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Foolish Heart (MacLarens 0f Fire Mountain Contemporary Book 9)

Page 13

by Shirleen Davies

  Again, he took her hand as they returned to the horses. Nesto stood next to Rascal, ready to help Paige, when the distinct sound of motorcycles drew their attention. He studied the group, recognizing the Devil’s Sons patches as they pulled into the lot. Mumbling a curse, he pushed Paige behind him, then locked eyes with Kade.

  “Stay here.”

  “Wait, Nesto. I’ll come with you.”

  “No, Paige. Let Kade and I speak with Javé.” His stern look stilled Paige’s movements. Without another word, he joined Kade, both moving to stand next to Javé’s bike.

  The president of Devil’s Sons killed the engine, swung his leg over the bike, and crossed his arms. The club vice president and the sergeant-at-arms flanked him, smirks on each face.

  “A MacLaren family gathering. I hope we didn’t interrupt anything.” Javé moved his gaze around the group, noting the men step in front of the women, their expressions grim. “A tight family. I can respect that.”

  Letting his arms drop to his sides, Javé walked up to Sean, a cocky grin spreading across his face as he regarded him. “Sean MacLaren. I’m told you work in Montana running a resort.”

  Sean’s eyes narrowed, but he stayed quiet as Javé moved to Mitch.

  “Mitch MacLaren. Rafe MacLaren’s oldest son until Kade showed up.” Javé didn’t flinch when Mitch took a step toward him. “Ah, I’ve hit a nerve.” He glanced at the woman behind Mitch. “Señora Dana MacLaren, sí?” Leaning forward, he lowered his voice. “Muy bonita, querida.”

  Mitch stepped forward, shoving Javé away. “Stay away from her.”

  Chuckling, he moved to a group of men. “Trey MacLaren. I believe the correct title is Naval Aviator, sí?”

  Shifting, he looked at Matt. “My men tell me you are rodeo champion. Is this true?” He smirked when Matt remained silent, fisting his hands at his sides.

  Looking at the man beside Matt, Javé took a step closer. “Cameron Sinclair. Señora MacLaren’s oldest son. You will be giving her a grandchild soon.”

  Cam’s nostrils flared, Matt’s hard grip on his arm the only thing restraining him from slugging Javé.

  He looked at Paige, nodded, then moved on.

  Javé walked up to the last of the group. “Gage Templeton. You are with Double Ace. The woman beside you is Skye MacLaren, one of Rafe’s daughters. I understand you are to be married in a few weeks, sí?”

  Gage’s hands balled into fists, a muscle in his jaw twitching as he worked to stop his instinct to grab the man by the throat and squeeze.

  Turning back toward his club, Javé spread his arms out. “It’s a good day for a long ride, amigos.”

  The men climbed back on their bikes. After taking one last, lingering look over his shoulder, Javé laughed before hitting the highway.

  “Sonofabitch.” Nesto’s fist slammed into the palm of his other hand, his stomach churning. Sucking in a deep breath, he felt Kade’s hand on his shoulder.

  “Don’t let him get to you, bro. We can handle this.” Turning to the others, he walked up to them. “Javé is trying to intimidate us.”

  “He’s doing a damn fine job of it.” Mitch wrapped an arm around Dana’s waist, pulling her close.

  Nesto moved to Paige, settling his hands on her shoulders. “Are you all right?”

  She let out a slow, shaky breath. “More angry than anything.”

  “I know the feeling.” He glanced behind him, still hearing the rumble of the retreating bikes.

  “We have to get them to stop, Nesto. What they’re doing isn’t right.”

  “I know, sweetheart. We’ll talk to Paul on Monday, then set up a meeting between Jace and Javé. We’ll have more to go on after they talk.” Wrapping his arms around her, he kissed her forehead, then leaned back, staring into her eyes. “I’ll keep you safe, Paige. You know that, right?”

  Moving out of his embrace, she slid a hand down Rascal’s neck. “I don’t need you to protect me, Nesto.”

  Stepping behind her, he rested his hands on her hips. “What do you need?”

  “For you to protect yourself and the others. The thought of losing you, or anyone else…” She swallowed twice, trying to dislodge the knot in her throat.

