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Living for Love and Dying for Loyalty 3

Page 5

by Mz. Lady P

  I finally bonded his ass out two days later. I sat outside of my car and watched as he strolled his ass out of the county jail. I rolled my eyes in disgust and watched as he walked towards my car. I thought he would have been mad. Surprisingly, he wasn’t.

  “Thanks for coming to grab me. I appreciate it.” He leaned over and kissed me on the jaw. I wanted to ask what the fuck he got locked up for but decided against it because I didn’t even want to care anymore. Even though I really did care.

  “How is my son doing?” he asked as he rubbed my belly.

  My son immediately started kicking and squirming at the touch of Killa’s hand. Most likely because he had never felt it before. Killa has never touched me in the whole six months that I have been pregnant. His touch felt so good. I knew it was only temporary so I knew not to get my hopes up high.

  “He’s fine. Where do you want to get dropped off?” I asked him first before he got the chance to tell me to drop him off at Remi’s house. He had a habit of doing that foul ass shit.

  “I’m going to the crib with you.”

  This nigga was really showing out because I can’t remember the last time he stepped a foot inside of our home. Killa was up to something. I just couldn’t put my finger on it. I went straight to my room and closed my door. I loved him, but I wasn’t about to play this mind game with Killa anymore. He could take his ass to Remi’s house. I’m done trying with this marriage. I need to focus on me and my unborn son. If Killa didn’t want me anymore then so be it. I refused to play this back and forth game with him.

  Chapter 11- Killa

  I wonder if I’ve punished Nisa enough yet. I said to myself.

  No matter how hard I try, I just can’t get over the fact that this bitch killed my seed. I let go all of my hoes to wife her ass up. I know she’s in her feelings about me fucking with Remi, but she shouldn’t be because her ass is just somebody I fuck with to pass the time away. I’m through fucking with her though. I went to her crib and walked in on her giving some nigga head. I went ballistic because this bitch is supposed to be pregnant with my seed and disrespecting it like that.

  The dude and I exchanged words and that’s when I found out that she was really pregnant by him. I lost my cool and smacked fire from her ass. The dude tried to help her so I pistol-whipped him. She immediately called the police. As soon as I drove off in my car, I was pulled over by the police. Now I have a domestic violence and an assault with a deadly weapon case, the last damn thing I need on my rap sheet.

  The last couple of months I have been real laid back. It’s hard not being in the drug game for me. No matter how much money I have, I want more of that shit. The streets are all a nigga like me knows. I miss the way we had the streets on lock over the years. It pissed me off how we lost it all over one bad decision. I love my team though. I was so engrossed with the street life that I forgot that I owned a couple of residential buildings across the city. I’m checking a bag off of them too. Dealing with my properties on a day-to-day basis has taking up most of my time. I really haven’t been dealing with Nisa or the bitch Remi. I have been thinking real hard about my marriage. It’s time for me to make this shit right with Nisa. Especially since she is about to give birth to my son. She betrayed me in the worst way by killing my seed, but at the end of the day, she is the only chick that has my heart and my back.


  “What are you doing?” I asked as I walked into the room and sat down on the bed. I placed her swollen feet on my lap and massaged them.

  “Nothing. I’m just trying to figure out why you’re here and how long will it be before you leave?” Nisa had her back leaning up against the headboard with a look of sadness in her eyes. At first, her sad ass looks didn’t faze me because I hated her ass. Now I’m feeling a little bad about how I’ve hurt her.

  “I’m here because I want to be and I’m here to stay.” I placed her toes inside my mouth and sucked on them. She quickly pulled away and sat up straight in the bed.

  “There must be trouble in paradise if you’re sucking on my toes. You haven’t done that in over a year. So, tell me what happened between you and that ratchet ass bitch?”

  “That ain’t my motherfucking baby, that’s what happened!”

  “I should have known.”

  Nisa jumped up and tried to leave out the room. I wasn’t about to let her walk out on me while I was trying to make amends. It shouldn’t even matter what happened between me and Remi. I’m here with her and that’s what’s important.

