Savage Harvest
Page 32
Marco (Pirien), 276–77, 281
Maria (Kokai’s wife), 247, 259
mating behavior, of Asmat, 38, 66
Matthiessen, Peter, 99, 101, 234
Mbuji (Omadesep), 188
Mead, Margaret, 98
Merauke (West Papua), 58, 175
merdeka (liberty), 88
Metropolitan Museum of Art (New York City)
Asmat canoe displayed in, 158
bisj poles in, 113, 136
Michael C. Rockefeller Wing, 125, 228–29
Rockefeller’s photos in, 237
Milbank, Tweed, Hope and Hadley, 230
Monte, Frank, 232
Morgan, Mary Rockefeller. See Rockefeller, Mary (sister)
Museum of Modern Art (New York City), 23, 27
Museum of Primitive Art
Michael Rockefeller’s collection in, 228–29
Michael Rockefeller’s role in, 96, 98, 103–4
Nelson Rockefeller’s primitive art collection and, 5, 17
opening and collection of, 22–30, 96
Dutch government and search for Rockefeller, 167–69
Dutch New Guinea control, 16, 46, 49, 58–59, 104 (See also West Papua)
Jansen and, 68
Lapré’s raid on Otsjanep, 76, 76–86
official position on headhunting/cannibalism (early 1960s), 90, 105–6, 234
Republic of Indonesia created and, 87–92
search for Rockefeller and, 172–80
New York Times, 23, 24, 170, 178, 232
Nijoff, Cor, 190, 191
Obeyesekere, Gananath, 224–25
Omadesep (Asmat village). See also individual names of residents and leaders
Hoffman in, 125–31
knowledge about Rockefeller’s death, 188
Lapré’s raid, 129–31, 133–35
new jeu celebration (2012), 121, 126–31
origin of, 73
Rockefeller’s early meetings with, 110, 112, 113, 116–19
split from Biwar Laut by, 34, 73, 79, 122–23
Wagin conflict, 31–41, 55–56, 60, 70, 74–75, 78–86, 129–31, 133–35, 195, 202–5, 262–63
warfare of, 55–57, 70–71
O’Malley, Jim, 82
oral tradition, of Asmat, 34
Order of the Sacred Heart, 59, 67, 224
Osom (Otsjanep), 84, 132, 265
Rockefeller’s purchase of bisj poles and, 120
Otsjanep (Asmat village). See also individual names of residents and leaders
Chinese Indonesian hunters and, 68, 223
Hoffman in, 131–35, 243–57
jeu (men’s houses), 9
Lapré’s raid, 76, 76–86, 87–92, 129–31, 133–35
Pirien-Otsjanep conflict, 132–33, 248–49, 274–75
Pirimapun (airstrip) supplies delivered by, 163–65, 188–89
questioned by Hoffman, 193–205
Rockefeller’s early meetings with, 110, 116–20
Rockefeller’s plans for second expedition, 138–39
rumors about Rockefeller’s death, 186–92
search for Rockefeller and, 184–85
Wagin conflict, 31–41, 55–56, 60, 70, 74–75, 78–86, 129–31, 133–35, 195, 202–5, 262–63
warfare of, 31–41, 55–57, 70–71
Otsjanep (jeu), 249. See also Otsjanep (Asmat village)
Owun, Amates (guide, from Biwar Laut)
biographical information, 51–53
Hoffman’s first trip to Asmat with, 12, 19, 50–54, 73–75, 122–24, 127, 128–30, 132–35
Hoffman’s second trip to Asmat with, 222, 278–79
knowledge of Rockefeller death, 135
Otsjanep questioned by, 193–205
translation of Marco’s singing by, 281
Owus (village), 123–24
Pakai (Otsjanep), 31, 33, 41, 70
papisj (sharing of wives), 38, 66
Peabody Museum (Harvard University), 95, 99
Pep (Otsjanep), 266
death of, 195
revenge sought against Lapré by, 275
Rockefeller’s death and, 187, 189, 191, 196–97, 201, 204
Rockefeller’s disappearance and, 7–11
Persico, Joseph, 23, 27
Per (Asmat village), 143–44
Petrus (Otsjanep), 264
Pip (Otsjanep), 31, 33, 38, 39, 41, 55, 56
Pirien (Asmat village). See also individual names of residents and leaders
description of, 74
Pirien-Otsjanep conflict, 132–33, 248–49, 274–75
Pirien (jeu), 249. See also Pirien (Asmat village)
Pirimapun (airstrip), 104–6, 108–9, 163–65, 176
Pizarro, Francisco, 107
Platteel, P. J., 166, 172, 178, 191, 206–7
Polik (Dani), 101–2
Putnam, Sam, 5, 95, 97, 99, 103, 111–12, 114, 140
Reeser, L. E. H., 174–75
revenge, Asmat pattern of, 64
Rockefeller, Abby Aldrich (grandmother), 26, 96
Rockefeller, Ann (sister), 169
Rockefeller, John D., Jr. (grandfather), 26
Rockefeller, John D., Sr. (great-grandfather), 23
Rockefeller, Margareta “Happy” Murphy, 140, 169
Rockefeller, Mary (sister)
Beginning at the End: A Memoir of Twin Loss and Healing, 233–34
