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Emerald Moon

Page 8

by Deanna Kinney


  “And, I think you’re right.”

  “Hmm,” He seemed surprised…and maybe slightly disappointed.

  “We need to focus on finding out how we’re going to end this monster war.”

  “Monster war?”

  “Well, vampires are monsters, are they not?”

  “Hmm, I guess so.”

  “And werewolves are monsters?”

  He shrugged.

  “So then, it’s a monster war. But we had to leave the Chatwin Pack before getting any answers. So, it looks like we’re on our own.”

  “Yeah, but I have a feeling a solution will present itself. We just have to keep a lookout and stay alive.”

  She laughed. “That’s comforting.”

  * * * * * *

  Darian paced about the room with his hands balled into fists. It had been hours since he’d heard from any of his guys. What was taking them so long? He should have heard something by now. His fury was growing by the second. How could a small girl and one fae be so hard to destroy?

  He picked up his phone and tried calling Tobias again. No answer. He slammed the phone down harder than he intended.

  There was a knock on the door.

  “Come in.”

  Clint entered. “We have word.”

  “Go on,” Darian commanded.

  “Tobias called.”

  “And why didn’t he call me?”

  “He’s ashamed, boss. They failed to kill the girl or the fae. They escaped.”

  “They escaped again?!” he yelled, slamming his fist to the table.

  “Yes, sir. All of our men were killed, all of them except Tobias. He’s wounded.”

  Darian’s jaw clenched with restraint. His rage was boiling within him, but he held his composure. “Send someone to pick him up, then send out more men to locate their scent. I want those two found and I want them found now!”


  “You need to know how to fight. Here, take this dagger.”

  Emerald raised her hands in defense. She was sure putting a weapon in her hand was a bad idea. “Umm, I’m pretty sure that I would kill myself with that before I did any damage to the enemy.”

  “Nonsense, now take this and come here.”

  “Fine, but for the record, I think this is anything but smart.”

  “Noted. Now, hold the dagger like this.” He turned her around and began showing her how to hold the weapon and how to thrust it forward and into her assailant.

  “Now you try it.”

  She did as he said.

  “Again, this time like you mean it.”

  She thrust the knife with purpose. “Better?”

  “Better. Now, if I move like this, you respond this way. And if I move—”

  There was a bold knock on the door.

  Emerald’s breath caught in her throat and she purposely dropped the knife to the floor.

  Ren scowled at her.

  “Sorry.” She bent down and retrieved the knife.

  Ren stood at the window, peeking out of the curtain. He stepped back, hands on hips, head lowered.

  “What? Who is it?” she asked.

  “Guys, let us in,” a male voice whispered through the thick door.

  In one swift move, Ren jerked open the door, grabbed the man by the neck and pulled him inside, slamming the door again.

  “What are you doing here and how did you find us?” Ren barked at Ricky.

  His hands were raised in surrender. “Please don’t hurt me, Ren! Please. I’ll tell you everything once Riggs gets in here.”

  “Riggs? You mean Riggs is with you as well?”

  “Yes. I promise we’ll explain everything. Just let him in. He’s right outside. He thought you might be less likely to kill me than you would him. We need you to hear us out.”

  Ren opened the door, peering around Riggs suspiciously before ushering him inside.

  Ren was holding his sword in the air, its blade pointing at Ricky’s throat. “You have one minute to explain yourself and then you die.” And from the look on his stern face, Emerald believed he was being serious.

  Riggs began. “Listen, we came to warn you. Ricky overheard a conversation Blake was having on his phone with a vampire named Darian.”

  “Darian? As in Darian Graves?”

  “Yes. Do you know him then?”

  “We’ve met.” Something about the way he said it made Emerald wonder just how violent the encounter had been.

  “Riggs, finish telling him,” Ricky demanded, clearly uncomfortable with how close the blade was inching to his throat.

  “Blake is the one who told the vampires where you were going. He’s working with Darian. Ricky heard the whole thing.”