  “Paige, don’t do this to yourself.” Turning her around to face him, he lifted her chin with his finger. “Listen to me. The MacLarens were a target before you took the job. I’ve already told you about what happened with Double Ace a few months ago. This is a continuation of the cartel trying to exert enough pressure on the family to turn over a legitimate operation for use in their illegal activities. It would’ve happened whether you came to Fire Mountain or not. Yes, Paul gave them your name, but even if he hadn’t, Javé would’ve identified someone else to be the go-between. You heard him. He knows each one of us, our backgrounds, and who’s important to us. At this point, you could leave and nothing would change.” His gaze narrowed. “Perhaps that’s what would be best.”

  Her brows furrowed. “What?”

  “For you to leave, find a job somewhere else, and get as far away from this mess as possible. No one would blame you if you left. This is going to play out with the Sons whether you’re here or not.” It was an easy option, yet he didn’t like voicing it. The last thing he wanted was for Paige to leave, kill any future for them. At the same time, he didn’t want her blaming herself if someone got hurt, or worse.

  Her chest tightened, mind reeling. Nesto wanted her gone and she hadn’t seen it coming. After the last few days, she’d convinced herself they might have a second chance. What he suggested told her something else. Clearing her throat, she moved away at the same time Kade shouted for everyone to mount up.

  “We’d better go.” Grabbing Rascal’s reins, she placed her left foot in the stirrup, swinging up and into the saddle.

  “Paige…” He stood next to the horse, looking up at her.

  “I’ll consider the suggestion. The thing is, all you had to do was tell me we were over. You didn’t need an elaborate excuse.” Reining Rascal around, she moved next to Dana, ignoring Nesto as he called her name.

  Chapter Fourteen

  They’d ridden back to find a banquet prepared by the women who hadn’t been with them. Paige had declined Nesto’s help, insisting on removing the saddle and bridle herself. Afterward, she mimicked Sean’s motions as he groomed his horse, then let him out into the large corral behind the barn.

  The instant she walked through the front door, Brooke came up, a bright smile on her face. “Guess who called me trying to find you?”

  Paige’s stomach fell, thinking of Paul. “Who?”

  “Your mother. She was just about to board a flight for Phoenix. It’s good news, right?”

  A relieved grin replaced the cautious expression. Reaching out, she gave Brooke a hug. “It’s great news. I can’t believe she found the courage to come without my father.” Stepping back, she glanced over Brooke’s shoulder. “I should find Annie, ask if she has recommendations for where my mother can stay while she’s here.”

  “Already done. Annie offered a bedroom upstairs. Since J.D. and Clive are staying in your cabin, there are a couple extra rooms. Perfect timing.”

  “Hey, beautiful.” Kade grabbed Brooke, giving her a kiss that wasn’t sweet or quick.

  Putting her hands on his chest, she pushed away, laughing. “Kade, the family may be watching.”

  “Let them.” He bent her at the waist, kissing her again.

  “Okay, I’m leaving you two in favor of a cold bottle of water.” Seeing Annie standing alone, Paige moved around everyone to get to her. “Thank you for offering my mother a place to stay. I don’t know how long she plans to be here, but as soon as J.D. and Clive leave, she and I can move back into my cabin. I mean, if that’s all right with you.”

  “As long as Nesto says it’s all right.”

  “I don’t mean any disrespect, Annie, but he has nothing to do with it.”

  “I’m afraid he does, Paige.” Her voice had an edge to it. “Nesto�
�s been tasked with keeping you safe until whatever is happening goes away. When it’s over, if you still want to move out, you can use the cabin as long as you want.”

  Paige caught her lower lip between her teeth, nodding. “You’re right. It’s just…”

  “What, honey?”

  Expelling a deep sigh, Paige clasped her hands in front of her. “Nesto’s ready for me to be out from under him.” She saw Annie’s eyes widen, felt a presence behind her. Turning, she almost bumped into his chest.

  “Excuse us, Annie, but Paige and I need to talk.”

  “Nesto, I don’t think now is the time.”

  “Now is a great time. Come on.” Gently gripping her arm, he led her to the back of the house and into the family room. Guiding her to the sofa, he motioned for her to sit down, then sat next to her.

