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Emerald Moon

Page 7

by Deanna Kinney

  The beast was almost upon her, its vile, heavy breath kissing across her back as a cruel reminder that her fragile life was in its hands. But not as long as she had breath and any strength left to her, she would push and fight until the very end. She had to. She had a purpose - a very important purpose, and she refused to let that go, at least not as long as there was hope that she might prevail. It, however, was looking quite grim at the moment.

  A searing pain shot into her side as the beast struck her, sending her flying into the air. She landed hard, her breath knocked out of her. She cried out in pain, grabbing her side, and felt the warm liquid pouring from her wound and slipping through her fingers. The beast stood over her, saliva dripping from its fangs and landing hot on her face. This was no longer the sweet young man she had met only hours earlier. No, this was a huge and terrifying monster with dark red eyes glaring at her with such anger.

  She drew in a sharp breath and forced herself to be brave. She gave no thought as the words spilled from her lips. “You don’t scare me!” she lied, yelling in its face. This must have surprised it, and it backed up slightly in response. “You have no power over me!” She continued to scream at it as she inched her way backward. It stood still, its anger seeming to falter slightly. It actually appeared confused. And just like she remembered, a long silver gleam caught by the glowing moon flashed through the air and across the neck of the large beast. And in one long swoosh, the beast’s head was sliced from its body and sent flying through the air. The headless form collapsed at Emerald’s feet. She gazed in wonderment up at the dark figure now towering above her. His sword was still in the air with the beast’s blood dripping from the blade.

  “Ren!” she called, holding out her hand to him. She had never been so relieved to see anyone in her life.

  “Em!” He reached for her, pulling her into his arms. She squealed as pain shot through her side. He peered down, inspecting her injury. “It’s okay. I’ve got you,” he said, carefully scooping her into his arms. She pressed her face into his chest, wrapping her good arm around his shoulder as he began running.

  Moments later, he was lying her gently onto her bed. Beta was whining and jumped up next to her and scooted as close as he could get to her good side.

  Ren didn’t have many expressions, but this one was unfamiliar to her. She thought he appeared worried. Their eyes met and his amber eyes turned soft as they smiled at hers in comfort.

  “Let me take a look,” Ren said, taking both of his hands and ripping her shirt away from her injury. “Okay, it’s not too bad, but you’ll need stitches to close the wound.”

  Jake suddenly burst into the room, several guys behind him. “What on earth happened?”

  “It was one of your men,” Ren spat. “He attacked Em. He was trying to kill her.”

  “What? Are you sure it was one of mine?”

  “Yes,” Emerald interjected. “It was Sammy. He told me he couldn’t let me end the war.”

  Jake appeared taken aback by this news. “I am so sorry. Is she alright?”

  “I think so.”

  “Ren,” Emerald spoke, reaching out and gripping his hand. She was in pain.

  “It’s okay, Em. I’m here. You’re okay. We’ll get you fixed up. You’re going to be just fine,” he reassured her, squeezing her hand.

  He glanced over his shoulder at Jake. “I need to stitch this. I need supplies, and do you have something safe I can give her to numb the pain?”

  “Of course.” He ushered one of his men from the room to retrieve the items.

  * * * * * *

  It was like a lightning bolt struck Ren in the chest as Emerald’s scream touched his ears. He sprang from the bed in shock, unsure of what was happening. He scanned the room for her, but she was nowhere in sight. Beta was also alarmed.


  His feet were running before they hit the floor, his sword already in hand, itching to destroy anyone who would harm her.

  His heart hammered in his chest as he tore out of the building and raced into the trees at supernatural speed. He heard the beast chasing her and ordered his feet to make haste. His anger boiled inside him, threatening his very sanity. This beast would die this very night. That he was sure of.

  Ren heard her cries of pain and pushed himself harder than he ever had before. He had to get to her. Nothing was more important than saving her. Nothing.

  He spotted the giant beast as it was hovering over her. He sprang into the air and came down with one swift stroke of his blade, and just like that, the werewolf was dead.

  With all of his prior training, he was barely able to remain calm when he realized she had been injured. He’d scooped her into his arms and carried her back to their room, placing her gently onto the bed.

  With steady hands he was now stitching her wounds, thankful the medicine had dulled her pain. He was grateful she had not suffered more severe damage. They had been very fortunate—this time.

  Once he had finished and secured her bandage, he pulled the covers up and over her, tucking them around her but leaving out her arms. She was drifting in and out of sleep, and he wasn’t sure she could even hear him, but he took her hand in his and whispered to her. “I’m sorry, Em. It’s my fault. I should have been more alert. I didn’t even hear you leave the room. I failed you.”

  She didn’t open her eyes, but he felt her hand squeeze his. “You could never fail me. Never. I-I…” She drifted off to sleep then.

  He leaned into her, wiping her slight bangs from her forehead with his fingers, and pressed his lips softly to her forehead. “Sleep well, my bòidhchead gun smal. Sleep well.” And that is exactly how he saw her, a flawless beauty, inside and out.