  Ricky was nodding vigorously.

  “And why did you come to warn us?”

  “We both believe this war should end. We hate vampires as much as any werewolf, but we’ve seen too many of our friends die and even innocent people. This war needs to end.”

  “How did you find us?”

  “We arrived at the Chatwin Pack just as you were leaving. We tried to catch you, but once we realized the vampires were chasing you, we thought it best to follow you. We stayed further back, and we waited this long to make sure you weren’t followed by anyone else.”

  “Please,” Ricky begged. “You have to believe us. We risked our lives to come find you. If Blake knew we were here, he’d have us killed for sure.”

  It seemed as if Ren was beginning to believe the two. “And how many of his pack are with him?”

  “As far as we could tell, only a few of them. He sent them out, a task he called it. We left before they returned. Most of the pack feel the way we do. Listen man, we’ve been betrayed here too.”

  After a short moment, Ren lowered his weapon.

  “Oh, thank you, Ren,” Ricky said, wiping at the sweat that had beaded on his forehead. “Hey there, Emerald. How are you?”

  “Hey, Ricky. I’m fine.”

  Riggs approached Emerald, gazing down at her. “How you holdin’ up, little one?”

  She nodded. “I’m doing okay.”

  He rested his big hand on top of hers. “No, really. How are you holdin’ up? You okay with this guy?” He nodded his head toward Ren.

  She glanced over at Ren who was listening to the exchange and didn’t appear to like it one bit.

  “Really, I’m fine. We’ve been getting along just fine.”

  Riggs studied her for a moment, perhaps testing her sincerity, before stepping away. “Well, if it's okay, we’d like to accompany you on the rest of your journey.”

  “Absolutely not!” Ren snapped, stepping forward.

  “Oh, come on! You’re gonna need all the help you can get to protect this one.”

  Ren stepped up to Riggs, almost glaring down at him. “I said no.”

  Riggs stood his ground. “You need our help.”

  “Please,” Ricky added. “We want to help. Besides, we have nowhere to go. We can’t go back to our pack now. Let us stay and help the two of you.”

  “Okay, boys, why don’t you give Ren and I a moment to discuss this.” Emerald took hold of Ren’s arm, pulling him into the bathroom and shutting the door. “We could use their help.”

  “I can protect you on my own. I work better alone.”

  “I know, but what if you didn’t have to. Wouldn’t it be better to have more hands on this?”

  “I don’t like the way Riggs looks at you.”

  “Ahhh,” she said. “I see.”

  “No,” he countered. “No. Hmm,” He pinched the bridge of his nose. “Okay fine. But we both keep a close eye on them. I’m not totally convinced of their story just yet. And you be careful around Riggs.”

  She was smiling up at him. “Yes, sir, but I think you’re worrying about nothing. I believe they’re both good guys. I think they just want to help.”

  “Well, I hope you’re right.” Suddenly, his hand was touching a piece of hair near her
face. “I’ll miss it just being us.”

  The comment surprised her. “I think you don’t like crowds.”

  “No. I mean yes, but that’s not it.” His amber eyes were burning into hers saying what his words could not.

  “I know.” She reached up, touching her hand to his cheek. His eyes closed, and when they opened again, he looked sad.

  “It’s okay, Ren. Everything will be okay. You’ll see.”

  He smiled a slight smile. “I know.”

  They exited the bathroom then. “Okay,” Ren began, “you two can stay but you’re getting your own room. And we’ll need a bigger vehicle.”

  “We’re on it.” The two darted out of the room before Ren could say another word.


  Emerald needed to wash a few of her clothes, so she took the soap and washed her more delicate garments in the bathroom sink. She rang out the water and hung them over the shower rod to dry.

  Ren had left only long enough to make sure the guys got situated in another room. She knew he didn’t fully trust them.

  She was still in the bathroom hanging her items, with the door open, when she heard Ren enter the room. She knew it was him because Beta didn’t bark.