on father’s art collection, 96
search for brother by, 18, 166, 169–71, 172, 172–80
Rockefeller, Mary Todhunter Clark (mother), 26, 169, 232–33
Rockefeller, Michael
in Baliem Valley, 100–103, 118
biographical information, 5, 96–97, 99–100
bisj poles bought by, 120, 266–67
characterization of, 102–3, 114, 145–46
events surrounding disappearance of, 3–6, 7–11, 15–16, 129, 157–62, 186–92, 213
events surrounding disappearance of, and gasoline cans used by, 3–6, 179, 182–83
family legacy of, 4–5, 17–18, 23 (See also individual names of family members)
filming plans of, 97–100
knowledge of cannibalism by, 125–26, 137–38, 140–41
Kokai’s account of disappearance of, 74–75
Museum of Primitive Art role, 24, 30, 96, 98, 103–4
official cause of death, 182–83, 230
Otsjanep questioned by Hoffman, 193–205
photos by, 261–65, 275–76
photos of, 3, 22
political events at time of disappearance, 91–92
remains/personal effects of, 198–205, 215–17, 226
return to New York by, 139–40
search for, 166, 166–71
second expedition of, 136–39, 140–48, 157
travel routes of, 50, 95–96, 103–20
van Kessel’s and von Peij’s reports about, 206–17
Rockefeller, Nelson (father)
biographical information, 4–5, 26
family’s knowledge about son’s death, 228–35
interviews of, 29
marriage to Happy, 139–40
primitive art collection of, 5, 17, 22–30, 96 (See also Museum of Primitive Art)
search for son by, 166, 169–71, 172, 172–80, 207
with son, 22
as vice president, 232
Rockefeller, Rodman (brother), 169
Rockefeller, Steven (brother), 169
Rostow, Walt, 91
Safan (Asmat spiritual world), 23, 41, 61, 66, 119, 130
sago palm
in Asmat diet, 50, 53
gabagaba (stems of sago palm), 121–22, 163–65
harvesting of, 60
sago worm, 276
Saket (Otsjanep), 201
Samut (Otsjanep), 84, 120, 265
Sanday, Peggy Reeves, 35, 225–28
Sandburg, Carl, 27
Sanpai (Atsj), 137–38
Sauer (Pirien), 240, 252, 266, 279
/> Savage, Charlie, 107
Sawa-Erma (twin villages), 151, 153–54, 155, 156
Schneebaum, Tobias, 29, 45, 80–81, 106, 126, 257
Search for Michael Rockefeller, The (Machlin), 231–32
Sepik River (Australian New Guinea), 104
Simon (Sjuru teenager), 143, 157–60
Sjuru (Asmat village), 51, 64
skull (Asmat), 7
Sky Above, the Mud Below, The (film), 138–39
Sloane, Sir Hans, 25
Smit, Father Jan, 250
Snellius (Dutch patrol boat), 174, 179
songs (Asmat), 33, 40–41, 260, 261
Souter, Gavin, 58
Sowada, Alphonse, 151, 152, 209–10, 224, 226–28, 272
Spender, Percy, 89
spiritual beliefs, of Asmat, 65–66
Spying Game, The (Monte), 232–33
Strawbridge, Mary. See Rockefeller, Mary (sister)
Sukarno (Indonesian president), 87, 87–92
Su (Otsjanep), 31, 33, 41, 70
Sylvester Massacre, 69–71
Tapep (Otsjanep), 132, 193, 195–97, 200
Tasman (Dutch patrol boat), 168, 174, 183
Tatamailau, 221–22
Tatsji (Omadesep), 117, 188, 190–91, 262
explained by Asmat spiritual beliefs, 65
Rockefeller’s need for radio, 142–43
used by Hoffman, 13, 15
Tillemans, Herman, 207, 209–13, 215
Timika, New Guinea, 46–47
tobacco, Asmat use of, 63, 69, 70, 106
tools, used by Asmat, 65, 66, 70, 106
Tregana Airways, 42, 42–43
Trenkenschuh, Frank, 106
defined, 147
Tuan Tanah, 228
United East Indies Company, 57, 58
United Nations
Commission on Indonesia, 88
General Assembly, 89
Luns Plan (New York Agreement), 91–92, 148, 167, 208, 217
Rockefeller family and, 91–92
University of Pennsylvania, 225
Usain, Beatus (Biwar Laut), 203, 204, 235
US Pacific Fleet, 177
van de Waal, Wim
on alleged cannibalization of Rockefeller, 212, 214–17
biographical information, 46
interview of, 90
investigation by, 230
Rockefeller’s first trip to Asmat and, 104–6, 108–9
Rockefeller’s second expedition plans and, 141–43
search for Rockefeller and, 168–69, 179–80
van de Wouw, Anton, 209, 212, 215–17, 230, 268–71, 274
van Kessel, Father Cornelius
characteristics of, 55
homes of, 163
Lapré and, 79, 85
report about Rockefeller’s death, 186–88, 190–92, 206–17, 224
Rockefeller and, 109, 158
Rockefeller’s disappearance, 167
