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Emerald Moon

Page 9

by Deanna Kinney

  The scene changed again, and she saw the woman crying, draped across her bed. Her heart was broken. She felt rejected and then her expression shifted to rage. She stood and began chanting something into the air, words Emerald had never heard before.

  The next image was of the strong man. He was bent over in pain, jerking and screaming as his body distorted and changed. His face stretched, his body became covered in hair, claws shot out from his fingernails, and fangs grew in his mouth. He stood on his back legs and was snarling like a beast.

  In the next scene, the thin, pale man grabbed his stomach in pain, as he could no longer tolerate ordinary food. He craved blood and began stalking the innocent at night and feeding from their necks. He stepped into daylight and his flesh burned.

  The next scene was the two brothers locked in a violent attack, one trying to kill the other. Their love for each other was gone, replaced by extreme hatred.

  Suddenly, the knowledge was there, and Emerald understood the meaning of the dream completely. The woman was a siren, an enchantress. She had enchanted both men to love her, but when they rejected her, choosing their brotherly love over her, she cursed them, turning them into beasts and turning their love into hatred, thus creating the vampire-werewolf war.

  Emerald jerked straight up in the bed, sucking in heavy breaths, in and out, in and out. She felt the sweat beading on her face and neck.

  “Em, are you okay?” Riggs and Ricky were asking her, taking a seat beside her on the bed. They appeared alarmed, but she needed Ren.

  “I need Ren,” she managed to whisper.

  There was a tap on the door. Riggs ran to the door, swinging it open. And then Ren was there, taking her hand in his. “Em, what is it? What did you see?”

  She squeezed his hand. “I know how the war started.”

  First, she explained to the brothers about her dreams and how she could see things in her dreams. Then she spent the next several minutes sharing with them about the images and scenes she had just witnessed in this new dream.

  “So, let me get this straight,” Riggs began, “You are what you call a Dream Siren. And you can see things in dreams, sometimes past, sometimes future, and you can even manipulate these dreams, even pulling people in with you?”

  “Well,” Emerald answered, “I haven’t learned how to do that yet, but essentially yes.”

  “Hmm, okay so now that we know how the war began, how do we stop it?”

  “That’s what we don’t know just yet,” Ren added.

  “Yes. According to my mother, it will all come to me in time. What we need to know is how to break the curse.”


  Beta and Emerald had gone back to the room she was sharing with Ren and slept the rest of the night. Even if Ren hadn’t insisted, she would have gone anyway.

  The next morning Emerald woke to the sound of Ren, in the bathroom, cursing in what she had come to suspect was Gaelic.

  “What is it?” she asked through the door.

  “What are you trying to do to me, girl?”

  He opened the door just wide enough to stick out his hand. It was loaded down with her bra and panties she had washed the day before and hung over the shower to dry.

  “Oh, sorry. I forgot about these.” She laughed. She should have known better.

  When she was packing for their trip, she hadn’t meant to pack her sexier underwear. In her defense, she was a bit distraught at the time and just grabbed some things from her drawer.

  She laughed again as she tucked the items into her bag.

  * * * * * *

  It was bad enough that Ren was being tortured by Emerald’s sweet scent, the way she purred softly in her sleep, her quirky accent and just her general goodness, but now he had to endure the torture of seeing her under garments. Now, every time he looked at her, would he wonder if she was wearing the red and black pair or the black lace pair? No! No! He shook his head, rejecting those thoughts. He respected her, and he had to be clear-minded if he was to keep her safe and alive. He couldn’t allow himself to have those thoughts.

  With a low growl, he reached, turning on the cold water only, as he stepped into the shower.

  An hour later, after Emerald was showered and packed, they stepped out into the parking lot to load the new vehicle.

  “Hey, boss,” Ricky said, waving. They were standing in front of a huge, black Humvee.

  “That’s not conspicuous at all,” Ren snapped, not even trying to hide his sarcasm.