  “Look, I’m sorry for my actions. I need you to understand something though. I’m here with you trying to make shit right because I want to. It has nothing to do with Remi. I have my whole new crib and plenty of bitches that would love to be in my presence. I could have called one of the crew to come bail me out. I called you because you’re my wife and I need you. You balance me out, Nisa. Let me make this shit right.”

  I pulled her in close to me and wrapped my arms around her waist. I laid my head on her stomach and she rubbed my head. I felt my son as he kicked me all upside the head. I guess that means he was mad at me too. I raised her shirt up over her head and I stood to my feet. I kissed her soft lips and parted them with my tongue. It had been so long since we made love that I felt like this was our first sexual encounter. We kissed each other passionately and let our hands roam all over each other’s body. I took her swollen breasts and began to suck on them. Nisa leaned her head back in pleasure and let light moans escape her mouth. I laid her down on the bed and removed her pants. I kissed her inner thighs and licked my way up to her pussy. I inserted my tongue in and out of her with so much ease. She became dripping wet.

  “Oh my God! Killa I missed you so much. Please don’t stop. I’m about to cum.” As soon as the words left her mouth, I felt her squirting almost as if she was pissing.

  “Damn baby, you got that wet-wet!” I stood to my feet and wiped my mouth with the back of my hand.

  “I’m sorry it’s been a minute for me.” Nisa crawled to the edge of the bed as I got undressed. She was tugging at my boxers trying to unleash the beast. I didn’t want her to please me though. She deserved to be pleased and pampered.

  “Turn around.”

  I entered her from behind. As soon as I was all the way in, the memories of our sessions flooded my mind. I began to pound inside of her harder and harder. Her pussy felt like Heaven. I got lost in the moment and I was fucking her brains out. I was smacking her on her ass so hard that I was leaving handprints.

  “Oh my God, Killa!” Nisa screamed as she gripped the sheets tight and buried her face into the pillow.

  “Aargh! Aargh!” I grunted as I came in her. If she weren’t already pregnant, she would have definitely been pregnant after this session. Nisa sat up and was holding her stomach.

  “What’s wrong baby?”

  “I think he’s just balled up on one side.” Nisa was doubled over on the bed holding her stomach. Her ass was scaring me.

  “I hope I didn’t hurt him. Do you think I was rougher than I should have been?”

  “It’s okay. Just come here and lay down with me for a minute.”

  I laid in bed with Nisa and we held each other close. We both drifted off to sleep. Not long after someone banging on the door and leaning on the doorbell woke both of us up. I looked out the window and it was Remi and her sister, Desire. This bitch is only with Remi because I wouldn’t let her suck my dick no more. I’m about to catch a murder case because these bitches is about to get murked right on the doorstep. I turned around. Nisa was fully dressed with her Desert Eagle in hand.

  “Baby, you’re pregnant. Calm down. Let me handle this bitch.

  “You better move before I shoot your ass.”

  Nisa cocked the gun and aimed at me. I had no choice, but to move because she has wanted to put a hole in my ass since I laid hands on her for killing my seed. Nisa ran down the stairs two at a time. I watched as she swung the door open and pointed her gun at them.

��If you two bitches don’t get the fuck away from my crib, I will blow you bitches brains out.”

  “Tell Killa to bring his bitch ass out. If he thinks he’s not going to take care of this baby, he got me fucked all up.”

  “Your ugly ass already fucked up. Killa, you need to handle this shit. Let her know what’s really good.”

  “Remi gon’ head on with that bullshit. It’s a wrap. I caught your ass in a lie and I’m not fucking with you anymore.”

  I slammed the door in her face and then I heard glass breaking. This bitch had busted Nisa’s windshield in her car. Nisa ran out the door and pounced on Remi’s ass. The shit happened so fast that I didn’t have time to grab Nisa before she hit Remi’s ass. They started to fight and I managed to pull them apart, but not before Remi was able to kick Nisa in the stomach. She went down like a ton of bricks and that’s when I saw the fluid mixed with blood running down her legs.