  She sat back, crossing her arms. “All right, spit it out so I can get something to drink.”

  Standing, he walked to the undercounter refrigerator, pulling out two bottles of water. Returning, he handed her one as he sat back down.


  Screwing off the cap, Nesto took a long swallow, not taking his eyes off Paige.

  “What is it you want to say?”

  He reached for her hand, relieved she didn’t pull away. “Paul has put you in a terrible position. The fact you have no control over what’s happening and other people are being affected is eating you up. The concern you have for others is one of the reasons I love you.” He saw her eyes widen, heard her sharp intake of breath. “Look, I don’t know whether you and I are going to work out, but I don’t like seeing you hurt. You need to know there’s an option to leave. It doesn’t mean it’s the choice I want you to make.” Leaning forward, he stroked her cheek with back of his hand before brushing his lips across hers.

  Reaching up, Paige cupped his face as he deepened the kiss, moaning when his arm went around her waist to drag her to him.

  “Sorry to break this up, you two, but the food is being served.”

  Drawing back, Nesto rested his forehead against hers, chuckling. “Count on Sean to ruin the moment.” Standing, he held out his hand, helping her up. “Ready to join the others?”


  “Almost?” Nesto looked at her.

  “Thank you for what you said. It means a lot after I thought you wanted me gone.”

  “I don’t.”

  “Then you need to know I wasn’t going to leave, although I did ask Annie about moving back to my cabin when Clive and J.D. leave.”

  Nesto shook his head. “Not going to happen.”

  “I mean when the threat is over.”

  He kissed her neck. “Still not going to happen.”


  “We’re going to figure this out, but we’re going to be together while we do it.” He clasped her hand as he led her back to the kitchen.


  He placed a finger over her lips. “I need you with me as we figure this out, Paige. Please don’t leave.”

  Leaning up, she kissed his cheek before turning to leave. A few steps later, she glanced over her shoulder, giving him a smug smile.

  “I won’t leave, but you may have to put up with my mother.”

  The sound of Nesto’s laughter wafting outside brought a smile to Paige’s face. To his credit, he hadn’t balked at the possibility of having her mother in the guest room of his cabin. Although he attempted to hide it, the news she’d be staying with Annie and Heath brought an audible sigh of relief.

  After everyone sat down to eat, Heath made the announcement there’d be no discussing the issues with Devil’s Sons. Talking about the acquisitions was all right, the other clearly off limits.

  “I hear you’ll be working with me and the team on the review of Serenity.” Sean tipped up his bottle of beer, taking a drink, looking at Paige.

  “That’s right, and I’m ready to start whenever you are. We’ve got until Friday to come up with a recommendation.”

  “First thing Monday morning would be great.” Sean glanced up. “Looks like they’re bringing out dessert. See you inside, Paige.”

  She watched Sean take a direct path to the table laden with a couple pies, cookies, and brownies, certain she couldn’t put any more food in her stomach.

  Brooke walked outside, motioning to her. “Your mother’s here. She’s in Heath’s office.”

  Hurrying inside, Paige dashed into the den, spotting Annie talking to her mother. “Mother. I’m so glad you’re here.”

  “I’ll leave you two alone.”

  Paige didn’t notice Annie leave as she hugged her mother, then stepped back, studying her face. Irene Wallace had always been a pretty woman with a slim figure, auburn hair, and ready smile. Her laughter brightened everyone’s day. By the time Paige left Philadelphia, her clear complexion had dulled, she’d lost weight, and her hair had lost its shine.

  “Have you had anything to eat?”

  “I was too nervous about the trip to eat this morning, and all they had on the plane were peanuts and pretzels. The peanuts were honey-coated, though.” Irene’s weary smile told Paige all she needed to know.

  “Come on. There’s plenty of leftover food, whatever you want to drink, and a table full of desserts.”

  Irene shook her head. “I don’t know, Paige. I’m not sure I can eat anything.”

  “After a day without food?” She slipped an arm through her mother’s, urging her toward the kitchen.

  “I don’t know anyone.”

  “You know Ernesto and Brooke. Did I tell you she’s pregnant?”

  Her mother stopped walking. “Are you and Ernesto back together?”

  “We are, Mrs. Wallace.” Nesto walked up, kissing Irene on the cheek. “It’s good to see you.”