  “Well, we figured we needed something large and tough. They don’t come any tougher than this. Oh, and the glass is bulletproof. Now that’s somethin’,” Ricky said, obviously proud of their choice.

  “I love it,” Emerald said, climbing up into the passenger seat.

  Ren placed the bags into the back. He took a few minutes to walk Beta around the side of the building while the brothers watched over Emerald. He didn’t feel totally comfortable leaving her in their care. He did sense that they genuinely cared for her, so he thought he should try to accept them, at least until he no longer had to.

  Once Beta was cuddled in the front seat with Emerald, Ren jumped up into the driver’s seat, and the brothers were wise enough not to argue.

  They had only been on the road less than thirty minutes before the road games began. Ren had opted out, saying he needed to focus on his driving, which was partly true. Ricky had insisted on the game I Spy. After they had exhausted that one, the three of them began listing their favorite words.

  “My all-time favorite word is serendipity,” Emerald spoke first.

  “That’s a good one,” Ricky responded. “I like the word, discombobulated.”

  “Oh, I like that one,” Riggs said. “But how about, doohickey?”

  The brothers were spatting off more words. Ren watched them in the rearview mirror as they began a debate about whose word was better.

  “Hey, why don’t you close your throat pipe!” Riggs shouted.

  “No, why don’t you!”

  Ren pushed the noise into the background and then suddenly noticed that Emerald had become quiet…too quiet.

  “Hey, are you okay?” he asked her, touching his hand to her knee. She didn’t respond. He tried again, and again she didn’t respond. He moved his hand in front of her face. She didn’t even flinch.

  “Guys, something’s wrong with Em,” he said to the brothers, interrupting their bickering.

  Ren pulled the car over to the side of the road.

  He ushered Beta into the back and took Emerald’s arms in his hands. “Hey, Em. Em, can you hear me? Em.”

  * * * * * *

  Emerald had been enjoying her games with the brothers. And now they had begun a word challenge.

  “My all-time favorite word is serendipity,” she said.

  “That’s a good one,” Ricky responded.

  Without warning, she heard a buzzing in her ears, but before she could react, her vision blurred, her world began spinning, and then everything was instantly still. She glanced around and realized she was in the meadow, the same one as before. Tisha was propped up on a large rock. She patted her hand on the rock. “Come sit with me, my dear.”

  Emerald was confused. “I love seeing you again, but why am I here? I'm awake. I’m not dreaming.” Emerald sat down on the rock beside her mother.

  “I couldn’t wait until you fell asleep. I wasn’t sure it would work but I had to try. We’re running out of time. The vampires and their werewolf allies are following your trail, and they’re getting closer. You saw the woman in your dream last night, didn’t you?”


  “And you know how the war started?”


  “Good.” She turned to face her daughter and took both hands in hers. “Now, I need you to think about the woman you saw. What was she?”

  “She was a siren.”

  “Yes. And what did I tell you about me the first time I appeared in your vision?”

  “You told me you
were a Dream Siren.”

  “Yes. And that makes you one as well.”

  She was trying to encourage Emerald to discover something, but she didn’t understand what.

  “I need you to think. Make the connection.”

  Emerald thought long and hard and then she gasped as the realization became clear. “This woman is our ancestor.”

  Tisha sighed. Her relief evident. “Yes. Yes, she is.”

  “But she was evil.”

  “Yes, Emerald but that doesn’t mean we are. We all make our own choices. She made a bad choice and did something terrible, but you’re going to fix her mistake. Do you understand?”

  “Yes, but why is it so important that she’s my ancestor?”

  “Emerald, I need you to pay close attention to what I have to say. Every detail is very important. Do you understand?”

  “Of course.”

  “The woman, her name was Afina. She cursed the two brothers as you know. There is a way to end the curse, but it can only be broken through the bloodline of the one who created it. That’s you, Emerald.”