  “How’d it go?” she called to him.

  “Well,” he said. “Riggs and Ricky are staying in the room right next door. I figured we should stay one more night, and in the morning, we’ll head out. We need to put as much distance as possible between us and the incident at the Chatwin Facility.”

  “Sounds good.”

  “Daingead,” he mumbled. “I forgot to tell them something. I’ll be right back.” He darted from the room in record speed. It was unnerving.

  Beta began whining.

  “What is it boy? You need to go out? You haven’t been out all afternoon, have you?”

  She had a slight nagging that she probably shouldn’t, but she brushed the feeling away as fast as it came. Beta needed to go. “Okay boy, let’s go, but you’ll have to be quick.”

  She cracked open the door and peered out. She saw no one, so she opened the door and exited, ushering the dog with her.

  * * * * * *

  Ren entered the room. “You won’t believe what those idiots—” he noticed the change immediately. Something was wrong. “Em?” Where was Beta? “Em?”

  His heart sank as he peered around the room. He ran to the bathroom. She wasn’t there. And Beta was also gone. He grabbed his sword and fled the room.

  He scanned the parking lot. Nothing. He flew around the building, and there she was. She was walking Beta in the grassy yard to the side of the building. The relief that flooded him was overwhelming.

  “Em!” he scolded, approaching her at an alarming speed. “What are you doing?”

  “Beta had to go.”

  His teeth were clenched, but he spoke calmly. “It doesn’t matter. You can’t leave the room without me. Ever!” He took hold of her arm firmly and ushered her back to the room.

  “But what about Beta? He needs to go.”

  “I’ll take him. You just stay put.”

  He led her back inside the room and sat her on the bed. “Now, stay here.”

  * * * * * *

  He stalked out of the room only to return moments later holding Ricky by the arm. He ushered him inside. “Stay with her for a few minutes, please.” And then he was gone.

  Ricky looked alarmed. “What did you do?”

  “I just took Beta for a walk. He needed to go, and Ren wasn’t here.”

  “You mean you took him out alone?”

  She shrugged. “Well yeah, but I—”

  “Oh, dude. You had better not do that again. The vamps are looking for you. If they find you, well, let’s just say it won’t be a good thing.”

  She didn’t miss how he called her dude. She sighed, lowering her head. “I messed up, huh?”

  “Yeah, I think you did, but it’s okay.”

  “You think Ren will stay mad at me?”

  “Nah. Well, maybe. It’s hard to tell with him, but he’ll get over it…eventually. He just takes his work very seriously. But it’s clear he has feelings for you.”

  His statement struck her. “What?”

  “Oh, come on, Emerald.”

  “You can call me Em.”

  “Oh, thanks.” And then as if remembering what he was saying, he added, “Surely you see it? Riggs and I both see it. I mean granted the man’s expressions are stone-cold, but his eyes twinkle when he looks at you.”

  Her heart leapt in her chest at the mere thought. “Really? His eyes twinkle? Are you sure?”

  “Of course. We both know about these sorts of things.”

  Something told her neither of them knew anything about these sorts of things, but she went with it.

  “And how do you feel about him?”

  She wasn’t quite sure how to respond to that question. She thought for a moment before answering. “Well, I think he’s amazing first off. He’s seriously lacking in the communication department.”

  Ricky was nodding his head in understanding.

  “He’s clearly not in touch with his gentle side. That is if he even has a gentle side, but he’s been good to me and—” her mind was suddenly drifting, “there is just something about him, something that draws me in.” Realizing she may have said too much, she cleared her throat and straightened.

  “Well,” Ricky added, “if it doesn’t work out between you two, I want to put my name in the basket. I mean after Riggs of course.”

  She laughed, bumping his arm with her shoulder. “You’re too sweet.” And she meant it. He was a bit silly, but she genuinely liked him.