  “Bitch, you might as well leave town,” I said through gritted teeth. She ran and jumped in her car and sped off so fast.

  “Call the ambulance! I feel like he’s trying to come out. I feel the urge to push!”

  “We don’t have time for that. I’ll have to take you myself.”

  I ran to garage and pulled my Escalade Truck around. I lifted her into the passenger seat. I drove like a bat out of hell. I knew this shit was going to turn out bad.

  “I’m so sorry Nisa. Baby, please forgive me.”

  “It’s okay. Just get me to the hospital. I feel like I’m about to pass out. This shit hurts like hell.”

  We hadn’t even made it all the way inside the hospital. Nisa gave birth to my son in the emergency entrance. He was so tiny that he could fit in the palm of your hand. He wasn’t breathing at all. We weren’t able to kiss or hold him before they rushed him to the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. We were both sad as fuck. I cried so fucking hard seeing my little nigga like that.

  The doctor’s told us to prepare ourselves just in case he didn’t make it. What type of shit is that to tell parents who just gave birth? I was sick and murder was on my mind. That bitch was dying pregnant and all. I was glad when I walked out to the waiting area. The whole crew was there as always. No matter what happens, we have each other’s back in times such as this. I needed them now more than ever. I was already pissed the fuck off at Remi. I went from pissed to livid in a matter of seconds as I watched Carmen come through the emergency room doors.

  Chapter 12- Carmen

  Ever since I took the kids from Markese and Trish, Juan had been running a high fever. I went and brought over the counter drugs, but nothing worked for him. His fever had gotten up to one hundred and three degrees. I knew I had to take him into the emergency room. I wanted to call Markese. I didn’t have time for him to curse me out and tell me how bad of a mother I was. I was actually bonding with the kids. At first, they were scared of me, but I got them to become more relaxed around me. This time with them has made me regret everything I have put them through.

  Once we arrived to the emergency room, I walked up to the receptionist and gave Juan’s information. I filled out some paperwork and had a seat in the waiting area. It was only then I realized Markese and the crew was sitting on the other side. I tried to get up and walk away, but the blow I felt to the back of my head let me know I hadn’t walked away fast enough.

  “Really bitch? I have been waiting to see you. Did you think you could get away with shooting me and my fucking mother?”

  Stacy was raining blows on me. One after another. I didn’t even get a chance to swing back. The next thing I knew, I was on the ground being stomped and beaten. I knew that it was Aja, Niyah, and Trish who had joined in on the beating. All I could do was ball up and cover my face. These hoes were actually stomping me with heels on.

  “Okay! Okay! That’s enough,” Markese said as he pulled Trish off of me. The hospital security was also grabbing the other girls.

  “Let me the fuck go! This is the second time you have pulled me off this bitch when I was whooping her ass. You know this bitch burned down my shop! This bitch has destroyed our lives and you’re still protecting her!”

  I had finally got up from the floor and I was bleeding from my lip and my nose.

  “I don’t care about you beating her ass. Don’t ya’ll see Gabriella and Juan sitting right here. There’s a place and time for everything.” Markese sat down on the bench and hugged the kids.

  “Why is it that every time ya’ll come to this hospital, it’s drama. If you all cannot control yourselves I will have you permanently banned,” the security guard spoke. He directed his words to the crew.

  “I want to off this bitch so bad right now!” Rahmeek said through gritted teeth.

  He started kicking the garbage cans over and throwing chairs around the waiting room. He was escorted out by the security guards. I watched as Killa, Hassan, and Boogie gave me death stares. I hate Markese, but if he wouldn’t have come to my rescue, I would be dead right now.

  “I’m officially done with your shit, Markese! As for you, bitch this is far from over. We’re boxing every time we see each other. Please keep on your Nikes.”

  Trish walked away and the rest of the crew exited as well. In the end, it was just Markese and our kids in the waiting area.

  “What’s wrong with him?”

  “I don’t know. He has had a fever for a couple of days. I have tried everything and nothing has worked. That’s why I brought him in.”