Rockefeller’s plans for second expedition and, 137, 139
search for Rockefeller, 183–85
Sylvester Massacre and, 69–71
tactics used by, 66–68
van Oers, Ben, 168
van Roijen, Jan Herman, 172, 213
von Peij, Father Hubertus
Amanamkai incident and, 147
biographical information, 69
interview of, 46
knowledge of cannibalism by, 138
report on Rockefeller’s death, 201, 206–17, 224, 225
Rockefeller’s disappearance, 158, 167
on Rockefeller’s second expedition plans, 148
rumors about Rockefeller being cannibalized, 188–90
search for Rockefeller, 183–85
Wagin (village), 55
Wamena (city), 99, 100
Warkai (village), 117
Wasan (Otsjanep), 189
Wassing, René
catamaran accident, 3–6, 157–62, 214
first expedition with Rockefeller, 104, 108–11, 116–17, 119
rescue of, 166–69
search for Rockefeller, 172, 177
second expedition with Rockefeller, 140, 143, 144, 147
Wawar (Otsjanep), 31, 33, 41, 70
West Irian (Dutch colony of New Guinea), 89
West Papua. See also Asmat (place); Indonesia; Netherlands
as Dutch New Guinea, 16, 46, 49, 104
explorers in (1930s), 81–82
Hollandia as Dutch colonial capital city in, 58–59
Indonesian control of, 46, 54, 217
Luns Plan (New York Agreement), 91–92, 148, 167, 208, 217
Republic of Indonesia created and, 88–92
Whitlam, Gough, 232
Wilem (guide, from Asmat), 12, 12, 19, 72
biographical information, 123–24
first trip with Hoffman, 50–51, 122, 123–24, 132
Otsjanep questioned by, 193–98, 201, 205
second trip with Hoffman, 222, 237–39, 240–41, 242–44, 278–79
Wotim (Otsjanep), 187
Yotnakparian, Harry, 97
Zegwaard, Gerard
on alleged cannibalization of Rockefeller, 211
Asmat rituals recorded by, 35, 62–63, 64, 66, 70
biographical information, 59
Cole and, 152, 155–56
knowledge of cannibalism by, 108, 125–26
Rockefeller’s second expedition plans and, 148
About the Author
CARL HOFFMAN is a contributing editor at National Geographic Traveler and the author of The Lunatic Express: Discovering the World . . . via Its Most Dangerous Buses, Boats, Trains, and Planes, which was named one of the ten best books of 2010 by the Wall Street Journal, and Hunting Warbirds: The Obsessive Quest for the Lost Aircraft of World War II. He has won four Lowell Thomas Awards from the Society of American Travel Writers Foundation and one North American Travel Journalists Association Award. A veteran journalist, Hoffman has traveled to more than seventy countries on assignment for Outside, Smithsonian, National Geographic Adventure, ESPN The Magazine, the Wall Street Journal Magazine, Wired, and many other publications. He is a native of Washington, D.C., and the father of three children.
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Also by Carl Hoffman
The Lunatic Express: Discovering the World . . . via Its Most Dangerous Buses, Boats, Trains, and Planes
Hunting Warbirds: The Obsessive Quest for the Lost Aircraft of World War II
Cover design by Mumtaz Mustafa
Cover photographs: Michael Rockefeller © by Rogers Photo Archive; sky © by FLPA / Alamy; map © by North Wind Picture Archives / Alamy
Photos, unless otherwise credited, appear courtesy of the author.
Book epigraph from The Other by Ryszard Kapuscinski (Verso Books, 2009), reprinted by permission of Verso Books.
SAVAGE HARVEST. Copyright © 2014 by Carl Hoffman. All rights reserved under International and Pan-American Copyright Conventions. By payment of the required fees, you have been granted the nonexclusive, nontransferable right to access and read the text of this e-book on-screen. No part of this text may be reproduced, transmitted, downloaded, decompiled, reverse-engineered, or stored in or introduced into any information storage and retrieval system, in any form or by any means, whether electronic or mechanical, now known or hereinafter invented, without the express written permission of HarperCollins e-books.
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ISBN 978-0-06-211615-4 (hardcover)
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