  When Ren returned with Beta, there was an extra hardness to his usual stone-cold exterior.

  “I’ll be going now,” Ricky said, getting up and leaving the room in a hurry.

  “What were you thinking?” Ren demanded, approaching and pulling her to her feet.

  “I’m sorry, Ren. I truly am. I just wasn’t thinking at all, I guess.”

  “You could have been taken, or worse, you could have been shot down right there.”

  “I know. I’ll be more careful. I promise.”

  “That’s not good enough!” His voice was rising. He was definitely angry. “I’m doing my best to keep you safe, but you’re not helping me!”

  She felt the beginnings of her anger rising as well. “Listen, Ren I said I was sorry, and I am, but I’m not going to beg you to forgive me!”

  “You deserve a good lashing. That would teach you to take this more seriously.”

  “Who do you think you are? You are not my father!”

  “No, but you sure could use one!”

  The words stung and she gasped, her mouth falling open. She could see that he instantly regretted the statement, but she was too hurt to care. She grabbed her bag. “Come Beta,” she said, opening the door and storming out.

  “What are you doing?” he asked, following her.

  “I am not staying with you.” She knocked on the door of the room next door. Ricky opened it. “Oh, hello, Em.”

  “Can I stay with y’all tonight?”

  Riggs approached and the two men quickly surveyed the situation. “Of course,” Riggs answered, guarded.

  “Thank you.” She stalked inside and dropped her bag on the floor. She turned to see Ren standing at the door. He was watching her over the heads of the two men. She guessed he recognized her resolve, because he gave a reluctant, almost painful slow nod of acceptance. He glared a warning down at the two men and slowly turned and headed back to his room.


  They ordered Chinese take-out, one of Emerald’s favorites, but it lacked its usual appeal for her. It had taken a while for her anger to dissipate, but once it had, there was a part of her that felt bad for leaving Ren. He was just in the next room, but she knew he must be anxious. She imagined him with his ear pressed against the wall, trying to listen into their room to make sure all was well with her and the guys. He h
ad expressed his concern over Riggs, sensing he had feelings for her. Just that alone must be causing him anxiety. He took his role of protector very seriously, and she knew it had to have been hard for him to release that role over to Riggs and Ricky for the time being.

  The two men were very gracious, giving up one of the two beds to her and Beta.

  The guys spent time telling her about some of their childhood experiences. Emerald enjoyed the banter between them. It helped take her mind off of Ren. She was surprised to find out that they were actual brothers, but once she knew, it made perfect sense. Ricky clearly looked up to his older brother.

  They watched some T.V. for a while and then they prepared for bed. Ricky made a space for himself on the floor, saying he could sleep soundly anywhere. Riggs made a point to agree with him.

  As she snuggled deep into the covers, she realized she missed Ren. Even from the very beginning, his presence had been soothing to her. She had slowly peeled back pieces of his hard-shell exterior and found a softness hidden there that she wasn’t sure he even knew existed. She craved to see more of that. She was thinking of him as she drifted off to sleep.

  She always knew when she had entered a dream. The background took on a grey, almost greenish hue. This dream was unlike any she had experienced before. She was seeing images and scenes, and it was almost like she had stepped inside them. They were obviously from another time period, though she couldn’t pinpoint just when.

  The first scene was a woman, a beautiful woman with long dark hair and lovely green eyes. She was happy. She opened the door and greeted a man. He was handsome, tall but thin and pale. They embraced and then they kissed.

  The scene changed and now it was the same woman, but she was with a different man. This man was also handsome and tall but with broad shoulders. He looked strong. Somehow, Emerald was aware that this woman was in love with both men.

  The scene changed again and this time the strong man confronted the woman and the thinner man. Emerald could suddenly hear them. The men argued over the woman but soon realized that their devotion to one another was greater than their love for her. They were brothers. They had always been there for each other, and their love and respect for one another ran deeper than most. The two men left the woman, saying that neither of them would have her.


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