  “But why not you?”

  “Because you are the only one who has ever seen the creatures for what they truly are. I have not. You are the one.”

  “But how? What do I have to do to break the curse?”

  “For the curse to be broken, the brothers have to both feed on the blood of the one who cursed them.”

  “But Afina and the brothers are long dead.”

  “Yes, but they live on in their ancestors.”

  Emerald stood, pacing. “So, you’re saying that a vampire and a werewolf have to drink my blood for the curse to be broken?”

  “No, not just drink it. They have to feed from you to drink it. You can’t just cut yourself and give each one a glass to drink. And they have to do it at the same time. It’s the only way.”

  Emerald wrung out her hands as she paced. She was trying to wrap her mind around what Tisha was saying.

  “But wouldn’t that kill me?”

  Her mother lowered her head. “Most likely.”

  Emerald’s stomach soured. She paced for a few more moments and then squared her shoulders. “Okay then. If that’s what we have to do, then that’s what we’ll do. We’ll figure out how to make it work.”

  “That’s not all,” Tisha said. “Once the curse is broken, all vampires and werewolves will become human again.”

  “Oh wow. Do they know this?”


  She thought about that for a moment. “Why didn’t you tell me all of this the first time I met you?”

  “Because you had to discover the origin of the curse and your ancestry for yourself, and I couldn’t interfere.”

  “And how will I know if it worked, and the curse is broken? Assuming I survive, that is.”

  She smiled. “You’ll know.”

  Emerald took a deep breath. “Okay. Thank you.” She hugged her mother tight. “In case this is the last time I see you.”

  “It won’t be. Be strong. You and Ren will find a way. I know you will. Goodbye dear. I love you.”

  Emerald heaved deeply, coming back to reality and to three worried sets of eyes. The three men were staring at her.

  “What happened?” Ren asked, gently brushing her hair out of her face.

  She took a deep breath and began telling them all about her vision and what she learned about breaking the curse. She decided it was best to leave out the part about the creatures returning to humans for the time being. She would tell the brothers when the time was right.

  The vehicle was very quiet as the men processed the new information.

  “Okay,” Ren began, “there has to be a way to pull this off without getting Em killed. We just have to think.”

  “Okay, well any vampire is gonna rip her neck open, so that’s out,” Ricky said.

  All of their mouths fell open as they glared at him.

  “What? I’m just tellin’ the truth.”

  “Maybe use a little tact next time,” Riggs reprimanded.

  “The biggest problem I see,” Riggs added, “aside from Em dying from the feedings, is that a werewolf bite can turn her as well as a vampire bite. And no one has ever survived being bitten by both creatures.”

  Everyone’s head went down as they contemplated this new revelation.

  “Great,” Emerald said. “So, every scenario leads back to my death.”

  “No!” Ren snapped. “There has to be another way. We just haven’t thought of it yet.”

  “Ren,” she said, touching his hand.

  He jerked it away. “No, Em. There is another way. I won’t let you die. I won’t.” He cranked the vehicle and jerked it back onto the road.

  They drove for a while in silence.


  It was late in the afternoon when they stopped for some dinner. Afterward, they spotted a cozy bed and breakfast and Emerald insisted they stop there for the night.

  An older woman greeted them as they entered. She was probably in her late sixties. “Hello there. Welcome to the Bird’s Nest Bed and Breakfast. My name is Sissy. My husband Bob and I run this lovely place.”

  It was a beautiful, older home that had been remodeled with farmhouse décor.

  “It’s nice to meet you, Sissy,” Emerald greeted her. “We’re uh…” and suddenly she had no idea what to say.

  Ricky piped in. “This lady is Em. Her and Ren here just got married. This is my brother, Riggs, and we’re Em’s older brothers. We’re pretty tired after the long day we’ve had, and we need two rooms if you have them.”