  Emerald was so thrilled to see her birth mother again. She was just as beautiful as the first time she’d seen her. This time she was sitting on her bed in her old bedroom as Emerald entered.

  “Mother!” She ran to her mother and they embraced. “You’re here.”

  “Yes, my sweet girl.”

  As Emerald gazed into the eyes that so closely resembled her own, she asked, “I don’t even know your name.”

  The woman smiled. “Tisha. My name is Tisha Jameson, and your father’s name is William.”

  “Tisha,” Emerald whispered to herself.

  “Now,” Tisha spoke, “you must leave.”

  “What? But—”

  “I’m sorry child, but I came to warn you. You must wake up now.” Her eyes as well as her tone turned stern. “You must wake up. They’re coming. Wake up!”

  Emerald sat up gasping and clutched her side.

  “Em?” Ren was sitting on the bed beside her. He took her hand in his. “What? What is it?”

  Her eyes were wide with the alarm she was feeling. “We have to leave. They’re coming.”

  “They’re here!” Their heads turned in unison toward the hallway and the voice they heard yelling. “They’re here!” And then the door burst open. “They’re here!”

  Ren sprang to his feet and shoved a few things into his bag. He grabbed his sword from beside his bed and attached it onto his back.

  Emerald had flung her covers off and was already climbing out of bed.

  “Here. Let me help you.” He knelt by the bed and assisted her with putting her shoes on. He took hold of her arm and helped her to her feet. “We have to move. Are you okay?”

  “Yes. I’m fine.”

  He tucked her backpack securely to her back.

  “You two need to get out of here now!” Jake demanded, sticking his head inside the room. We’ll handle the vampires. You two just go. Now.”

  Ren took Emerald’s arm and led her from the room. His moves were quick but composed. Men were running down the hallway, ready for battle. It unnerved her how calm he could be in the midst of such chaos. She, on the other hand, felt sick to her stomach with panic.

  When they reached the door of the building, Ren stepped in front of her and pulled his sword from its she
ath, holding it in front of him. He peered down at her. “Stay close to me.”

  She nodded, taking a deep breath, and he opened the door. As they stepped into the twilight, Beta was tight on her heels as she was to Ren’s.

  The battle had broken out all around them as werewolf and vampire attacked. Her heart was beating wildly in her chest, but she stayed glued to Ren’s back as they made their way toward the truck.

  Ren’s mere size was shielding her from the sight of anything approaching, but she could see that he was swinging his sword at something.

  Beta was growling as he stepped up closer to her side.

  The werewolves were doing a great job of protecting them as they made it to her door of the truck. Ren opened the door, ushering her and Beta inside. She jerked the door shut and locked it. Her gaze honed in on Ren as he then began making his way around the truck to his door.

  “Ren!” she cried as he was at once surrounded by vampires on all sides. Without hesitation, Ren launched into an attack, swinging his sword, spinning and lunging to meet every advance. He sliced through them one at a time and yet all at once. Emerald was in awe. A vampire jumped on his back and it was like the creature hit a brick wall. Ren never budged. Emerald gasped, slapping her hand over her lips, as the vampire’s mouth opened. It was preparing to bite Ren’s neck when he jabbed his sword upward and deep into the vampire’s mouth. Emerald felt bile rising in her throat as Ren jerked the sword upward and straight out of the top of the vamp’s head. It fell to the ground and Ren jerked open his door. Jumping inside and slamming the door, he had the truck roaring to life and onto the driveway in seconds. Emerald studied him in amazement. He wasn’t even sweating.

  A vampire slammed into Emerald’s door, its bloody, mangled face pressed against her window. She screamed and out of nowhere a furry beast clamped its mouth down over the head of the creature, tearing it from the truck. She glanced behind them as the werewolf began tearing the vampire to pieces.

  Ren pressed the pedal to the floor, and they tore down the side road at a sickening speed. The truck spun, almost losing control as it whipped onto the main road. He was staring into the rearview mirror. She turned to see a dark car racing up behind them.

  “Buckle your seat belt,” he demanded.

  She did as he said and pulled Beta into her arms, biting down on her lip. She watched in her sideview mirror as the car sped up and lightly tapped their bumper.

  The car made a move, attempting to pull up alongside their truck. With a jerk of the wheel, Ren swerved, hitting the car’s front end, sending it spinning. It flipped into the air and landed upside down. Emerald let out a deep breath.

  “Don’t relax just yet,” he said to her.

  She turned to see another car speeding up behind them. It mimicked the other car’s actions only this time coming around to the right of the car. It swerved, hitting their truck and forcing them into the oncoming lane. Ahead, a tractor-trailer truck was approaching with speed.

  “Look out!” Emerald screamed.

  Ren slammed on brakes and jerked the truck into the right lane, hitting the tail-end of the car and pushing it out into the oncoming lane and head-on into the large truck. Our truck passed just in time to avoid the debris from the collision.

  Emerald spun to see the destruction. “Oh my gosh, oh my gosh,” she said, sticking her head between her legs to control her breathing and dizziness.

  She felt Ren’s hand on her back. “It’s okay now. We’re okay.”