  “You should have called and said something.”

  “For what? So that you could tell me how bad of a mother I was? Or so you and your people could kill me?”

  Markese was quiet because he knew I was telling the truth. After a while, they called Juan’s name. We both went back and sat while he was seen by the doctor. Juan had a severe ear infection. The doctor sent him home with pain meds and antibiotics. I allowed Markese to say goodbye to the kids and we went our separate ways. I observed how much he loved our kids.

  Once we made it back to the house, I noticed how sad they had become since leaving the hospital. I came to the conclusion that it was best that they be with their father. The last thing I wanted was for them to be unhappy with me. All this shit I have been doing has really fucked up my life. I’m officially done with trying to ruin Markese’s life. As a matter fact, I think I just need to leave Chicago and start over fresh in another state. In order for me to move on with my life, I have to let go of all things that hurt me in the past.

  Chapter 13 -Markese

  Since Carmen took the kids, I have been depressed. Seeing them today made me feel better. I was glad she didn’t clown after the girls whooped her ass. I actually let them get that ass good before I stopped the fight. I noticed Gabriella and Juan getting upset so I stepped in. The whole crew was upset behind my actions. Once I made it back to the crib, I called a quick meeting with everyone. Killa needed to get back to the hospital to be with his son and Nisa. I sat at the head of the table as usual. I reminisced as I watched everyone come in and take their usual seats. It was then I realized how much I missed the crew. I observed Trish throwing daggers at me. At this point, I really didn’t give a fuck. Her walking out on me when Carmen came and got the kids has me feeling like she isn't worthy of being my wife.. I needed her support and she just bailed. That shit really hurt me.

  “I know everyone is upset and on edge at the fact that Carmen was right there and we couldn’t get at her. I only stopped the fight because the kids were present.”

  “Could have fooled the shit out of me.” Trish was really trying to piss me off. I ignored her and continued to talk.

  “As you all know Carmen has the kids in her custody. There is nothing that I can do about it. She is their legal guardian. She has me by the balls and I have to play by her rules if I ever want my kids back. “

  “That’s the fucking problem, Markese. we have been playing by her rules for the longest. I’m tired of this shit and I don’t know how much more I can take. That bitch
burned down my shop and you’re not doing shit about it.”

  “I told you that I would build you another shop. I need you to be patient. My kids come first at this point.” I wasn’t trying to be selfish to her feelings. If it was Lil Markese, I would choose him first as well.

  “Those kids are the reason why our relationship is the way it is.”

  I wanted to smack the shit out of her right in front of everyone in the room. I held my composure, but I was at her ass once the meeting was over.

  “I need everyone to follow my lead. I got this shit in the bag.”

  “Don’t worry, Kese. We all can agree that we want you to get the kids back. You need to hit us up though if shit gets funky. Hassan and I will finish getting everything ready for the grand opening,” Rahmeek said and everyone else agreed in unison, minus Trish. She got up and walked out of the conference room slamming the door behind her. I got up to follow her but Aja grabbed me before I made it to the door.

  “She’s just upset right now, Kese. Don’t be mad at her.” Aja said as I got ready to go behind her.

  “Mind your own business, Aja!”

  I snatched away from her and went to find Trish. The last thing I wanted was to hear some shit from Aja. I need to make it a priority to holler at her about her recent behavior. I didn’t raise a hoe and her fucking Marlo in her brother- in law’s house was some straight up hoe shit. I looked around the house and found her in the kitchen sitting at the table drinking a glass of wine. I walked over to her and knocked the glass from her hand.

  “What the fuck is wrong with you, Trish?”

  “Nigga, you don’t give a fuck about me or our son with your selfish ass. All you’re worried about is Gabriella and Juan. I love them, but I have to admit that had they not been born I would be happy.” Trish was slurring, but a drunk person speaks a sober mind.

  In my heart, I didn’t want to believe that she hated my kids. My anger got the best of me and I yanked her ass up and slammed her into the wall. I put my forearm in her throat to keep her from moving


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