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Living for Love and Dying for Loyalty 3

Page 6

by Mz. Lady P

  “Bitch, are you saying you hate my kids?”

  “No. I love them and you know that. I love you, but my life has been hell since all this bullshit you created. I’m tired of fighting for this shit.”

  “It’s funny how I’m the selfish one, but you’re showing your selfishness right now. I fucked up, Trish. Those are my children and nothing will ever change that. What’s fucking me up is that you wait until I need you the most to show how disloyal you are. I have busted my ass giving you the world and this is the thanks I get. I never thought you would become an ungrateful bitch. If you tired of fighting so am I. I’m done with your ass. Get the fuck out, but you leave my son here!”

  “I’m not going anywhere. This is my house as well as it is yours. If you want me out, I suggest you take me the court. I guess it’s safe to say we’re done. I’ll move into the guest bedroom. Do you because I’m definitely about to do me.”

  It took everything in me not to beat her ass. I was going to give her exactly what she wanted though. When I got through doing me, she would regret she ever told me to do the shit.


  It had been a week since Trish and I decided to officially end our relationship. We both came to an agreement that we didn’t want a divorce. Separation was the best thing for us now. I moved out and let her have the house. I bought it for her anyway. I had purchased a condo on the Gold Coast in downtown Chicago. I couldn’t believe she just gave up on us like that. No matter what foul shit I have done to her, she has always had my heart and my soul.

  The last thing I ever wanted was to lose the love of my life. Trish would usually cry when we had a fallen out like this. That’s how I know it’s really over. She didn’t shed a tear once. Her facial expression was serious as hell. I’m just respecting her wishes and moving on. I hate that my baby boy is in the middle. As a man, I have to get better at being a father. My kids are always in the middle of my fuck-ups.

  Carmen had been calling me for the last couple of days. I ignored her because I didn’t want any contact with her until our meeting. It was postponed due to our judge being out sick. Finally, the time had come for us to meet up with the family liaison. At the last minute, I received a text from her saying to meet her at our old house. That bitch had been living there the whole time. I pulled into the driveway and Carmen was standing on the porch.. Her usually feisty and unstable demeanor was gone. I walked on the porch and she handed me some papers.

  “What’s this?”

  “It’s custody of the kids. I gave up my parental rights to them. They deserve to be with you.” Tears were streaming down her face. That shit surprised me because I haven’t seen her cry since the day I walked out on her ass.

  “What are you up to, Carmen? Since when do you cry or be nice to me for that matter?”

  “Too much time has passed for Gabriella and Juan to ever look at me like a mother again. Regardless of me hating Trish, they love her. She has been more of a mother to them than I ever could be. If I could go back, I would have just accepted the fact that you no longer wanted me. My father would be alive and I would still have my kids.”

  I stood there speechless because I never felt an ounce of guilt for leaving her. I can admit that I treated her better than a sideline, but I had also used her to stay close with her pops. She was beneficial to my rise to the top. She had nothing but love for me and I fumbled her heart by making her think she was more to me than she really was.

  “I know it’s too late, Carmen, however, I’m sorry for hurting you.”

  “It’s cool it doesn’t hurt as much now as it used to. I fell in love with someone else’s man. I thought that if I did everything you asked me to, you would leave Trish for me eventually. Things didn’t work out in my favor. All the hatred I have for you has cost me my entire family. Please take care of them for me. When they’re older, tell them how good I was before I abandoned them and caused all the chaos. For the record, I never stopped loving you, Markese. I just couldn’t let you live happy with her. As far as Rahmeek goes, he was just a pawn in my evil twisted game. I’m sorry for everything.”

  Carmen walked into the house, grabbed the kids, and walked them out on the porch to me. She bent down on her knees to kiss them both and hug them tight.

  “I love you both with all my heart. I’m sorry for everything. No matter what I’ve done, Please understand I did it for the love of you.”

  I was speechless at the sight before me. The old Carmen was standing in front of me despite the change in appearance. She walked in the house and closed the door. I grabbed my kids and got the fuck out of dodge. I took them to my apartment. They begged to go see Trish and their little brother. I really wanted to take them, but the words Trish spoke about them made me not want them around her ass at all.