  Her head popped up and she gazed at him, astonished. “You’re so dang calm.”

  He smiled a slight smile but said nothing.

  She sat up, peering around them. They were alone on the dark road. She could finally breathe normal again.

  “What do we do now? Where do we go?”

  “I don’t know. We need to find somewhere safe to hide out until we figure out our next move.”


  Ren had been disturbed by the fact that the vampires seemed to know where they would be. He was a skilled guardian. He had successfully evaded his enemies in the past, but this was different. Someone was helping their enemy. He didn’t want to admit it, but someone had betrayed them, giving away their location, but who? Well, it didn’t really matter now. No one knew where they were or where they were going from here. Not even Ren knew that.

  He sat by the window in the small hotel room, keeping watch on Em as well as any movement outside. She had been pretty shaken up after their encounter with the vampires. He didn’t blame her. She’d been through quite a lot during their last few days together. Once they had ditched the truck, he’d hijacked a sportier model Camaro, knowing this time they needed something with speed if they had to outrun those foul creatures again.

  They had taken some rest at a hotel in a small town just across the Illinois stateline. Em had passed out on the bed as soon as they entered the room. Ren had taken off her shoes and covered her with a blanket from the closet. He sat down at the window and that was where he stayed until she finally began to stir.

  “Hey,” she said, turning to him, her voice still laced with sleep.

  “Hey. How’d you sleep?”

  “Like a bump on a log.”

  “Does that mean good?”

  She laughed slightly. “Yeah, I guess.” She sat up slowly and glanced around the room. Beta was curled up next to her, and she rubbed his head. “I’m going to take a shower.” She grabbed her bag and headed into the bathroom.

  When she emerged some time later, he was waiting. “I need to change your bandage.”

  “Oh, okay.”

  She laid down on her bed while Ren collected the supplies from his bag.

  He knelt beside her, pulling up her shirt slightly. He gazed at her then and her deep green eyes were fixed on him. Her long damp hair was spread out and around her on the pillow. She was breathtaking. “Bheir thu m ’anail air falbh,” he whispered under his breath.


  “Oh nothing. It looks good,” he said, taking off the damp bandage. “I think it will heal nicely. You might have a little scar but nothing to worry about.”

  “I’m not worried. At least not about that.”

  He secured a fresh bandage, careful not to touch her warm pale skin. One finger accidentally brushed against her. His eyes met hers and he came completely undone.

  “Ren,” she whispered.

  His lips came down on hers without warning or regret. He slipped his hands under her body, carefully lifting and pulling her into his arms. Her arms went around his neck, one hand to his face, as her lips opened to his. Their breaths mingled as their lips waged a war of their own making. He realized he had actually longed for this moment the instant he saw her sleeping that first night. Her soft warm lips were so inviting, ushering the kiss deeper. He wanted nothing more than to devour her.

  There was a knock on the door. They both jerked and Ren was on his feet, peering out the window. He relaxed. “I ordered us dinner.”

  “Oh,” she sighed, laughing, her hand to her throat.

  She was disheveled, and he had never seen her look more beautiful.

  They ate together in silence, and once they were finished, Ren finally spoke. “I’m sorry, Em. I shouldn’t have kissed you like that.”

  She gazed up at him, surprised. “Why? Why are you apologizing?”

  “I didn’t even hear the delivery guy. I was completely caught off guard. I can’t let that happen again. I have to stay alert. Your life depends on it.”

  She lowered her head. “I understand. The last thing I want to do is make your job harder for you.”

  With his hand, he lifted her chin until her eyes met his. “You are not a job. You are much more than that. I care about you. I don’t want to see you get hurt. I’ve already had to stitch you up because of my carelessness.”

  “That was my own fault, not yours,” she snapped.

  “No, it wasn’t. I am your protector. I failed once and it cost a life. I cannot fail again
.” He stood. “I need a shower.” Boy did he need a shower. A very cold one. He grabbed up his bag and went into the bathroom, shutting the door and ending the discussion.

  * * * * * *

  Emerald understood Ren’s dilemma, she really did. She knew he had lost someone he loved and blamed himself for failing to protect her. She wasn’t even upset at him for pulling away from her. But the memory of his kiss, his touch, was burning through her very soul. How was she to come back from that? Somehow, she would have to move her feelings to the background, to focus on the task at hand: ending this evil war between monsters.

  In the end, it didn’t really matter. After all, she was most likely going to die to end this war. She had not really stopped to think about all she was putting on the line to end a war that didn’t even involve or affect her. Maybe it wasn’t too late to walk away. Maybe the vampires and werewolves after her would just let her go back to her old life.

  She sighed then, pulling the pillow over her face and growling into it. Who was she kidding? Besides, with her adoptive mother gone, she didn’t really have a home anymore. Where would she even go? She didn’t belong anywhere. She never really belonged anywhere.

  “Are you trying to suffocate yourself? You can’t get out of this that easy.”

  Recognizing Ren’s voice, she removed the pillow from her face and sat up slowly.

  “No, I wasn’t trying to suffocate myself. I was just thinking.”


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