Savage Harvest
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NOTE: Page references in italics refer to photos.
Agats, Asmat (city)
Hoffman’s arrival in, 46–47, 149–56
Japanese in, during World War II, 59
naming of, 64
physical description of, 15
Rockefeller’s arrival in, 49
Ainum (taxi driver), 47, 202
Aitur (Otsjanep), 187
Ajam (Asmat village), 69–70
Ajim (Otsjanep)
death of, 195, 275
description of, 8–9, 164, 186
leadership role of, 266
Rockefeller’s death and, 188–89, 191
Rockefeller’s disappearance and, 8–11, 184
Akaiagap (Otsjanep), 189
Akaisimit (Otsjanep), 189
Akon (Otsjanep), 120, 265
Amanamkai (village), 144, 147
Amates (guide). See Owun, Amates (guide, from Biwar Laut)
American Anthropologist, 12
American Museum of Natural History, 98
ancestor skull (Asmat), 7
Arafura Sea
longboats on, 12
physical description of, 4, 13–14, 48
Archbold, Richard, 98
Asmat: The Journal of Michael C. Rockefeller, The (Museum of Primitive Art), 230
Asmat (people)
ancestor skull of, 7
ancestry, 60–61
bisj poles’ significance to, 60–61, 113–14, 116, 118–19
canoes used by, 31, 31–32, 149, 157, 158
cholera epidemic (1962), 268–71
collective nature of, 133, 150
cultural shift of (1950s), 146–48 (See also Catholic Church; Indonesia; Netherlands)
culture of, 7–11
currency of, 51
deception used by, 40, 224
diet of, 50, 239, 276
early European exploration and, 57–59
fear of guns by, 106–7
greetings by, 21, 52–53, 123
jipae mask feast, 154
killing ritual of, 9–11
language of, 34, 39, 63, 66, 70
lifestyle of, 6
modern-day problems of, 252–53
mythology of, 34, 35–38, 252
pacification campaign, 64–68
papisj (sharing of wives), 38, 66
piercings of, 37, 123, 259
polygamy by, 124
sense of time by, 164
sex organs as symbolic to, 61
songs of, 33, 40–41, 260, 261
spiritual beliefs of, 23, 41, 61, 66, 107–8, 119, 130, 153–54
submission of, 38, 133
tobacco and tools used for trade with, 106
violence statistics, 64
warfare of, 31, 31–41, 55–57, 58–62, 63–64, 70–71
Asmat (place). See also West Papua
crocodile legend and, 7–8, 16, 271–72
Elisofon’s observation of, 176, 181
Hoffman’s travel to, 42, 42–54
Nelson Rockefeller in, 178–80
physical description of, 14–15, 20–21, 240
Associated Press, 178, 213
Atahualpa (Inca emperor), 107
Atembut (Asmat village), 79
Atsj (Asmat village), 52, 66, 79–80, 83
Atuka (Mimikan village), 61
Hides and O’Malley, 89
Indonesian claims to New Guinea and, 88
Republic of Indonesia created and, 89
search for Rockefeller and, 178, 179, 181
Baiyun (Asmat village), 56
Bakyer (jeu), 249. See also Otsjanep (Asmat village)
Baliem Valley, 95, 100–103, 118
Banduw River, d
escription of, 52
Basim (Asmat village), 56
Beginning at the End: A Memoir of Twin Loss and Healing (Rockefeller), 233–34
Bere (Otsjanep), 186–87, 188
Ber (Pirien), 132, 163, 193, 262, 265, 276, 278
Bese (Otsjanep), 164, 189, 262
Betjew (Asmat village), 122
Betsj River, description of, 13, 158
Biak (island), 167, 170
Bif (Pirien), 276
Biggart, Homer, 170
“Bimpu Bis,” 20
Birojipts, Everisus, 56, 129
bisj poles
carved by Chinasapitch, 143–44
Gerbrands views on, 137
identified in photographs, 264–65
in Metropolitan Museum of Art (New York City), 136
in Museum of Primitive Art, 229
Rockefeller’s purchase of, 110–20
significance of, 60–61, 113–14, 116, 118–19
bivouacs (huts), 73
Biwar Laut (Asmat village)
Amates’s biographical information and, 51–53