  Chapter 14-Trish

  Never in a million years did I think that Markese and I would be separated from one another. I would be lying if I said I didn’t love or miss him because I do. I just couldn’t continue dealing with the drama that Carmen was causing in our lives. That bipolar ass bitch burned down my shop. I know she did. My shop was everything to me. I put my all into building my brand, only for that bitch to come along and take it all away with the flick of a match. I blame Markese for all of this shit. I’m sick and tired of always putting my feelings on the backburner. I have followed his lead and held our family together for the longest, despite his indiscretions. I love Gabriella and Juan those are my children. I regret making the statement about them. However, I’m just tired of Markese and all of the extra baggage that comes along with him. I’ve been a little depressed lately behind our breakup. He is all I have known since I was fourteen years old. How does a woman get over a breakup such as this?

  Lately, I have been texting and talking on the phone with the guy I met at Lalo’s. Yasir is really cool and funny. He keeps asking to take me out, but I’m not ready for that just yet. I’m not ready to be dealing with another man this fast. I was honest about my feelings and I glad he respected that.

  I had been dreading attending the opening of Markese’s new club, but I really wanted to support Rahmeek and Hassan. It would also give me a chance to kick it with my girls. We haven’t been in touch lately and I wanted to keep it that way. The grand opening of the club was tonight and I was running late as hell. I was dressed in an all white Gucci dress with a pair of Red Bottoms. I was trying something new with my hair. I was rocking a twenty-inch fire red sew-in with a Chinese bang. I flat ironed it and it was pretty as hell. I couldn’t wait to make an entrance and shut some shit down.

  The line to get inside the club was wrapped around the corner. There was a red carpet and photographers taking pictures as guests entered the club. As I walked down the red carpet, I spotted the girls taking their picture. I rushed towards the front so that I could get in the picture.

  “Look at you, bitch. You’re rocking that red hair!” Aja said as she ran her hands threw it.

  “Yeah, that shit’s hot,” Niyah added as we gathered together and took the picture.

  We entered the club and the shit was off the chain. Markese and the guys had really outdone themselves. The first level was a bar and grill where you could sit down and eat. As we went up to the second level, I was in awe of all the strippers. The entire floor gave off the effect of shining diamonds. These women were beautiful. They were dancing inside cages, working the poles, and the niggas was making it rain on all of the women.

  “I need to step my game up if my husband is going to be around all this pussy,” Niyah said.

  “Girl, you don’t have to worry about Hassan. On the other hand, I should be the one stepping my game up. We all know my husband has the worst track record,” Aja said as she applied lip-gloss to her lips.

  “Let’s go up to VIP so we can get our drink on,” Stacy said as she walked ahead of us.

  We followed her to the VIP section. As we all walked in, the guys were drinking and toasting. I was surprised and kind of glad Markese hadn’t arrived ye
t. I sat down and ordered a Patron margarita. I watched the strippers in amazement as they swung from the ceiling in swings. The shit was off the chain. I was really trying not to pay attention to Niyah, Aja, and Stacy because they were all booed up with their husbands. Of course, Nisa and Killa weren’t in attendance due to the birth of the baby. He’s doing a little better, but not as well as the doctors want him to be.

  About twenty minutes later, Markese walked into the VIP with the biggest smile ever and a date on his arm. My heart dropped in my shoes. I couldn’t believe he actually brought a date to the grand opening. He knew I would be here. I had to put my game face on and not show my hurt or my anger. The crew was looking all bewildered and crazy at him and me.

  “This is nice ass turn out ya’ll,” he said as he popped a bottle of Ace of Spades and poured his date a glass.

  “Aren’t you going to introduce us to your friend?” Aja asked with a slight attitude.

  “I’m sorry lil sis. This is my girl, Nadia.”

  Every one spoke and she spoke back to them. She was real pretty. She looked like she was mixed with Mexican or something. She and Markese had the nerve to be dressed in all white. I was hating him and this bitch even more. I hated to admit it, but they looked so good together.

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t get your name.”

  This bitch had her hand out to shake mine. I looked at her ass like she had two fucking heads.

