, he knew Paige just played along, nothing more. Settling his hat back in place, he shook his head.

  “Nothing.” Leaning down, he kissed her cheek, then moved past her to grab the blanket and saddle. Placing them on Rascal’s back, he lifted the left stirrup, hooking it on the saddle horn. “This is how you cinch the saddle.” He explained each step, making sure Paige understood. Finishing, he lowered the stirrup. “I’ll adjust them once you’re in the saddle.” Bending, he cupped his hands together.


  Standing, he grinned at her. “Yes, now.” Again he cupped his hands. “Place your left foot in my hands, grab a fistful of mane with your left hand for balance, then swing your right leg over.” When she hesitated, he glanced up. “Now would be good, Paige.”

  “Right.” Sucking in a breath, Paige did as Nesto instructed, feeling a sense of accomplishment when she settled into the saddle.

  Laying a hand on her thigh, his face broke into a warm grin. “How long since you’ve been on a horse?”

  “Longer than I thought, but I’m fine now. In fact, I’m great.”

  Leading Rascal out to the others, he handed her the reins. “Hold them in your left hand. He’s good at commands. When we’re ready to go, squeeze him lightly with your lower legs, and keep your heels down. Mitch? Stay with her while I saddle Ghost. It won’t take long.”

  “No problem.” Mitch and Dana rode up next to her. “You good?”

  Her left hand tightened on the reins, but she nodded. “Great.”

  “It’ll be good to get away from what’s going on. You do know we aren’t going to let anything happen to you or any member of the family, right?”

  She relaxed at his words, the sincerity in his voice. “Thanks, Mitch. You’re right. It’s been a long week, and it doesn’t appear it’s going to get any easier for a while. The truth is I’m more worried about the rest of you.”

  Mitch studied her, seeing the lines of worry around her eyes and mouth. “I’m sure Nesto has already told you we can take care of ourselves. Trust me…he’s right.”

  Nesto reined up beside them. “I think we’re all here. You ready, Paige?”


  “Then let’s go.”

  Kade and Sean rode in front through bush-lined trails, skirting large boulder formations into the national forest that shared a border with MacLaren land. Nesto didn’t leave Paige’s side, other than on trails too narrow for two horses. He marveled at the way she sat a horse. After the first thirty minutes, she relaxed, letting Rasc
al’s movements guide the way her body responded in the saddle, transferring her weight for a smooth ride.

  Every so often, Paige glanced at him, the radiance of her smile piercing a spot deep in his heart. It had been only a few days since they’d made an agreement to take their relationship day-to-day, giving him time to come to terms with what Paige had done.

  Trust meant a great deal to Nesto. He didn’t offer it blindly, and some people never earned it. All the men on his Special Forces team merited his respect and trust. He’d never considered giving it to a woman—until Paige. The fact she hadn’t seen fit to confide in him about Paul, choosing to abandon their relationship rather than trust him, still ate at his heart.

  They made love every night, held each other close until dawn, regaining the contentment he’d lost when she left. As much as he loved her, wanted to put the past behind them, he hadn’t been able to take that step. With time, he hoped he could.

  At noon, Kade and Mitch took a trail leading the group to a favorite Mexican restaurant. “We’ll stop here for lunch.”

  Paige didn’t wait for Nesto to assist her before sliding to the ground, rubbing her backside.

  “I forgot to mention you’ll probably be sore for a couple days. The more we ride, the easier it gets until you don’t even notice it.”

  “I’d like that.”

  “What?” Nesto asked.

  “Riding more. With you.”

  “Then we’ll go as often as we can.” Taking her hand, they followed the others inside. Juan Carlos greeted each of them, speaking in Spanish to Kade, then Nesto, before being introduced to Paige.

  “It is a pleasure to meet you, señorita. Please, have a seat. I will bring you our homemade salsa and chips.”

  “This is very good.” Paige took another bite of the enchilada-style burrito Juan Carlos suggested, following it with a few swallows of soda. “This place could become a habit.”

  “Kade and I come here whenever we’re both in town.” Nesto finished his chile rellenos, pushing the plate aside. Taking out his wallet, he pulled out some bills, passing them down the table to Mitch. “Looks like we’re ready to start back.”


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