knowledge about Rockefeller’s death, 189–90
split from Omadesep by, 34, 73, 79, 122–23
Biwiripitsj (Asmat myth), 34, 35–38, 123
Bofun Digul (people), 267–68
Borneo, Republic of Indonesia creation and, 89–90
Bot, Theo, 167, 173, 178, 191
Broekhuijse, Jan, 176
Bumes (Otsjanep), 188
cannibalism. See also headhunting
Asmat creation myth and, 34, 35–38
“cannibal talk,” 224–25
Catholic conversion of Asmat and, 124–25
European reaction to, 38–39
canoes, 31, 31–32, 149, 157, 158
Carstenz, Jan, 58
Catholic Church. See also individual names of missionaries
alleged cannibalism concealed by, 207, 208–9, 230
Catholic conversion of Asmat by, 124–25
Dani people and, 99
Order of the Sacred Heart, 59, 67, 224
views on van Kessel, 208–9
children, revenge killings of, 64
Chinasapitch (Per), 143–44, 158, 229
Chinese Indonesian crocodile hunters, in Otsjanep, 68, 223
cholera epidemic (Asmat, 1962), 268–71
Cole, Pastor Vince, 151–56
Columbus, Christopher, 80
Conference of Dutch Religious Orders, 212
Cook, James, 25, 58
currency, of Asmat, 51
Damen (Asmat village), 69
Dani (people), 95, 100–103, 118
Dead Birds (film), 16
de Brouwer, Father, 190
de Bruyn, Victor, 98
de Iongh, Rudy, 216
Desep (jeu) 41. See also Omadesep (Asmat village)
Desoipitsj (Asmat myth), 34, 35–38
D’Harnoncourt, Rene, 23, 24
Diamond, Jared, 107
Dias (policeman), 79
Divine Hunger (Sanday), 225
Dombai (Otsjanep), 31, 33, 41, 70
Dombai (Ber’s father; Otsjanep)
death of, 195
Faniptas’s child as peace offering to, 108
as kapala perang, 266
photographed by Rockefeller, 262
Pirien-Otsjanep conflict and, 132–33, 248–49, 274–75
Pirimapun (airstrip) supplies delivered by, 163–65, 188–89
Rockefeller’s death and, 188–89
Rockefeller’s disappearance and, 11
Dresser, Ken, 105, 163, 174
Dutch Conference of Bishops, 212
Dutch National Museum of Ethnology, 98
Dutch New Guinea, 16, 46, 49, 58–59, 104
Eendracht (Dutch patrol boat), 76–77, 160–61, 174
Eibrink Jansen, F. R. J.
Chinese murders investigated by, 68
on Rockefeller’s disappearance, 166, 178, 179–80, 191, 209–10, 211–14, 216–17
Rockefeller’s meeting with, 104
Eisenhower, Dwight D., 87
Ekob (Otsjanep), 187
Elisofon, Eliot, 101, 102, 169, 176
Emene (Asmat village), 55–56
Erem (Otsjanep), 189
Etoro (people), 82
Ewer (village/airport), 42, 42–43, 47–48
Ewta River, 76, 76–77, 82–86
Eyde, David, 35, 110, 144
Famborep River, description of, 51–52
Family of Man, The (Museum of Modern Art, New York City), 27
Faniptas (Omadesep)
bisj pole purchases by Rockefeller, 113, 117
child of, offered to Dombai, 108
photographed by Rockefeller, 262
Wagin conflict and, 41, 55, 56, 60
Faratsjam (Otsjanep), 84, 120
Filo (guide’s brother, from Biwar Laut), 51, 54, 73, 122, 193, 195
Fin (Otsjanep)
death of, 195
Dombai cuckolded by, 248–49
leadership role of, 266
Rockefeller’s death and, 188–89, 191, 201, 204
Rockefeller’s disappearance and, 8–11, 164, 184
Fom (Otsjanep), 164, 189, 259
Foretsjbai (Otsjanep), 265
Fumeripitsj (Asmat myth), 252
gabagaba (stems of sago palm), 121–22, 163–65
Gabriel (van Kessel’s Asmat assistant), 183–84, 187, 191, 212, 269
Gaisseau (French filmmaker), 138–39
Gardner, Robert, 97–100, 139, 169, 170
Gerbrands, Adrian “Adri”
in Asmat, 98, 100, 109–10, 111, 113, 114, 116, 118–19
Rockefeller’s second expedition plans and, 144
views on bisj poles, 137
Givin (Omadesep), 115
Goldwater, Robert