  “I’m Trish, Markese’s wife.”

  I shook her hand and sipped my drink. The look on her face was priceless. She looked over at him with a disappointed look on her face. The crew sat around speechless as hell.

  “We’re separated, right?” Markese asked me as he drank straight from the bottle.

  “You damn right motherfucker!”

  I threw my drink in his face and rushed out of the VIP section. He tried to get up and come after me, but I was too fast for his ass. I wanted to cry so bad. I know that I am the one who wanted to end things. I didn’t anticipate he would move on so fucking fast. I walked into the bathroom and looked in the mirror. Seeing him with another woman crushed me. I felt my phone vibrating. When I retrieved it from my purse, it was a text from Yasir.

  What are you doing? I was at a party, but I’m getting ready to leave.

  Let me come scoop you. I need to see your beautiful face.

  Okay. I’ll be outside the entrance of Gentlemen’s Paradise.

  I’ll be there in five minutes.

  Despite being scared shitless about kicking it with him, I agreed to go. Markese had moved on. There was no reason why I should sit around and cry about our relationship any longer. I exited the bathroom, went to the bar, and ordered me another Patron margarita. I was already tipsy from the first one so I knew this second would have me real nice. About five minutes later, Yasir texted that he was outside. I exited the club and he was sitting outside in a cocaine white Aston Martin. This nigga had to be caked the fuck up. He got out and opened the car door for me.

  “Hey beautiful. You’re rocking the shit out of that dress, Ma.”

  “Thank you. You’re not looking too bad yourself.”

  Yasir was dressed in an all white linen suit with a pair of white Air Force Ones. His hair was pulled back into a ponytail. His hair was draping down his back. This nigga was fine as hell. As Yasir walked back around to the driver’s side of the car, I looked at the club entrance and Markese was standing in the doorway. He was watching me like a hawk. He had murder in his eyes and I didn’t give a fuck. Ain’t no fun when the rabbit got the gun. I laughed at his ass as we drove away.

  My phone instantly started ringing and texting. I knew it was Markese. I reached inside my purse and shut the power button off. He was not about to ruin my first night with Yasir. He was with that bitch anyway. I was unsure of where Yasir was taking me. I didn’t want to seem like I was worried although I was. I guess he sensed my uneasiness. He reached over and placed his hand on my leg. His hand felt so good and soft. My panties were getting wet instantaneously. The mixture of liquor and looking at his fine ass had a bitch horny as fuck. Not to mention it’s been a minute since I had some dick.

  “What’s on your mind, Ma? Talk to me.”

  “I’m good. I just have some things going on with my husband. nothing major.”

  “That was him giving me the death stare back there?”

  I had no idea he had even peeped Markese in the doorway. “Yeah, that was him. I’m sorry about that. He’s just mad because I was with you. I really don’t know why because he came with some chick named Nadia.” There was awkward silence for a minute before he spoke up.

  “Don’t worry about that shit. Tonight, it’s all about you. If it’s okay, I would like to take you to my condo and cater to you.”

  He rubbed his fingers threw my hair and it felt so good. I was about to let go of all my inhibitions. We were both free agents so there was no need for me to continue holding back from him.

  “I’m cool with that.” He grabbed my hand and our fingers intertwined. He brought my hand up to his lips and placed a kiss on it with his soft, pink, and juicy lips. I had to cross my legs. I just knew juices would be running down my legs at any minute. After driving for about another ten minutes we ended up in front of a beautiful gated community filled with luxurious condos. We pulled into the garage and went into the house. it was nice and simple. It looked barely lived in. It was then I remembered he had told me lived here and in Miami.

  “Make yourself at home. I’m going to make you some bathwater.” I sat down on the couch and removed my shoes. I pulled out my phone and powered it on. All the text messages Markese had sent started to come through. I opened it and read the last incoming message.

  So that’s why your ass wanted to end shit. You have been fucking with dude all along. I should have known with your sneaky pussy ass. You better stay the fuck away from me. Real Talk. If you know like I know you better not have that bitch ass nigga around my son. On everything I love if I find out he been near my house or my son Imma put a bullet in both of ya’ll motherfucking heads. Disloyal ass bitch.