  She clapped her hands together. “Oh, newlyweds! I just love newlyweds! It does my heart good to see two people so in love. And you two are definitely in love. I spotted it the moment you walked in. I said to myself ‘now Sissy, there is a couple who love each other.”

  Emerald gave Ricky a stern glare but sent a fake smile to Sissy. Ren put his arm around Emerald, trying to play the part, but she also sensed his annoyance directed at Ricky. Riggs, on the other hand, was stifling his laughter.

  “I have the honeymoon suite available just for the two of you.”

  The woman peered up at Ren as if she expected him to say something. After a brief moment, Emerald added, “We are so thankful. I’m sure the room will be great. My brothers here are paying for the room. You know, their wedding present.”

  “Emerald and Ren both spun to give the brothers a payback smirk.

  “Oh, how nice of you two. This young lady is lucky to have brothers like you.”

  Riggs pulled out his wallet and paid the bill, though reluctantly.

  “Okay, now breakfast is at 8:00 a.m. sharp. The honeymoon suite is called The Cardinal Room, and you boys have the room across the hall called The Blue Bird Room.”

  The brothers went to the vehicle to get their bags. When they entered, this time they had Beta with them.

  “Oh, I’m sorry. No pets allowed,” the woman said, her tone apologetic.

  Ren stepped up to her. “Well, you see Sissy, my wife here, bless her heart,” he pulled Emerald in his arms and kissed the top of her head. “She has terrible anxiety. This is her therapy dog. We have the papers to show he’s registered. And he’s the most well-behaved dog you’ll ever meet. We promise he’ll be no problem at all. In fact, you’ll never know he’s even here.”

  The woman appeared awestruck as if she was under a spell of some kind. “Well, I guess I can make an exception, just this once.”

  “Thank you so much.”

  Ren spun Emerald around and led her up the stairs. Beta and the brothers followed closely behind.

  Emerald was in total shock. Had Ren just smooth talked the owner?

  “What in tarnation was that?” she asked, not even trying to hide her shock.

  “That, my dear, was just simple kindness.”

  It was then that she noticed him slyly slipping his ring back onto his finger.

  “You charmed that woman with your looks.”
/>   He faked insult. “I did no such thing.”

  She had to admit the gesture impressed her. She was learning new things about this mysterious man every day, and she was enjoying the heck out of it.

  Their room was elegant. The walls were painted in a deep red, but the focal point was the huge cozy bed decorated in white coverings. Without hesitation, Beta jumped onto the bed and curled into a comfy ball.

  Emerald stepped into the bathroom. “Oh look, Ren! They have a clawfoot bathtub!”

  Ren strolled in, nodding as if impressed. “You’re really excited about that tub, aren’t you?”

  “Are you kiddin’? I’m taking a bath right now. Get out.”

  He smiled but obeyed.

  She had the tub filled with hot water and bubbles up to her ears. “Oh, my glorious heavens,” she groaned, sinking deeper and losing herself in the sudsy sensation.

  Suddenly the door flung open and Beta burst in. She sat up just in time to see the dog flying through the air. He landed in the tub with a splash.

  She screamed.

  Ren rushed in. “What’s…” He slapped his hand over his eyes. And then he was laughing—full blown laughing.

  “Oh Beta!” she squealed.

  Just then, the brothers burst in. “We heard a scream. Oh my!” Then they slapped their hands over their eyes.

  Ren turned and grabbed them both by their shirts. “Out.”

  “Wait-wait,” they were saying, but Ren shoved them out and shut the door behind him.

  Emerald was at least thankful that between the dog and the bubbles, the men never had a chance of seeing anything but her head, and even that was covered in bubbles.

  The fake newlyweds had no choice but to share the bed. However, since it was a king size bed, Emerald lined the middle with pillows to keep their sides separate. She had to admit that the bed was one-hundred times more comfortable than anything she’d slept in since all this craziness began.

  “Goodnight,” she whispered to Ren as she snuggled deep into the covers.


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