  “You’re looking well, Ernesto. Ranch life must agree with you.”

  He held back a chuckle, looking past Irene to lock his gaze on Paige. “That it does. I’ll bet you haven’t eaten. Let’s go rustle you up some food.”

  “Rustle?” Irene mumbled, but didn’t resist as they walked into a room filled with people she’d never met.

  Paige looked at her mother. “See, there’s plenty.” Nesto filled her a plate with chicken, salad, and grilled vegetables while Paige made a couple introductions.

  “Mother, this is Reyna and Caroline MacLaren. Reyna and Caroline, this is my mother, Irene Wallace. I’ll be right back.”

  Caroline held out her hand, taking Irene’s. “It’s a pleasure. We’ll all have lunch while you’re in town. If you’ll excuse me, I’m supposed to call my son, Blake.” Hugging Reyna, she pulled out her phone, disappearing down the hall.

  “It’s wonderful to meet you.” Reyna grasped Irene’s hand in both of hers. “Paige is a wonderful girl, and Nesto is like a son to me. He and my son, Kade, grew up together.”

  “I haven’t had a chance to meet Kade, but Brooke has been a good friend to Paige for years.”

  “Kade and Brooke are perfect for each other, the same as Nesto and Paige. I do hope those two can work out their problems and make a life. I love them both.”

  “Here you are, Mrs. Wallace.” Nesto set the plate down. “Would you like some coffee?”

  “Not now, Ernesto, but thank you. This looks wonderful.”

  Paige handed her a glass of water, then sat down next to her mother.

  “I’ll be with Kade if you need me.” Nesto kissed Paige’s forehead and hugged Reyna before walking away.

  Irene picked at her food, her movements slow, as Paige and Reyna talked about the ranch and sights to see around Fire Mountain. After a while, she set down her fork, doing her best not to let depression overtake her.

  “How’s Father?”

  Irene stiffened, moisture pooling in her eyes. Drawing from years of burying her feelings, schooling herself to hide emotions, she cleared her throat and glanced at Reyna.

  “I should find Rafe.”

  Irene touched her arm. “No, Reyna. Stay. Ple
ase.” When she sat back down, Irene glanced at Paige. “I’m sure your father is doing fine. He left early this week for Europe—with his mistress.” She choked out the last, clutching her hands so tight her knuckles turned white.

  Paige put an arm around her. “I’m so sorry, Mother.”

  “After all these years, everything we’ve been through, he chooses another woman.” She swiped at a tear she’d been unable to contain. “I remember the last time we were in the Caribbean. It was a wonderful week. Peter must have told me a hundred times how much he loved me. Now it’s as if it never happened.”

  Reyna took her hand, squeezing it. “You can stay here as long as you want. There’s plenty of room, and you’ll be with Paige.”

  “She’s right, Mother. Don’t go back.”

  Irene glanced between the two, a sad but genuine smile curling up the corners of her mouth. “I’m so glad you’ve offered. Before Peter got on the plane, I had him served with divorce papers.”

  Paige lay in Nesto’s arms, his hand stroking her back, exhausted from his complete attention for over an hour. She knew they still had a long way to go, but something had changed between them.

  “Are you tired?” Nesto kissed her head, pulling her closer.

  “Bushed, but not sleepy. Why?”

  “Don’t take this wrong, sweetheart, but your father is a total bastard.”

  She choked out a laugh. “Odd. I was thinking the same. I’m so glad Mother decided to file for divorce and come out here. I’m hoping she’ll stay.”

  “You don’t want them to reconcile?”

  She sighed. “When I first learned about his affair, yes, I hoped they’d work things out. When he continued seeing the other woman, I watched as the mother who raised me slipped away. The joy left her life, along with her spirit, and determination to love Father no matter what. Then she spotted them together. The woman is my age, Nesto. Works in his office. No husband, children, or responsibilities outside of work. I’ve known Father’s assistant most of my life. She didn’t want to be disloyal to him, but she felt horrible for Mother. She confirmed they’d been seeing each other for months. God forgive me, but by the time I left Philadelphia, I hated him for what he’d done to her. Now all I feel is relief she’s decided to get out of an ugly situation.”


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