  I wished that I had never opened up the damn text. Tears were falling down my face and falling onto the screen.

  “Your water is ready.”

  I got up and made sure to wipe my face so that he wouldn’t see the tears falling. For the rest of the night, Yasir catered to me. He bathed me, rubbed lotion all over my body, and gave me the best massage ever. His hands felt good all over my body. I fell asleep in his bed. The next morning when I woke up, he wasn’t next to me. I got up and went downstairs and he was cooking breakfast.

  “Good morning, sleepy head.” He grabbed a plate and started placing eggs, grits, sausages, and toast on it.

  “Thank you so much, Yasir. I’m so sorry I fell asleep on you.”

  “It’s cool, Ma. I kind of liked hearing you snore.” We both laughed and we sat down and ate breakfast.

  “It’s getting late. I need to get my son from his grandparents’ house.”

  “I know we just met, but I would really love to take you to Miami for the weekend. You can bring the baby if you would like.”

  “I don’t know about that, Yasir. I’ll let you know before the day is out.”

  Yasir dropped me back off to my car that I left at the club overnight. I stopped by my house and changed my clothes before I picked up my baby. It was twelve in the afternoon. I felt bad for leaving the baby on Momma Gail and Mike like that. I was supposed to pick him up at nine this morning. I pulled up to their house and noticed Markese’s car parked outside. I had to mentally prepare myself for the shit he was about to pull. Before I could even get out the car to knock on the door, he came out of the door and charged towards me. He grabbed my arm and dragged me towards the door like I was child who had did something wrong.

  “You like that nigga that much that you forgot to pick our son up on time?”

  “I didn’t forget about him, Markese. I overslept.”

  “That ni
gga must have had his dick up in you and down your throat all night. Ol’ hoe ass.”

  “I don’t have time for this shit. You were the same one that was with a bitch last night. So don’t come at me talking crazy about who I fuck and suck on. We’re separated, remember. Now let me get my baby so that we can bounce.

  “Fuck all that shit you talking about. Don’t get your ass whooped talking out the side of your neck.” Markese mushed me in the head so hard that it hit the corner of the doorway causing blood to seep out instantly. “Oh shit, Trish. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to do that.”

  “Get your fucking hands off of me!” I walked inside and grabbed my baby quick as hell.

  “Mommy! Mommy! We missed you.”

  Gabriella and Juan were hugging me so tight. I cried because I truly missed them. Markese never even told me he had them.

  “You have blood on your head, Mommy,” Juan said as he hugged me around the waist.

  Markese came from the back holding a towel and he handed it to me. Momma Gail and Mike came into the house and noticed the blood.

  “Mommy’s bleeding, Grandma.”

  Gail came over towards me and examined my head. “How did this happen?”

  He looked at Markese and me as she asked the question.

  “Daddy was mad at her, but he didn’t mean it.” Gabriella said as she wrapped her arms around his waist.

  “I’m so tired of all this drama with this family I don’t know what to do. Mike, take Trish to the hospital. I’ll deal with our son.”

  I was so embarrassed and ashamed. As soon as I got my head looked at, I was getting my baby and hopping on that plane to Miami with Yasir. I needed to get far away from Markese.

  Chapter 15- Momma Gail

  I love my kids more than life itself. I thank God everyday for bringing us back together. Since I’ve been clean, our family bond has strengthened. These last two years have been full of drama. I truly don’t know how much more I can take. I sit in the background and mind my business because my kids are grown. I just want to be supportive and help raise my grandchildren. I’m glad that I have Mike. He keeps me grounded and sane. Since his retirement, he has been trying to get me to move to Virginia. I kept telling him I wasn’t ready because I couldn’t leave the kids. I have been rethinking that decision though. My blood pressure is through the roof dealing with Markese and Aja’s never ending relationship bullshit. Coming inside the house and seeing Trish bleeding pissed me off. I already knew that Markese had put his hands on her before, but in my house and in front of these damn kids was where I drew the line. Markese was sitting on the couch holding Lil Markese as he slept.


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