letter to van Kessel, 138
as Museum of Primitive Art director, 5, 30
Rockefeller meeting with (September 1961), 140
Rockefeller’s first expedition and, 98, 104, 109
Rockefeller’s plans for second expedition and, 136–37
Greene, Betty, 174
guns, Asmat fear of, 106–7
Guns, Germs, and Steel (Diamond), 107
Harun (guide), 50
Harvard Film Study Center, 97–100
Harvard University, 5, 22, 95, 99
Hastings, Peter, 175
Asmat cultural significance of, 10
“badges” of, 32
cannibalism connection to, 35 (See also cannibalism)
Catholic conversion of Asmat and, 124–25
Dutch officials on status of (early 1960s), 90, 105–6, 234
Gardner’s knowledge of, 170
Indonesian government on, 274
raids, 59–60, 61–62
by women, 62
Heider, Karl, 96, 102, 103
Hekman, W., 213
Hides, Jack, 82
Hoffman, Carl
biographical information, 17, 43–45, 256–57
first trip to Asmat by, 12–21, 25, 42–54, 121–25, 149–56
Kokai’s story told to, 74–75
in Omadesep, 125–31
in Otsjanep, 131–35, 193–205, 263–65
in Pirien, 258, 258–63, 265–68, 272–84
research by, 19, 45, 46, 222, 232
second trip to Asmat, and life among Asmat, 240–57
second trip to Asmat by, 221–22, 235–39
as Dutch colonial capital city in Papua, 58–59
modern-day Jayapura, Indonesia, 46
Idzerda, Rudolf, 167–68
independence sought (1958), 77, 78
Luns Plan (New York Agreement), 91–92, 148, 167, 208, 217
Republic of Indonesia created, 87, 87–92
search for Rockefeller and, 177–80
West Papua controlled by, 46, 54, 152–53, 274
Indonesian Communist Party (P
KI), 88, 89, 90
Ipi (Otsjanep), 84, 120
Jackson, William, 231
Jane (Otsjanep), 164, 189, 262
Agats occupation (World War II), 59
Pacific expansion (1958), 77
Jayapura, Indonesia, 46
jeu (men’s houses), 64
building and ceremony description, 249–57
description, 9, 48, 73
destroyed by Indonesian government, 274
Jisar, 221
Omadesep celebration (2012), 121, 126–31
Rockefeller’s visit to, 109–10
jipae mask feast, 154
Jisar (jeu), 221, 249, 250. See also Pirien (Asmat village)
John (Bofun Digul), 267–68, 271
Joku, Hennah, 151, 194, 197
Jones, William Palfrey, 87–88
Jow (village), 184, 189
jursis (dogs’ teeth), 41
Kabupaten (administrative districts), 152
Kajerpis (jeu) 249. See also Otsjanep (Asmat village)
Kakar (Otsjanep), 189
Kennedy, John F., 91, 170
kepala perang (war leaders)
defined, 249
men killed by Lapré identified as, 265
Knight, Dick, 179
Koiari (people), 106
Kokai (Otsjanep), 31, 33, 41, 70
Kokai (Pirien)
Hoffman’s first meeting with, 195, 202–5
Hoffman’s second trip to Asmat and, 235–39, 240, 242–50, 254–57, 258, 258–63, 265–68, 272–84
Wagin conflict and, 72, 74–75, 195, 202–5
Korowai (people), 233
Kramer, Hilton, 28
language (Asmat)
complexity of, 39
learned by missionaries, 63, 66, 70
oral tradition of, 34
Lapré, Max
Asmat headhunting hidden from, 108
biographical information, 77–79
political events at time of raid, 87–92
raid on Otsjanep by, 76, 76–86
Rockefeller’s death as avenging raid by, 223–24
Rockefeller’s purchase of bisj poles and, 120
victims of, identified as kepala perang, 265
Wagin conflict and, 129–31, 133–35
Lapré, William, 77–78
Leo (Sjuru teenager), 143
catamaran accident, 157–60
Life (magazine), 101
lime (used in warfare), 57, 58
Lockheed P-2 Neptunes, 167
Luns, Joseph, 91, 148, 167, 213
Luns Plan (New York Agreement), 91–92, 148, 167, 208, 217
Machlin, Milt, 231–32
Manu (Amates’s assistant), 12, 51, 193, 201